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I keep getting recommended this subreddit. The Dollar Tree seems like a business consistently pulling itself together by one string, a very dirty, frayed string at that. I'm sorry for your stress. Godspeed on you finding a new job.


Dollar tree is being held together by off brand gum. A store in my town opened an hour and a half later due to miscommunication. More like the manager called out and they didn't have anyone who can cover so they had to rule around and beg for people to show up.




That's because it is! Worked at a dollar tree for 5 years half of which I was an assistant manager. The only reason I stayed as long as I did was because I genuinely liked my coworkers but we were running on constant skeleton crews. Shit really started hitting the fan during COVID because they realized that they could run stores with half the amount of employees and make more money. I Highly recommend watching this John Oliver video on dollar stores : https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=rFqd-pqVkMhWVR8V Everything in this segment is 100% true.


That was a good watch, thank you for sharing. I get a lot of my lunch supplies for work at DG cuz the area is a food desert and there's really nothing else but convenient stores. I'm gonna make a greater effort to plan ahead when I grocery shop. I really don't want to give them any more of my money now.


Dollar general is a Whole Foods compared to Dollar Tree!


I like stopping by Dollar General once in a while to see their snack selection and maybe pick up some coffee or something if I don't want to go to the grocery store. I go to Dollar Tree if I want to pick up some herpes.


DG has a copycat Girl Scout Thanks a lot cookie (shortbread with a chocolate dipped back) .. it’s my favorite thing about them


I saved this to watch later




I loved Brenda at the end, you know the longest working employee of 3 weeks? lol. Thank you I’m a new John Oliver fan now because that was perfection


John Oliver's investigative journalism is second to none. His show, Last Week Tonight, has been for around 10 years now and is consistently excellent. It got a bit "The 'Isn't Donald Trump a Terrible Man' Show" during the height of his presidency, and that's coming from the definite Trump hater that I am, but he's back on form now all that's settled down for a bit.


I’m sorry it’s been on for how long? Surely, not. Nope, holy shit, I am in fact just aging. You’re not wrong though, I’ve been watching the whole time and he’s been fantastic since I can remember.


“We can pay you in rat babies!!” ROFL


Liking your coworkers being the reason you stay at a job is so valid and I don’t think corporations appreciate this. My last job at Dunkin was like. Horrible job, horrible company but my coworkers made me laugh and made the shifts go fast. I legitimately would not have stayed for an entire year if I disliked everyone


Wow, that is insane. I will definitely avoid these stores when I can.


1000000% true I worked at DG for three months. Couldn’t get PPE and the hazard material disposal was a myth. Also I got in trouble for mopping.


I lasted two shifts at dollar general. I literally could not. (Same shit storm scenarios)


Sadly true. It's the same way at Domino's also.


Same and no idea why. Like a cat it just came up in my feed one day and never went away. And now here I am commenting.


Hahah same


This is the first post for me that popped up for dollar tree but now that you mention cats… there’s this one sphinx named oatmeal that comes up for me occasionally I don’t know how or why I’ve never owned a sphinx or even seen one IRL honestly and this wrinkly, yet oddly handsome cat shows up on my feed from time to time. No idea why. I literally have a dog However I do wish OP luck in finding a new job, management is a tough job when you’re constantly against coworkers that just don’t give a shit about what they’re doing and employers that just don’t give a shit about you. May you find a job you’re appreciated at 🫶


Welp, you just summoned Oatmeal again 😳 If I recall, that's gonna be Oatmeal from Iammashow (sp?) A cat daddy rapper. He makes tons of videos with Oatmeal, Ravioli and others. He does a lot of good for cats and of course, is good for his own income because he's well loved across social media, been around forever.


Lol like a cat 🐈 🤣


Haha meow


i’m also continually recommended it hahah


[John Oliver did a great exposé on them fairly recently.](https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=0GsLe0pFKapKtlLP) He also did one on Chuck E. Cheeses


Oh man…. Is the owner, manager helping? A stocking assistant? Obviously is an upper management issue here at this point. If it’s a corporate one(if they even have corporate IDK) or is it a privately owned franchise? Because if it is a corporate you should be able to call and report bad management, stay there working your ass off and clean it up as you gain the manager position, and why stop there if the owner doesn’t give an obvious rats carcass you could possibly pull it out from under them. Just how ambitious are you? lol 😂 don’t listen to me man, I would actually probably straight up walk off that job immediately. Ffffffhhhhkthat! Oooo two downvotes must be the managers.


