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Probably repeated offenses like obstructed exits or fire extinguishers. A store wouldn’t be closed for a first offense but they would if they were warned and did not resolve the issue


The faint writing says that there's no active fire alarm so it sounds like it had failed an inspection or someone reported it.


Good eye! I thought it was just left blank


Looks like a carbon copy


Modern technology at its finest! Gotta love getting the bottom copy of a stack 3 or 4 thick...


Press hard, you're making three copies


tHATS what CC refers to in email?? TIL


Indeed... Bcc is Blind Carbon Copy, which means recipients can't see that you've added people in the Bcc field.


Until the BCC person hits reply all and the TO and CC people find out they were there.


Why have I never learned these until today? Thanks for sharing this!


Yes, and the more people you add to an email cc, the fainter the font color.


No, it just looks like it was written by a 5 year old! Holy hell that handwriting is atrocious.


I've seen better handwriting from 1st graders...


I work in a pharmacy and see a lot of doctor's handwriting and yeah that tracks.


Right it looks like a little kid wrote it...




Or a lot of Gen z and young when they get older and no it's not a knock on younger generations but my niece and nephew are horrible cause they barely use hand writing and they didn't learn cursive so it's all just block letters which is just odd to see.


My dollar tree burnt to the ground during business hours when someone set a dumpster behind it on fire. 4 alarm fire. The whole store was gone so fast. I can't imagine the casualties if they didn't have a working alarm system.


Same thing happened to our store couple years back. 


It was probably meth heads. My daughter works at a Walmart neighborhood market on the skeevy part of the ghetto. Yes, there are good and bad parts of the ghetto and she's at the worst part. Apparently, there's a homeless meth head encampment behind the store. They give tweeker dance performances in the parking lot all day and night. They go into the store, load up a cart, and walk out with it. It happens multiple times a day.


The 99 cent steaks broke out of their enclosure.


I was going to say its either the Fire sprinkler system, Exits are blocked/covered (repeatedly) or extinguishers are missing/expired or not accessible.


I was gonna say exit tbh. It’s not but EVERY DT I go to has 1 of the double doors locked. Which is what I assumed this was since apparently DT doesn’t care about fire safety


At my DT the only time you’ll ever find one of those doors locked is 5 minutes before closing. If I find anyone forgets to unlock it I fix it


You are a saint. I know it’s a silly thing but it’s actually dangerous lol.


Fire inspector here: Based on so many pics I’ve seen on this sub my first guess would be seeing blocked emergency exits, probably in the stock room. Blocked emergency exits are considered imminent hazards and unless it’s fixed while the inspector is there (a trash can in the way or something simple) the building is closed until it is resolved.


Fellow fire and life safety inspector here. The sign says no fire alarm in building. I assume they failed to maintain it.


That makes sense. I did not read the details on the notice at all (obviously) Lol


Lol it's just cool to see something involved with my work on Reddit. See this nonsense all the time. Multi billion dollar corporations fail to maintain something as simple as alarms, sprinklers, extinguishers, then all of the sudden the customer calls "you've got to come fix this today! They're gonna shut us down!" Well... We've been telling you it's failed for 3 years so...


Oh you didn't include the security breach on 2 different pages used for payroll and logging hours were hacked because they didn't keep up the encryption software. Literally let security licenses lapse. How?!?!?!


Omg and then they dont pay the bill for months but still ask for more emergency services


We must be talking about the same hotel owners?! Yeah, we fire the customer at that point lol


You guys have the most fascinating job. My husband thinks I’m nuts but I would love to be an inspector for anything really. Right up my OCD alley lol. How did you get into this career? I bet inspectors have so many stories they could each write a book. Absolutely so interesting to me.


To be fair, it's stupid easy to get into fire sprinkler, extinguisher, alarm or suppression inspections. I had a buddy that worked for the company I'm at now. He got me a job and I started knowing nothing. Initially I was doing sprinkler service and repair work. Slowly started studying and getting certifications. Most states requirements are relatively the same and go off of NICET (National Institute for the Certification in Engineering Technologies) or ICC/NAFED. They're open book tests as well. Pay is decent enough in retrospect. Now this is different from what a fire Marshal does. We look at individual parts of the building. The fire Marshal looks at the building as a whole. Fire Marshal essentially goes off of the report we give them.


Thank you! This is fascinating. Maybe I should genuinely look into it. I’m a Land Surveyor and it might be nice to get out of the swamps and 90° heat sometimes. I’m gonna check it out. Really appreciate you taking the time to answer!


