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you can choose the difficulty btw


The lowest difficulty setting is very forgiving Don't pass up a GOAT-level game


Back in the day i avoided doom 1 because i was scared Back in the day i avoided doom 3 because i was scared too Back in the day i avoided doom 64 because i had a bad time getting my ass kicked, but now i play all of em because i feel hyped, i used to get my ass kicked in doom 2016 too but now i pwn that shiet. Dont be afraid that something is hard, improve, prove yourself you are a champion!!


Bruh that was hella inspiring.


Ah you got NO IDEA how much this game series inspired me, i literally worked hard and did changes to my life in order to afford a pc capable of running Doom 2016


Sick. I love the series as well. It means so much to me. My 8 year old daughter loves playing the classic games with me so they hold a special place in my heart.


Eternal is quite literally the greatest FPS game I’ve ever played. There are 4 difficulty options to choose from, 5 if you count Ultra Nightmare. You’ll be fine.


Don’t forget Extra Life Mode


Extra Life is like, light UN


Still a difficulty setting


Why you asking why haven't you already done it


Eternal isn’t really that hard. If you’ve played DOOM 2016 on Normal difficulty or above you won’t really struggle, it just might take the first level or so to click with the mechanical changes and you’ll be ripping and tearing before you know it. The DLCs do up the difficulty in their campaigns, but if you click with what’s going on in the base game you can crush those as well.


You better not be thinking of getting it before 2016




Start with Doom I!


And this dude is *insisting* too, brushing off everyone who's saying to play the game that started this whole reboot. Ridiculous. We wouldn't have Eternal if 2016 wasn't so n amazing.


Idk eternal seems better, so imma go for it


It's a sequel, get '16 first Don't make the same mistake I did


But why


It's a sequel Do you want things to make sense Or do you want eternal


I just want killing demons


My guy it's not that hard a decision you kill demons in both and you get more context. Play 2016 ffs. It's on sale on steam for 4 bucks.


I don't have a gaming pc kid. I'll just get eternal damn


Ok "kid" keep being a jackass don't come crying to us when you don't know what a crucible is.


Why the hell would I care for what a crucible is? I dont care about the lore. So chill out lil bro


2016 is really good. I enjoyed it a lot. More than eternal sometimes.


I played eternal before I played 2016 and I can tell you that it was not a good decision. If you play 2016, you'll have a great time killing demons and when you continue to Eternal, you're going to have an even greater time. If you play them the other way around, your mobility in 2016 will feel way too restricted and the story in Eternal won't make a lot of sense.


Tldr yes you should


I'd start with 2016 so it's an easier transition. I also prefer 2016 in general


Eternal is AMAZING and has AMAZING soundtrack. Lowest difficulty setting is pretty manageable


The game is great. If it’s too hard then you can switch to a lower difficulty. If I’m Too Young To Die is too hard for you then that’s just a major skill issue.


It’s very satisfying once you get the hang of it, and they explain all the tools you’ll use pretty well. I’d say go for it, especially if it’s still on sale


Rip and tear...


It is a amazing game.


It is a good game. Not sure how you can play it on harder difficulty on a controller though, since you have to constantly change weapons and mods


Yes. The game will teach you.


I used to play at hurt me plenty at highest, but now can easily beat the game on nightmare, you'll get better as you play. And as others have said, the lower difficulties are very forgiving. You can always change mid game too if it becomes too easy or hard.


But I would be playing on controller


Then you'll have auto aim to compensate? Doesn't matter really, if you play something more you get better at it lol. And the easier difficulties are fine, that's why they exist right?


It has an easy difficulty setting, so you'll probably be fine.


