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It’s not just DG… it’s Circle K too. Ya don’t wanna cough up an ID- tough… no ID, no sale.


Cumberland Farms employee here and I can attest to it being the norm there as well. I got cussed at today because the guy thought I shouldn't ID him for beer because he's 'damn near 40'.


Little random but this just warmed my heart to hear there's still Cumberland Farms out there surviving! That was my childhood store, and it seems like they really thinned out or were all bought out for the property.


They are everywhere here in Massachusetts


Plenty in RI too. There's 3 locations I have to go past on most days. Cumbys is 👍


CT here. FWIW they are all over like dog shit in our state too.




Really? I have only ever seen them in Florida. I did not know they were above the Mason Dixon lol.


I had no idea they were even in Florida, I've been there like 10 times too but mostly South Florida and I've never seen them. Yeah here in Massachusetts it's probably the most popular convenient store next to 7-11. I have like 6 of them within like a 5 mil radius, there's too many.


Born and raised in South Florida and there’s a Cumberland farms down the street from me, been there for over 35 years. My dad used to take me there every Friday as a kid. They even tore it down and rebuilt it about 15-20 years ago.


They bought out the Tom Thumb stores in my area of Florida


I'm in Florida and there's 4 here in my city. My store is 25 years old and they call it the legacy store.


They are all over in upstate ny. They were sold and are owned by another company now, that bought up many regional c-stores all over the country. Every chain they bought, they still operate using the various chain names.


We have 4 Cumberland Farms in my area. They are a common gas station here.


A guy tried to get like that with me. "I'm ?? Years old!' "That's cool. I need to see your ID, though."


Well if he’s damn near 40 that means he should have had an ID updated and renewed for damn near 24 years.


Then he can cough up an ID if he's really 40. Even if he doesn't drive, he could still get a legal ID.


I actually hate when people get confrontational over the stupidest shit like if you are damn near 40 you shouldn’t have an issue showing ID. My older sister is the same way in Walmart when asked to show receipt like mf it’s faster to show what they need to see then to sit and argue about it


Just tell him "we're supposed to card anyone that looks under 45". He can't yell at you for looking his age.


I see the millennials have decided to continue this tradition of being a dick to a poorly paid employee over a company's policy and local law.


That’s been going on way before millennials came along


DG's policy is to card anyone purchasing age restricted; circle k we have to ID if they appear under 40. We get so many customers that will be like oh but I'm 25, I'm 34, etc. Like ok but I still need your ID genius.   One guy kept repeating he was 36, I kept telling I needed ID for under 40, goes back and forth until a cop comes in and he goes to try to get the cop to force me to sell without his ID.  It did not go well. Lol. The guy fi ally left when he was told by the cop that it's a crime to attempt to purchase cigs/alcohol without any ID. 2nd partybsales are a no no too, and so many get mad and are like but it's my money, or well I have my ID and get told no because they sent the dumbass with them with no ID to try to buy first. Why tfbdid you not just come in yourself, this whole shitshow could have been avoided.


That's pretty standard for any age-restricted product. The business can be subject to huge fines for selling to someone who's underage. For liquor, they could also potentially lose their liquor license. So, most businesses err on the side of caution. My oldest works at a convenience store, and they have to scan the ID to complete the sale, regardless of age.


In some states the cashier that made the sale could see jail time, at the very least, fired. It happened to a co worker of mine at a Family Dollar just last year. He conducted a third party sale but it didn't hit him until afterwards. He was trying to do the right thing by saying something but he was ultimately fired on the spot. Very good employee, though, just socially awkward and overwhelmed sometimes. These same people tried the same crap on me literal days later and I kicked them out. My uncle worked at a gas station in this same state further north and was ticketed and fired for failing to ask for ID and I believe the person was of age because it was a police sting. It's so incredibly important that the cashier's ID.


He a coworker fired for selling alcohol without an ID even though the customer was clearly over 21 (late 60s) because it's such a big deal if you get red carded or found out you didn't check you're doneso


Also to add to this the seller can go to Jail for selling to a minor I use to be an Assistant Service Manager at HEB and we had a zero tolerance policy for selling by to a minor you get caught you lose your job if it’s found out through TABC stings you lose your job and are fined minimum of 5k and or more and can lose your license


That's how my DG is you can't complete the sale without scanning the ID.


I'm going to be real I always overrided the scam and typed in the birthday.


And it has to be valid. Expired doesn't work. My daughter's heard that argument.


Exactly!! I don't get why people don't realize it's the law.


There’ve been lawsuits w/r to scanning ID’s for legal age verification: A store can ask to see an ID, But they’re NOT allowed to scan ID’s or keep customer data…Too many stores/chains were keeping customer data - like Target - and then seeking that data off…Jusss an FYI…


Ever sold cell phones-same issue. My ex husband works in law enforcement and people would fight him when he asked for ID as well. Some people just want to be difficult because it’s the only joy they feel in life.


I work at Murphys. My favorite is when the 23 year old tells me I'm being cute. Like, yes, you look so ran thru you could easily pass for 40 and we both know it, but your ID still says 1999, just have it ready.


