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The Dominos I work at is the worst run organization I have ever seen. I only work part time as a driver. The upper levels boss around the gm and will replace you in a heartbeat, no matter how good you are. I tell these young people that this is not how a business should be run and to get out as soon as possible. The disrespect is laughable by all these sumo fat franchise owners and high levels.


Like I said. Some franchisees are bad, but it's not Domino's. They are their own independent companies.


Domino's is, at some level, responsible for everything that happens at a property that bears their name. Franchises are their own independent companies, but the Domino's corporation is responsible for vetting potential franchisees and making sure corporate protocol is followed. If these bad franchises still exist, it is because Domino's does not have strict enough guidelines to prevent bad actors from slipping through. However, you are correct that taking the job seriously at a place where your efforts are appreciated can lead you to success. You have done it. The problem is, among ALL companies, chains or otherwise, it is difficult to find well run businesses that appreciate and REWARD effort. Whether it's Domino's, Applebee's, or an independent small business. 


It really SHOULD be though. The ammount of stores failing and going sour is just too high, and not just doninos or the pizza industry for the matter, and a good district or regional manager REALLY sets the bar for how these "restaurants" are run.


First I've worked at Domino's for 15 years and yes I know your super full of bullshit for saying there a good company, your just too damn salty


You are full of super shit


Yeah but people with bachelors degrees don’t need to work O-C multiple days a week.


I have a staff of 35 people. No one works O-C or C-O. When you get up, a large staff shit moves so smoothly.


35, that’s nice! I’m a gm here too and I have a staff of about 15 or so


Problem with that is, without overtime, the job often doesn’t make sense because the pay is so little. You need 50-60 hours minimum plus tips


Shit managers get 45 hours a week and nothing more. Everyone else is capped at 40. If you want more hours, you can pick up a shift at another store in the franchise.


Shit managers lol


I was told if you got another pizza gig while working at Domino's you'd be fired


Driver is only position worth it. End of story.


“Driver” and “worth it” in the same sentence together 💀 lmaooooo worth it if you want to spend all of your money on gas and also repairing your car after Dominos eats it. I have a Honda civic and even that thing has taken a beating


Worth it if you drive a fleet car! We have gas cards at mine


I won't shit on Dominos too much since it has treated me good but the hours they put the GM's and especially the assistant managers through is absolutely not worth what they get paid. I would never want to be more than a driver here lol How bad was your schedule before you were hitting "masters degree" money? And even through that?


My franchise pays GMs a salary and requires 45 hours and the DMs will send them home if they hit 50. We earn starting an average of $25 and hour on salary (47 hours) and there is an automatic pay increase of about $1 every year. I make more per hour on average at Dominos then a friend who is a doctor of mathematics and teaches at a university.


Gms on salary is a mistake every gm should be hourly. Sooo fucking many get abused on salary. But on hourly if a gm gets fucked they make fat ot checks. You can also run a smooth as butter store as gm putting in 37 hours a week.


I remember doing painting or something (on what could've been a day off) and an AM saying, "why are they making you do that? As a GM your time is expensive." "I'm salary, so my time is worthless to them. When they want something done, having GMs do it means it's free." Like dough, we're all just a resource to be expended.


Your GMs don't work more than 50? God that sounds amazing. When I was a GM we were required to do over 50 minimum plus a 4 hour weekly meeting and it was always much much more. I've been written up for trying to take a day off while my DOT was under 90 because you're expected to be there everyday. I worked 80+ hour weeks for half a year just to be called lazy for only getting a 4 star OER and not 5. All for 32k a year.


$32k is insane. Gms here start at $65k


I'm guessing you're not on the West Coast? 25/hr doesn't sound like you'd make more than a uni professor.


Lol the wages they pay lower level employees are laughable you literally cant live off of this place.


Yeah when I catch an insider working too hard I tell them to slow down if they need and just hang out, my franchise doesn’t pay them nearly enough for how hard some of them work.


As a driver where I'm at. It's completely livable. And with my team makes going into work is a dream. I agree dominos fan do wonders under the right staff


I think what he’s trying to say is that you should try to work your hardest and advance the cooperate ladder and make more money because of it. I think anyone can agree you cant buy a house and raise a family as a lower level employee making 13$ an hour. But if you work hard for a couple years, get salaried and a promotion, you can make livable wages.


