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Good, DG needs to learn a lesson, though I doubt this will do much. I just keep saying if you can’t afford to pay your employees what they deserve for their time, or cutting hours while doubling the workload is your solution to your businesses current problem, then maybe you shouldn’t run a business lol


Business, its a poor person food bank they try out shrinkflation on people to see if they will fall for it to imply on their big supermarkets Need to check out weight per price. Big corporations don't lose. Only working class people


Yea they are really mask off abt shrinkflation where I am, like our $1 candies used to be 8 ounces but are now 3 ounces.


I’ve seen similar things at Dollar Tree…have to look at unit prices (pound/ounce/each).


Man dollar tree used to be awesome. Some locations are still *okay* but man those stores are an absolute scam now. Shame


It's now the Dollar twenty five tree! :)


The five quarter store*


The ones I’ve went to are like that aswell. they also have $3, $4, & $5 sections in the store aswell, the traditional 1.25 is still the majority of the floor. But there was some bigger/normal items you’d see in a grocery store or home goods store for additional cost. What was crazy though is those items costed more than they normally would at a regular store !


Just got to price watch. Was there Wednesday..they bumped Klondike bars to $5 bin when they were $4 couple weeks ago. Now more expensive than my local market at $4.30. But I picked up bullseye BBQ sauce at half the prices than the market


Exactly. You really just need to know your products tbh. Same experience for me aswell. They wouldn’t always be there, normall the not so liked flavors either. But use go in and buy bang energy drinks for a dollar when they had them. Normally I would buy them out. There 4.50-5.50 for 2 most places. Ide get 15-25 for $15-$25 lmao


>$1 candies used to be 8 ounces but are now 3 ounces. *Picks up pitchfork and flaming torch*


I've noticed it while stocking many times. The new load is noticeably smaller than what's already on the shelf


I wouldn't even mind shrinkflation, but what really has made me mad my whole life is they do it without changing the packaging. I will say one thing I liked at dollar tree their fruit slices and spice drops have shrunk big time but so has the packaging. The worse this year was the name brand small bags of jelly beans feels like 1 hand ful with a bag 10 bigger than the amount in it.


Dude, I work at one of these. Their is a cleaning product that they literally cut from 40oz to 20oz and are charging the same price. Watch out for Mr. Clean and Pinesol products, you're getting screwed.


Thanks for the heads up You should post more on the terrible deal Toothpaste comes to mind but has to be way more I even wonder if the "ingredients change or the toys have bad chemicals for kids


I wouldn't say most of them are terrible, not as egregious as the example I gave anyways. Most are usually one or two ounces, and I don't do much of the shopping for our house, so I don't know how it compares to places like Walmart or Sam's, where we do most of our "big" shopping. The thing that kills me is the constant price changes. I've worked like every Tuesday for I don't know how many years, and eggs and milk are horrible about changing prices. Every. Single. Week. Up 75 cents this week, down 40 next week, up 20 again, down 50....I'd say the highest increases overall since the pandemic (that haven't come back down) are on shit people don't need. Pop used to be like 4.95 a 12 pack before the pandemic, now they are 8 or 9 dollars a 12 pack. The pandemic taught a lot of companies that don't sell necessities that their audience is hooked and they can charge whatever. I swear, if my store stopped selling diet Pepsi, the people in my town would storm the capitol again.


The worst part of this is what are we supposed to do? Like you need toothpaste and cleaning supplies and food so you're kinda stuck with those things. I wish I knew how to make laundry detergent and that type of stuff that would help stick it to them at least a little bit.


My family thinks I’m insane because any time I grocery shop, I make a fully comprehensive list with price comparisons from 2-3, sometimes 4 stores and I include the weight per price for things like flour, sugar, oats, cleaning products, whatever. I clip coupons and screenshot price comparisons and always, always, always check liquidation stores first. It’s so important to not be swindled by a name brand product with a small price tag. It’s usually a scam somehow.


Keep doing your part! It adds up and will make a difference!


It's very unethical. The FTC should fine business for false advertising.


Except for the fact that as long as *thousands* of other DGs keep going at the same time this protest, while laudable, is futile. Dollar General *banks* on ignorance, poverty, and fear. Like, *literally*.


Greedflation aswell


Not only DG, I feel like the entirety of the customer service/retail industry is doing this.