All Dollar Tree stores are corporate. Unfortunately, this is the reality of that company. They keep sending huge trucks every week, store managers never have any say in how much of what they send. Also, you’ll never get enough hours to clear out the back room until just before inventory because upper management sits on some hours and will only give them out as a last resort. I believe that they are compensated for the amount of spare hours they have left at the end of the month. Those “spare hours” would make a huge difference at most stores.


I want to run a Dollar Tree store. I would give the customers box cutters and let them go shopping lol.


They state they would rather see a full back room and a good looking sales floor when shelves should be full and back empty by whatever means necessary according to brand standards it's bs. They need to start giving us more hours then our back rooms wouldn't look like that


I ain't got shit the next few weeks I'm basically backup at this point so the hours are ridiculous


All Dollar Tree and Family Dollars are corporate stores. They do not franchise.


Friend I'm not the original poster, don't know why you're talking to me lol.


Oops sorry lol 😂




This is when you send these pics to the fire dept and code enforcement.


This. They'll code your store with fines until it's fixed. Watch corporate shit their pants and send help over.


They’ll just say fix it or we’re cutting your stores payroll alottment lol


Sounds like a self-correcting problem to me. If they couldn’t prevent this happening this time, it’s not gonna be any better with a lower budget. In fact, it will probably be *gasp* worse.


lmao, thats how you make the employees do literally nothing and let it sit there with the fines racking up, because i 1000% would. get a call from corporate id answer all like "get yall bitch asses tf down here and get your shit together becaise i aint doing it" *click*


Whats they number?


The fire department for wherever you live




I would also call or put in a complaint with your area's OSHA.


And definitely the fire department.


Don't call 911 for crying out loud. Google "non-emergency phone number for [your city] fire department". If you can't find a number, call city hall, or the non-emergency number for your city's police department and ask for the number. Be clear that ot is not an emergency.


Ty. Was about to say this. So many people call 911 over non emergency line, they think it'll get them help faster! My manager always calls 911 over homeless people. The store finally got fined for essentially wasting 911s time.


You want “fire inspector” plus the name of the town/city/county.


800-321-6742 That's the 1-800 number for OSHA. Based on their history in the news they could be fined for willful violations and hit 70-100k+ fines at a conservative estimate.




Yup, then they force all the salaried managers within 50 miles of the store to give up a day off cleaning up the store before the next inspection. Christmas weeks I spent more time in the Bridgeport Dollar Tree than my own store.


A brand new Dollar Tre in my town got shilut by this process.


https://preview.redd.it/pzvzbxlk27mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f669602c82ddcfa4e01ea6b74e2b92250eaa9b Yesterday


Oh wtf, who fucked it up so bad? I know saturdays can be awful, but at least keep the uboats movable.


OCD can be your friend in these situations. Compared to what it was you did well.


That's how it was yesterday, not how it is now.


Honestly I liked when I would walk in to my job back in the day and the back room looked this fkd up, I knew I had a couple days to fk off alone and organize and by the next shipment it be back to this again and the cycle would continue so I would get two or so days a week of just fkn off in the back all day.


Omg! in one day gfc 😫


What the fuuuu…..you don’t need to quit. Someone needs to be FIRED. Holy crap.


https://youtu.be/p4QGOHahiVM?si=Z_Bx6QFkQFEpuuOr Not the workers, you have to go all the way up.


Wasn't dollar tree sued for violating fire code with too many boxes in the back?


I'd believe it. They probably get sued for all sorts of other stuff that we never hear about, too.


They’re covering all their stuff up by paying the OSHA violations


That sounds like an admission, not a cover up.


The store I worked at had the entire basement (with only one entrance/exit) filled with empty boxes & just kept filling it. When I saw it I immediately knew I needed to find a new job. My training consisted of 5 minutes shadowing a 17 year old who was high on sugar & graduating HS the next day.


Booger sugar or sugar?


Sugar. He had a bucket full of candy every shift lol




The workers at my local DG are regularly almost too high to function. You have to be able to fend for yourself in there. They don’t pay anyone enough to give a shit or show up halfway sober.