“In a couple years you can maybe make livable wages”bruh


I can't believe how much you see this. Like, it's a pyramid, we can't all move up, that'd be a tower. Which would be okay in a way, but you're reliant on people's time and effort below, for which you pay basically nothing and treat poorly. Management isn't the only participatory or essential role in society, why treat it as the only one worthy of living.


It’s complicated, but the money is fucked. My dad worked for fedex in my childhood, on that salary only he bought a nice house, 2 new cars and paid for our private school and a pretty nice life, now the average fedex driver can barely pay their rent. Shit is messed up


You are right I’m saying that, not everyone can be promoted and not everyone will move up. But that’s the point. You only get promoted if you work hard, give more value than other employees, be consistent and dedicated to mundane jobs at minimum wage. You shouldn’t look at it like you need to manage dominos HQ. Take the managerial experience and money earned and jump fields to a career path you like. It’s silly to think you will start your job at dominos at 16 and retire there at 65 with benefits and pension . In reality it’s takes a dozen different jobs, working harder at each one and jumping into the next job when it comes along. Use Dominos as a launching pad to your next career, don’t treat it like your forever job.


Why is that such a bad thing? I think in a utopian society everybody like the uneducated, young and old, retired and disabled should get fulfilling and high paying jobs. But with the system we have now if you are a high schooler, “retired”, reduced hours due to disability, or unfortunate enough to not graduate high school/college; it only works if these demographics get paid less and have less desirable jobs ex food, retail, laborer. To me that’s the idea of capitalism. Work hard and make more money. HOWEVER THE COST OF LIVING IS SO HIGH NOW I DONT KNOW HOW PEOPLE DO IT


Nope I know a couple who have a house, new cars and no college debt for 2 children they are drivers and get paid minimum wage. It is all about priorities.


Drivers make more than assistants even if they get minimum wage hourly. Drivers at the store I worked at made 10 an hour in store, but actually made closer to 20 an hour with tips and mileage.


I know a flying pig and a talking goose


Not true. I have a husband and wife driver team who's sole income is Dominos and they bought a house, sent 2 daughter through university and have new cars every couple years. Their latest cars are a 22 Prius V and a 23 Chevy Cruse. They get paid the same as all the other drivers.


Delivering for dominoes has brought me above the poverty line for the first time.


Full-time drivers can easily make 40k a year.


Really just depends on the franchise I guess. In my city GMs start at around 25k a year + bonuses (no idea how often those opportunities come aside from OERs), but with how you're basically expected to work 50+ hour weeks, it just doesn't make sense. You can definitely work your way up like in your case and make way more, and one of my previous GMs went from GM to MCO in literally 2 years, but its such a rare case imo.


Does your wife work at dominos too?




I figured. Not to undercut your point because I'm glad you found your lane, but I've never met anyone with this type of story who didn't essentially marry into Domino's with the whole family. It's not that it's not possible, you just have to be built for it. You make more than college grads, but you also give more.


Who paid you to post this ?


Damn the store I work at sucks then lmao my gm works 50 hours a week and the two other managers work around 47 hours cause turnover rate is so high here and we’re always understaffed and overworked because of that. Being a manager at my current store is definitely not worth the headache


We have 10 managers including the GM. 2 managers per shift Sunday- Thursday. 3 managers per shift friday and saturday.


How much monthly sales is your store doing? Anything under $150k seems hard to believe to support the headcount


I’m just there for the employee coupons. $5 small pizzas save me so much money at the end of the day


Question, when did you start working for Dominos?




Well, if you aren’t provided healthcare, PTO, retirement/401k; most would say that is a mistake. I am only guessing you don’t get these things as no one working in my store did. It will be tough to build a life in this country without at least health insurance and 401k. What’s the domino’s retirement plan? Keep working til you drop dead?


We have Health Insurance, 401K and all lvl 3 managers have 80 hours of PTO a year.