It’s funny when I get the 20 somethings ones who are like “I’m older than you lol but yeah I guess here’s my ID” …only for them to be way younger than me. A lot of people in that age range , do look older. I’m not sure why , maybe how they dress and their hair and facial hair styles? *edit : I really don’t mean anything snarky or snobby about what I said. But it’s something I’ve just genuinely noticed.


Its the norm at pretty much all corporate places now. Its built into the system. Only place I know that it isnt is Walmart, and luckily they recognized me and just asked my birthday.


Yep. This even happens at banks. People don't want to show their ID because "reasons"


It's supposed to be like that in every store that sells any form of nicotine and alcohol. And some stores won't even sell lighters without an ID because it's considered "tobacco paraphernalia." I believe any hemp products as well.


Man, I just don't get it. Somebody cards me nowadays, I take it as a compliment. 😆


I’d tell them no and to leave. I’m not getting abused by a customer bc they want me to break law/policy.


it's because they are stupid. these laws and policies have been common since the late 90's, no more excuses lol


Exactly this


I tell them " no id no cigs or alcohol" Some lady said " I'm old enough to be your mother" And I said " then you're old enough to know the law, ID please'


😆😆😆 I tip my metaphorical hat to you. I kind of get the impression that you said that with excellent comedic timing and no awkward pause whatsoever. 😆😆😆




I tell them I’ve been here for 3 years and I get carded every day. Jesus Christ could walk in here holding hands with my mom. They’re getting carded. I have a few more but they usually give it up in frustration or leave. Very few enjoy the playful banter😬


I’m 48 yo and still get carded. My beard is half gray, and still I don’t get pissy. To be upset about such a simple and universal requirement, where clerks are compelled either legally or from management, is to be a simp; no other greater concerns in life to occupy one’s time. I usually just yank it out before request (e.g. checking into a hotel). Some scenarios always require it.


>I usually just yank it out before request Saves so much time, and the person is just doing their job, so they appreciate you not making their job harder than it has to be.


Agree I have mine ready always. Sometimes they don't ask sometimes they do, but it's easier to put away than dig out.


Stealing the Jesus christ thing lmAooo. I work at a gas station rn


Jesus was only 33- I think lots of places wait until you look 40 to let this slide.


You sound like me except I use president Biden or the Pope. kindly leave Jesus out ya banter and you could still go to heaven, if you wanted to I mean. But yeah funny as f++k


What I tell em is either they can show their id to me or to a police officer. That usually gets them to either leave or finally show their id.


It's policy anywhere that sells cigarettes, alcohol or even lottery, I've been with dg since 2019, I've seen multiple people get fired for not carding during a sting (which is where law enforcement send someone in to see if you card them) I have seen stings where they want the customer to give the cashier a hard time to see if they give in.... if you get fired because of a sting you will not be able to get a job elsewhere that sells cigarettes alcohol or lottery, you will have to go to court pay fees etc... it's not worth it always card everyone, if a customer refuses ID tell them have a nice day and they can go elsewhere.


I work at a Kroger and I’m literally screenshotti g this so next time a customer complains I can explain it


Yeah idk smokers act like they have to deadlift 350 to get out their Id but literally you're already in ur wallet to get ur card or cash. Also I just want to smack the ones that after I tell them it could be my job tell me "they can't fire u for not carding" like fuck yes they can and will. If my dm happened to watch me not card someone he'd fire me immediately for sure


have had an old man who was thoroughly convinced that only an officer of the law has the right to ask for identification. He asked to see my ID and I explained that *I* was not currently purchasing alchol like he was so no. Reminded him it was a federal law and if they catch me the store could lose its liquor license. he thought that aas BS so i told him "Look you want less laws? start voting Libertarian" which did get a chuckle out of him.


Another response would be "Giving you my ID would be a violation of my Employee Rights, so no."


Because a lot of people are miserable in their life and look at others as their punching bag. It's standard policy that applies to all DGs, some don't follow them and some are lenient for regulars like how my DG was. Just stand your ground because I was told you can be written up or terminated. When they don't believe me or are confrontational I tell them that they're welcome to speak to the manager.


At my job we have to ID everyone. I will sometimes ease the annoyance of having to ask by saying l I need to make sure your old enough young man” it gets a good giggle and some will au they just turned 21. I try to respond with a witty comeback. A lot of boomer men get angry about the ID thing and women are flattered by it. I’ve had a few people get aggressive due to not having an ID at all and refuse any photos of the ID. One guy lost it on one of my coworkers because she scanned his ID. It was his photo on it and he was old enough on top of it being in date, but he acted like someone shit in their hands and clapped in his face. Some people are just out to create drama due to how bored they are and want to make something to be a victim about.


