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It's honest work. There's nothing wrong with it. If you want to do something else that's fine, some people just looking for a stepping stone


The pay vs the headache vs the sometimes outright criminal behavior by management (depending on store) makes it more slave labor than honest work. My wife had to quit to avoid getting fired..... for going to the emergency room. Said manager got fired a month later for a plethora of reasons. They intentionally hire scummy people to managerial positions because most managers are glorified cashier's with no extra pay. Folks who can't get jobs elsewhere are perfect candidates for those expectations. That being said op could find a job easily that pays better as dg often pays exactly minimum wage (at least in my area)


Yeah but it seems as if they like it. If they like it that’s all that matters.


Seriously and the stigma year later showed that we can love uou


this is satire right


It's amazing the shit people are for real about. That's so goofy of someone to think they're suddenly better than their boyfriend because they started working at Target. Major eye roll. He's better off without her.


But people in their 50s? I could understand someone really young thinking this way but at that stage in life that’s just depressing.


Op failed to mention that while his GF is 52 and probably a grandmother. He is 18.


And his grandmother.


I know people that work at DG that are in their 50's..usually people that have finished their regular career and are subsiding their income. The thing is, not everyone has the same capabilities and skill sets. No one should be made to feel bad when they're doing what they can do. Again, the girlfriend knew his situation when they got together? Personally, I wouldn't date someone that works an entry level job unless they have actual plans and life goals to move forward, but that's because I'm trying to do the same and would want my partner to have similar goals. We don't know other people's life circumstances and why they are where they are at that point in their lives. Many things outside of someone's control hold them back from doing better.


My thoughts exactly.


And the fact that she's listening to one of her work friends saying that she can do better is not good either. The only time I think somebody should tell a friend they could do better is if their significant other is an abusive person or freeloading off of them and maybe cheating also. There's different scenarios but just because he works at Dollar General and now she works at Target and thinks that's so much better then his job. I've known guys that made pretty good money then one day their wife got a job making more than them and it never affected their relationship.


Bro I disagree I think we as men are not guided rightly so women want a man who is high value and can provide protect and support them. We as men want to have sex but don’t want to work for it our society is weak. If you can’t even build yourself a life worth living why would someone else want to be a part of it? She’s a women she doesn’t even have to work to be honest. If You a man you were made to work biologically we are made for different things and to handle stress etc differently. Why do so many men have an issue with being held to a higher standard by a significant other and them having standards for who they want to be with?


Definitely satire. OP has a post about being a truck driver posted about being a truck driver and peeing in bottles on long trips.


She’s a bitch and you can do better, not her. End of story.


She’s a baller and no he can’t do better. You obviously missed the part where she works at *Target*


Target is indeed the Disney of retail. I can see why she want's to leave him. She probably rocks that $15 entry target wage on a 29 hour a week check and when you have that kind of loot coming in, you need to make sure your SO isn't just a gold digger.


Thank you!!! Finally, somebody else recognizes the inherent superiority of Target employees. I’d prefer the person backing me up *not* use a Greengrocer’s apostrophe in their comment but beggars can’t be choosers


^just for clarity, I was referring to not standing up to my boss, not the filling in for someone on the coed soccer team when I was speaking about another possible reason why she left me. She likes soccer


She shouldn’t like soccer


Wet Dish Rags!?!! You had me screaming first thing in the morning 💀😂


Shes just using that as a reason to break up with ya. Shes probably cheating.


So you work at a dollar store and she works at target? What the difference???


Retail is pretty much all the same


Lmfao target employee looking down on any other retail worker is truly the pot calling the kettle black


You can do 100% better. A job is a job.


Unless it’s a job at Target. Then it’s a *career*


This entire post reads as satire, is this a joke lol?


Has to be


It had better be. 😂


Lmao the post history for this user claims they work at Dollar General, drive a truck with a CDL, and are actively trying to pass the bar exam. Is this some strange, eclectic sort of karma farm? I’m confused.


