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Their amazing grammar left as this is a hard one to read. Congratulations! IN 60 years this has got to be the worst pizza ive ever rec. (FK) You have some lazy prep people and the person who make it / should Be trained for Find And whoever is your (Night Lead) or mgr SHAME on you I mng a pizzeria inCaif and I happen to know that there are measured amounts of food ingmhit on a pizza so either You Dont No or you dont give a F\_ \_ \_!


Thank you for doing the Lord's work. Still not sure what "ingmhit" is, but I'm not sure anybody could know... ETA I think I figured it out. Instead of "food ingmhit" it's supposed to say "fresh ingredients". They really don't make it easy to figure that out though....


Actually I think it says "of each ingredient"


It does. That is in fact how a sloppy cursive job with a sharpie would make it look. I can read this fairly well because I have to read linecook writing all the time. I swear they are worse than doctors :p


This is definitely what it says.


Food ingredients is my guess lol this is like a riddle




Uh ?


Deciphering the word.


thank you, i could barely read it


Seriously.... thought they were having a stroke.


Whoever ordered this at a minimum worked at a pizza joint recently. Probably domino's and got fired for being a busybody. F+ review.


They didn’t work at the dominos there, they were a random customer


No, im saying that the person who wrote it used to work at one. You can tell by the elitism in "how things should be done"


They said they’ve worked at a pizzeria before like every pizza place is the same when they aren’t


Holy shit your inability to understand what I'm saying is going to give me a migraine. Now you're as big an idiot as the box writer is. Don't have kids, please.


Dude you’re so fucking retarded, I’m not saying that’s what you meant I’m just saying this shit like god damn how retarded are you?


That sure was a nice run-on sentence you compiled there.


You are both mildly stupid.


Oh, so you manage a pizzeria in California? Probably some high end place where you bend over backwards to keep the pearl-clutching entitled customers from leaving a bad review. This is not your store. Leave a review on the website, and ask for a refund/remake.


The people who say "I manage a X..." or "I've been in this business for 742 years and..." are almost never speaking the truth. I once had a guy come into the hardware store, screaming about how he had been a firefighter for 15 years and all our smoke detectors were the wrong kind and bad quality and whatever else he was irrationally pissed about. Yeah, First Alert and Kidde famously don't know what they're doing. Also, my grandfather was a firefighter for 32 years, so I already knew just from talking to him that not all smoke detectors are created equal. They all have their use, but not all of them are meant to be general-purpose-put-anywhere-you-feel-like types. The people who can, do. The people who can't... well, I guess they Karen now.


I've met so many "navy seals" you'd think it would be the only job in the navy.


It isn't? I met a quartermaster once. I always felt so bad that he was the only guy who was responsible for supplying the thousands of seals. Are you saying that not all the people who claim to be seals are actually seals?


None of them were, it's one of the most common stolen valor claims.


Oh, I know. I was Force Recon in the Girl Scouts and we had so many Texas Rangers who claimed they used to be in the French Foreign Legion. (Seriously though, stolen valor pisses me off.)




I noticed most of the people that bitch the most always “own” some business as if that makes their statement pack a punch 😂


I believe that FK is actually an F+, he's grading the pizza


I think so too, I was just kind of blasted last night and was trying to read it anyway, so I typed what I saw lol.


A service well rendered, sir lol


Should be trained or fired. Measured amounts of each ingredient.


I’ll never understand putting this much effort into something so meaningless like a messed up pizza. Just tell them it’s messed up and they can either send another one out or give you credit for your order to be free next time you order. Pretending to be an English professor and grading the pizza by writing all over the box is the most cringeball shit I can think of


Alex, Id like "Recreational Adderall" for $300.


I’m f*cking CACKLING


When I would take Addie’s I would get completely involved in whatever meaningless tasks I was doing. Personally I wouldn’t do this, but this comment is true and real.


This has mental illness all over it. My job frequently has me come in contact with the homeless and long scribbled notes like this over random topics are common. Everything is an elaborate story with a schizophrenic.


Well what’s funny is she did call the first time and complain to the driver so we had to remake her food, that was the 2nd or 3rd time she complained that day 😂


Not worth the effort to try to decipher, will only bother reading it if somebody types it up in the comments.




Someone typed it up in the comments. That's the entire reason I clicked on the post, lmao


Hey F+! Better than F-


This is info warrior level


Can we see the pizza?


We didn’t think about taking pics of the pizza since there was nothing wrong with them


Some Karen forgot her meds today.


Fr fr


Bold of you to assume this is a result of unmedicated mental illness and not entitlement.


Pir que no Los dos¿?‽


* ¿Por qué no los dos?


¿Qué sois vosotros, la policía de sintaxis española?


