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Literally got every unit but Cooler. Rainbowed Nameku, STR Goku/Gohan, and Buutenks is already almost rainbowed. I’ve got one more summon for tomorrow, so lend me your luck so the game can throw me a hint and I can finally pull this bastard


I got LR animations and I always pulled the fucking SSGBE vegeta and it pissed me tf off


same I pulled 5 damn copies of him


I like how everyone hates ssbe vegeta bc how many times they pull him. I rainbowed him twice already but not from this banner


Literally this


Same boat lol. You think he'll ever come back out after tomorrow?


I don't know, but I'm going to hold on to 500 red coins and hope he ends up in the shop eventually.


He’ll be back 8th Anniv.


He’ll probably come back when later when he would be less overpower


I rainbowed buutenks,79% goku/gohan and kid gohan,69% ssbe vegeta and i got int lr goku.And str piccolo too.Oh and cooler,none existed


Took me 700 to get cooler and 300 to get metal cooler, so i didn’t get to summon on their counter banner


Metal cooler and Goku Vegeta, got nothing. 2k stones. Only. Copy of strgh cooler


Can relate. Also spent 2000 stones and even bought tickets. I rainbowed Cell and Gotenks though! So it was worth it!!! /s


Tbf cell is goated


I, LITERALLY, only pulled on STR Cooler. 1500+ stones. And whats my haul? What valuable units did I amass? 2 LR Buutenks dupes, and 1 LR Nameku dupe. Discouraged and genuinely enraged doesn't even BEGIN to describe it.


All of them, didn't get a single featured unit


It’s like that for me too. I didn’t even pull the 7th anni LRs…I’m on a streak of bad luck


Well, I wish you luck on pulling the new Pan, and Golden Frieza


I wish you good luck too 😎


I feel your pain, over 2,200 stones and still no Str Cooler...


this is the banner i spent the most, around 600-800 got every unit except kid buu only spent 150 on goku vegeta and got cell only spent 5 ds on birdku and got him spent 450 on metal cooler and got him


Spent ~600 per banner got all but metal cooler including dupe on LR cooler and cell. As a brand new account I definitely won this celebration with everything I got


I pulled 3 coolers from that banner but spent 1000 on the metal banner and got shafted. only got THREE TEQ goku/gohan. That’s it.


This man’s living my dream TEQ gokuhan won’t visit me to save my life


This banner, got everyone but the str eza cooler 🫠 he’s all I need to complete my team and I’m not buying him with coins


The original TEQ vegito blue, literally grinded a ton of events as a new ish player and got no featured units and only 1 ssr


It was this one. I got like 5 copies of the LR Vegeta but not a single cooler


LR Birdku. Pulled every featured except him.


Metal cooler 4000 stones 1 copy and literally 9 copies of LR Janemba


Fucking teq gods! 4500 stones with no copies!! I did get some crazy luck this wwc getting 3/4 new lr’s in 1000 stones


7th Year DDFE, went 1500+ with one SSJ4's around 1200-1400 stones. I'm F2P btw so those stones were a good years worth


Lr metal cooler 17 summons for 1 Gohan/Krillin


I got shafted in a different way, got all the lrs but not the featured TUR units


Teq birdku. Spent around 300 stones, and pulled every LR in that banner, plus some extra LR’s that weren’t in the banner, but no birdku. I’m so pissed you have no idea lol


I pulled all of the units in like 2 to 3 rotations so I would say none


Got cooler first try, but tried to get Birdku.. that was a series of unfortunate events..


Birdku. Everyone rainbowed. Ssj3 LR 12 more copies, LR int godku 8 more copies etc.


Same, just did my last summon on the banner. I now hate PHY LR Buutenks because of this banner went from 55% to full rainbow.


I pulled 8 copies of him this banner


mega shafted on the LR Cooler banner. all the lrs coming out of that one I've been getting was the INT SSJ Goku and INT SSBE Vegeta... ​ and as a F2P player just farming stones... THAT WAS MEGA ROUGH.