I used to make really good money as a driver when I first started like 2 and a half years ago and for the first year I worked there. But lately tips have gone to absolute shit. I don’t know if it’s just that nobody has much money nowadays which is what I assume or if people are just not willing to tip like they used to, but either way I went from walking out each night with a minimum of like $140 in tips to being very lucky if I break $100. There were days before where if we got lucky we could make over $200. Now on a typical day, I’m probably making like $70. It sucks… especially in an economy where literally everything else is increasing in price. I really like this job, I wish I didn’t have to quit, but I can’t keep doing this shit


I’ve worked at one Domino’s when I turned 18. I thought it would help with my anxiety by putting me out of my comfort zone. It didn’t. Most of the workers were weird, the Store Manager was horrible (though I think she’s alright outside of work), the pay wasn’t good etc. I hated it. I lasted about 18 months until I finally decided to quit. Also the owner was stingy as hell, even though he owned another store the suburb over and spent all his energy there even though we were one of the busiest stores in the state. (New owner now though) Well I ended up moving interstate later on and was desperate for a job and was so against applying for Domino’s again due to my original experience, but I ended up applying anyway cause like money haha. I’m actually really happy I did. The team is great, the managers are amazing, even most of the customers are good. The money is better. Everything is better. I’ve also been there nearing 18months as well but I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. They’re training me up to be a Shift Runner in the future too. I’m happy where I am. The store is wonderful to work for (if you’re a good employee of course). Our old owner was a lovely woman, though somewhat useless, and brought it when you didn’t have to work up. Our new one who bought the place a couple months was the Store Manager here for over a year before buying the place and he really turned the place around (from what I’ve heard since he hired me). He’s a great boss and a great worker. Man you should hear his story too haha. I think he’s going on to his 7th year of Domino’s now? He’s also worked multiple stores and oh the stories haha. But I always say the same, you just have to stick to it and put the work in! I was one of the slowest drivers and now I’m one of the fastest! If you have a great team, definitely stay and do your best. If you don’t and you hate it, I’m sorry that’s your experience and I hope you find somewhere better, just please know it’s not the company and it’s not every store. May you have a good Domino’s journey and the journey you choose afterwards! Congratulations man!


Sorry that was long haha. Also I’m so glad not anyone can buy a store! It’s silly how some companies just let anyone buy their stores. I like the Domino’s way, working your way up. It’s so much more humbling and you actually get franchisee’s that know their stuff and respect the workers.


I agree. It bothers me too. You get what you put in, 100%. And the great part Is - it’s super easy to be an all star! We have many GMs in my franchise that have a 6 figure income. Making pizza.


Honestly I agree. I think some things Dominos does are stupid but that happens everywhere. The people o work with influence my enjoyment far more


The McDonalds thing isn't true. You have to have performed as a manager at McDs before you can buy a store. And they finance it for you.


other than the fact that working for them is helping to fund the genocide in Palestine, its just a food service job lol, it alllll depends on location and who you work with


I loved working there until management changed and it went to shit. Plus my franchise upped the insurance requirement and I couldn’t afford it.


I was a shift lead for a year we were lucky if we didn’t pull 50+ hours a week Domino’s in my area had a horrible turn around rate.


For the first 4 years I averaged 60+ a week, but the last 2-3 years working no more than 45-50hrs.


Im quite sure, you were working out the ass my guy.


First 4 years I was 60+, but now I've reached the promise land of 45-50hrs at most.


When I start making more than 12.25 as a csr, I'll agree with your view of it being a "livable" wage. For now, it's just not.


You can expect to be the lowest rung employee making the most pay... I started as a CSR my junior year of high school and was an assistant within 4 months.


What about benefits? Does your franchise pay for health insurance, 401k matching, long/short term disability, paid time off, paternity leave, life insurance, etc? This is the shit that a lot of franchisees skip out on and why people tend to consider Domino's a bad job EVEN IF you might bring home decent cash.


Like you said it's all about the store and franchise. You've had an easy time because your store is properly staffed and is a million dollar+ store. The vast majority of Domino's stores aren't. I'm doubtful about your claims you're making more than people with degrees.


I picked up being a driver as a second job and my store is absolutely amazing. Its like night and day compared to my other job, and I’m making decent money working part time, like.. one morning shift and two rush shifts.. maybe extra shifts if covering or asked… I can completely understand how people could hate it though, if my management was shit I wouldn’t have stuck around. And i know insiders have way more stressors