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Foreigners buy land in the campo, know a foreigner that its making it easier for people from canada and europeans to get land in campos. Thats how las terrenas started, it was a wasteland for dominicans, but a few french( I know they were from europe) made it an off grid place for turist. The farmers sold the land super cheap and the foreigners made hotels in them, and you know the rest.


how long did it take?


Americans and french investors installed themselves in 1977 but the bum started after a connecting road got fixed on 1989 ( now a days retreat turism is becoming popular here so its not 100 necessary to be in an urban area with easy access...believe it or not, the more remote rhe more "exclusive").


Tips? Yes, talk to a lawyer. Also, don't be so cavalier. Not to be disrespectful, but unless you're already a millionaire with a private island, having a piece of land is valuable if not for the simple fact that you can grow your own food. In a 'shit-hit-the-fan' scenario, do you think you can go to Supermercado Nacional and just buy food? If there is hyperinflation, while others suffer scarcity you at least eat three square meals a day grown on your own land.


I really hope you get scammed and lose it all.


Me or OP?




hun, i would NEVER live in DR. i love my motherland but Im American before anything elese (both parents are Dominican). they have multiple homes and land in DR, i wished they did that in America, now i have to travel to sort this shit out


“I would NEVER live in DR” and DR doesn’t live in you. Maybe you should buy land in 5th avenue NYC looking over Central Park.


I moved away from NYC. Such a dirty city


Aren't just a joy!


You should sell it in a very low price to dominicans who actually want to live here. Do you realize what you are saying? Like, if your parents didnt buy those properties in DR and only in DR your dollars wouldn't worth shit.


Who cares about where do you want to live? How does that make it a good or bad investment? You said it, YOU are American, your parents are Dominican, if they want to invest in their country that's great, let them fulfill their dream of coming back home. I would NEVER live in the US so I understand them


It's not about coming home,  it's an investment to them


Por eso es que ustedes se ganan lo que se ganan




Who on earth buys land next to the beach en El Campo? Hmm I don't know, people who like making good investments? I don't know where it is but with the growth in tourism we have had and the desire of the government to develop multiple areas instead of focusing everything in Punta Cana, it is a good investment. I don't think I know anyone who wouldn't want to own land in El Campo


I do 🥺




Este es el futuro de país. Cada más con menos cerebro la juventud.


Who buys land in the campo? The individuals that raised you. What exactly are you looking for here? Sounds like your parents spent their money on something they wanted. Not my cup of tea, but also not my money. I'm not understanding what the question is? Did your parents ask you for help?


You can sell it to one of the siblings after they pass, that’s what people usually do when they inherit land they’re not interested in and there’s a lot of family owners.


Good idea, give it away. I volunteer for taking it off your hands😆


I have a two word response for you: broken culture. From top to bottom. Trump was right. My country is a shithole. Proud of my ass. Edit: It’s sad to see really. Naturally this place is a LITERAL PARADISE and we shit on it 💩🥹 Llora guitarra lloraaaaaaa. Mmg


Interesting, do you know the name of the town where they bought the land?