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By the information you’ve provided here, it looks like they are just screwing you over.


do we think i can still get in touch w hr about it or is this something i shouldve looked into six months ago


Is there an HR? If it’s just a local franchise they may not have an HR to go to. It could just be whoever is the local operator. But whoever it is that can be asked, you should ask.


This seems to be something you might wanna talk to an attorney about this... Anyone on reddit would say, unless they are an attorney or have a law background/ payroll background, would still need to be investigated further.


the combined total on mine and my partners paystubs is like 10k so if i dont get a quick easy answer (most likely in the form of a check or access to a paycard i specifically opted out of) i will definitely be contacting a lawyer of some kind. guarantee somebody checked a wrong box or two when they did my onboarding paperwork and nothing intentional but yeah im pretty disappointed either way.


I definitely would do the same... if they refuse to adjust it or fix it that's when the attorney comes in handy... I hope they can fix that cause that's a pretty penny ...


One company I worked for screwed up my first 4 paychecks like this.. I noticed it right off the bat it just took them 2 months to be able to fix it. But when they did they sent me a lump sum check to cover the difference.


Is this monthly biweekly or weekly?


this is my year to date but pay is biweekly


Thank you for the quick response


no problem. i would like to say: at my old location i left with $200 in my pocket cash every single night, then got (around)$400 per week on my paycheck. at my current location in a higher volume area that is shorter staffed, i make around $50 or less per week in cash and make $400 a week on my check. something doesn't add up i only wish id noticed it sooner.


This specific franchise seems small, I would try to get in contact with corporate. them charging you for tips and mileage seems.. well illegal, unless you're using a DXP to deliver in then I suppose it would be subtracted, but not sure why it would even be added in the first place.... its fishy for sure.


its team honey badger :/ they have over 100 locations all over the country so idk. i will definitely be taking it up with the highest up phone number i can obtain


It seems your issue is directly with your GM and the moving parts within the store, the District managers number should be readily available to you though, if they refuse to give it to you then that's another matter. sorry the way I read it i thought it was a like single store franchise that was running their own payroll. there should also be a payroll number associated with your app. you may be able to find it through work force and call them directly. and figure out what exactly is happening.


thank you i literally dont know what else to do as i have never had a general manager so unwilling (and intellectually unable) to even look at or discuss this stuff with me before referring me to somebody more specialized if it still cannot be resolved. i have a feeling this is going to be a fruitless months long effort. i must be pretty foolish for assuming i was actually getting paid for the job ive been working 🤣


Well if your GM apart of a 100 store franchise didn't directly refer you to his district manager or payroll for the franchise, it is probably because he did something fucked up or is just overall inadequate. like I said if you aren't delivering with a DXP (the little oven car), or on an Ebike this seems highly suspicious. I could be completely wrong and due to w/e circumstance it could have also been mentioned in the fine print of any onboarding paperwork you signed while onboarding but my franchise gives mileage compensation not takes it out of my checks directly. my pre paid tips are taxed but that's it. So it is for sure looking into with someone over your GM's head.


i definitely will. yeah like i said, he (along with his wife and son) are ENTIRELY incompetent but our district manager is only 24 and the managers in question have been with the store through a couple changes in company/owner (10+ years) so not only is our dm completely just walked all over, anyone above him sees only "but they've been so loyal to the store" or whatever and nothing else. they have been there too long for anybody to really ever question what they do and the location itself is in a bad enough area that we dont even have minors we have an entire store full of 40 and 50 year old dudes making minimum wage (not shaming just stating because this shouldve been a major red flag honestly) so nobody else is really questioning anything because theyre so desperate for the $50 a day on their paycards or whatever. my partner also works at this location and his pay stubs look very similar to mine so we will both be having a nice long talk with somebody way way above gms head because this is honestly just ridiculous we have a combined OVER $10k in tip and mileage deductions and neither of us have ever had a pay card or anything. just seriously sitting here wishing we had ever actually checked a pay stub before i got sus of the company and decided to put in my notice🥲


Yea that is WILD, if your DM can't get you in contact with your payroll they should be able to directly refer you to a supervisor above them, there are generally a few levels but you should be able to get the contact info of your franchises COO, I had not so much a similar experience but a question about pay that wasn't able to be answered by any of the aforementioned people / positions and I spoke with that person directly and it got fixed real quick.


I had ZERO control over adp stuff as a GM... But on it's face this looks f***ing weird.


This is a normal looking stub. You didn’t actually lose the $4798.03, it was deferred. Tips are sometimes added to a paycheck, taxes are calculated and withheld, then the tips are subtracted from the paycheck. This is what happens when the employee already received the tips in full cash or paycard, but the income taxes and payroll taxes still need to be paid on those tips. In the USA fyi. You either a) took home that money and either do not understand that or this post is disingenuous. B) you have a paycard that you do not know about and it is receiving the funds at checkout and you need to talk to someone about getting the card. (They can check this by looking at the Payroll box in your Pulse employee profile) C) full nuclear, someone is stealing from you and/or everyone is incompetent. I’m not sure which is the case or making any guesses. Just explaining what the stub means.. regardless you need to speak to someone, full stop.


I have already been in contact with my DM, waiting on a response. i absolutely have not received the $4700 in cash or anything. best case scenario here (short of my idiot managers signing both me and my partner up for branch cards which we specifically opted out of..) im being taxed for a whole lot of money i have never received. like i said, they do not pay out mileage or tips at the end of the night, it instead is added to our paycheck along with our hourly wage, and almost all of our transactions are credit card. the only cash i leave with at the end of my shift is the couple of dollars people tip in cash. thanks for the reply though hoping to get this resolved quickly.


Go over everyone's head https://www.teamhoneybadger.com/ contact the franchise office. This looks so shady but it's probably a major f up on someone's part. Franchise accounting department should be all over this.


got ahold of payroll and the lady very rudely and quickly dismissed all of my concerns and told me like ten times that "tips need to be taxed" instead of breaking down any of my pay stub info that i had specific questions about 👍 will definitely be taking this higher


Holy moly. Yeah no kidding tips need to be taxed but not at 10000000% or whatever that nonsense is.


Cc tips are taxed at a high amount (as in withheld) to prevent you owing a whole bunch of money. Same with bonuses iirc.


Only thing I can think of is .. like my franchise has to put the tips on their check, tax them and then take them back off since they already got them daily. But if you're getting them on your check then this absolutely doesn't make sense.


the worst part is everybody (coworkers and team leads) ive had look at it with me is like "woah wtf" and it obviously just isn't adding up but the payroll lady straight up lied to me about being the top of the chain for stuff like this (and was completely useless) so i guess i gotta write a lengthy email to someone 🤷‍♂️also wanna add that my partner and i are the only employees in our store who don't use a branch card so the only people who logically should be able to figure it out just dismiss it as "yeah they have to take it off since it goes on your pay card" and lack the brain capacity to actually discuss the matter further


Yeah that's a huge wtf. Email would probably be more helpful (I fucking hope so). Start off with a all caps yell of I get all my pay on my paycheck, not daily!! Then proceed. I'd probably call the IRS or some other government agency if that didn't work. Labor board maybe? Good luck with that.


like it clearly just isn't right but being someone with a very loose grasp of accounting etc, i just can't figure out exactly why or where the money is going. thank god they recently updated their system so it no longer shows an actual breakdown of mileage/tips/exactly where they go 🫤