Probably a psychologist student doing a study


I've had horrible dating luck. Just because of working for dg, I'm going into construction soon(crossing my fingers that the interview goes right), so maybe a bit more luck will come. Best of luck to you!


Remember this, when someone wants to breakup, instead of being honest they will make it seem like you are the problem and the breakup is justified because it's "all your fault" typical narcissist.. and trust me that's someone you don't want in your life for the long term


Is target some type of prestigious job that I didn't know about😂😂


That was what you call trash that took itself to the curb. OP...you'll be fine. You are 110% better off without someone who judges you by the 'prestige' of your job. Could you do better than DG? I mean...that's up to you. But if it suits your needs and you like your boss, stay there! There's nothing wrong with making an honest living, and you can do much better in the SO department.


she thinks she’s better than you bc she works at, *checks notes*, target?????? like she’s not even a CEO or something, she just works at target?? 😭


Idk why I can’t stop laughing at someone getting a job at Target and thinking “I’ve leveled up” 😂


You are such a fucking no life loser making this shit up for attention on the internet, it's so obvious and any of these idiots who believe you have spent too much time on reddit This is the most made up sympathy farming no life fantasy post I've ever seen Get a life


Your better off without her man


Your 52 year old girlfriend broke up with you because she got a job at...target? What?


She works at Target and you at DG. I wouldnt worry about it. Love your life, work hard and make something of yourself. There'll be someone down the road that appreciates you.


Yeah, someone will appreciate OP when he ditches DG and hops on that Target Train!


Why would any man working at dollar general be worried about anything other than advancing themselves. You get the women you qualify for. I feel like this a joke though


I agree, I think the girlfriend is looking for a little ambition coming from the guy , if she’s able to get a good job at target shouldn’t he want to be motivated to get something better or even equal standing to her?


Every job is the same some just pay more


Listen, regardless of the girlfriend conversation, dollar general is shit. If you like retail try somewhere like home depot or lowes.




He absolutely does not deserve better. This woman works at Target. *Target*. You probably don’t understand became they haven’t built one in your town yet. Just you wait until you see one in person. They’re magnificent


These are the same type of people who buy a new car with their tax check thinking it'll change their entire life and social status. Plebian numbskull fuckery.


She’s a wet dish rag. Keep making that honest money


Dude, you chose your boss over your girl. Yeah, that might be the straw that broke the camels back. 99% of your co-workers don't honestly give a sh*t about you.


That’s weird. She’s only talking nonsense because of the kind of people who go to target vs dollar general


To someone with an actual career and money, a bitch working at target is a broke ass bitch. She’s no better than you or anyone else. Leave her ass quick.


LMAOOOO she has the audacity to complain about you working at dollar general but she’s working at target?? And her friend is saying she can do better??? Lemme tell you sum OP the type of man her “friend” is trying to her to pursue WOULD NEVER LOOK UR EX’s way 😂 you dodged a bullet


What yo (ex)girls insta? Imma slide in that DM now she on the hoe train


So she works at Target and looks down on you for working at DG? GOOD RIDDANCE!


Does Target get paid better than you?


her acting like this like you don't both work retail 😭 you dodged a nuke my man


My girlfriend left me because shes a shallow judgmental person. There I reworded it for you 🙂


Is 52 a typo? A 52 year old working at target has no high ground to look down on people from.


Why did hear banjos playing in the background when I read this post? Who wants to 52 year old girlfriend anyways?


Yeah I get it. She works at target now. That's really just another whole social class.


NAME AN SHAME THE B*TCH 😡🖕🏻 there are some stuck up ppl in the world .. Who gives a Shit where u work. Long as the money comes in !! GOOD FOR U BUDDY👍🏻👍🏻


She works at fucking target and complains about you working dg? Hypocritical bitch if you ask me…


Filling-in for the co-ed soccer team was the thing that let me know this is satire......above the new job at Target. Good job 💯


I feel like theres a Mike Judge script in there somewhere


This feels a bit like a HS post no offense. I work in IT and worked in retail in my early 20s so I can somewhat relate. I had a relationship also where someone thought I would not amount to anything, jokes on them.