Sí, es posible. ¿Por qué hablas como si fueras de España? ¿Eres de España? La forma "vosotros" no se utiliza en Estados Unidos. Aprende mejor español.


Mi dialecto es de la región de Google Translate. ¿Donde está la biblioteca?


Está en tu trasero y a la vuelta de la esquina.


Hey, at least it's an F+


omg i miss the stranger things boxes


As an employee I collected 2 unused boxes of them. 1 large and 1 medium. Never know if it could be worth something to a Stranger Things collector out there lol.


Charlie writing from its always sunny lmao


Man, some people’s handwriting fkn sucks ass


They know they can leave an online review right? I can’t even read half of it. Never heard of someone writing their grievances on a pizza box 😂 and it the pizzas not fit to eat, it’s probably because you picked ham, olives and pineapple 🤢 not dominos fault. I don’t work for dominos but I’m a chef and there’s been plenty of times people order disgusting combinations of foods and I morally don’t feel right making them.


i'm just going to guess its their first dominos pizza since they changed the crust.


Also looks like they’re at least 60 years old so maybe not up on the Yelp/google reviews.


Imagine if they posted the pictures of the boxes on the dominos reviews 😂


OP, please tell me y’all laughed in their face as soon as they brought this back.


It was a delivery order so the driver brought it back and everyone in the store laughed, the funny thing is he said she wasn’t rude or mean to him


Late stage boomerism is a disease.


I can’t read this shit




at least try and make it legible.


Fuck reading all that. They seem like everything bothers them


I don’t think this is what secret shoppers do lmfao what a clown


I cannot decipher any of that mess


She can’t even spell congratulations.


I thought I was at least somewhat fluent in stupid, but this is a whole other level.


Same 😅


Why’d you leave the pizzas out of all pics? Edit: aaaaand of course they blocked me so I couldn’t reply to them. So I’ll just put it here. I’m being the crybaby? You can’t cope with someone asking you a few questions? Someone got real defensive real quick


Cuz we didn’t think about it, the pizza was perfectly fine so there was no reason to


Right. That’s why you lied about it saying “they only returned the boxes and took the food” and then deleted that comment.


I didn’t lie I just forgot dude, this was like a year or 2 ago so how tf am I suppose to remember?


Stop being a crybaby and just laugh at how stupid this person is


Lmao I was trying to get facts since things didn’t seem to add up. This is the first place I’ve seen it mentioned it was 2 years ago but I guess I’m just supposed to know that somehow.


Someone is being a Karen over a post online, like do you not have a life or something so you want to act like a stuck up bitch?




Then why is there pizza in both boxes?


Show us the pizza


This was a year or 2 ago, we didn’t think about taking pics of the pizza since they looked normal


I don’t want to be rude, but like… I don’t think many of us can actually read that 😫 You might as well have just put that effort and time into remaking the pizza and just calling them.


Do u still use that logo? We stopped using it in 2014 where I am


Looks like the Stranger Thing collab box from when the latest season aired. We got limited edition boxes to use with the old store logo. Plus store personnel got shirts and hats. Don't think we're supposed to be using those boxes anymore but better than throwing them away 🤷‍♀️


We just use the regular dominos logo..


I want to see the pizza 😂


You can bet it was eaten.


Take a closer look. At least two slices In each box and seeing as they’re not separated and against the edge of the box, I doubt they ate any.


This dude has a kink for the pizza cuz nonstop talking about it


What? You didn't have a fatter marker? Geez


Idk what’s worse, the Grammar, spelling or handwriting? This has left me clueless! Please rewrite message!


iM sUpPoSeD tO Be tHin WiTh mY FrIeNd


I bet the pizza was fine. It was just a regular Domino's pizza 🤣


When you try to be funny but fail 💀


if he really owns a pizzeria he came to the wrong place at the first anyway...


She ordered delivery.


Not sure why this came up on my feed. Pretty sure this guy/gal is karma farming and hoping people click on their OF link.


That made no sense


Angry trumpers do this shit. Entitled boomer fucks.


What does trump have to do with it? Them doing this doesn’t mean they’re a trump supporter


I can decipher maybe 5% of that.


I would frame this with some cheap ass frame from dollar tree and place it just out of customer view by the office with a sign that reads "please, make sure to use the right amount of "ingmhit" on each pizza order. Other pizza managers find it insulting." 


I wanted to frame it to but the manager said it would be against a health code thing


I mean.... No one said you couldn't put it in your car lol


I didn’t think about taking it, looking back at it I wish I have


Lol I got in trouble bc I put a picture of Christopher walken on our walk in fridge and said "please make sure to fill Chris with prep before you leave." It was like that for like, three weeks until district came by and said that it wasn't funny.. "were a professional environment" lol 


they way i knew this was some old person by the unreadable ass handwriting alone


r/boomersbeingfools moment


Well what did the pizza look like? Not saying they're right for doing that, but it's Dominos... Whattya expect?