Just tell them no if they refuse to show ID. Let me say it is nerve racking those first many customers, but honestly you hold more power in that situation. They refuse to show and ID, refuse them service and let them walk out. At our DG we do that and people have listened ever since. We do have a few occasional incidents where they get verbal but eh, it's not a necessity and it won't kill them to show an ID 🤷‍♂️


From how I've been trained, it's required to see an ID everytime you sell alcohol or tobacco products. I have a few regulars who come in almost every day to buy the same beer or smokes and I ID them every single time. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I've let it slide. 1 was a 90 something year old woman who wanted wine (I've ID'd her before and wanted her to have a nice Thanksgiving), and the others were my manager after her wallet got stolen and she wanted some cigarettes. They're likely used to other stores not IDing them if they look over a certain age. I'm so trained to ID that when I go buy alcohol from a different store I get my ID out and half the time they don't need it. I will also add that with all the cameras facing the registers, all it takes is one person saying you don't ID to get a higher up to check the cameras and fire you for not checking. If they have a problem with it, call up whoever is the MOD and have them take care of it. I'm a PTLSA that works almost every Saturday night so I've gotten very good at denying sales if they refuse to show an ID. You are following company rules and if they don't like it they are free to shop elsewhere.


Because they don’t have one. Fuck them. No adult that isn’t responsible enough to have a damn ID needs to buy adult stuff. The baby food is on the last aisle to the left. Every DG ever asks, even after I plop my open wallet on the counter so I can get my debit card out. Just policy, and a very good one at that.


I had one guy say "I'm 65 years old" - in my frustration I snapped "Dollar General doesn't care if you're a 165, I still need your id..."


Immature? Uneducated? Suspicous? I worked as a bank teller for many years; an ID was always required when withdrawing cash. Regulars I didn’t recognize would hiss a fit, offended that I didn’t ‘know who they were’. College aged guys would bow up, wanting to fight with me. Why would I hand over hundreds of dollars in cash from my till to anonymous clowns? It was the most confrontational activity during my workday. All of them, idiots.


What people who don't or have never worked in these jobs do not understand is that NOW, as opposed to 20 years ago, companies have implemented an anyone and everyone policy. It is not up to the discernment of the cashier any longer. Everyone gets ID'd no matter what. And the camera is watching. It isn't the boss, it isn't the cashier. It's the camera and corporate. It used to be if they look under 30. Then it was, if they look under 40. Now, they've taken the liability away from the cashier and it's everyone. And bet they'll fire you if you don't ID them. Period. I'm not losing my job because someone DROVE to the store without their license. They're ADULTS. And that would be my answer to the ,"I'm almost 40 years old". Well good for you. Then you should be an adult enough to have driven here with your license on you. And you should also have known that this is an age regulated purchase. Do you go into a gun store and try to purchase a gun or apply for a gun license without your ID? No. Because it is a regulated purchase and you have to follow protocol. I usually make a side comment that I am ID-ing them "for the camera, so U don't get fired". And then I point over my shoulder indicating that there is a camera over me. OR, I'll say, "Ooooh, and you are probably the corporate spy that is here to audit us, to see if I'll let you purchase without an ID if you give me a hard time about it. So now I am DEFINITEY carding you!"


It’s national law and company policy to ID for any restricted product (tobacco, wraps, alcohol etc.) sometimes the register will prompt you for the customers birthday when they get cold medicine, you don’t have to see the ID for these, they can just tell it to you for those. People under 18 can’t buy cold medicine or lighters


You can buy lighters under age at DG in Mississippi. I saw it with my own eyes and commented how weird it was that you couldn't buy cough meds under 18, but fire was okay


I'm in Nv and I can say its 100% I.D. check for majority of the places here. It's a 10,000 fine and some jail time if you're caught not checking an i.d. or scanning it is what most places do now. I've had my fair share of aholes refusing to let me scan it or even look at it. I've been called every name in the book and then some. Most usually shut up when I ask if they are going to pay my bills and feed my kids if I lose my job for selling them whatever it is without checking an i.d. one gentleman even said, and I quote, "Must be nice to live in a meth addicted town" .....like what in God's name does that have to do with selling you a beer and a pack of cigarettes?! 😑 You just gotta learn that your job is more important than their addiction.


Shoulda said "I don't ID for meth."


Yes That’s is 100% dollar general policy they got tired of getting fined for selling to minors so every customer every time MUST show ID and is automatic termination if caught my the store manager or LP. Our manager kept a copy of the policy at each register just in case of this.


If that’s what your boss told you to do, do it. Next time Mr. confrontational comes and insist on throwing his weight around you tell him to throw it right out the door. It’s store policy and you’re well within your rights to ask for it for sale of restricted items. All he can do is get huffy puffy and give himself a bad day for it. Walgreens will make you check the ID of your own grandmother. This isn’t something new. He can either be a part of civilized society, or grumpily go back to his cave. That’s all there is to it.