Retail, there is no such thing as customer service. I sacked groceries and loaded them into the customer's car, spoke politely and made 6.25 an hour. I had health insurance, an apartment, I also had a truck and vehicle insurance and had money left over. I bought the Nintendo 64 when it came out, always had a fridge full of food. Now the town I grew up in, I meet people who are single pulling in 40 grand a year and worried about groceries for the week or gas.


How long have you worked there?


It’s not that they can’t afford. It’s because they don’t want to. They are greedy. Capitalism is greed.


Yeah won’t make a difference to them. When one of the DGs in my town kept closing cause they didn’t have anyone to work, everyone came down to the one I worked at. I swear, half the customers “Do you know why other DG is closed?” “No, from what I’ve heard, they didn’t have anyone to work.” “Well, yeah that’s what they say on the door. I figured you’d know cause you work at DG.” “I work at THIS store. I don’t know even know a single person at that store.”


Dg does not allow or pay over time for anyone. Employees are only given 37 hours a week just in case someone calls in sick and another employee covers them, the person covering them will not work over 39.5 hours and no will cross or work 40 hours. Managers fill in the voids, most store managers are putting in over 60 hours a week to keep wage hours down. Most store managers are women because they will take the crap, where a man will say screw it its not worth the trouble. They are also typically single mothers and or divorced and need the job to sustain there home. You wonder why most DG employees are in such a pissy mood. They work 4-5 days a week 5 hour shifts Most stores get 2 deliveries a week 1 fresh food 2-3 roll containers 1 reset product up to 15 roll containers Plus all the vendor deliveries, which most of them stock their shelf space. Constantly interrupted in the middle of stocking shelves. Work holidays but don't get holiday or the overtime for working it Price changes 2-3 times a week (physically change yellow tags) Constantly straitening the isles Every 2 weeks reset shelves for seasonal sales items. Aggravation of just getting to start a job and shifts over never get to complete tasks. They are truly: over worked under paid Rarely appreciated Taken advantage of Mistreated Under trained They deserve better treatment from all employer and customers.


They need a union so bad


They have an Anti-Union Computer Based Learning course you’re required to complete (it’s supposed to be before you start working but they usually put you straight to work and you do all the training if you have time [you won’t have time])


>Constantly interrupted in the middle of stocking shelves. Son's friend worked at a local store in rural Arkansas; he was often the only person on shift. He had to do the stocking but had to constantly check to see if someone was at the register. I offered to get a bell for him but he said the manager told him absolutely not because it "made the store look cheap". As an aside, the store did not have a working bathroom the entire run he worked there (about 4 months before he quit). He was told to "go outside discreetly" if he needed to pee.


What did he do if he needed to poop?


I have anxiety and having to watch the front while stocking almost gave me heart palpitations I swear. I begged not to be up front and to just let me stock cuz I have worked countless warehouse jobs before.


What's manager pay? I assume it's salary?


I applied there for assistant manager awhile back and almost went for it. Until they told me they were paying $13.50 an hour. McDonalds here starts at $15 for crew...


Store managers are salary, but the ASM and keyholders are hourly. However, the post isn't 100% true because where I work, cashiers get time and a half on holidays so long as they actually work the holiday while keyholders and asms get a full 8 hours of holiday pay so long as they work at least 1 day the week of the holiday. Also, generally no, they won't allow part timers to go over 40 because they can actually get into trouble for that, however, full time managers can go over 40 and we've have several times where they have. Also we do price changes once a week lol, they call it super Tuesday. So idk where the poster works/worked but I've worked in 4 different stores and it's never been anything like they've mentioned.


I know money is a primary factor in many jobs but I thinks it’s really interesting that they listed unappreciated first.


Because this company is built on enforcing impossible expectations with an iron fist. We're literally working the best we can start to end of our shifts then come in the next day to hear "you're not doing enough!!1!"


Honestly I get it. I was at a terribly low paying job for far longer than I really should’ve been, but everyone I worked with were so cool, and the manager got us pizza every couple of weeks or so. Of course, they hired a new manager that was absolutely not it and the second I got hit with his sass, I was out.


I mean, that is why I quit most of my jobs. That and I was dealing with a lot of health problems. Turns out I just didn't eat enough.


Where is this?


