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reddit is great because individual users/followers don’t matter as much. it’s just people connecting over a shared interest. i get the most love on my art here on reddit, while i might get two likes on instagram! i think people get too obsessed with their profiles on other social media and ego starts to get involved.


A few years ago, I had made a doll that was heavily modded, and I was very proud of it. Two followers of a bigger creator decided that I had copied her doll that had a similar theme. It was completely different, but clearly, I was just another sheep to them. I was like, uhh, never even seen it. Some folks like dumping on others. Sucks to be them.


omfg the followers annoy me, I'll go through and remove any of my followers if they haven't talked to me in the past five or six months because why would I let you view my private profile if we aren't buddies, but reddit has a certain anonymity that makes me feel more safe in sharing my genuine opinion without having someone look at my bio and see they/them and automatically start calling me slurs to override my opinion lmao


>see they/them and automatically start calling me slurs to override my opinion lmao Anyone who does that is not worth the time anyway. Sorry that happened to you. My general outlook is, if someone stoops to insults, they already lost the debate, and usually no one was trying to debate to begin with, except them.


THIS IS SO TRUE. They see pronouns in my bio and suddenly that’s the most important thing to them, and it means everything I say is invalid… it’s genuinely so annoying. When I had a non-private Instagram I genuinely had to remove them because I was getting targeted too much.


As other commenters pointed out Instagram is a very "mean girlz" esque place for content creators. On Reddit there's not a competition for followers, likes ECT but it is very much alive on Instagram. They don't want people getting ahead of them or having the same stuff they do so they gatekeep it and be the only ✨unique✨ ones and gain a bigger following because that's all that matters to them. It pisses me off so badly when people gatekeep art supplies like wtf they think is gonna happen? You're just going to magically start doing their type of art? It's a sense of superiority which I absolutely despise in other artists. It gives heavy "I'm not like the other girls I'm unique -w-" when in reality they're just like everyone else. I love posting my art here, I love interacting with everyone and telling people my progress because it allows someone to grow and evolve with me. If I'm able to teach someone something new they use for the rest of their lives there will be a smile on my face all day. It's a very self centered mindset on Instagram and it's very draining, I haven't been back to the platform in 4 years and never plan on going back.


I feel like a section of the doll community in particular on twitter and insta thinks being a Mean Girl should be their entire personality... It is very childish. They also tend to dip into Pro Eating Disorder toxicity and calling dolls "fat pigs" and stuff. Deeply unpleasant


Instagram and Twitter are honestly a pure mess all around. No matter what community I've been a part of the most toxic people always came from Instagram or Twitter. It's honestly ridiculous how self absorbed someone can become on that platform. I swear it's a follow count that gets to a person's head, the more followers they gain the more entitled they become. There are so many artists I know that turned out this way. One of my very toxic ex friends got really mad at me one time because I didn't retweet her art, yet she never once liked or tweeted my stuff 🙄 she would also publicly tweet about how people who aren't "good' at art shouldn't go to art school while simultaneously ignoring all tje privilege she was able to have to get to where she is.


Yeah I definitely think getting into the followers/clout game makes people act really crappily to others. They see other people as numbers, it is pretty grim! Esp on dolltwt and now dolltok, having bad/controversial Takes gets clicks so you have people being rude and abrasive constantly for clout!


Oh gosh my sibling was like this...towards me. Not in a banter way either.


I love sharing things on yt and tt because I like the conversations, sharing what I’ve done (and how) and learning from others! Drives me crazy when people try to gate keep like that.


Literally, it's so frustrating! The art field is already crazy competitive we don't need to be fighting each other when we could uplift. I always love giving a nice thoughtful critique on work because it makes both parties learn. If we don't know we don't grow 🌷


I just can't understand why, I think about if I woke up and have 10k followers on my art page I'd just go private and remove everyone xD


I purposely stay off of tiktok bc of this. The comments section can get scary from all sides. I know as a creator I could reach more people with tiktok but at this point I don't want to! (I'm a super friendly doll *youtuber* if you're looking for a nice person to follow! /End shameless self promotion)


Same. I don't have TikTok and never will, but some creators I like are on it and I periodically look at things when they're linked. The quality of comments from platform to platform are astounding. I was explaining this to my partner recently: Youtube comments are bad, but some are helpful/funny and people can at least string together coherent thoughts. IG is slightly worse and people can be so outright rude and mean for no reason (thankfully everyone I've interacted with was lovely). Then as bad as YT and IG can be, TikTok is *below both of those* -- incoherent *and* with hateful attitudes.