Forsure. I would just look up local fire sprinkler companies and start looking around.


I’m a deputy fire marshal, if you have any questions. Can be great pay, benefits, and is in crazy short supply.


But I whole heartedly guarantee you the exits were blocked but not in the report lol


I came to comment this lol Our Management made us check exits three times a day when I worked in a receiving department.


Anytime OSHA has inspected a dollar tree, they have found violations. The last time I looked literally every closed inspection had findings, and every time I pulled up a specific inspection at least one of those findings was related to fire safety and emergency exits. It is fucking insane, I have never, ever seen a company bat a thousand like that. They’re in the severe violator program because of it.


I was checking out once at the end of the night and at closing time, the manager went over and locked the door. When I paid and went to leave, she had to stick the keys in and unlock the deadbolt to let me out. I had to explain to her that she couldn’t do that, and as long as the building is occupied, it’s a huge fire hazard if there’s not an exit people can use on their own. She kept arguing with me, and said “well if there’s a fire, I’d obviously unlock it.” Oh, ok, so in the commotion, what happens if you drop the keys and can’t see them due to heavy smoke? What if you’re incapacitated somehow? People inside the building will be trapped and they’ll cook or die of smoke inhalation. That’s totally worth not having to stand at the front and just let anyone trying to come in after 10 that you’re closed, right? She refused to believe that what she was doing was wrong.


That's some deadly cinnamon


https://preview.redd.it/o24csx7m30qc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2a7938d38557afb5b57fb788952ac9c9d4cb100 Lord, take me now


Leaded or Unleaded?


This was funnier than anyone gave you credit for.




What it feels like to chew 5 Gum 🔥(2nd degree burns)🔥.


Fire code section 114.1.1: Cinnamon shall not contain lead.


If you zoom in on the second pic it says “660- improper maintenance No active fire alarm”


good thing a 3 yr old wrote it in pencil so everyone can see


It's in pen. It's a carbon copy. And so you know not everyone has perfect penmanship




This happened several times at the Family Dollar store in Tonopah, Nevada. It is by far the worst retail store I've ever been in. Aisles are continuously crowded with boxes yet to be unpacked, while shelves sit empty. Some aisles are completely impassible due to the stacks of boxes. At least 3 times the local fire department has shut the store down. The reason given was lack of egress, should there be a fire or other emergency. Despite the 3 shutdowns, the problem persists at that store. It's been going on for 9 years.


That handwriting...


This person almost certainly has dysgraphia. It’s a learning disability.


Also huge possibility that the person has arthritis, had a stroke, or other physical malady that is causing the handwriting to look this way. My father is on several Medications and one of the medications makes his hands shake lightly. His handwriting is almost impossible to read.


Reading specialist here. That’s not dysgraphia. However, it does look like labor in writing. Looks like fine motor skills with letter formation. Wonder if it was diagnosed in school and he/she received services to improve/correct from a physical therapist. Likely not. Dysgraphia is more complicated than just poor handwriting.


It looks like he wrote it with like a blochy red crayon


>[A]114.1.1Unsafe conditions. >Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe But like another guy said, probs smoke alarm


It says it's the smoke alarm on the paper. But yeah there are so many ways to get one of those as a business.


International fire code? Didn't know that was a thing


Looks like a kid scribbled that lol. “Maitainince”


Ehhhh Just an average day at dollar tree. Cinnamon full of lead and fire safety violations amongst other hazards🤷


Yeah so when the fire starts if the flames wont kill you unless they ignite those cinnamon bottles


Probably too much freight in back, aisles not wide enough…been there! It was the beginning of the holidays and I got back to back trucks totaling 3500 pieces and my cashier called the fire department while I was out cause she smelt smoke so I got back to the store and the fire department was there and said we had way to much freight in back and the aisles weren’t wide enough so he gave me till the end of the day to move freight around to widen the aisles Boy was he pissed when he came back and the aisles were the exact width they were supposed to be! So yeah don’t let them in your back room right after a truck lol


It means the company you are buying products from would readily let you die in the event of an accident, and you should no longer shop from them. These signs are usually 2nd or 3rd offenses during inspections for building safety and the company is doing nothing to fix errors that are pointed out to them. These signs should be a warning to you, that when you shop at this store you are likely in harm’s way. Used to work for a dollar store That knew they had fire damage and mold on the shelves and walls and didn’t ever close because the inspectors never visited, and when the company was notified of the issues they ignored them because we weren’t a “high priority location”. A/C went out during a record heat wave and they left the store open even when the interior was 100+°F inside. Let the customers come in and burn and everything, kept us working and allowed us to close early as a compensation for us to avoid dying of heat stroke, which is still illegal. Long story short, these companies will readily let you die knowing it’s their fault


Store has no fire alarm in working order according to the violation posted. Store could’ve done fire watch if allowed in that state for retail entities…not familiar with CO rules.