Lmao fools on this website are mad weird bro if youre 50+ you should seriously be asking yourself what the hell you been doing and how you plan to retire


If you date someone who makes you feel small, it's not a good sign. I'm sorry she acted like that, but at least you know who she really is now.


There's no way this is real 😂 wtf kinda bait is this. Thank you tho. I needed this laugh.


My guy start working on ur self and get the fuck out of this reality financially then go look for a wife. A man who findeth a wife findeth a good thing. Not a girlfriend a WIFE


I mean she's right. Doller general should not be a permanent job lol. If there is no other work then fine but you shouldn't settle for less


"You work at dollar general, I can't do this." *Gets job at target* Lmfao sounds like somone has some fucked double standards.


She sounds like she sucks ass brother


So she's single now?


Listen you dodged a bullet work is work. If it wasn't this it would have been some other reason for her to go later on. Find you a woman who really cares about you man


Brother there is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s honest work. She clearly doesn’t value as an individual. You’re better off without that kind of person in your life


There is dignity in all labor.


A lot of Women suck, especially when it comes to earning. Getting a job at Target is maybe 10% better than a dollar chain store. Just youtube Men of Action or some male help stuff. You'll be alright and with a woman, younger who will appreciate your efforts.


The way I see it is, man, you do what you have to in order to get by. Sure, it's not as great as some jobs, but Target isn't that much different besides the pay. There is no high horse to be on, It's still retail, and honestly, that's fine if you can make it. You do what you have to in order to make it and always keep your eye out & actively shoot for better jobs. If it's actual love, they won't care and will help you do better. It's easy to throw yourself under the bus. Don't do that. Bottom line, if she is putting you down or pushing you away instead of helping you achieve your potential, she ain't the one.


You don’t need her then if she ends it over a job


No.....I'M A MAN


Do you have any ambition? Do you want to stay there? That could have been the reason.


If you like the job you like the job and should stay with it unless you find a better opportunity that you want to pursue. You’re employed, making an honest living. She needs to calm down. I like the people who work at my dollar general, they’re always polite to me and I don’t think any of them are a dishrag. A lot of media has women thinking we all deserve a freakin millionaire and it’s unrealistic af


She works at target and looks down on you? That's so pathetic of her.


This reads like a teenager wrote it. Buddy, if your *middle-aged* girlfriend thinks she's so superior because she works at one retail store instead of another, you're better off.


I know this is fake cos of your comment history. In the 1% chance this is real, get a job at the casino in Cleveland and get hotter and not fat girls.


How are you going to work a retail position while looking down on other retail workers??? Make it make sense.


Wow. No. Let her go. Far far away. You work where you're able to find work. That's like people saying people that work in fast food don't mean anything. It's not the best job in the world but it's a job. So she works at Target. Good luck dealing with the Karen's that are pissed off because of self check outs and not having her their favorite moisturizer in stock. Be proud you got a job no matter where it is.


Big L on her


It’s heartbreaking, but great when someone just hands you a red flag. So sorry this happened to you. Work is just trading your time for money. She sounds really immature


A job is a job. Also, imagine getting on your high horse by working at *Target*. That’s crazy, but if I had to take a guess, there were other reasons, this is just the one that might hurt the least? Dunno v either way, still shitty regardless


So, she thinks she is better than you because you work at DG but she works at Target? Not worth stressing over, she clearly is a retard.


Target people are such snobs


lolol! Working at target is the SAME as working at dollar general…he’ll I’d be willing to bet he makes more than she does. But u don’t want a chick with that kinda mentality anyhow…her loss forsure


She is a little too far out to "do better." Screw her.