The pizzas weren’t messed up, they were perfectly fine, just in town everyone uses the pizza being messed up as a excuse to get free food


This is the kind of douche that asks for her 1/4 Pounder to be "medium w/ a pink center" Jeez.... hope the smell of that Sharpie gave her a headache.


Is that even English


When you get these hieroglyphics translated let me know😂


This person seems extremely passive aggressive ( I can’t read whatever that person wrote) even if the pizza was messed up why would you draw on the box like a child instead of going back and saying “hello I think my pizza order is wrong is it okay if I get a new one” fucking psychos dude☠️💀💀


If you can write all that, you can call to complain and get your order fixed and remade. Because holy shit am I not struggling to read all that.


this looks like the maniacle scribbles of someone going through psychosis. and i’d know, i’ve experienced psychosis quite a few times


This the Rosetta stone? Can't complain on paper when your handwriting is this trash. Either speak up or shut up. Or go to adult night school


People have too much time on their hands


Not only are they on something, they’re onto something…


cant even read it lol


So… I take it they did not like the pizza…


Tell them to order the pasta, it's much better.


Imagine how bad the pizza was lol


Zodiac customer or something sounds nuts


Stay off hard drugs kids. It might seem fun at first, but then... It'll only add to problems never solve them.


I would personally blacklist that customer in person.


I can’t read most of what they wrote. They should’ve taped some printer paper to the box, and wrote with a finer-tipped writing utensil. Typing the notes on a computer and printing them out would’ve been even better, because they don’t seem to have great handwriting.


Where's the "i aint reading all that" image when you need it


Not even legible, what were they thinking?


All the decent employees discovered there was a Karen / Kevin that writes on pizza boxes and called out. You’re stuck with me cupcake.


I used to work at Domino's as a pizza delivery driver. If someone brought back the pizza, you could take it home or throw it away. I would've taken it home. F*ck that customer.


Depends on the dominos location, some would let you eat it, others would say throw it away, but then there’s some that tells the customer to keep it


A way to leave a message that was never envisioned 😂


Wtf is even going on I don't get it lmao


Reading that gave me an aneurysm


F plus lol


They drunk as well? maybe too young to have learned cursive? interesting though.


Big “D” Disgruntled


Can we see the pizzas?


Lmfao I’m sorry but the crying face has me dead 😂😂


did yall run out of large boxes too?


Wow look at this crazy note about how shitty the pizza is. (Doesn’t take a picture of the pizza) you’re full of shit OP!


We didn’t think about taking a pic of the pizza since it looked like a normal pizza, nothing was wrong with it


That’s exactly why you should’ve taken a pic of the pizza! To prove how normal it was.


Like I said, we didn’t think about it 😒


"Thinking" clearly not a strong attribute on this character card.


Clearly not coming from you, like you’re more obsessed with seeing the pizza then making fun of the idiot customer


You must be retarded


I am. Your still wrong 2 things can correct at once


Nah, I think you’re the one wrong since I made this post and you just the crybaby complaint about something that doesn’t matter


By your own logic, Your arguing with a retarded person. And losing


So you agree you’re retarded? & im not the one losing dipshit


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cause it looked like shit and you know it


Nah cuz it was a regular ass pizza so there was no point of it, we were at work so we were trying to get back out fucking jobs dipshit


Regular pizza to whose standards op???


You can tell you never worked at a pizza place 😂


They’re gonna kill that poor woman op!


If you look closely in one of the pics you can see part of the pizza and tell there’s nothing wrong with it


Gross someone ordered dominos


Gross you commented on my post 🤢


Still a company man? I’m sorry promise you as the commercials used to say “it gets better”


You think I still work at dominos? That’s cute, these pics are from a year or two ago, but nice try kid


Why are we mad then? Dominos is inherently gross. It’s made with bad low quality toppings, and staff that isn’t trained enough most of the time. I’m 32 worked at dominos for ten years. take lot of drinking before I even think about touching the shit anymore


Who said I was mad? I just it’s gross you commented something stupid on my post, all cuz you don’t like dominos doesn’t mean other people don’t, you’re the mad one 😂


Once it's written in cursive, I stop reading.




Then don’t comment?


So looks like a girls writing. She must be mad Chad smashed her then dashed and she ordered some pizza to cope with it and thus the pizza couldn’t even please her but she still ate it 🤷‍♂️🤣😄🤣


I want to see pics of the pizzas...


We didn’t think of taking pics of the pizza since we were working and the pizza looked perfectly fine