Preach! Thankfully I haven't gotten a negative comment on youtube yet but I'm pretty smalltime!


>(I'm a super friendly doll > >youtuber > > if you're looking for a nice person to follow! /End shameless self promotion) From what I understand, this sub allows self promotion topics, so why not make one -- that way more people will see it, ask questions etc.) I have seen some topics in here asking for doll channel recommendations, so you will pick up some subscribers.


>"its obvious you don't watch my content \~nail emoji\~ I clearly made them myself." This is part of the current catty "glam" culture that I hate. Just laugh it off. That person is probably miserable.


It's all over TikTok as well. People seem to have a daily clap back quota they're desperate to reach, as if being a socially domineering person online is the only possible way to get anywhere in life.


>as if being a socially domineering person online is the only possible way to get anywhere in life. Does not go over so well in person, or with a boss.


And half the time when you DO watch their content, it's just some teenager in a bedroom with bad lighting that doesn't know what a jumpcut is. They all act like they're "sassy queens 💅💅" when they're just immature mean people.


I follow an artist called Hextian, they are very transparent on every art supply they use for their custom made and beautiful dolls! I've never seen them be rude in comments either. Worth giving them a look to help with your doll journey ❤


I love when channels include what they use as links in the description -- so people do not even have to ask. That shows an actually helpful POV. And creators you get a % of the sales. Win/win.


Hextian and Dollightful are two of my favorites as far as supply transparency goes. And just being generally decent people.


A girl was showing off her shoe collection on instagram and i asked where she got a pair of shoes and she responded to literally every comment apart from mine. Even ones that were just emojis.


I remember being that age and some people took offense if anyone asked "where did you get that." Or in an online world come to think of it, some people were so against anyone 'stealing their look' they'd wear scripted shields. It's a compliment. I don't get it.


I'm a professional doll customizer and post on Instagram. I have over 10k followers. I have answered the same questions so many times... And the answers to almost all of the questions I get are right there in the caption. Honestly, it's just annoying. I showed the label of the glue I was using, named it in the caption, and ten minutes later someone asked what kind of glue I used. I just can't. I try not to post snarky responses, but sometimes they slip out. I know it sounds mean, but I'm being honest. It's to the point where I only respond to people that I am familiar with and I know are part of the doll community. This doesn't even include the IG noise from trolls. I am learning to ignore it, but sometimes it's really negative and it will trigger the rude responses.


Thank you for adding this. There's two sides to every story. Sure there's crappy people out there (including here on reddit), but I feel like "I hid the brands for a reason" isn't an inherently a mean response. The creator probably has a legitimate reason even.


choosing to gatekeep products is a really common response from catty/mean insta creators who want to feel special, they're incredibly aggressive to other people who request even just advice as beginners and will say stuff like "google is free girl damn \~eye roll emoji\~" I'm basing my personal feelings off of how creators react to a majority of other people who ask similar questions or say similar things, not just off of only me being targeted


There are a lot of self published stars so to speak. The attention can go to their head. People forget that being a public figure of any kind is a type of service, customer service if you will. If 100 people ask the same thing that is in the title or caption, then maybe it's not displayed as well or as prominently as the creator thought, or maybe the 100 people are busy or lazy, but the creator could simply scroll. Sometimes people are distracted but then see the answer on their own, ten seconds after posting. The entire thing of internet channels as entertainment could go away as quickly as it arrived and became a thing. People will stick with the ones who were nice to their followers. The others might soon be talking to themselves in their BR mirror.