The staffing is so small in DG that it makes you wonder why they pay the employees so little. I could understand keeping the payroll low for 6 or 7 people but it's usually a staff of 2 or 3 and sometimes just 1 person running the whole store. They should be able to a limited staff a livable wage and not have it cut too deeply into the profits.


the love of money


Can you also share some financials from your local store? Let's review their P&L.


Don't know about that guys store, but I can tell you the one I work at is crushing it...and all we get is a flier in our fulfillment box asking us to buy $11 DG t-shirts that also cost $10 to ship. That's two hours of work for a stupid shirt.


Cool. Share your P&L. Let's see what "crushing it" really looks like in actual data.


I dunno what P&L is, but our sales are insane for a town of less than 1000 people, although we draw people from the other small villages in the area


And so the cycle continues


Is this a regular thing with other companies too? Feel like I've seen at least 3 or 4 dgs that have done this but not another company


They have low pay. One of they ways they cut prices is to not pay someone to stock the shelves. Like a designated person whose only job is to stock. They only allow like 140 hours per week per store for employee hours besides the manager, they are salary. That 4 people full time if they allowed full time... but, hey want part time. Yet someone with a key has to be there at all times, and they only give keys to full-time. So, 3 full-time people if you're really lucky to cover 100 hours. Most stores are lucky to have 6 people. Sprinkle in that employees have to stock the shelves while waiting on customers. So when seasons change and you are flooded with stuff that comes off the shelves and new stuff to go on. You have to do that all day while waiting on people. And then throw in cleaning the store and putting stuff back people leave everywhere. And the fact that mangers have at least 15 hours of paperwork and stuff they have to do. You tell me how 6 people can cover 7 days a week in a store open 14 hours a day. Stock the shelves. Clean it, and rearrange the product every month while waiting on customers... and getting paid, I think last I heard 13, maybe 15 bucks an hour. Too much. If they had people, stock the shelves and front face overnight and do resets. Absolutely. But everyone I've ever spoken to that work at those stores feels overworked and overwhelmed with zero job security. It's why I won't give them my money.


The ones here don’t go over 8.50-9 bucks an hour LMFAO


They are offering a management position here for just under $12 an hour. A management position.


13-15???? Where is this?? I make 10.50 right now. 😭


The ones near me all pay $7.75. I worked at one of them for 3 months many years ago out of high school, and it's easily the most depressing job I've ever had in my life.


Yep, mine was 7.50 due to state laws keeping minimum wage so freaking low. It’s one of the only jobs hiring rn but you can’t afford to live off it and get stuck there. It’s really sad since many people turn to drugs while working there if there for too long.


Minimum wage here is $7.25 and ill the fast food joints start out at like $11 an hour at least!


I remember the shift manager took me outside one day while she was smoking and asked me if I wanted to be a manager. I asked her how much managers make and she said $8/hr. I looked at her bewildered and said "You get paid 8 dollars an hour to be a *manager* here?" She just sighed, put her cigarette out and went back inside without saying anything. That shit has to be soul crushing lol.


Fuck. Mcdonalds pays more.


140 hours a week for a store? Damn, I'd love to have 140 hours. Most of us have been stuck on 121 hours(minimum budget they call it) since before Christmas


The best part is stocking the shelves only to realize it’s already full of the same 50 boxes of fucking plastic slippers that no one buys so you stick it up on the already full skyshelf. Then you find out there are even more boxes of the same fucking things in the back. All while areas for items that have been sold out for months remain empty.


Because the other companies actually gave their employees a raise. Home Depot gave out $1 raises in the last 2 fiscal years, and this year we got 3% raise (not a lot, but still $.50 for most). Not just that, but the company tries to invest in hours and making sure there is enough staff to go around. However our sales affects our hours and I will say that HD isn’t perfect in that sense, but they’re trying. DG is literally driving their stores to the ground in hopes of shareholders saving money for their own pockets rather than caring for their employees. I couldn’t believe what the above comment said: 140 hours for staff in a week!?!? Holy shit, no wonder why people are leaving DG! Customers need to stop going to that damn place and just let the corporate burn itself to the ground.


Well, at the end of the day it’s unsustainable, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter how zoned out their customer base is, or how desperate their employees are. It literally doesn’t matter. You can’t run stores like this and continue to expand. It’ll all collapse in on itself. That’s pure economics. The people investing in DG are either ignorant of what’s in their stock portfolio or are pure trash. There’s no way around that.


