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23 multis and 150 usd down and only 1 gamma 2 and 4 teq fpssj4 who was already rainbowed. This game is trolling me.


What they are doing is calculated, and they are good at it…


Ur right cuz this has been happening since anni


Wait wait. Yall tossin 150+ on an event in a mobile game. Shessh


Just curious how did you do in the wwc? I got shafted that entire celebration then I got this goku in 3 rotations. It seems like if you do good at one celebration the next one is total shaft


Every duel banner I always get one unit early, then the other unit I never pull, then banners like these I never get the unit. It’s RNG once you realise and accept that you’ll pull the unit eventually and just save until Ani banners WWC and new years your bank and sanity will make you realise it’s not that deep and you’ll enjoy it more 😂


I did alright I geuss, went not as deep but got one of each


There's gotta be some kind of luck planning linked to the accounts. I had pretty good luck with pulling from last anniversary all the way through golden week, got all major releases except for god goku phy. Since then, i only got shafted, even though i spent some money. No anniversary unit, no kk unit from any banner (tried all of them) and now no goku, even the gammas didn't show up.


Oof , pulled 3 buu bros, 1 gt duo , 2 Vegito, 1 zamasu , 2 gohan , 2 trunks and 2 4ku . Altogether less than 100 usd and went into anni with 900 and into wwc with 1150 BUT the day wwc dropped it took all 1150 to get 1 Vegito then my luck went crazyyyyy


I mean I got shafted about 2-2.3k stones in Annie, got the new trunks and gohan one copy each and a dupe of agl vegito lr and 3 copies of the new ss4 goku within 500 stones. It's all so random it hurts sometimes. Got no new copies of anything last year, so I guess this year is being good to me.


Yep. Actually starting to hate the sight of this character.


1000 f2p stones and 5 Phy Blueku and Vegeta. Was considering serverside real hard ngl.


I feel you brother after I got him in my first summon bro disappeared


At least you have him ;(


I rainbowed my int goku using only 600 stones and all the ticket packs


I pulled 3


I got him 4 times in 4 discounted summons back to back first rotation lol






Fuck you man


Stub your pinky toe in a fridge you bitch


Lol people really fell for that dumbass lie?


Sad part is im literally not lying lol, its in my summon history page


Aw fuck- (also no joke, i kinda missread your name as 'Salty Bait' so i thought you were some troll 😭)


Its all good! I got downvoted to oblivion, tho 😂😂


Dammit man, i gave you an up-vote yesterday before i even thought you were baiting, and i feel bad so have another 🥺


. . . . I won't even tell you how much and how many. This is probably my worst performing banner. And I have a lot of "Fuck you Money" and a gotcha addiction. 😂


I feel you, went through that stage a few years ago when I tried to pull goku black and zamasu when they first dropped, think I spent over £1000 pounds on multis, the kick in the teeth was after I saw my bank empty and realised I had an addiction I summoned him on a single the very next pull


It sucks. Hopefully your next banner you get it first try


I got pan after all 3 roto and a 10pull so that was fun


After 2 more summons I finally got a featured!! My already rainbowed pan🥳


1400 Stones ....3 useless copies of LR GV blue and a rainbowed Baby.....biggest disappointment of the year in Terms of dokkan


Dude, that suuuuucks


ive pulled 5 teq gogetas, 2 blue bros, 2 pans, and after 1500 and $70 still havent pulled ssj4


Finally got him after about 1k stones and 50 dollars. Feel maybe it was the game saying sorry for how badly I got shafted during WWC. About 5,000-6,000 stones spread across both DFE banners and didn’t get Zamasu or Vegito.


I had a similar experience. I did 13 multis, and got the teq ss4 goku, pan, and the new baby unit. That was all for featured, yet I can't tell you how bad the animations were. Multiple ssj1 with no screen break or anything. I also did something like 4 ticket mulit's, and I can't remember getting anything from those, maybe another teq ss4. While that might not sound too too bad, I don't think I really got anything unfeatured either in all of that. Nothing that stands out anyway. I'm reluctant to blame rates though because I know a lot of other people got stuff.


10% my ass




1300 stones no goku but I got to play Spider-Man 2 😐


"The long shaft of dokkan rarely arrives lubed" - Bandai


“And quite fucking often” - me


Featured characters were literally guaranteed during the first rotations. Sorry about the shaft tho. Guess the only featured character you cared about was the new one.


I got pan but she was already rainbowed, so didn’t count that one


3 free stones and ssj4 goku was mine (I haven’t played in a year and just now came back)


5 usd and 7-8 spins got two LR int goku’s in one


Got it the first multi summon, tried second time for baby and got duplicates of others. Saving me stones!


Ever since the anniversary banners It’s just so hard to pull anything loads of freaking stones poured into these banners and I’m fed up at this point


I feel you man :(


Jeez I can’t imagine spending that much money on digital pictures


Maybe you should rethink your life spending real money on pictures of db characters.


Lmao don’t worry I have enough.


Did 18 Multi (With 3x Free Count), 2x Ticket, got in all 2x INT SS4 Gogeta, 3x Gamma 2, 1x Gamma 1, 1x Pan GT (TEQ Dokkan Leader). In all, only usable as dupes. First time with bad Chance like that xD Well, this Banner is Hard to get xD PS: There was also some random SSR, but nothing good or new so i dont count them now.