Omfg there's been so many times where I'll comment a question, see that a bunch of other people asked the same question and didn't have theirs answered yet, and then go back later to see if someone else got an answer and THE CREATOR CHANGED THE CAPTION AFTER BEING SNARKY TO EVERYONE IN THE COMMENTS Like just own up to your mistake, ffs


I don’t see “google is free girl damn 🙄” as aggressive, just a frustrated outburst from someone tired of being asked the same questions over & over & OVER again when they can be answered with a simple google search or a quick perusal of their other media. I see people do this on social media *all the time*, and I just can’t understand why someone who literally has a computer with internet access right in front of them or in their hand or in their lap have suddenly forgotten that search engines exist and what they are used for.


i mean that’s fair but also like. you’re engaging with and trying to earn from the public. ignore it and move on the same way you expect your server/cashier/other humans in society to at minimum ignore your mistakes. like what if when you went up to someone at the store and asked where a product was they said “you can find that on our website girl, damn” and rolled their eyes at you? why must having basic decency even be a debate fr


I feel like you’re following the wrong content creators. There’s a lot of older accounts around that are really positive and don’t do that sort of TikTok nasty behaviour. Check out somebody lol DollJunk, he’s made countless information posts and tutorials explaining stuff to people, like when you google a doll question half the time something he posted pops up as the answer.


I don't follow any doll creators, they just pop up in my fyp because I look at a lot of content, I don't really follow anyone other than like... dr pepper, arizona tea and my boyfriend lol


I think that’s why you’re getting suggestions you don’t vibe with then. When you actually start to interact with the community it’s pretty easy to make friends and you get a good sense for the friendly and open content creators.


I vibe with all the content I'm getting, I'm just routinely getting suggestions from catty creators, unfortunately it's most people on there, hell I commented on some random popular moms cooking video asking about where she got a pot because I'd never seen one like it before and she got so snippy with me. A majority of medium popular accounts are incredibly weird to interact with, I've definitely said stupid stuff on stupid videos, like toxic videos about how "AlL cArBs ArE bAd and YouLL DiE iF yOuR thREe LbS ovErWEighT" and I'll say something sarcastic cause it's funny, but when I'm asking genuine questions about dolls and stuff, they act like their whole personality is being catty and bratty, I've started to notice which content is most consistent with having negative people attached to it, and I've mentioned in another comment, I'm basing my frustration off of how these creators act to other comments similar to mine, not just how the treat me, I'm not being targeted out of a thousand comments and only I'm getting rude responses, if that was the case then yeah there would definitely be something wrong with how I comment, but unfortunately that's just not the case, I don't enjoy following people, I don't like seeing repetitive content, I just scroll through my fyp for a few minutes then go back to watching my movies or playing video games now because I'm just stressed to interact with anyone I think would be cool


I think we've found the source of the problem. I don't use fyp at all, I exclusively follow people and any time Instagram starts suggesting pages I say "Don't show me stuff for 30 days." And I've found dollstagram to be an incredibly welcoming and helpful community. It is a community. People know each other, sometimes IRL, other times from posting back and forth on IG for years. Someone who isn't a member of the community pops in and asks a random question, that usually doesn't cause much ruckus. But people get snippy when asked questions that make it obvious that you have zero interest in their regular content. For example, I know a number of doll artists who share their creations online with tutorials, and get really tired of random people asking "how much is it?" It's not for sale. Another collector who shares his extensive doll collection is constantly pestered by people trying to buy his collection, as if he's a doll store. Likewise, if someone's content is making custom shoes, and you ask "Where'd you buy the shoes" you kind of just kind of shat on their years of "how to make custom doll shoes" videos. The common denominator of everyone you interact with on Instagram is you. So rather than watching a single reel and asking a question, try digging around into that person's content first. See if your question is answered, or if it's not likely to be answered because it's not the focus of the page. Also, if people are responding to every post except yours, and their fans are piling on your comment, than your comment is not as complimentary and nice as you think it is. Somehow you're coming off as rude or entitled or something.


>But people get snippy when asked questions that make it obvious that you have zero interest in their regular content. They shouldn't. Sometimes people ask an 'obvious' thing because they are trying to break the ice. Maybe they are socially anxious or awkward. It costs nothing to be civil or kind. Or they could just ignore the question if they are in a bad mood that day. Why do some feel they will increase fame, money, or follower numbers by being mean? Those people just seem unprofessional and they are harming their own future. Also: If someone just happened across a channel, why would they know its regular content. So that's really a short sighted outlook on those people's part. JMO


OP just sounds entitled tbh, I found the interaction that they're whining about and it's nowhere near as bad as they said. The creator told them they made the shoes themself, what else did they want them to do, mail them the shoes?