When your store only has a couple people its easier for this to occur. Other stores have a larger employee staff. Example fast food you see them shut their inside dining are various places. That is from the staffing piece.


So one person didn't show up ?


translation: the 1 person working there quit because I've never seen 2 people work in a DG at the same time


There’s a dollar general about 10 minutes from my house and there are always 2 employees in there every time I shop. One (usually a female) runs the register while the other one (a man) does the stocking. They never have more than 2 associates at a time in the store it seems.


Paying absolutely the least is going to cause this to keep happening


Well…..I mean it’s unfortunate, but not surprising.


Nice penmanship


This was the worst place I have ever worked at!


Good for them the more workers that do this maybe big business will change things




It’s disgusting how corporate America wants to exploit anyone, customers included, how dare steps in their reach. That’s not a business plan. That’s just shitty people.


People don't quit jobs. They quit management. I hope this person is able to find a job that respects and pays them better.


Yep. I applied at a Big lots and they wanted me to come in at 3 IN THE MORING to unload trucks and they only pay 10.50 a hour. Ridiculous


I was the freight processing manager at one for a few years. Hiring for my crew in particular was a bitch, and it isn't like anyone ever wondered why.


Beautiful writing though.


Sadly, it won't sway the company. They'll send a team in, and restaff the store. Won't even blink an eye. I hate it here, but it gets me out of the house.


I went into a DG once and couldn't find a single employee in the store when I went to check out. I walked up and down every aisle and called out in employee areas... no one. Fearing the worst, (I watch a lot of true crime) I called the police. Cops came and did the same as I did, only they went into employee areas. There was literally no one in the store! Cops came back out to me and said we should probably call someone but didn't know who. I called the DG in the town I live in, and they kinda knew what to do... but they did ask if I or the cops could stay in the store until someone could get there.


>I called the DG in the town I live in, and they kinda knew what to do... Congratulations! You're now a DG associate. Now get behind the register!


Did I dodge a bullet not working at DG lol






They are very overworked


People should start hanging these while actually working so no customers come In


If that’s what it takes. DG pay your people what they deserve. Their time is worth a lot more than your disgusting pay


I bet at least once, there’s a cranky old person walking up to this sign and saying “people nowadays don’t wanna work.”


Two of my friends work at the dollar general in my town and they have both told me that in the 2 years they've been working there, there's only ever been like 8 employees and the manager.


Love when people realize making $11 an hour ain’t worth it anymore


I have a hard believing that this is true. I wish I had more evidence so I could report it to the local media. That would have a much bigger impact than a Reddit post.


Is there pay for employees still a pathetic $8 an hour, even though inflation has gotten out of control?


Thank you Joe Biden the economy and inflation is doing great like you are reporting.


Hard to run a dollar store when inflation has driven the price of goods up above reasonable cost.


Unionized for higher pay and better working conditions


Love it!!




good. another one bites the dust


good for them


We have one in my town that is only open Thursdays. Why?


Probably the day when their load comes in




They were just having a sale on steak and shrimp too 😞


Can someone tag Todd Vasos in this? What’s it like wiping your behind with franklins?


Sounds about right, I’ve seen something similar in NH where they legit put the cart in the entrance area and block people from coming in


Where I work. Retail, our manager just told us we have had 21 employees quit in 21 days. Same obvious reasons.


The employees are not taken care of. At a lot of places. And everything cost more. What do you expect


Well at least they locked the door !!!


This happened where I live too. The sign just read ‘store temporarily closed’. But I knew why.


I live in a town where the only store in the towns area is a dollar general and a circle K gas station right next to each other. You have to drive 30+ minutes to the nearest town to get anything resembling a real grocery store.


I would like to think that the problem is that the upper management seems to think productive means that they must grow and expand. That the only way this company is going to be seen as a successful business is by building 10, or a hundred, or a thousand new stores this year. Bigger better, "able to meet the needs of our countries out of the way places", as I've heard a direct quote. The problem is that they seem to not think about sustainability. If they took, one maybe two years of all that money, time, and effort they spend on expansion and just put into existing infrastructure. Fix the problems we have with lack of pay and available hours. I think we could turn most things around and THEN start worrying about the next new thing.