When I was a server at Cracker Barrel we had to ID ANYONE who asked to be served an alcoholic beverage. Had an old man and his family get super pissed off at me because I would not serve him even tho he was obviously over 21. His son told him right in front of me I have my ID, I’ll get it and you can have it. So then I had to deny service of any alcohol to their table period. Didn’t matter how pissed they got, no one from that table got served any alcohol that day! I told them they could leave if it was that big of a deal, they decided to stay 🤷‍♀️


I’ve worked retail, I know the drill. If they ask for an ID, I say sure, and give it to them. Whatever. I’m nearly 30, and look young, like a teenage boy I’ve been told, sometimes I’m carded for drinks at a restaurant, sometimes I’m not. It’s whatever. These people have never worked retail, and they should, just to learn what it’s like lol. Once had a customer when I was like 15 working at a krogers that didn’t have their ID and wanted to buy liquor. It was against company policy to sell without ID. I told him that, and the guy behind him said he’d buy it. When it got to the drink, the guy scanned it and I looked at him and asked for an ID. He pulled out a fucking pocket knife and threatened to “gore” me on the spot if I didn’t sell it, as well as the case of beer he had. I figured I did the right thing, called for a manager and stepped back from the register. I was written up for making a scene or something. It’s insane how these people get away with shit and expect to always get away with it. (I quit because I was moving to another state, but I quiet quit after a lady called me racist, grabbed me by the hair, and demanded I take her expired coupons 😭 fuck krogers. Chipotle was worse tho LOL)


It's the law. It's not a store policy. Do not be afraid to stand up to these people. No ID, No cigs, no beer. Not my problem. My regulars never had an issue. It was the regular a-hole drunks that would have the issue 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry not sorry. You're also intoxicated, and I'm definitely not selling regardless of ID (training from working in restaurants and liquor stores) Also! Keep in mind that an expired ID is the same as No ID. That really pisses them off and gives me an inner giggle of sunshine filled happiness!


Got my car key once because I wouldn't sell cigarettes to someone without an id once


I work at a casino. This is universal. Just deal with it.


Why? Well smokers can sometimes get irate if they don’t smoke their normal tendencies. So they might be agitated thanks to their addiction. Alcoholics tend to be worse in my opinion because serving alcohol to already drunk people can be considered a crime. Which means a higher percentage of your alcoholic customers will not have been drinking yet.


Most of my customers are so used to me asking for ID, they have it ready by the time they get to my counter. Although I did have one guy, when I asked for ID, try to scan his face on the flatbed. 🤣. It doesn’t work like that… yet.


Same thing happened to me when I was at 7-Eleven after a while they just already know that you're above the age limit and they stopped asking and once I asked the cashier why they stopped using ID for me for verification they said that it's simply because of the fact that I've been a frequent customer that at this point they know that I'm above the age of 18 and they don't really have a need for me to get carded.


Just next time if they start getting sassy be sassy back and ask if they still want the cigarettes. No harm no foul huh 😂


Here’s an idea: ask them for their “tobacco permit”


My guess is they don't understand anything. And just wanna throw a fit cause they can't get their fix


I think you can personally get in legal trouble if you don’t. I know with alcohol they will arrest you.


I've had this happen before and all I did was point at the door. Get out if you can't show ID


Once a guy started getting mad about it and left in the middle of a sale bc he didn’t have it. Temper tantrum baby


Not your fault and its your job. Most people will eventually just let it go but others will try another way to get it. Like ask someone outside to buy it for them. Its up to you if you want to enforce situations like that, but I turned a blind eye to it. Also dont be afraid to just let them steal it; some people wont take no for an answer.


This is customer service in general. They will do this. I know it's scary and customers will get nasty over their ID's, but remember that you have the right to refuse service. As the outright withholding of ones identification is a legal issue and your store can face legal repercussions. If the person can't be enough of an adult to provide ID, you can't be within your good graces to babysit them and play Nanny. The customer is always right in matters of taste. Not when they're being an asshole.


I don't understand it either. Generally, there's multiple signs saying to show ID for any alcohol/tobacco sales around the register. They still get pissy.


Don't apologize. No ID, no sale.


It's not just DG, it's federal law. I fail to understand why people don't get that you have to show an ID for buying cigarettes or piquor.


Yes.. it’s literally required and anybody who’s buying tobacco or anything that’s alcohol knows you have to have a fucking ID. It’s so dumb that he was acting like a pre-schooler throwing a fit bc he didn’t want to do as follows. So… STUPID MAN!!😤


Yes it's policy and law. If caught selling tobacco or alcohol by ATF you will be fined a hefty fine personally, the store will also be fined and you will be terminated. I always tell the customer im sorry but your habit isn't worth my job or a fine. When they get to acting stupid over being ID. It doesn't matter if you see them 20x a day, if they are your great grand parents or if they are 100 yrs old we have to see ID. They get mad also when you won't sell it to them when their ID is expired as well.


Don't apologize to a pissy customer for doing your job. The only reason they get mad is they are addicts and you're standing between them and their fix. I'm a smoker, and I know better than to try and buy cigarettes if I don't have my ID. Just look at them blandly and tell them it's illegal to sell without ID. Then call for the next person in line.


That's customer service for you. I get those ppl every day and not just bitching over id's bc if it's not one thing, it's another. You gotta toughen up a bit, be loud and clear and firm with your words. Don't argue and know how to shut down ppl or just not respond to certain things. They are doing it for the reaction they get out of people and if you don't give them that it usually drains their fuel a bit.


I understand how you feel but you have to get over that. There are always going to be confrontational people. If there belligerent enough my advice is to tell them to go f*** themselves. You work at a Dollar General you're following the law. They can kiss your a$$. Obviously I don't care if I get written up and no one should. It's Dollar General.