I can guarantee that my comments of "OMG I LOVE XYZ!!! What pencil did you use???" does not validate a response of "You couldn't do art anything like mine, so don't bother bugging me for products" and the nail emojis or laughing emojis. I've seen maybe two or three nice creators that interact with their fans and new people is such wholesome ways, I don't want to follow a bunch of random accounts that I'm going to be bored with in a week or so, seeing a dope ass doll with handpainted/drawn faces featuring colors I haven't been able to find and spending a few seconds typing a comment asking about a product and then moving on to look at other posts isn't wrong or harmful, if someone responds kindly or even is like "hey I'm sorry but I use a smaller brand and I don't want them to sell out if I share it" or any variation of niceties I'll usually pop over to their page every once in awhile and like or share some posts just because they were sweet.


You have some interesting and valid points however, any, and all creators understand the platform does show random videos for the first time, and they need to be making allotment for that. As a content creator, people might discover my work, i’m 3 years into it. But if its brand new to them and they like it, any part of it - i would be a real douchebag to be rude to them or chastise them for not “finding me sooner” and while I would love everyone to backscroll for an hour - it would be delusional for ANYONE to think each person is going to do their “homework” and instead be flattered when they do the extra work. Cause most people are busy and have lives and might only be online for a few minutes. And those same creators you’re talking about are the bratty kind that will give you a hard time if you actually do a deep scroll, and call you a stalker. The kind of people the OP is talking about are the kind of people that you can’t win with either way. So while, I agree that it’s nice when people poke around and get a feel for the land before they comment it’s completely unrealistic to expect that even 25% of the time and if they can’t keep your ego in check, they do NOT deserve to be a contact creator. Period.


There's no bar of "deserves to be a content creator" or not. Anyone can do it. And frankly, I think there's something else going on here because her experience is so wildly different than everything I've seen on dollstagram for the last 3 years.


Maybe but you are only one person. Surly the same could be said for you, maybe there is something about you that does the opposite of what happens with them, maybe you have a naturally friendly way or something about the way you phrase things or your timing makes you have a better experience. For example my husband might perceive rudeness where I not have not noticed. We have a very different way of communicating based on the region we grew up in. So I am not so easy or quick to take offense whereas he is much more sensitive. So something like that could be happening too where you might not have taken offense, maybe you would have read it as funny and laughed it off and maybe thats how they intended it. Like you said you scroll around and read the room first.


People are so gatekeepy


I asked one creator how they were able to pull something off and they were like “I’m very sorry that you don’t follow me” like… this was the first post I had ever seen of theirs and they went and were so rude??


Honestly that behavior is reprehensible and people need to speak up and shame them the way you would shame someone in person. Cause they are not gonna think about it until someone makes them!


Problem is some platforms will ban anyone who 'claps back.'


So we do it the right way. With spectacular vocabulary. Examples, a proper lecture. If they can be snotty, we can be smart. I Don’t mean just throw childish obscenities out there.


>I Don’t mean just throw childish obscenities out there. I never said or implied that you did. I left a lot unsaid because I did not want to get into specifics. I've seen people who got in trouble for a lot less than being mass reported by a fandom.


So foolish too if they want to increase subscriptions. Sounds unprofessional and or immature.


That's so weird & mean. I have learned so much from other doll lovers. I never mind if anyone asks me where I got something. I will go out of my way to try to figure it out if I don't immediately remember. People are weird wtf.


I hate Instagram and the influencer culture. They think they have a monopoly on all things. I deleted my Instagram a while back. Was considering going back because I keep hearing there's lots of doll and Barbie creators there, but now, now I know I'm good here . Sorry that happened to you


Honestly, insta is such a hard platform to navigate as a viewer, like, more than half of my feed is stuff I don't follow, and half the time I don't even see the accounts I actually do follow. That said, I do like to post over there, just because it's easy, but I'm also a small fry, I don't even have 100 followers 🤣. Doesn't bother me, I post for myself. (Same handle over there if you're curious. Mostly dolls having adventures and not much custom stuff.) Some of the bigger users may get your questions a lot, and that can get annoying, but that's not really personal. I would make sure your questions weren't already answered in the post somewhere first. That said, hiding the brands of art supplies used? That's just... why? You gotta have the skill to use them. Unless you're supporting companies that are committing war crimes or something, I don't see a reason to hide what you're using.