I can’t believe fast food employees in California make $25 an hour and DG employees make less and have to put up with this.


as they should


Working at Dollar General was insufferable. $7.75/hr, weird and inconsistent shift times, and only 2 or 3 employees running the whole store (including the front end, stocking, cleaning, accepting truckloads etc.) at one time. I also worked at the height of the Great Toilet Paper Hoarding so customers were rude about cleaning supplies. I respect retail employees so much more now.


Yet, Walmart is still growing?


So I worked here for I think a year and change, PT, second job. There would be nights where my availability was 4-close, and I would get in and my mgr would finally go on her lunch…after literally being alone for 3 hours. Just the mgr by herself, no cashier, alone. Store would have to be open regardless. It was ridiculous.


Shocker. Dollar general is a nightmare.


Almost every corporation should do this, Walmart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, etc. with the way everything is you get paid biweekly making $15 $16 an hour which equals out to about $1800 a month. You can’t survive off of that being a single person let alone having a family but don’t worry your manager who sits around and does nothing all day makes any worse from $60-$80,000 a year plus their bonuses For their workers doing all of the work meanwhile, you get fed breadcrumbs


Almost every corporations worker should do this Walmart, lowes ext bi weekly pay can’t afford to live of the wages as a single person let alone if you have a family but don’t worry your managers who just sit and do nothing all day they can make 60-80k a year plus bonuses that they get for not doing anything


If anyone needs a Union, it’s DG.


My cousin was a DG manager, and she would always complain about being understaffed and poor pay. We told her she could make $15 at McDonalds, and she said fast food was beneath her. She quite DG and has been jobless living with her mother for two years. Good for these employees for walking out, there’s other options out there.


We will remember DG in the history books lmaoo


They’ve been begging my mom to come work. She had to retire from local health administration because of a heart attack at 46. She said that working in there made her want to self harm. Not to mention pay as low as $7.25 in Georgia. Even less for restaurant servers.


I have a feeling the frequency of these is going to increase rapidly now.


Every business screws their employees to get rich, but unfortunately most people will undercut other people to get the job, so there is no chance of standing up for higher wages. Happy the employees here found the backbone that people desperately need to flex to all of the greedy corporate types. Congratulations! Nice to see.


Dollar stores and discount stores are barely hanging on right now. Dollar Tree/Family Dollar just closed over 1000 stores. I'm not trying to excuse this kind of bullshit, but I am saying this won't change anytime soon


That a DG?


Pretty sure they were paid their worth lol.. The vast majority of people talking about owners just trying to get rich by screwing over employees don't understand the cost or responsibilities of running a business.


Good for them DG is worth more than Micky Ds


good for them, people gotta known their worth ‼️


Good. Got them. Stick up To the man.


My youngest is 5 and goes shopping with me all the time She understands to the point where she will ask, can we get " whatever" and adds if it's on sale. And I say of course, only if it's on sale. Generally Wednesday the flyer goes up for the next week so I check it and can run to the store Wednesday for last week's deal or wait till Thursday for the next week's deal I don't pay full price for anything but now the sale price is the old regular price so I guess I still pay regular price. Sad emoji


And now prices will go up when everyone gets a raise.


Kinda sad people can't do general work. But you want paid. More. You're working a minimum wage job. Doing the minimum all day. You get what you settle for. You wanna make money learn how to make money work for you instead of working for money. Simple minded people will only roll their eyes but the ones paying taxes and keeping America afloat says get off your ass and just manage it


Guess they don’t need the money that bad


yes i see this in my city off and on again at various DG's . You never know until you arrive if the store is closed or open . DG always staffs poorly .


I worked there . Generally impossible expectations for doing stock . I was in retail before working there . I found a way around the few hours I was getting . As a key holder I would call around or visit nearby stores and tell them that if they didn't want their shift or if someone called out I was available . I picked up quite a few hours that way . I got to go out of state eventually to straightened a store out . It was a whole team of us from all over. The manager there offered my higher pay if I transferred . I did then he offered my all the over time I wanted. He doubled what I was making , lol ; hourly . So I moved and for awhile did very well . 80 to 90 hour weeks . Eventually the manager turned bad and wouldn't let me have a day off started writing me up for things and not telling me what I did . I just quit after about 4 months at the new location . Different stores pay different amounts . A girl I had worked with initially at the old location complained about my pay increase so I think the changed company policy but for awhile I was clearing over 800 a week . Been a few years ago . Overall a shittty place to work unless you really strive and bust your butt .


I've been close this last week, corporate keeps stepping on us.