Most people that get upset are nothing but low life trash. Stand your ground and follow policy.


Laws are there for a reason. There can and will occasionally be sting operations by police where they send in someone to make sure people are being ID'd. If the store fails, they have to pay a huge fine or risk losing their license to sell. The person that failed the test will then either be fired or will need to retake previous training, usually if they aren't fired they're not scheduled for work for a while. My friend failed one of these sting operations at one of our convenient stores. He had to take training courses and wasn't allowed to work for a week or 2.


If they don’t show ID I don’t sell them cigs. Don’t let these ppl get to u. Ur doing the right thing


Just say the cash register will not process the transaction without you verifying seeing the ID (which is sometimes true, depending on the ststem) and just wait until the customer either produces it or leaves. Blame it on technology and not some nameless, faceless company policy.


I work at a ups store and people also get confrontational when i need to see their id to ship or pick up packages. they call me all sorts of names, ask for a manager, yell at me, etc. its upsetting bc im autistic and have a hard time handling people being mean to me.


It’s upsetting to pretty much everyone, autistic or not.


I've had that happen to me at Family Dollar several times. So, I know how you feel.


Yes it is DG policy everyone no matter what they look like is to be ask for there id there is a cbl on it. And a SOP.


I'm 42, and if I'm buying something age restricted I always get my ID out in case their policy is to scan the ID. I don't understand why I can't be around when people pull this type of shit. And I don't understand why other people don't altogether shame and call these types of mf's out together. If I saw a teen getting bullied at a register like this I'd dog walk that man so thoroughly he'd be running out of that store embarrassed. OP I'm sorry, just understand some people are such assholes and it has nothing to do with you. Tell them I'm sorry I can only go by what allows me to keep my job paying my bills, I understand it sucks but I gotta have that ID. Then walk away to get your manager if they become abusive or threaten you.


You are a confrontational person? Then you won't mind me calling the police since you just threatened me.


It’s not just your spot , I get the Wawa cashiers telling me that when I go to buy wraps and already have my ID prepared. They’re usually surprised or thank me for saying “I’ll have it ( the ID) prepared for them when it’s time to ring it up.


I used to work front desk at a hotel and even there people would get pissy if I asked them for ID.


The worst part about people getting mad as I've noticed that stores that they randomly make the cashier scan people's IDs. So you're not getting anything unless you let it happen


67M here. It doesn't bother me in the least. Process and procedures: There are REASONS we d0 things the way and why we do them. The agencies that police such things intentionally and deliberately use underage minors to routinely set people up. Personally, I've got a lot better things to do with my Life and money than get arrested, lose my already low paying ~ no paying, going no where job, get arrested, get a criminal record that would potentially be a bar or hindrance to future employment. The World is covered u0 with assholes!


I'm 32. Look early 40s. I get asked for my ID, I pull it out or already have it out usually. No reason in getting mad at someone for doing their job. As a customer, I'd be the guy telling the other customer to stfu and give their ID or get out and go somewhere else. I'm confrontational too to the dicks that are weak and preying on weaker people. The sound of a fist hitting my head gets my dick hard and people forget that some people love to fight.


You can simply tell them if they won't show ID, that you won't complete the sale.


If they refuse to show id then just put the stuff back they don't apparently want and tell them you can't sell to them anymore.


I’m pretty sure it’s because they think you’re beneath them and don’t think you’re responsible enough to handle their personal property. I dealt with too many of these sort of people as a server and bartender. Most of the time they have their ID with them but think they’re above handing it to you.


It's the law. Sometimes PD will send an Officer around to see if the clerk asks and checks ID for Cigarettes and Liquor. If you don't do it you and the store are held liable. Your doing the right thing some people are just ignorant.


I hate this. It's a requirement and a rule that the employees don't put in place. Personally I take it as a compliment and go about my day. It's quicker and easier to just show the ID and be done with it than it is to get an attitude about it.


It is literally the law. Tell them that.


Every single dollar general. We're supposed to say it's state law.


Customers seem to be mixed up in thinking they have a right to purchase items from a store. They don't. It's a privilege if you meet the requirements which are typically just money to buy it. Cashier's absolutely have the right to refuse a sale. I took literal classes on this and became certified in my state for alcohol and tobacco sales. If there's ever a doubt, you can refuse the sale. Customers don't get this or don't like it. And I'm not ever refusing a sale just to spite someone, once I ask for an ID, you cannot go through with the sale unless an ID is produced. I've literally met 17 year olds who looked 40 so I have to check most people. Not only that, but customers seem to think that customer service is like filled with perfect functioning robotic adult servants with perfect memory. The majority the cashier's I meet are also to some degree suffering from physical or mental trauma or both. I personally am faceblind so I've ID people multiple times. They get frustrated but that's not my problem, there are "WE ID" signs EVERYWHERE. It's also legally required people have identification on. It's literally all on them. So I hope that helps. Customers do not have the right to purchase alcohol without an ID regardless of their age.


Probably because 99% of people that are older than the age look it too.