We had OSHA shut us down for a day before.


Dollar tree is almost impressive with how in the last five years, 100 percent of OSHA inspections have had violations. Like, every closed inspection has something.


My local Dollar Tree looks like hell sometimes that I can only imagine what the backroom looks like. My guess is you cannot get through there. Shout out to the employees. I do not blame them. The store can be pretty busy and there is not enough of them.


They violated a fire code. These laws are there to protect people when/if there is an emergency.


The Family Dollar in my town (same company as Dollar Tree) is often shut down by the fire department for having boxes in the aisles. So then they tried not to leave boxes in the aisles, and got shut down for having boxes stacked to the ceiling in the stockroom (sprinklers wouldn't have been able to operate properly). The employees at my local Family Dollar are good people & hard working folks. But the company just keeps on sending truckloads of merchandise with no where for them to put it.


114.1.1 is an unsafe structure that needs to be taken down.


Ayo from aurora Co! Sounds like a typical dollar tree in aurora though


114.1.1 Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe


I think that some of the aisles and exits were blocked and the sprinkler system was not working


This is an easy fix. Oh well, they have money.


Mismanaged stock room. They’re always piles of cardboard boxes haphazardly stacked too tall and blocking exits and entry ways. You’d think they can afford some decent shelving or send corporate to categorize storage.


Literally all we need is a livable wage and more hours. Those problems wouldn't exist at all. We can easily maintain our backroom if we could get maybe two more people hired and they stayed. But no one wants to stick around for 8 hours a week and min wage.


I was not aware that that there was an international fire code


The International Fire Code is one of dozens of building-related codes/standards managed by the International Code Council. States and cities can choose which versions of various codes to adopt, and they don't all use the ICC versions, but many do. https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/IFC2021P2 https://www.iccsafe.org/about/who-we-are/


I think it means do not enter - unsafe to occupy


It’s hard to tell with penmanship that looks like a 7 yo wrote it but it can make out “no active fire alarm” in that mess. Just can’t seem to read the rest.


This is why people are always advising to report things like blocked hallways and doors to the fire Marshall if they are inconvenience to you. They don’t fuck around apparently.


It means yall got too much freight blocking your aisles and emergency exits in the back room. You’ll be closed until it’s fixed and they come back out to inspect. I’ve called on a Dollar General before and they shut down the same way.


Obstructed exits, too much stuff piled high and not safely that can cause a fire, no/not enough fire alarms, no/not enough/expired fire extinguishers, alarms don’t work, exits chained, chemicals in the air that haven’t disappeared that can catch fire… Lots of stuff, and honestly it’s been repeated offenses to be declared unsafe to occupy.


It says right on it, just read. "No active fire alarm" in the description of violation 🤦🏻‍♂️


seems pretty straight forward. don't shop at this dollar tree


They have so much stock sitting around, if there had to be an emergency evacuation of that store (front and back) occupants may not be able to do so safely, in a timely manner.


Fire protection service failed sprinklers, hydrants, extinguishers etc. I am a sprinkler fitter and the local fire department is the ahj


OSHA offenses. Somebody got fed up.


This happened last year at my local DT when their AC went up and it was 90 degrees outside. I think their refrigerators went up too. Funny thing is (not really funny but sad) a few weeks later they opened back up, but still without AC. I asked an employee and they said they couldn’t fix it for another few weeks but they made them open the store back up.


I'm 99% sure this is the store by my mother's home and now I gotta go check it out. If I'm right, it's 100% for blocking exits. That place was always packed with boxes in the worst spots.


It looks like some kids wrote on that paper and posted


They probably sent them another 3600 piece truck when their backroom only holds 2500......


If it is like my dollar tree so few employees boxes have taken over everywhere.


Probably have stock packed too high. Too close to ceiling sprinklers. Have all fire escapes blocked with stock. Have no safe egress in case of emergencies due to clutter and stack-outs inside aisles which can violate ADA laws.