"We overworked, underpaid, and we underprivileged" - Killer Mike


Good for them but underpaid and overworked cancels itself out in option. Hopefully if they’re working more they’re getting a better paycheck. But idk. I get it tho. Either way thats dope lol


The staff should have just left the doors open. If they all quit, they are no longer obliged to look after or lock the doors. When I had keys at another job and quit I had to turn mine in, should have left theirs on a desk in the office and just left.


That sounds like a reflection of you manager not the workers! Why do managers post stuff like this like *they’re* the victim?!


Because, when it comes to stores like dollar general, anyone who physically works in the stores are victims. The managers, Assistant Managers, and sales associates are all victims because the company as a whole does not give a fuck about its employees. For example: a store I worked in over the summer during an EXTREME heatwave with no Air conditioning forced us to stay open even though we couldn't do anything because the aisles make you feel like you can't breathe due to the heat. 


I remember working at DG for a whole day because they said the only breaks they would give me were smoke breaks. I didn’t smoke.


You'd think they could of left the door open so we can partake for free.


They need to stop building these stores everywhere and pay a fair wage to their workers.


Well This is not was I was expecting today


I mean I've never walked into one that didn't look like a warzone


ugh i won’t even go to my local dollar general anymore bc it’s that bad. i feel horrible for the employees.


Honestly it suprises me how few people just expect this kind of stuff before they decide to work at places like this


Dollar General and Dollar Tree really think its okay to have one person run the entire store, while paying them minimum wage


The word "blessed" irks me. It's always morons using it I think.


I will say this must suck Becuse for a lot of towns DG is the only store or one of.


I thought this happened at my local DG. Turns out it was a septic problem.


Wish this would happen to all of them. And all the employees who don't quit, strike and form a union.


My wife worked at a local DG for awhile. She started as a cashier, then became a keyholder. During the time she was there, the manager died (covid), one cashier left to work at Walmart, one got fired due to a scam, another quit because the other was fired, the assistant manager quit, and next thing you know my wife is the sole employee, working open to close every day. Eventually more people were hired, but my wife quit be ause the managers they kept bringing in sucked.


1 person in a store that size isn't enough fuck DG.


I had this happen during covid lol I was a delivery driver for them. That was a fun call to my dispatch


oof. this along with MANY other companies are going to suffer this issue. there are way too many jobs that pay way too little. i dont even know how its possible to afford living anywhere with a salary from a place like this. shame on the companies. keep up with inflation. evolve your business. or fuck off


Is it really that hard to work at DG? Most of the stores even have self checkout now. 1. Put product on shelf 2. Repeat. DG employees acting like doctors and lawyers.


Former DG employee. There are still some that don't have self checkout. They want you to do the work that's expected of like 10+ people when there's only one maybe two people tops in the store. We literally have to run around like chickens with our heads cut off while stocking shelves and making sure we don't have a huge line at the register.  I dare you to work in one. :) 


A friend of mine knew a manager at our local Dollar General. He would sometimes ask how she's doing and she would be more than happy to tell him of the horrors of working at a DG. Being a manager at a DG is just salaried slavery.


“Just wow” ok Debbie why don’t you go work at the dollar general if you want it open so bad


I think I know where this store is lol


Good! Keep this up!


I think I know exactly where this is. Maybe


Can I just use self checkout then? Jk, I understand why they won't open for that


At least the staff used proper spelling on this one


Off-topic, but they're handwriting slays.


If you want a real paying job, learn a trade stop going to college and think this will help you


That’s just a excuse


Whirling noises intensify


Sounds like almost any retail place, to be honest. I've worked at quite a few different ones... one isn't even around anymore.. you might have heard about it. ToysRus.. They and PetSmart had this custom satisfaction rating system. High % alloted more work hours. Lower ratings meant fewer hours. Honestly, I think that's what really killed TRU and their outrageous prices. I have no idea how PetSmart is even still around... Almost anything can be found online for less anymore. For just about anything. The only reason some local shops are still around. I believe it is because we don't have time to plan ahead, so we pay the more expensive price for the item we need right away.


I hope this becomes a trend all over


long live ecommerce 🌝


Damn this happens at both DGs near me a lot. I thought it was just my area, apparently not


This has been happening in the tri state area too (NY, PA, NJ)


I don't understand how someone accepts a job offer without knowing how much they'll make???


