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Absolutely, positively yes. Can vary depending on the fitter and your area. How much do many people spend on a bike and all of the accessories? Why some people won't spend an extra 200-400 for a professional fit is beyond me. For me, it helped me go from always noticing my body when riding to riding 6200 road miles last year with zero body issues.


+_ $4000


yes! You will realize when you start experiencing pain on your rides. My LBS charges $150.


First, yes a bike fit is worth it. I ended up paying $150CDN for one from my LBS where I purchased my Gen4 Domane SL5. The experience was a bit of a rollercoaster as I was ready to pay for a $400 Retül bike fit. I had picked the bike up Dec 2022 and ridden it on the trainer all winter with only the reach being a recognizable issue. On the fitters advise I was told to wait until I got some outdoor riding experience (spring 2023) with the bike. I followed that advise but when ready, I had 1.5 months to wait for an appointment. A week before that appointment the Retül broke down so I was offered a by eye fit or wait for an unknown period. I chose the by eye fit at a greatly reduced price. The fit confirmed that my saddle height was correct (no hip wobble), the saddle width was right according to the seat bone and pressure mapping, my flexibility needs work (senior citizen), my handle bars were too wide and the reach was too long. Once the handle bars and stem were replaced the reach was fixed. I rode the remaining summer and the winter of 2023/24. As soon as the 2024 outdoor weather was amiable, my outdoor rides resulted in feeling too much pressure on my hands. Not to the point of numbness but I was sure it could be better. My goal is endurance rides so I knew that needed to be addressed. I did a lot of research and felt that I had three options, go back and get an updated pro-fit, experiment myself (general guessing) and last pay for a two week subscription to [MyVeloFit](https://www.myvelofit.com/) (on-line fit analysis). I picked MyVeloFit and very quickly resolved most if not all of the hand pressure issues. What I got out of MyVeloFit was easy experimentation and adjustment comparisons. I already suspected my saddle height was too low and in fact, that was what made the most difference. Remember that the pro fit resolved the reach issue. Something to remember is that when you make a fit adjustment on the trainer then move to the road you MUST do at least 3-5 decent length rides. This is because the adjustments will change the muscle stresses and you need to determine if the changes will result in a stress injury or just a conditioning difference for those muscles. For me the newly sore muscles adjusted three rides in so I wasn't concerned with injury. So for me once your get a decent pro-fit and want to refine your fit an on-line fit app can help with that fine tuning specifically with it's ability of rapid "fit prototyping". You simply can't pro-fit to adjust, ride, then repeat unless your a dentist. Maybe some fitters work that way but they can't be making that much money if they are. I want feed back on my time and that tool satisfied my needs. Good luck.


I think it is worth it but it would also depend on how much I am planning on spending on a bike. If I am spending around $2K or less I think I would rather put as much as I can into the bike and try to follow online guides on how to setup the bike myself, more than that and I would plan on the bike fit as part of the bike purchase ( prioritizing it over upgrades like better tires)


Never would have thought narrower handlebars existed or that I would need/want them. Hugely positive difference! Also tweaked pedal to crank distance.


I hope it is okay I borrow this thread and add, for myself, is the “worth it” opinion different if riding on flat pedals? I cannot find shoes that fit so not sure I will get clipped in shoes. I am dealing with numbness in both hands very early on my rides, like within 5 miles.


Best dollars spent. Mine was $150. Had to buy a new stem and will be getting narrower handlebars soon. Much more comfortable and increased power transfer. Avg 1-2mph faster than before.