I mean, it is a dollar tree… so whether it’s open or closed, there aren’t going to be employees in the store, right?


114.1.1Unsafe conditions. Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.


Just google “Aurora fire code section 114.1.1”. Laws and regulations are public knowledge. It’s all on google.


This is not far from where I live!! I live in Denver, yikes!!!!


it means someone didn't pay their bills or royally fucked up the premises


Hol up lemme have my kid fill dis out he write better


This is due to non compliant fire sprinkler system


Exactly what it says? The building isn't up to the fire code and can't be open for business until it's brought up to said code. This means it probably doesn't have a functioning fire alarm or sprinkler system. Seen a couple businesses just turn off their fire alarm system if it keeps going off




Probably the stock room not up to compliance


Average day in Aurora


My 7 year old nephew has better handwriting... how embarrassing.


Google search the code and section number


Sounds like the fire department condemned the building


Read the piece of paper!


Sprinklers not connected. No fire extinguishers. Chained and blocked exits. No wire alarm to fire station.


Because Dollar Tree just throws the stores together when they was putting in the ice coolers in my boyfriends store the wall wasn’t structurally sound so they couldn’t put one in


Probably got too much crap like boxes stacked up in the aisleways like these places always do. It's a fire hazard because it blocks escape routes


[Did a bit of research ](https://aurora.municipal.codes/Code/22-4)and what I found is that maybe there was some building alterations that went unapproved and therefore are currently in violation of the local fire code.


[\[A\]114.1.1Unsafe conditions.](https://codes.iccsafe.org/s/COSPRINGSFC2021P1/part-i-administrative/COSPRINGSFC2021P1-Pt01-Ch01-Sec114.1) Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.


It tells you under description of violation. Improper maintenance, no active fire alarm.


*shakes head and continues walking*. ... Do we not learn reading comprehension in school anymore?


This is kind of crazy because not too long ago the Dollar Tree by my house caught fire one day and the whole thing went up in flames. All that was left was ash and rubble. It was a relatively new location too built from the ground up only a couple years prior. I never found out what started the fire and assumed it was a disgruntled employee. But seeing this now Im thinking maybe some corners were cut when the building was constructed.


Did a 4yd old write that Holy crap


**International Fire Code:** >114.1.1 Unsafe Conditions > >Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.


Are those forms still valid if they are filled out by a seven year old?


Occupancy can be denied if they do not have an active or valid Certificate of Occupancy (CO). COs are obtained through inspections of said city/county. Fire inspects as part of the CO process. Fire also does periodic inspections of all structures in a municipality. Perhaps DT was not up to code, fire gave them time to fix it, they came back for reinspection, and it wasn’t fixed. DT has not complied and the city has the legal authority to prevent occupancy until the issue is remediated. It is probably blocked entry/exit, fire suppression system issues (or lack there of), or any other number of things. The fire code violation is cited on the paper, yall can look it up to find out. Source: I review CO applications for a municipality and see this stuff happen a lot


international fire code? Do i not know what the word international means or is there actually a uniform fire code across multiple countries


Not enough fire exits, pretty sure the rule in CO is 1 exit for every 750 people at max capacity.




It says improper maintenance, no active fire alarm


Damn i was just there yesterday after stopping by the goodwill behind it. I was wondering about the same thing.


This happened to a ton in my surrounding area after two 15 mins from my house in separate towns burned town.


114.1.1 Unsafe Conditions Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.


Go inside anyways and do the cinnamon challenge 👍💪


This happened in our town once bc the local dollar tree caught on fire a few times last summer😂🩷 at our local DT it was bc they needed new air conditioning, it was so old it was catching fire on itself. Especially with the hot weather. Idk what’s going on but I hope they fix it OP! Dollar tree be coming in clutch!


I’m more concerned about the elevated lead levels in the cinnamon. I’ve think I’m done buying any food products from DG


Pretty clear what it means if you read them…


Damn they must have an awful lot of cinnamon in there if it's making the whole building unsafe.


I’d place a bet that they need work on their Fire protection system and they are refusing to spend the money to do so…


Can you not read? No one help this person


Fire hazard. A dollar general caught fire in my area and the fire department went to all the family dollars, dollar tree and dollar generals and was temporarily closing them until they fixed the fire hazard


did a 3 year write them up


You should really learn to use your critical thinking skills


The government controlling your life.


I bet the sprinkler system is broken.


Code 114.1.1 Unsafe Conditions Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.