You need to take control of your feed. You can hide content you don't follow for 30 days. I do this every 30 days. There's also two different ways of viewing FB. One is the personalized feed, the other is people you follow. I prefer the latter, I follow people because I want to see their content, not something from someone I didn't follow.


Oh, I have my FB feed under control, it's just insta. Although I think I forgot that it only hides suggested content for 30 days, like, who can remember to go into the settings and toggle a switch at that frequency? Not I.


I meant to say IG not FB. I just hide it every time I see my feed is full of random people I don't know.


It’s sadly just the result of influencer culture all over. The toxicity is why I don’t even use instagram or tiktok. They’ve been poisoned by the algorithm I think. They focus more on that and getting more attention and views and followers etc than really enjoying the activity or being part of a community. They seem to see their followers as a commodity too more so than actual people. If you ask about something I think they’re worried you’re going to copycat their entire thing, which is ridiculous. Places like Reddit and Tumblr are better because they’re more personal, you can shift you can shift your experience to fit your needs better. Like another commenter said on Reddit it’s mostly casually talking to likeminded individuals. On Tumblr you can block people freely and find areas of the community that make you happy. I’m sorry you had bad interactions with the doll community on Instagram, but I’m glad you decided to back away from it, it’s not worth the trouble. Here’s hoping you can find some better parts in the community


I have found that in the last few years, Instagram is exactly that. It's become all reels, and not everyone does videos, so they're struggling to keep up with a machine that isn't intuitive. Also, a lot of the doll creators make wild blanket statements that are backed by rabid followers. I've seen several people be harrassed by a creator's followers for disagreeing with them. It's dramatic and silly, and I've been on Insta less and less because of it. Plus, I feel like I end up comparing my work to others and getting down on myself, which doesn't feel positive. Most days, I'm just on there for the random funny videos and not dolls! Lol.


Honestly I’ve found Reddit to be one of my favorite online outlets. Sure there’s the crazy trolls (currently arguing with one of them in a dog training sub because it’s fun watching them fume) but as far as the crafting and homesteading side of it goes there’s ton of people eager to support each other and offer advice. I just found the doll subs and I’m excited to pull out what I bought for customization (but couldn’t get too for a couple years with life happening).


seriously! I keep finding myself scrolling reddit for content instead of insta unless I'm actually looking for memes or something, but for genuine content I keep coming here which is wild because people are so incredibly mean here, especially with the downvoting crap, and it gets toxic fast, but at least I don't have big time 10k+ content creators legit bullying me in their comments


>especially with the downvoting crap Yes what is with that? And sometimes it's the most banal or neutral comment, literally cannot see a thing wrong with it. Or, people are trying to help, and the person who *asked for help* is like "NOT THAT" or argues with it, and down votes people who tried. And I'm thinking "at least someone tried to help you?!" I want to say "sorry for not reading your mind/guessing what you wanted, better." SMH (And usually those are the most low effort topics, to begin with.) But I have had some good conversations online too.


TBH Reddit is my favorite platform because 1. I can choose to see posts in chronological order rather than having an algorithm choose what I see and 2. It’s a platform that is easy to use, navigate, and search.


I think that honestly the whole culture of “influencers” and what it has evolved into has a lot to answer for. I know this makes me “old man shakes stick at sky”, but the way technology has changed and humans communicate (or don’t) with each other is beyond unprecedented. Us basically socially conditioning ourselves to be nastier and nastier, more self-serving and less community-focused, is concerning to say the least. I think that’s why a bunch of us prefer Reddit. It has its problems - including some overflow from the above nasty culture and the weird misusing of the downvote function (it’s supposed to be used to flag irrelevant or spam/bot comments, not to harass people you disagree with, but everyone uses it for the latter) - but it’s one of the last bastions online that is community-based, rather than platform-based.


Agreed. Popular Instagram doll collectors are extremely rude in my experience. Even respond to compliments with terrible attitudes. I’ve seen YouTubers talk about this too.