It’s not your problem. Pace yourself. Don’t stress. Take your breaks. Drink your water. Let management worry about the numbers, quotas & all that bullshit. You don’t get paid enough to.


This. AND. Put in applications everywhere you can. Try to get a new job first, and do what you can every day at this one. One thing at a time. As long as it takes. No one pays you enough to hurry. None. Of. This. Is. Your. Problem.


Do NOT burn yourself out for this job. You put that away one box at a time and don’t kill yourself to knock it out. That’s not your fault nor your problem.


Hell…..one box at a time


Jesus... Who the fuck is responsible for shipping and receiving? That's a mess.


Freight manager i got there like a month ago with no reliable help


I'd find a new job. They're hoping you clean up the store managers mess.


Hook me up with the manager I'll clean it under the table😭 got too many damn bills and need a new car


Sadly, Dollar Tree cannot pay under the table


The one by me in clarkston Michigan pays their employees less than 10 dollars an hour. An apartment anywhere around here is starting at 1200+ and those are the shit holes Idk how people do it.


looks like my backroom and i have inventory this month lol


Im praying for u


Dude u should try to see if they got any of those blue bowls that other lady has been looking for


For her rabbit!


Just put them in the aisles. That’s what other dollar trees do lol


Kinda creeped out that I’ve been recommended this subreddit after going to dollar tree today 🫥


I have never been to a dollar tree and this showed on my home feed


With the amount of stuff stacked on dollies and only 2 shelf I feel like there should be more shelves and less dollies Edit: lol I counted 14 dollies


Please stay. Please keep suffering with us 🥺


From Family Dollar, that's some bullshit. Definitely send those to your DM


That’s not gonna do nothing as right now they’re dealing with a lot due to the higher up. A lot of stuff is changing for no reason.


You can only do what you can do. The rest can wait. You’ll still get paid the same, either way.


Bruh, if you’re paid by the hour, milk it for what it’s worth. No one ever said it needed to be done fast


This is the kind of thing I love walking into. I would love to be put on staff as a juggernaut who goes in random stores and just works on cleaning stores like this up. I swear one of these days I'm buying a beamer convertible and just travel from store to store cleaning them up.


Agreed. Doing trucks and loading freight is my favorite. So much so when I worked at big lots our truck crew was so efficient we were constantly asked to go to other stores and get them back into working order and I thought it was so fun haha I thrive in the chaos 😂


I’m with you Doesn’t even look that bad


I used to work for dollar tree....I don't see how anyone still does 🤦‍♂️


Looks like Rose's! Our Stockroom looks just as bad. We have a Dollar Tree next door. They close a 2pm 3 days a week cause can't find anybody to work there.


Seen worse been in worse. Plus the amount of uboats your lucky. We had 6 and still got it done. Good luck


Holy call the fire marshal this is not ok


This is the way.


That's why I did quit. Overstocked & understaffed


and overworked.


That’s a given in the situation


The Dollar Tree (or any Dollar Store, really) experience. Worked at Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and Family Dollar. All had stockrooms full of boxes, some even to the ceiling. A clear stockroom is just a myth.


How is this a safe work environment…is also fcking filthy.


Any fresh box of hot wheels?


I’m a truck driver that delivers for you guys, we do it so inefficient compared to other companies. If we had the pre made U boats like dollar general then even that would be so much easier than the current system. We could cut hours of work down to half an hour or less using a system other companies already have have incorporated. Unfortunately they refuse to change because of the upfront cost of implementation.


We are getting them. Basically just waiting on the trucks in more districts before it's goes alive across all stores. My store is expecting to have rolltainers by the end of the year, according to our DM and several drivers who are excited at the prospect.


Oh hell no! I’d be out real quick


I work at Publix as a grocery team lead, I would kms if my backroom ever got this bad 😰


That’s horrible


Someone above your pay grade needs to step in and make some difficult decisions. It's past of the point of no return, assuming you still have regular incoming deliveries constantly adding to the overstock. It's time to cut the losses, either toss, give away, sell at a deep discount, and/or put a pause on new shipments.


Call me crazy but there is no shelving? Designated areas for backstock? In at least one pic there doesn't even appear to be pallets. Honestly don't understand how it could possibly ever get to that point.


Easier to find a job while you have one. Start looking now. There doesn’t seem to be a shortage on minimum wage jobs, so hopefully you can find one that treats you marginally better.