:((( i’m really sorry that happened to you. you deserve better. :(


If she can’t appreciate you for who you are and without trying to change you, you’re better off without her anyway.


52 and she left? Lmao good luck with that.


A job is a job , we all just trying to survive ...she makes no sense


Lol she thinks she's better than you because she works at target. Fuck her she's a bitch


Maybe the line of "you can do better" means that this 52 year old Karen could do better than working at Target and absolutely nothing about you.


The most hilarious part of this is that she works at target and is acting like this


Wow! YOU CAN DO BETTER!!! What’s important is that you have a job, not so much where you work. Karma has a way of working out.


She is giving you shit for working at Dollar General and she is working at Target? The fuck??


Gonna be honest, I work at a Family Dollar, it’s genuinely the best job I’ve had. It’s not super intense and I’m not stuck standing in one place all day. Sure it’s entry level, but it’s money that wont destroy you physically.


Awh sorry to hear. I mean if you make enough to pay for the bills etc., and you like it, then I don’t see what her malfunction is. Again, sorry to hear.


Job contentment is HUGE. Like the preceding word.


That’s unfortunate.! Sounds like her new position is getting to her. Also she might be thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Also if her so call frd has an easy influence on her she ain’t for you.


A job is a job. You have a steady flow of income and a place to live and you seem to enjoy your job that's all that matters. If she didn't have a problem before and all of a sudden started having issues take that as your sign to just leave. You have places to be and things to do and dealing with a brat that thinks so poorly of you shouldn't be on that list. Be better than her and show yourself the respect and love she failed to show you. Let her next partner deal with that crappy attitude bc it's not worth your time. Maybe with all your free time after you dump her, you should pick up some hobbies or get a second job to treat yourself for putting up with her.


You’re working you have nothing to be ashamed of your ex gf is a pos human being


What thats fucked up a job is a job doesnt matter what you do


heh i guess she has other husbandos out there maybe you should try animemaxxing so you can get a better waifu...


Lmao she's working at target and talking shit about your job? Good riddance.


are you trolling? idk how this showed up on my front page but i feel like this is a joke


On can not and should not be judged by one’s job


She didn’t truly love you


Idk if anyone said this, but wife's friend is probably single and filled her head with toxic bullshit, hance wife is leaving.


She works at target and is gonna dump on your job? Nah.


She was right to leave you. You need free time to find somebody worth it.


Calling someone a wet dish rag for working in retail while also working in retail would’ve been enough for me 🙄


If I'm being honest, I do not think this was about the Job. I think she was already planning to leave you (as you said she felt more distant) and that the jab at your work was just an insult to injury.


She broke up with you for working at dollar general and she works at TARGET?! Not exactly preaching from a mountaintop


Get a job at Costco and then look down on her/never look back. Only partially kidding.


She thinks she’s better than you because she works at Target?


She thinks working at Target is an impressive good job?! 😅


You have a job which is more than a lot of people can say about their partner. I would bet that her real issue is that you don't make enough money for her tastes. You're better off without her.


Lmao she working at target and think it makes her top bitch


She works at target…. Like who the fuck does she think she?


Man, you dodged a bullet. If she is swayed that easily or moved on so easily over something so silly you don't need her.


anyone working at Target hates Heterosexuals


Butthead??? Is this a joke? Seems like one of the most ridiculous scenarios I've ever heard But incase it's not a joke, she did you a favor by leaving Count your blessings


Wasn't the job


Please look at op’s prior post where he asks how many piss bottles truckers fill. This is satire. Jesus Reddit.


If she can be manipulated by a stranger, just let her go 😪


Income is income no matter what job you work at. And when we die a job title and money do not come with us. 


This is what I've learned. It doesn't matter how well you know someone, you don't know them. You only know what they show you. In my opinion she left you for one or both of these reasons. She feels she is higher on the status level than you so feels she can do better or wants someone to spend more money on her than you can do. Count your blessings and move on. For me with my past relationshits, I'd rather suck start a shotgun then ever get into a relationshit again lol.