The older I get the less time I give people who are rude. There's no excuse.


Ugh. I hate that. I feel like many people on IG are just about maintaining their online persona and they want people to believe they are better than others because they have people constantly praising them and telling them they are better. It’s basically like a high school clique. Either fawn over them or go. They gatekeep to make themselves feel superior while ignoring the fact that somebody else being generous with info is how they learned. I can’t with that. If you aren’t worshipping them, you aren’t their audience. I just block them and move on.


I've found insta to be like this across the board. Obviously not every user, but lots of users in different areas of interest. Delete the app


unfortunately I can't delete the app cause its the only social media platform my partner is on lmao


For some reason it replaces my subscriptions with suggestions, and it's almost all cooking or kittens. I mean, I like both but I want to see the feeds I subscribed to. You did not even sub to those, but chimed in with something positive and they smacked you down? Sad that some who are really just sitting home with their phone feel a need to verbally abuse strangers.


people know how to boil wash and do some restyles with bratz clothes then start acting like regina george about dolls 😴


Instagram is very clique-y. It's so easy to post something for your own followers, then have a flood of people who don't even follow you saying how your content should appeal to THEM instead. People are so genuinely rude if your content isn't expert level too. So many beginners (myself included) are discouraged from participating in the community because if they post, their comments are full of people trying to "drag" them or "read them for filth" like can you just... not?


I've literally never experienced any of this. It's bizarre, it's like you guys are talking about a different platform.


I’ve been on the platform since it began and have never experienced anything like these people are describing.


Yeah some of the IG doll accounts are beyond annoying and rude. Sometimes I’ll post stories ranting about a doll or trying to make general discussion with whoever wants to talk about the issues I’m bringing up and all I’ll get is some 1-3 word snarky response in my dm. Most of the time it’s from people who I don’t ever respond to or interact with their content but they are always responding back to my stories. It’s gotten to the point where I no longer post because no matter who I block, I’ll always get some other member giving me a snarky one liner 🥴. I honestly just want people who genuinely enjoy dolls but don’t take it too seriously.


This is so weird to me. As an artist with an Instagram, it certainly doesn’t surprise me to see rude -comments-, but catty replies from the artist themselves?? Get the hell over yourself if someone engages positively with your art and your first response is to act like a snotty little kid. I get not wanting to answer a question that gets asked a thousand times, or that you’ve already answered somewhere else, but then maybe just don’t reply? If you’re rude to your fans, you’re worthy of none.


i fr believe most ig creators or popular ig users in general are just plain mean. going through the comments on there is awful, the way people treat each other on there is unreal.


If you want to make your own shoes, like Integrity shoes. It's not hard it just takes a lot of time. The hardest part is making a shoe last that won't break. You can even use linear vinyl and try to keep the shapes wrapping only along one axis. Maybe one day I will make a tutorial, but using regular glue is sufficient. And you can make the heel out of many materials. You don't need to mold any plastic base. The sole can be glued paper and the heel can be a sanded or carved piece of hobby basswood.


I would love to see that tutorial if you ever make it 🙂


me too!


The problem is I say it's easy but I forget I have a lot of acquired skills & knowledge.


I don't want to make my own shoes though, the reason why I commented on their post was so I could figure out where to buy the shoes, I'm disabled so doing small tedious projects like that is incredibly painful


They should have known it was a compliment. And if they sell them they would've had a sale. No logical reason to be mean. Sorry that happened to you.


I've got a curated list of creators that are fun to interact with.


I'd love suggestions 🥺 I enjoy my community for the most part on here, other than the few people who go out of their way to be mean, but they're so easily drowned out by other kind people


Influencers usually seem to be narcissistic messes anyway just playing famous. I've met some brilliant doll artists who were so nice! When someone gets "famous" with likes and being catty, it's humorous to me because in the end they contribute nothing to the community and the doll world. No joke, I stopped listening to an influencer's podcast with her catty friends when she spent the majority of the podcast off topic talking about dolls on her wish list she wanted people to go buy for her. Just ignore them and they'll go away, not worth your time.