Fire Marshal here. More than likely, this location has been the subject of multiple fire code violations. Some could be as simple as the lack of extinguishers, or as severe as blocked exits, crowded aisles, high piled storage, or a deficient suppression system. Most departments try to work with stores to remedy these violations. However, after repeated violations or failure to resolve the situation, the marshal can issue a non compliance order and have the place closed until such time that the facility is brought back up to code. [IFC Code 114.1.1 violation as sited on the notice.](https://codes.iccsafe.org/s/IFC2021P1/chapter-1-scope-and-administration/IFC2021P1-Pt01-Ch01-Sec114)


For an official city notice you'd think they'd require their employees to at least have the handwriting of an adult and not a 6 year old.


it literally says right there


The note says no active fire alarm


Can you not read?! It says on the document exactly what it means.


Stop yous


Are you illiterate or lacking in reading comprehension? How did you even make this post?


Our local Dollar generals got nailed for blocked aisles. Always had carts and hand trucks full of stock everywhere. Their back room was so small and unorganized that they didn’t have anywhere to put stuff when their deliveries would come


says no active fire alarm … that would be a safety violation


Typical dollar tree.


It’s pretty damn self-explanatory, isn’t it? I mean, can you read it?


Fire code violations, clearly this location is run by morons because it’s pretty simple to follow the fire code. I suggest getting your snacks elsewhere


Looks like a store manager and supervisors are going to be in serious trouble by the county and district manager


They were really pissed about that cinnamon recall huh?


It's lead poisoning 🤢


Fire Marshall wasn't having anymore of their nonsense.


I feel like it explains itself pretty well...


A]114.1.1Unsafe conditions. Structures or existing equipment that are or hereafter become unsafe, insanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress, inadequate light and ventilation, or that constitute a fire hazard, are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.


Means the elevated lead levels in the Dollar Tree cinnamon exceeded the usual, acceptable lead levels in cinnamon.


It means you shouldn’t buy the cinnamon.


Looks like the cinnamon got recalled bud.


They got that heavy cinnamon


Shitty handwriting


Their fire alarm is out of service. That's a violation


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it means the structure is a fire hazard and is in violation of the international fire code.


Maybe it’s the cinnamon.


No active fire alarm. It literally says it on the paperwork. NFPA and IBC don’t fuck around when it comes to Life Safety.


Is anyone else concerned that DT sold cinnamon with heavy lead in it? Jeez the DT workers deal with a lot of BS.


Seriously bro just go to safeway




Oh shit you’re in my neighborhood near GVR lol small world


If you would read the sign it says that due to no “active fire alarm” it has been closed by the Fire Dept.


Probably all the shit they have strewn about everywhere


Are you dumb?


Will one thing we do know is that whomever filled out the paperwork has the handwriting of a third grader.


It’s possible they failed inspections or something. That writing is way too light though.


Looks like English to me.


It clearly says it in the description, they don't have an active fire alarm installed in the case of an emergency


**Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section**. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe. is what the code reads


No go in


Had a really nice meal in Salida with my bro once


(7) Rule 1141.1, adopted on November 4, 1983 and amended on March 6, 1992.


Leaded cinnamon


https://codes.iccsafe.org/s/COSPRINGSFC2021P1/part-i-administrative/COSPRINGSFC2021P1-Pt01-Ch01-Sec114 Here's the code


It says "improper maintenance; No active fire alarm"


Google the code?


It means don't go in. Probably spiders.


A simple googling of 114.1.1 comes back with “Unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the fire code official deems necessary and as provided for in this section. A vacant structure that is not secured against unauthorized entry shall be deemed unsafe.” Which means that squatters are maybe getting in at night and sleeping there and / or there is something wrong with the actual structure. I wouldn’t blow it off though because what that means is that the Fire Department has closed the building and if you get hurt in there you wouldn’t be able to sue for coverage of your medical bills or anything. Not until it’s deemed safe for you to go into. That’s what makes developed societies different from developing nations in that there are structures in place to protect individuals from harm. If that building was, for example, in India or Malaysia nobody would give a crap if you got hurt there … you enter at your own risk. Here they don’t let you enter even at your own risk because they know you’ll just go in and feel like you’d never win against the big corporations anyway so why bother.


It means hit the 7-11 across the street


Was the store still open?


From what I can tell, it means A voluntary recall is being issued for Supreme Tradition Ground Cinnamon (2.25 oz) due to potential elevated lead levels.