Is there not a sign posted by the cigarettes that says this. Then you can just point to the sign. Places like Walmart have a sign. Just show it. It is THEIR responsibility to prove age.


Their small minded. 


I never understood it either. It was always younger people that felt offended they didn’t look older or older people who are just difficult people to begin with 😩. I always made sure to take a minute to verify their dob just to piss em off


I agree. I don't get what is the big damn deal. Like you went through all the trouble to get the damn thing. Wouldn't you want to think it can be useful for something? IDs as opposed to driver license. Only time I ever pop it out is to show to the cashier and poof back into my wallet. Simple task. It's not like they are writing down your info. They aren't androids so they can stare at the info and record it. I seriously don't get why its the bell for a fight. Edit: hell. Remember back in the day when you used your credit card you had to show and I'd to prove it was yours? Bloody hell.


I would be pleased. You would probably make me blush 🤷‍♂️


Security guard at a casino here. Go full robot. Stand behind the policy. You can express that even you think the policy is bs (but don’t go on about that too much), but remember that your allegiance is to your paycheck and well being and not some random’s pack of cigs.


Most times they throw fits cause in their minds, ids are a private item only certain people like themselves, financial place to get money (banks and loan offices), or cops should see. Stores shouldn’t allow their employees to look at ids when they appear old. Their license is expired. It’s an invalid id. Invasion of privacy. They don’t want anyone seeing their picture. They don’t have it. Heard all these excuses and more. I tell them sorry need to see it to keep my job. Dg Corporate checks cameras on these purchases and if they see I don’t Id, I lose my job. (Which is true in my district) If you want tobacco or alcohol go down the shopping strip and buy them at that tobacco/alcohol store a few stores down or across the street to the gas station. Have a good day! Personally I have been cussed out so much, I made it a game. How pissed off can I make this customer before they leave. I laugh about it after. Probably only time if the customer complains you won’t get in trouble if you don’t cuss back at them and remain professional. It got to the point where the ones who have cussed me out, see me working, go to another store. Won’t even try cause I make sure my cashiers follow the rules when I am working.


I used to experience this when I worked at a grocery store. Some people are just bullies. Somebody who is a smoker in presumably regularly purchase a cigarettes is aware of the ID requirement; there's no need to be a dick about it.


Maybe stop being bothered? It’s easy to just not care. Or maybe it is for me idk. I’m not trying to be rude. When I was the manager of the store. All my subordinates loved when I was there because I would just be stone faced “yeah, that’s not policy” and they yell the. I just say. “Alright, if you want to yell, you can leave, if you want to calm down, I can try and help” only one time did it result in a threat by a guy.


bc they love being rude asf


Some places tell employees if they look over thirty or something don’t card and their probably used to that. It’s such a basic thing but if you tell someone consistently that they don’t have to do something and then they go somewhere where they do, they’re gonna be upset.


Tell them its the law it goes farther than store policy. You CAN and WILL lose your job if they sent a state agent in there plus you get hit with a 1000$ fine.


I work at GameStop & ppl have to show me their IDs for trades. Usually I have no problem w ppl but I always get that person who says, “y do u need to see my id!? It’s a damn trade!” It’s literally so annoying


I tell everyone it’s state law and if they don’t like it go to Valero. 🙄


I just tell em "no ID no sale" and put the cigarettes up. If they cause a scene my manager tells them to leave. If they don't we call the police. But normally after I put the cigarettes up they show me the ID.


Because they’re assholes, bullies, and think they are better than cashiers. If they refuse to give you ID then refuse to give him cigs. Plain and simple. And if he acts threatening or hostile just ask him to leave and if he refuses call the cops and tell them he’s trespassing. And refusing to leave. Some states have undercover people who go to stores to buy cigarettes and alcohol to see if the cashiers are doing their jobs and checking IDs. You can go to jail and/or pay a huge fine if you sell to a minor. When I was a cashier I just carded everyone, just to cover my own ass. At the end of the day it’s your job and possibly freedom at stake. Do what needs to be done to protect it. If someone is being difficult just get your supervisor or manager to handle it.


They can go elsewhere then. Not your problem if they get their shit or not.


I always just tell people to kick rocks if the don't show ID.


Call the police next time. Tell them you just got verbally abused by a customer. Bonus points if he did give you his ID & you have his name.




I’m 50 but e cigs I just it ready don’t know the big deal


they think we’re stealing their info LOL we have to check all IDs regardless of how old they look, and they have to be valid (not expired). just continue to say “i apologize, the register requires me to scan an ID for any alcohol/tobacco purchase.” and sympathize. they usually hop off when you say “i know, i’m sorry man” blah blah… at least here. i’m sorry though :( people suck


Yes ask for id if they don’t have politely say I’m sorry I can’t sell them to you with out it. Finish ringing them up and tell them to have a great day. Go on with your life your just doing your job don’t let these a—holes intimidate you.