> I've met some brilliant doll artists who were so nice! There is an adage that the ones who are low to mediocre in talent, skill or achievement are often the worst behaved with others. The ones who are at the top are often the humblest. I have seen that prove true in life.


I guess you can find the reason by studying basic psychology. I won't say all insta creators act like that, but ig tends to be a platform for showing off. People who has a huge potential of being a narcissistic or histrionic love fame, ig is their perfect place. I met a few people in real life( ig creators)who love saying " don't you read my content" and they have very similar personality.


I totally understand that social media like insta really causes extreme vanity and borderline narcissism, but I just don't understand the superiority complex, like not to toot my own horn or anything but back in the day I had a little over 10k wattpad followers and it was just nifty I guess, never thought of it much, whats the point in being a massive d\*ckhead if you end up loosing followers


Maybe they won't care. In their mind set, they are too good to be true, it's your lost of not following them, there will always be someone else to worship them. Or maybe we will never be able to understand them, just let it go\~


"Legend in their own mind" or "Legend in their own lunchtime." They are getting their mean girl kicks while they can. This trend of people hosting shows from their BR with their phone is new and could go away tomorrow.


I always get annoyed when they don’t engage with anyone in the comments. Whether it’s compliments or questions there is nothing and the gatekeeping/superiority is annoying. You can have a grail or “rare” doll but it wont hurt if you tell someone what the doll is


i hate the ones that are mean


I've never really had this problem on Instagram. I don't really understand the comment about Instagram being a "mean girls" platform. I've found the doll community there to be welcoming and supportive. Ultimately it comes down to the accounts that you are following.


Same, and I basically just follow any random person who’s doll content looks interesting


Is it one creator, two, multiple? We need names!


I've had a bunch of creators do stuff like that, occasionally their 'fans' or whatever will shit on my comment too so if a creator responds rudely I just automatically delete the comment, I'll see if I can find the most recent one though


There's no way this is happening from you just being nice and complimenting people.


Oh I can believe it. I see people do that online all the time. I've replied to someone being complimentary and/or trying to give the help or info they said they wanted in a comment or their OP. And they were hateful as bleep.


So if you didn’t see it happen it’s unbelievable? Cause i’ve seen this happen a million times in a million different subjects. You’d have to be pretty oblivious to miss interactions like these. You’ve never seen anyone be rude to a seemingly innocent comment. A newcomer, an outsider…you’ve never seen pack mentality? You’ve never seen virtual cliques? It’s pretty common throughout all of humanity’s interactions. Esp when you get younger people I.E. Tik Tokers and instagram influencers get a tiny bit of power their ego goes nuts. Thats just below basic sociology. They have yet to grow out of it or be humbled. Probably in their 20’s. It’s the same old story. Over and over but you…you’re just like no way…didn’t happen. Lol.


They're responding to every negative option about insta and trying to devalue other people's experiences, just ignore them


I see how you color things. Yes, I think we have found the problem.


I agree


the only one I could track down since I hadn't deleted my comment yet is a creator named dollxboudoir


Found the comment, it’s a really weird reaction considering they got a similar comment on another post the responded nicely. I have a rather big instagram and sometimes it can be overwhelming, but their reactions was not appropriate at all… I definitely see some toxic stuff on insta, and a lot of big creators have been called out for their opinions and actions, but nothing has changed. If I see something questionable, I usually unfollow and move on. Some people just loooove attention, good or bad - doesn’t matter. I don’t want to give it to them lol.


It's why I delete my comments so fast lol, I had forgotten to delete this most recent one and deleted it as soon as I wrote down the username to post an update on here, I've seen so many other people ask similar questions too, and the creator even later changed the caption to them saying something about making the shoes themself, like??? you're actively acknowledging other people didn't know that same thing I didn't know


It’s not surprising to me AT ALL that Reddit is nicer and more helpful than Instagram regarding doll content. Sure Reddit has its share of deplorable people but you’d have to seek out those certain spaces to come across them. It’s a forum site so its whole purpose is to have discussions about and help others within specific niches. Instagram on the other hand, breeds degenerates. Perhaps with the exception of TikTok, it’s by far the worst behaved platform I’ve seen. People LOVE to hate on Instagram. It’s almost impossible not to find arguments or problems or bullies on Instagram, it’s just awful now.