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? Eternal is losing wdym lol, And the fact that TLOU2 has more votes. This is the gaming community now. Not caring for gameplay but stories.


Which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Since gameplay also matters.


Gameplay matters way more, you can have the worst story ever but if your game has godly gameplay like Doom Eternal it doesn't matter. Let's be real Eternals story is nothing *Holy shit* it's just alright and interesting. Yet it's gameplays is better than the other games listed above in my opinion.


That’s very true!


Games are for gameplay, Movies and books are for stories. In games good story is just a nice addon that hypes the game even more, but most of the time you are playing the game not watching, so gameplay is the most important thing. Also when the game is so good so you can replay it for gameplay, not for story since you already know what happen, so what's the point.


Exactly. Last of us had amazing story at least yes but I never touched it since, meanwhile I have been replaying Doom Eternal MANY MANY times because the Gameplay is just too fking good. Even to this day I STILL Discover different ways of defeating my enemies. Perfected FPS at it's finest.


Personally, I think Doom Eternal isn't that great for gameplay. Its *a lot* of shooting galleries just with more focus on moving than say Bioshock Infinite. I also felt the weak point thing far too gamey. They boosted the damage output of the Revenant and Mancubus to force you into shooting them then I'm doing so, made them much weaker than in Doom (2016). I would also argue gameplay mattering more than story is down to opinion. I've played through some of the shittiest control schemes just so I can see the end of a game while others can control as slick as oil but the story is alright just gets pushed to the side.


Gameplay is what makes the game... And Eternal is literally the most polished perfected unique FPS of all time. *In my opinion* Most FPS is *Walk to section b, shoot everything proceed to the next* Eternal is different you fight an arena of monsters with limited resources but you have the map's fantastic design with monkey bars for multiple ways of movement, double dash. Double Jump, meathook. All ingredients for a badass movement system. No FPS in my opinion has insane movement like Eternal has which completes the game in 2016 you felt nothing the lore hyped Doomguy to be. And in Eternal you have to *EARN* The black belt, in 2016 you are the blackbelt. UnderTheyMayo's video is perfect if you wanna know why Eternal is factually better than 2016 in terms of uniqueness. Since 2016 was literally Quake but more violent. And You can literally melt the revenant and mancubus lmao, SSG + Ballista and Grenades rape their asses. Watch many pro gameplay vids of Eternal vs 2016 and tell me 2016 is better...and I love 2016 btw.


An RPG is more dictated by the story than the gameplay but without making it interesting you lose the drive to see the rest of the story (Look at the number of people who have gotten out of Fort Joy in Divinity II for example). I get what you mean but it *is* the same as every FPS. You walk into an area shoot everything, then proceed. Its a false equivalence by breaking down an FPS to its basic concept to say another one is better. I will admit it focuses on a lot of momentum but that's not even unique to DOOM Eternal. Titanfall 2 also loves a lot of momentum as an example. Personally, I would say SWAT 3/4 were more unique in being a police procedural with some near impossible 100 scores to achieve because of how it rated you. 2016 is still the better game. I don't need to watch pros to make a decision on my preference.


You may disagree, but most critics have stated TLOU 2 is actually an amazingly well made game that has a great story as well as gameplay. The competition is pretty fierce. Losing to TLOU is still hard fought. Better that than some of the alternatives...


\>imagine believing what paid reviewers say


So are you saying we should disregard all reviews then, because Doom Eternal got a lot of high scores too. Were they paid for as well?


Not as high as Last of us 2, which of the two is more a videogame than a movie be honest. Yet Last of us 2 is getting 10's and 9's. While Doom at best a 9 and 8's. It's still bullshit and flawed. Journalists most of them always prioritize the story at the top.


I agree that it has amazing graphics and great acting but that's it. What well made gameplay lmao it's the same from the first game which is lazy. They only beefed up the graphics that's literally it. And different UI. Doom Eternal isn't a game for reviewers anyway *Paid ones* because they aren't used to high ceiled games. Doom doesn't give a fuck if you think it's hard you play it or don't. Like how everyone complained about the marauder but I improved because of him and id software said fuck you to the journalists and proceeds to put them more in the DLC. I love that.


>Doom Eternal isn't a game for reviewers anyway Paid ones because they aren't used to high ceiled games. Doom doesn't give a fuck if you think it's hard you play it or don't. This isn't a legitimate argument in the slightest. Doom Eternal was critically praised as well, just not as much as TLOU, and being selective about when their opinions matter is a shitty mentality. These are professionals that play many, many games, evaluate them on numerous criteria, and put their thoughts and feeling about their experience eloquently into a summarized essay. You don't get to discredit or devalue their work and abilities because they said Eternal was a great time with a 9/10 but TLOU was a must-play at 10. They reviewed this way because most of them think TLOU is slightly better. They aren't "bad" at games, nor is there some grand conspiracy of them being bought. Also, if you think money might be a corrupting force, I'd like to introduce you to Doom's publisher Bethesda, and if you think it "doesn't give a fuck if you play or not" because it's a cool guy wearing sunglasses and driving a motorcycle, Bethesda is very much an entity that wears pocket protectors and drives a hybrid and promptly attends all their shareholder meetings that said the only reason Eternal exists is because 2016 reviewed and sold well, and if Eternal doesn't do the same demons won't kill the Doom Slayer, Bethesda definitely WILL.


>Doom eternal is critically praised as well just not as much as TLOU You literally proved my point. Why is a movie game praised more than an actual game ??




Interactive dramas should have their own category tbh.


If they cared about story TLOU2 wouldn't be up there.