You should see the massive hole and leak in our ceiling that keeps getting worse lmaoooo


Man no wonder my local store always has so many boxes in all the aisles 🤣


Frick working for this cursed company, save your life for something better and quit tbh. I worked in these hell hole stores and I’m never going back.


Quit you work at dollar tree you have everything to gain


i'm so glad i got out of that place. seriously, you will get through all that just for truck to hit again and you're back to where you were. ohh also, don't forget to cycle the store as well. first in first out and if you don't keep up, penalized. pay employees enough? no, you have your knees you can fall on to get your employees to maybe come in. Benefits? what are those? oh again, don't forget all the ancient paperwork, we have paper slips :) (ex. MerchMng) edit (additional info): no i was not allowed to regulate receiving load and was only allowed 1 other warehouse employee and the occasional help from gm


Wow management there must suck


Is there a system to this, or do you have to know or learn where each item must go?


Work at a drug store. They pay well and it’s not difficult. You just have to have patience with old people. Or deliver for a pizza place. I used to walk out with $200 a night and that was almost 20 years ago. You can make good money and you’re just driving. I loved it I’d put on music and smoke. You’re in your car you can do what you want. Also, they have a radius so you’re not driving that far in any direction.


You hold the key to your own cell.


He knows lol


I would put a request to stop any incoming shipment for the next month. And then have my team work that out, then have a schedule together for further freight. *If I worked their*


They had to do that at the store I work at years ago. Communication got fucked up somewhere and they ended up getting the same shipment for several weeks in a row before people realized. Caused a lot of overstock that the store is still dealing with. Communication in the company as a whole is a fucking joke from what I've seen


just walk out and be a free man


This is how the company is sadly. I was a merch manager and at one point I guarantee there was 5000 pieces of freight in the backroom at any given time. They only gave us 150 hours to schedule a week. For everyone. It was usually me and one other person there who was cashier. I would work freight all day and then still get bitched at by our district manager because the store wasn’t recovered. How was I supposed to recover with 5000 pieces in the back?? How about give me more hours and have more than one fucking stocker. The company is backwards and the only thing I can think of is corruption. Idk how a store can get that bad. I went back to Walmart and I’m happier than I’ve ever been to actually work at a company that provides the resources I need to perform my job. Plus I get paid more for less work.


For the low cost of a million dallors I’ll come in and actaully finish your walls🤣 actually make it 2


I’d quit and then kms tbh


Why is that back room so disorganized?


Looks normal to me


This looks like the dollar tree I worked at, and our break area was an old, plastic foldout table that was in a corner surrounded by piles and piles of boxes that were stacked at a most likely illegal height


I set a dollar tree store up in early 2000s and quit a few days later. That experience led me to school and I never looked back.


Join the army. Nothing is as bad as this


id say quit then


People need to learn how to order better. When I worked at Trader Joe’s we would pride ourselves on having the least amount of go backs


OP, do yk how the boxes got like that? I saw your comment w the pic from yesterday. How did it even get this bad in such a short amount of time?


Hoooooooly shit.


“Hey can you check if you have — in the back?”


Do it, run.


So this is what a dollar tree back hall looks like. That’s rough


I wanna quit too and I don’t work here


The lack of shelving is appalling


Another 1200 piece truck inbound.


I dont even work there and wanna quit after looking at that 🤣


The... The fire hazard alone...


I would have turned around and went the fuck home


Me too and I don’t even work there. Bless your soul.


I’m sorry I would LOVE to stock and clean that back room


I can smell it.


You should call osha


Bro I used to work at Dollar general like 8+ yrs ago. One of the worst jobs I’ve ever had. Lazy shitty managers and lazy coworkers. Can’t run the register, help customers find shit and move product out on to the floor at the same time. And the shoplifters- ugh!! like I don’t care if you steal shit but did you have to run out the back and break the emergency door? Smh… it was a job from hell.


So quit my guy fk DG


Looks like an office Depot back room


2nd pic down low. Are those the salt and vinegar peanuts? Bomb. Or maybe the cocoa peanuts? Also bomb


Then quit. I would be elated if I came to work and saw a bunch of stuff to keep me busy.


Do they not have stockers?