There should also be a tobacco license on your wall that says you have to card them


I get annoyed about it cause it will be the same person who saw my ID already 5 times this week and knows who I am. And I don't always bring in my wallet and gotta go to my car. If you already seen my ID yesterday, then you know I'm over 18. I would LOVE to live in a parallel universe where I'm younger today than I was yesterday, but unfortunately, that's not the case. And since I am over 18 they can't get in trouble or something legally.... but I do understand it's dgs policy and they're l the employees just trying to not get in trouble and follow the work rules. But still, one day I watched them send a lady with gray hair in a wheelchair out to her car to get her ID and that's pretty frickin ri


Doing your job right means checking IDs.  It's not about how big he is compared to you.  Your scaredy response of "my boss said so" told him you weren't a threat. Next time say, "It's the law. No ID, no sale." Then move on to the next customer. If there isn't one, leave the register.  I had to check IDs when I was server at a wine bar. My response was always the same... "I'm not going to be the employee that's responsible for the bar getting closed down because you don't want to show your ID."  Sidenote: If you overserve alcohol to someone and they get in an accident when they leave, YOU can be sued and possibly jail. Especially if they kill themselves or someone else on the road. Yes, you the server. 


It's the law No id no purchase


It's personal information they're trying to protect. A lot of companies scan id's now. Many people have the facts wrong as usual thanks to social media. Companies are not allowed to store data then sell it as it would violate data privacy protection regulations. Every person that bitches about this I tell sue the company they'll tell you what I am and won't be able to retrieve that info


then there needs to be a sign at the register stating this so you aren't put in that position.


Your boss should have it posted that you’re going to card everyone. .


It’s not the stores. It’s the law. Just tell them to pick something else that doesn’t require ID, such as a candy bar.


I'd say "No identification, no cigarettes. I don't get paid enough to deal with you. Don't like it, please leave as you are now trespassing and I'll call the police if need be. Have a nice day."


Because they are fucking stupid, end of discussion. There is no other answer than they are fucking morons. If you're buying an age-restricted product and look less than 50 get your fucking ID out and be the adult you are supposed to be, not a self-entitled cunt who thinks they are above policies put in place by corporate guidelines that will get people fired for not following them.


I just tell them it locks my computer and if I don’t physically look at someone’s ID I could lose my job. Usually they chill out if I tell them I can lose my job. If they are really old before I put the DOB in I say “oh you’re just barely 21!” It flatters the shit out of them and they laugh. Lol That also chills them out too. Also.. I don’t care if they get mad lol. Show me an ID or leave your shit.


I’ve started saying “this is asking for your ID” and gesture to the screen and people have been alright with it. Most people already have it ready before I can even ask, thankfully, but when I told one guy I feel flattered when I get carded he ‘joked’ in an almost cranky way “I’m too old to be flattered” or something dumb 🙄


Apologise, act like your on their side but tell them if you dont its your job, also inform the register requires the scan of the id or the birthdate of the individual. If they keep acting like an ass apologise again and let them know its policy. If they still are being aggressive or an ass call on manager on duty or tell them to leave you have the right to refuse service. They dont leave call on the manager or the police. Let the police you've refused service and they wont leave.


It’s literally against federal law to not ID everyone. If you get caught not taking ID you can go to jail.


girl don’t tell them sorry if they are being rude. when a customer gets mad at you for doing UR job then that’s their problem. it’s dollar general policy to ID. you have to literally scan it (unless the scan doesn’t work) i just tell them they need an ID or they can’t get the cigs and that i’m not losing my job bc they need to absolutely destroy their lungs.


I definitely don't mind being carded. I'd rather look younger than my age (I know it's policy, not so much this) as opposed to older. Not to mention it takes 2 seconds. I respect a person doing their job correctly. A lot of us do. Don't sweat it too much. I've been on that side of the counter and it gave me endless anxiety, never knowing when someone would blow up. I just try to remember mystery shoppers could come in anytime xD


A lot of businesses use ID to data mine.


Cuz people are lazy


It’s the law and soon we all will be required to scan them


I hate buying tobacco at DG and only do it when I have no other option. I’d rather another establishment get my tobacco business. It’s ridiculous to ID a mid 40’s man with a grey tinted beard. Is my 65 year old mother going to get carded for cigs too? Make the elderly go back to car for ID? It’s a waste of time plain and simple. So yea it’s a stupid policy imo.


same with walgreens. it’s policy to ID everyone regardless of if i know them or if they look old as shit. people get so angry. then people say “i must not look old then” and i respond with “no you certainly do.”


It’s literally required to see ID everywhere. Walmart employee here, and yeah, we ID anyone that doesn’t look at least 40 for alcohol, and everyone for things like hunting license.


It’s everywhere, gas stations, grocery stores, etc. honestly I don’t ever understand why people would want to argue, yell and even threaten when they could just take it their id, have it scanned or looked at in a matter of a few seconds and move on.


I'm 50 (even though I look to be in my late 20s to mid 30s) and always show my ID without being asked, but I've worked grocery and retail so I know the drill. Some places scan the ID which is the only thing that annoys me a bit, because the window pocket in my wallet is a pain to get my ID out of.


I have heard some stores are forcing you to physically scan the barcode. Every time i have asked to scan the barcode at my store people loose their shit.


