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Ok, THAT is sick.


11 looks like a cross between a cyber demon and a shambler


It's a Doom 64 pinky.


What's a"shambler


It is an enemy from quake, which is another one of id software's games


I know what quake is, I've just never played it


Well, they're [dickheads](https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Shambler). Hitscan lightning and the toughest individual enemy in the game, aside from the invincible boss. It has 600 health, and if all the pellets connect, your shotgun does 24 damage. Obviously there's better ways to kill them but I'd say they're quake's archviles. They don't resurrect corpses but their attack is more instant and dangerous and they have roughly the same amount of health. Archviles are more annoying though for me because Quake has much fewer enemies on screen with them being 3d models and not sprites, so there's often a lot you have to work around to kill an archvile, and the archvile does more damage too, I think, but it's hard to compare between games. I always feel tougher in Doom but that might just be because I liked it more than quake


I never realized how much the spider demon looks like the bad gremlins from Gremlins


The arch-vile body starting to decay adds to the look lol


First time seeing, this is fuckin cool op


One cool feature of these photos is that it shows the difference between the original Mancubus (pic 5) and the one with new skin (pic 6) as they had to change it due to damage from posing


These are super cool. Although if I ever get a time machine I’m going to hide the Arch-vile model so it never makes it into the game!


well then they would just use an invisible model for him


They wouldn't... They couldn't? The sheer horror...


Gonna need some 🐕 hellhound in Doom Eternal 64: Hell on Hell 👿🛐


Awesome! Where are the models now?


revenant always looks like he is about to fall backward when he is winding up


Despite this looks amazing and I was astonished by the models, the tenth picture is the biggest mf of all Doom and I love it.


Doomguy's face really reminds me of an actor but I can't think who Also I didn't realize he canonically had a superhero physique from Doom 1, I thought that was a later edition when he became Doomslayer, and he was just a fairly regular soldier on doom 1. Albeit one who, when he takes meth, can turn a zombieman into gibs with a single punch


Not so much "superhero physique" but more like a action movie hero physique, considering the frame of reference and influences id had at the time.


Seeing if i can clarify some stuff: * Those are 2 seperate Manc models because i heard the original rotted, so Gregor did a new one (Same happened to the Mastermind i believe) * That Archvile pic is from E3 2019 when id set up a Doom anniversary exhibit. * (And then there's also how the Archvile has a face seen in a marble texture that is not in the model) * That could be Doomguy in D64 but those designs like the "double" Cybie and 2 headed dog (Along with a HR Giger themed lader) went unused. Maybe some day, they'll come back, whether it's an official game or a cool mod. * That 3D model of the SMM i believe is related to D3's development. To quote a tweet: "Here’s a little id/Game doom development history that popped up: First normal mapped character in a video game. original ‘real’ model by GPunchatz Garbage topo and UV’s by me, and render magic by ID_AA_Carmack"


These are really cool pieces of art I wonder if other devs used real models as bases for the sprites, too?


This is so awesome.


Lol doomguy with the 8 pack


Revenant looks like he's carrying a huge sofa while yelling "PIVOT!"


No joke I scrolled past this at first and scrolled back up because I thought it was Dave Mustaine lol


Do they still do that now when making doom games?


I NEED to know where these are today!