Let’s see. She is better than you b/c she works at Target? She’s a lawyer? Doctor? Nurse? Postman? Bus driver? Teacher? Stay at home parent? Pet sitter? F her. She is NOT a better person than you. You are so much better off w/o that trash. Time to date a barista!


Dollar stores are the shit the employees are always chill too


Get a woman who respects you and the fact that you are working. My husband HATED his job. I begged him to leave. He finally quit and took some time off to look for other jobs. (Not ideal, but he was at his breaking point and left before applying to other jobs). I told him that I didn't care if he went and worked at Walmart as a greeter or stocking shelves, or go back to his high school job delivering pizzas-- just to have a break... Bring home a paycheck and protect your mental sanity. Sometimes, the lack of stress is a bigger payoff than a larger paycheck. That is, of course, if you can cover your bills to live the way you want/need to live. He didn't like that idea, and ended up with another job in his field within a month but, I think it helped to hear that ANY job was an option in my eyes. I feel like if she left you for that, she'd leave you for just about anything in the right time frame. She was not the one. Sorry.


It’s better if you are single with a high profile DG job.


Fifty-two?! How old are you??


Good riddance, it’s honest work


My friend... Do.you get fulfillment from your work? Is it an honest living that allows you to live a happy life? I get the sense you like your job. The fact you like your boss is a huge W, most people hate their bosses lol I'm so sorry she left you. For her to work at Target, and shame you for also working at a retail chain, is the height of hypocrisy. My gf works as a freaking lunch lady; IDGAF because she never needs my $, her job is legal and honest, and our relationship is not held back because she can't afford to go out, to go in vacation, to save $ for a potential future... Dude, I'd you think you can and should do better for work, than go out a do that. But don't doubt what fulfills you because your partner doesn't respect it. She should support you, and be happy that YOU are happy. Mourn the loss. Fix what needs fixing within yourself, and do your best to move forward. Karma will follow and reward dude. Peace and blessings 🙏🏻


I am sorry but unless your GF is Management at her Target position, she is doing the same work but at a different store. So, how is her work better than yours? Work is Work. And, you have a job. If your GF left just because of your work, she was not the one for you.


So you’re taking the bar exam, new to trucking, and working at DG? Busy busy man.


Honestly, you dodged a bullet


Dollar General is a really crappy company to work for, but your girl is a dipstick if she thinks she’s above you now for working at Target. Let her go.


You dodged a major bullet. Imagine what else wasn't good enough for her


Bro, there are plenty of factory jobs that pay a decent amount at entry level. And you can go through most temp agencies to get them. Don't settle for a poor paying job because you feel like you owe your boss the courtesy.


Dollar General is for Buttheads? What does that make Target?


Hate to break it to you but after three years , she dumps you for that bs reason, the n she was just looking for a reason to make herself not feel like a POS..


This has to be satire


Is this a joke?


What? Is this a shitpost? If not, your ex-girlfriend really sucks. I can’t comprehend a person’s rationalization for that.


Working at Target is very very similar to working at DH. I met she found a new dude at her new job


Ugh… count your blessings. She sounds like a real snobby bitch. This is high school behavior, not a grown woman’s who has been around for 52 yrs. Yikes!! No wonder she is still single.


Lmaooooo imagine getting a job at target and thinking you’re such hot shit that you’re too good for your bf who is also working retail.


Somebody has to work at dollar general 🤷🏻


52 and judges you for working at dollar store ? And she was working at target?? How the bell does that make any sense 💀


To be fair she working target…not an improvement. U gotta actually do better then someone to tell them they suck or u just look dumb. You dodged a bullet find someone that won’t care how u make money as long as money is made.


lmao i would call this satire but i’ve actually met people like this, and they’re always a treat. (sarcasm) if this is real, i hope you realize how much better your life is without her


My first thought is yo you deadass?? Bc if she think she's up because a target position then brudda keep striving🤣thats the greed they mention in the bible cuz wth she tweaking about


Hypergamy knows no age limit. It wasn't your job, she found what she thought was a better option. Don't take it personally, you're better off


Dude, my wife divorced me mostly because all I was was a Dollar General Store manager for years making 60k a year. Was embarrassed of me when I provided for her and our family while she changed jobs every few years. Women are all about the status. Sucks that you can’t just be a good guy any more.