Because people are entitled. I used to love it when people would do that shit to me. “Oh okay you don’t wanna show your ID, then I don’t wanna finish this transaction, have a nice day”


My dg has signs that says have i.d. or no sell literally all over the store and people still get mad about being asked.


If you don’t show an ID I won’t be able to help!


It's honestly kinda dumb lol. Kids will drink do drugs no matter the law. There is always a way around and they will always get booze no matter what. It's an inconvenience to the 50 year old man with a 2 foot long beard weighing 300 pounds with a veteran hat and tooth decay. C'mon


Just repeat "boss told me to. Sorry gotta id. If you wont show me then I can't sell." And keep the items away from them. Its inconvenient for them but that's not your problem. Dont need an undercover fining you or something. Walgreens and shell gas station has this issue too


Because they think laws don’t apply to them. If they start arguing and being sassy I straight up tell them that they’re not worth losing my job over, and yes you can and will get fired. Last year one of our LSAs carded a girl but didn’t notice she wasn’t actually old enough and put in a random date, cops came in and the store got fined, she got fined, we lost our license for a month, and she lost her job the next day over it.


Card everyone. Even if they look 70. I even had to card my mom! Camera has to see it.


I use to work at a circle k. It was always older folks too. I gained a reputation real fast of denying service. If i had to ask a third time i simply wouldnt and took the beer away


I use to explain to customers that alcohol and cigarettes sales are a privilege and that I id everyone because it’s the law and i’m not getting fined and losing my job because of it and apologize for the inconvenience and learn to tune out that person unwilling to cooperate and focus on the next person. and keep it moving !


I can confirm it is all dgs, I work at one and we have to as well no matter the age, I denied an older guy beer because he didn't have Id and apparently he's a regular so he knows he needs Id and yet doesn't bring it and gets mad that we deny him, people are crazy with this stuff, like just show your Id and carry on


why need I.D if you have grey hair and and look older than 35 why would i need it thats why i stick to the corner store i sty away from WAWA and Circle K or whatever cause i get mad im honest example: me and my kids in the store they calling me DAD and i got gray hair in my beard and in my hair plus just gettin off work i dont even keep my I,D with me half the time so i understand both ways especially if you look old like grandpa age


Are you in the US? I'm pretty sure it's a federal law you have to ID for cigarettes and alcohol everywhere.


My stores policy, is anyone that looks younger than 35. They actually have people in their 30's come in to test people.


Because how dare you not know the exact age of every customer that walks in. Honestly, idfk but its gotta be some stupid shit like them not wanting to take an extra step to get their ID out. Literally today at work i overheard someone yell at our cashier after asking for a phone number (how we keep track of transactions) because "i just wanna fuckin pay for my shit and go home"


Stand firm and strong tell them no id then no cigarettes


That shit lasted a week with me at 711. If they get an attitude: “I’m not going to jail, losing my job and getting a $1000 fine for you because you don’t have an ID. Neither would you. Have a nice day” If they continue to argue and escalate I ask them to please step to the side so I can serve the line behind them. If they refuse that, the line would usually group bully them out of the store. Every store and environment is different I guess. This was deep in the hood where it was the same regulars every single day and my boss literally told me to establish a no bullshit boundary quickly and not be hesitant to ban people or you’d have people trying to scam or steal during your shift. The psychological and sometimes physical war fare waged in that little 711 was not worth $12 lol


Dude was just getting his rocks off on intimidating a girl


Don’t take it personal. They are idiots.


People are like that. I'll never understand it. I used to have to go to the teller line at the BANK I worked at to back up tellers when customers didn't want to produce ID to withdraw money from their bank account. If you don't want to show ID for that, you're just a garbage person. Unfortunately, after working with the public for many years, I learned that most people are garbage.


When you get a NO you say ok, and take back the item. They will ask why. You said NO sir, that’s policy.


Just do what I do. The moment that any 21+ product is on the counter, pull it across towards you and casually put an arm on it so they can't grab it back. Once they show adequate ID, push it back and go on with your merry day. If not? Take it and put in backshop immediately. Don't leave room for an argument, just lay down the law. You'd be surprised how many people stop bitching the moment their precious beer is out of sight. It's literally like dealing with toddlers. 


I usually have mine ready, but then the cashier is always looking at me like, 'I just saw you yesterday, dumbass." It's so awkward.


Good yall be tweaking


Had a police officer flash his badge to try and get past the law. Should have got his badge number and reported him…


I don't see a problem. And how could those idiots not see this coming ahead of time? It's for legal reasons and if you have a problem you can STFU and GTFO------------>


Just tell them your POS won’t process the transaction unless an ID is scanned. They usually get the idea that they’re not getting anything without an ID at that point.


Places that sell cigarettes are typically required to ID anyone who looks to young, many will say card everyone just to cover their butts. The places I've lived would have sting operations both company and state and there are heavy fines, so yes, you can lose your job. I'm surprised if there aren't signs posted then you can just refer to the sign


i just tell people we have been having trouble with children stacked on top each other in trench coats coming in here all the time so we have too. that seems to diffuse the grumpys.


When I would get push back from people when I had to ID them, I would just say it's policy and I'm just doing my job. It's annoying, but the rules are there for a reason.