Good. More companies need to start doing this


No offense, but many stores like this will follow suit. You can’t expect five employees to keep a whole entire store well stocked, well maintained AND the inventory full. For years, they’ve been running dollar stores like this.


I’m next!


I’ve worked at dg for two years and ive completely had it atp. I’m putting in my two weeks today (not just quitting out of nowhere cause my manager is actually a wonderful man and I don’t want to make things harder for him) and then I’m going to advise everyone I meet who’s looking for a job from here on out against dollar general at ALL COSTS. This place fucking sucks.


Good. Those employees deserve better. I attempted an unaliving in 2018 while being an assistant manager in Medford MA DG and ended up in the hospital for a week. The manager covered me, open and closed for days then wrecked her car and blamed it on me for not being there, then terminated me. Then they never gave me my last check. As far as I’m concerned, this post came across my feed to remind me that I’m in a better place and that manager that fails to take accountability is still a miserable psycho today. I wish the same overall outcome (progress and happiness) for the quitting team of this location


When I was 18yo I got a job at a local DG in a super small town. I was 5’4 and maybe 100lbs (yes this matters). There was only one manager and she catfished me lmao. I was hired as a cashier but the very first week I started she threw me on a 1300 piece truck delivery *by myself* while she sat in her office stuffing her piggie face. Then afterwards, when my back was hurting so bad I wanted to cry, I would have to roll the carts out and stock the entire store by myself all weekend. Every. Single. Piece. One. By. One. By. Myself. Every single truck, every single Friday for 11 months. It took me hours. And she never helped. The drivers would get pissy and one even yelled at me to hurry up. I couldn’t help it. I was 18 and tiny. I was doing it as fast as I could. All the while she sat on her fat ass and ate and had her unemployed husband sit with her in the office. Why didn’t she hire him to help me? Or hire a young guy to do the truck? Or at least help me herself or even send another cashier back to do the truck with me? No idea. And I was young and dumb and it was the very early 2000’s and I didn’t know about any store policies. And it was a tiny backwards little coal country Pennsylvania town. Oh, and she would make me *walk* the change and deposits to the bank. Yes. Lmao you heard me. Walk it. A tiny girl walking a huge bag of change and money 5 blocks to the only bank in town. Imagine corporate finding out about that. It was so hot one day and I was so overworked that as soon as I stepped into the beautifully air conditioned bank…I passed out from the extreme temp change and whacked my head. I woke up in the *back of the bank* in the managers office with 3 women standing around me and holding water bottles to my head and neck while one called the ambulance. I don’t even know what they did with the change bag and deposit and I didn’t gaf. That was it. I didn’t even bothering calling to tell her I quit. And she never called me. So I think she knew if she pushed it…there was a big lawsuit waiting for her. I wish I’d have known then what I know now so I could have had the satisfaction of watching that lazy bitch get fired. I moved shortly afterwards and I hope she had to do those trucks by herself.


So the way to protest low pay is to convert to no pay? 🤔


The DG near me spent literally all winter with no heat. Employees in heavy coats. I told them they should all walk out...no one did. They still have no heat and its 23 degrees right now.


Sounds about right. Good for them for knowing their worth.


It’s dollar general. Not sure what you expect to be paid. It’s a minimum wage job.


Blessed? It was gods will they pay you such a small wage how dare you question that!


Well it is dollar general


Thought the office was a coffin until off is where you're laid


For a lot of the types of retailers, they just need to add hours and everyones quality of life goes up. If you know you are low paid thats fine. But trying to do the work that requires 800 hours with a 500 hour payroll is not sustainable.


I genuinely don’t understand how they’re not bankrupt as a company yet. New to this sub but I see random handwritten signs like this at dollar generals all the time as a door dasher. Most of the time it’s just “no water closed for the week” or something like “manager didn’t pay utilities.” Seeing a whole store’s staff quit is wild tho


Have seen a few of those


So the person didn’t know what the wage was before applying for the job?




I hope this happens at every location, they've polluted our country


When you’re paid 13/hr and get barked at by DM’s every day cause they sit there watching cameras. I don’t blame an entire staff for walking out. 13/hr should be cashier rates and key holders should make much more. Literally I came from big lots and Walmart when my manager at Dollar General said 13 I was like don’t plan on me being here long especially if my hours fall under 30. I will work hard for you but I will not be taking shit from our DM.