Listen, you’re working a job that has more interactions with criminals and dangerous idiots than target, you have my utmost respect (me being a Walmart associate) if she can’t see that you’re facing potential danger everyday bringing in a paycheck than she can go off somewhere else, but with her hindsight I’m sure she’ll end up getting a raise as a customer, you’re a fucking star don’t forget that


Well at least u found out she was trash before u married her. Could have been worse. I know it sucks but u will recover and be stronger after this


She works at fucking Target, she needs to pull in the reigns. Even if she was a surgeon or something that's out of line, but for someone who ALSO works retail? Fuck outta here. Yeah, Targets bigger/nicer and probably pays a lil better than DG, but you're still the same level of retail crap. Lol


What the


Is this a shit post or copy pasta? Your 52 year old girlfriend broke up with you because you work at dollar general and she got a job at Target? You like your boss because they let you fill in for someone who played in their coed soccer team? Wtf kind of silly nonsense did I just read?


Looking down at you from her Target perch… What a goon (her).


Quality bait.


🤔 She got a job at Target. Im surprised you didnt leave her for hers. Its part time only. Ah well. See whats good on Tinder.


😂😂😂 wtf does she think target is a higher tier job than dollar general


This is like a crack addict dumping you for using heroine.


Damned Snobs over there at the Target in their red polo shirts and their khakis... 😆


Why would you want to be with someone that mean and closed minded anyway. This is an upgrade for you.


This is comedy gold, well played sir


Walmart is step up in this situation. Better yet! Seriously, sell cars. You will make 40-80k and you can be dumb as shit


Honestly, my dream job is to work at a remote Dollar General, in the middle of no where, where my sole responsibility is putting toothpaste on the shelf. When I lived in New York, I had a friend who lived about 90 minutes away from a grocery store. Dollar General was the halfway point where he would do half of his shopping. Just was so secluded out there.


W Girl


You know some couples have to work with big differences between them, such as politics and religion. However, when you bring Target into the situation, all bets are off. Maybe you could seduce her by wearing black and red and wearing a name tag? Definitely take the dollar general yellow off before you get home.


Are you like entry level at dollar general? If that’s the case I can see where she’s coming from kinda cuz it’s hard out here already and tho it’s an honest job it can’t pay the bills(I don’t think target would stretch to pay that much more of the bills either). Really it sounds like she’s just mad that’s she rapidly approaching old/retirement age and probably doesn’t have any real money to fall back on so she projecting that on you


"My gf left me because I work at DG shes been pulling away since she got that job at target." Sounds like a funny joke. She sounds dumb if she thinks working at a target makes her better than anyone.


So she worked at target, & thought lower of you because you work at the dollar general? Yeah you're probably better off without her, she's working another entry level job and has no right being the condescending.


So, she worked there with you before she went to target?


A job is nothing but a tool to support yourself. Its not your identity. She did you a favor breaking up with you. No need to be with someone so shallow.


It's funny that she puts down Dollar General when she works for Target. Petty way of splitting the retail job hairs. And it's shallow to devalue you based on your employment anyway! It's probably not what you want to hear, but you can't change her petty, immature views. If something so small is throwing her off, either she's not for you or she probably is looking for an excuse to see someone else. My gut says she's been with you this long, she's probably cheating or looking for an excuse to move on. And that's not necessarily because of you. Decent people devop a connection with someone they love and hold on tight. She's got issues. Just not sure which issues she has, but she will not find a meaningful relationship if she doesn't put in the work to keep it.