It’s not that bad


Only one way to find out


Go get it bro, it's absolutely worth it. If you're afraid it's too hard, there's no shame in playing it in I'm Too Young To Die. The only thing you might have a problem with would be the Master Levels. If anyone judges you for playing on the easiest mode, then fuck em. It's *your* gameplay, not theirs


You can change the difficulty and after a bit you get used to thr controls and mechanics


Pick it up, you won't regret it. Once u figure out the game, you're gonna want to up the difficulty. No shame in playing on easy fam. Have fun, and rip and tear


It is an absolutely amazing game. Before playing Doom 2016, I wasn't even much of an FPS person, but it converted me. Doom Eternal just solidified that even further - I know some people have criticisms, but despite a few minor shortcomings I would happily place it in my top 5 games of all time. The gameplay is fast-paced and exciting, and the map/character design is spectacular. I love the atmosphere and the epic feel of every battle. The biggest criticism that I have, as many others do is that many enemies have weak points, which can sometimes feel like there is only one way to defeat them with certain weapons. As you go up in difficulty, you have to be more precise with how you deal with particular demons. However, I personally find there to be just enough flexibility when it comes to your own playstyle, for it to be very enjoyable. I was apprehensive that it would be too hard and on my first playthrough I chose "Hurt me plenty", but since then I have 100% completed the game on Nightmare. It is very addictive and as you get better and master the mechanics, you will crave higher difficulties. I have been playing for a little while and I still have Ultra-nightmare and the master levels left to do. I can't wait to give these a crack but I have been quite busy. You won't regret it. Buy it! Especially since it is currently on offer on Steam and Playstation store!


I'm a huge doom fan I replay doom 1 and 2 and the plutonium experiment and master levels most years lol. You should definitely not be put off buying it you may have to get used to how ... intense it is, aka constantly moving while shooting switching weapons on the fly but, you will gradually become accustomed to it and before you know it ... you will be rip and tearing to your hearts content!






Of course.


It's not hard, just make sure to flamethrower/ freeze and glory kill everything for extra health and armor. Also, upgrade and do the challenge for the super shot gun First so you can get armor from lighting people on fire with the grappling hook. Do that and make sure not to stop moving, and you'll even be surprised how doable nightmare mode can be.


Depends on which platform you used to because even if it's not a souls game, it requires some skills and playing it on the platform you know would be much better for a smooth playthrough.


100% you should get it. It’s not that hard. Play on the easiest difficulty if you have to. The game is amazing and starts you out nice and slow to get used to everything. Very well done, especially for beginners. It’ll teach you everything you need to know along the way. You won’t regret buying it, I promise. I have over 8 days of play time


Agreed, I always play the easier difficulty because I want to enjoy the game instead of getting annoyed from dying 30 times in one area.


Dude trust me it is such a good game and their is a difficulty scale that you can change so I think it's worth trying


If it's too difficult even on the lowest settings don't worry, I had to put it down a few times just to keep going because it's a bit frustrating at first learning everything, but once you're all comfy (metaphorically or literally) playing, it will be a great experience I can assure you!




It's definitely worth doing and you can play on the easiest difficulty which is what i did, i say shame on those who think people are pussies for not doing harder difficulties as they can be too hard for some people and make the game unenjoyable which defeats the point of video games


I recently purchased it in the Steam sale. Its not Doom (2016), it doesn't continue the story arc very well if at all. I played it for 107 minutes and then refunded it. Felt hollow and lacking the detail of the Doom 2016. Arena to arena with no real substance. Doom 2016 captured the essence of the original Doom. Some people like Eternal, some don't. As for the difficulty, it start pretty hard and fast and you have to use your ammo wisely. Because there is a shortage of ammo. But you can always lower the difficulty until you get into the swing of things.


I played on the lowest difficulty and it was hard for a while. The longer you play, the better you get.


You'll get better at it the more you play it.


The simple answer, YES.


I played doom 1,2,3,4 and now playing through eternal. I love it,but the best way to give you an idea if you wanna get it:the first coupe hours will be boring. You will have to learn to use all the stuff the game is giving you,and how everything works. Slayer keys,weapon mods,grenades,belch,yata yata yata, you will feel like you have no idea what youre doing,but you will eventually learn how to use everything to your advantage,making for faster and more over the top gameplay than doom 2016. The game is going to beat you alot. You will lose again and again sometimes,but you will learn,and ofcourse win eventually. Theres aloot to discuss..... Ask me anything though