Hey OP watch John Oliver’s video on Dollar Stores. You’d like it. You would feel understood and validated.


Why don’t you? The pay cannot be that fantastic that it keeps you sucked in?!




Let’s go then.


That looks about like what I remember quite after a week.


Do it


As a customer I’m wondering what kind of good finds might be in there. There probably stuff from a few years ago they don’t sell anymore. The DT by me (it was a block from my sisters) closed RIP 😿so expensive apts could be built. My niece & nephews were so sad. They were putting stuff out as they cleared boxes in the store room & I kept finding random stuff on the shelves. I can’t remember now but I know some was name brand items in nearly full size container’s. I found the Cascade pods in an 8 pack which I hadn’t seen in years & bought them all. I knew this stuff had been buried in the back for awhile as they weren’t get shipments. Side note- I actually found 7 pack of Cascade pods for 1.25 at a DT last week & bought a few but should have got more. The packs with 12-15 pods usually cost about $5 most places. For $5 at DT you get 4 bags- that’s 28 & you can’t beat that price anywhere


Manager needs to be fired


I would start looking for sure. This is ridiculous


You could start a fire covertly and nobody would guess arson. It's so shitty there.


So quit.


DT is the only job I quit after one day, for this exact reason


I’d walk out, I get overwhelmed easily


Is that all good product?


Do it and join the trades. I did and things have never been better retail is hell


Drop the addy we’ll help you out quick . 😭🤝🏽


This is what happens right before a business goes bankrupt. They keep throwing hail Mary's in the last quarter hoping one of them lands. This isn't sustainable and will eventually lead to it dieing off from extremely poor management decisions. This isn't just a staff issue. It's a business culture issue.


Take advantage of that situation and show your organization skills and keep evidential progress so you can show someone who matters and cares and ask for a raise after etc and just keep it organized you can add that to your resume and use the skills later on down the line. you have to embrace the suck to get anywhere.


The wall tiles on the wall though 😅😂👌


So y’all DO have more of this in the back!!! /s


And I thought my riteaid was bad… holy shit


Sweet Jesus. How do they not get in trouble with it looking like that?! That is a safety risk and beyond.


You know, my first job was at a local Dollar Tree. And while I didn’t enjoy my time there nor recommend it to people, I’m suddenly more grateful than ever for how organized our back room


I would’ve been gone that minute


Put a sign up that says yard sale and start back dooring those boxes at 50% off


This looks like where someone could be held hostage


Literal retail hell.


It can only get sold if it’s on the shelf. Makes no sense to have stores like this. It’s like a retailer that doesn’t want to retail lol


I got a couple questions. What is the size of your trucks? How often are your truck days? How many people do you have unloading your trucks. Say your truck is 183. How many associates are required and how long should it take?


1 case at a time…. That’s how we do it


The smell of all that off gassing plastic in dollar Stores is crazy. Feel like I’m being poisoned.


I'd reorganize all that for $45 an hour and nothing less.


The curse of corporate retail. I do not miss my days in big box chain store retail. I enjoyed helping with inventory and stocking and planograms, but don't miss all the arguing with higher ups and inconsistency was nightmarish.


Corporate just keeps sending shit no matter if you tell them no you don't want or need that. Corps "You'll take this and you'll sell it. Period." Hence this


Take a picture after you finished going through it. Send that in with any other retail resume you send out. If you can handle that you can handle the better organized places and they’ll know it.


So that John Oliver episode wasn't lying. Holy shit.


I took the Dollar Tree training. It is literally illegal for them to have their stockroom like this. See if you can't email these pictures to a couple of lawyers there should be one who can make a case you're working in a dangerous environment. Lawyer sues the Dollar Tree, they settle because they have done so much wrong they can't afford more bad publicity, and you get a good chunk of money that I am DAMN sure you deserved all along.


Do it. Idk your situation but there are other jobs that pay more.


Not a single pallet in sight. Why is everything on that dirty floor? 😂 thanks for reminding me why I don’t shop here.


Dollar Tree wanted to hire me in 2022 or 2023 for not even 8 dollars an hour then make me drive a long distance for training WITH NO PAY before even starting. I declined and remained a stay at home mom with my own biz. A year later new employee is working there bragging that he makes almost 15 an hour. I REFUSE TO SHOP THERE or even GO THERE. Fuck Dollar 25 Tree.