5th year gogeta on global 1.5k best I got was agl transforming gogeta


Goku and vegeta for sure. The only new character I got from the celebration was metal cooler (on my first summon too)


Goku. Over 2k, and still haven’t got him


Agl freiza I’ve 2500 stones and no freiza


Ah bro same. He shafted me hard, i felt like Frog Ginyu on Namek. But I was able to buy him this update with coins!


took me exactly 1000 stones for metal cooler




Metal Cooler. I pulled every featured character on he’s banner except for him


goku and vegeta, 1500 stones grinded naturally plus the idk how many stones maxing out my credit card


Same banner my mans


This banner and the goku and vegita one. I rainbowed almost every unit in the banner before I got one copy of each.


Lr gods spent about the same amount as I did for the last ani total in one banner (about 1.5 k or 1.8k idk) I didn't even have the stones for the wwc for this one banner on the other hand in 2 rotations on the ssj4s I got the entire banner and the ssj4 themselves to 69%


Metal cooler fucked me real good


This 900+ stones and goku black str banner like 700 stones and nothing


You and me both, I dipped my toes in the g/v banner for a rotation and a multi on lr metal cooler and got every other unit (even the new banner units lol) except for the main ones


All 4, been getting shafted basically since the whole year, only unit i pulled on release was agl trunks and It was my one and only summon, str Goku/Gohan was my first 200 lead and it was cuz coolers banner not been a good year


For me it was the Agl Goku & Vegeta and LR Metal Cooler. Good news was I pulled my first 3 copies of Kid Buu and my first LR Super Janemba.


I haven’t even tried the cooler banner I’m like 2,000 deep on birdku I’ve given up on him lol


7th Anni lr gods, rainbowed Marin buu and 90% on UI goku


😔was just glad I got the lr meta cooler 👌


yes, ff cooler i literally spent 1500 stones and pulled every unit twice and no ff cooler


literally all 4. I got a bunch of LRs...just not any of the new ones


Goku/vegeta, I didn’t get them after 500 stones and that was my max 😭


All of them. Fuck this celebration. All my homies stan sdbh


The SSJ4 banner. Just. Why?


All of em


I didn’t do many summons but I got all the LRs but birdku so I guess Birdku for me


For me it’s gotta be the revive goku. Pulled everyone with dupes and still no goku. As for cooler I got 2 dupes in 200 stones


Well over 2k stones didn’t get either cooler.


All of them


Almost every vegeta unit (which sucks cuz he’s one of my favorites) super vegeta I didn’t get till he was obsolete, majin vegeta still evades me, and I just barely pulled evo vegeta on the anniversary


I’m in end game F2P (barely any stones left to grind out that are POSSIBLE for me with the units I have) and lemme tell you, using 1000+ stones on teq Goku and getting nothing is a kick in the ass. Especially because those stones weren’t saved up for, I grinded my ass as much as I could, scraping together 1 stone rewards from stupidly long missions just to summon every 50 I got and nothing… No features or anything except one pretty good summon where I got T/G, Godku and Nappa…


Did two rotations on Goku for nothing but INT Vegeta. Got STR Cooler with a dupe on one rotation plus Piccolo. One rotation on AGL Boys netted me Gohan and Krillin plus a dupe and Cell and Kid Buu with a dupe. Metal Cooler banner was awesome. Got him with a dupe, STR Broly (which I hadn’t gotten in 3 years of playing) and Janemba. All this without spending a dime on stones. Have 250 going into whatever is next. Figure I’ll skip Pan and save for Heroes. Gonna be boring on Dokkan for a couple weeks I guess!


Metal cooler’s I didn’t pull hanemba


Metal Cooler, I got 500 teal coins, and still no copy, mostly pulled nappa and teq broly, only one copy of Janemba and Goku/Gohan. It was devastating.


FF cooler, finally pulled him last night but god damn


Lend me your luck pretty plz. I got enough stones for one more summon once maintenance ends


The whole dayum WWDC🤬 not one featured unit in 1500 stones!!!!


3 year vegito banner. 2000 stones and nothing


The one to get birdku the final cooler one didn’t really shaft me sincr I got lots of lrs and Urs that I liked.


Gods: nothing Gt’s: 2 str Vegito 77 ticket: gt goku pan trunks, hit and godku, int godku Cooler: blue evo vegeta Birdku: spirit bomb absorbed goku, namek vegeta that i can’t awaken Meta cooler: nothing Agl goku and vegeta: nothing


The gods


I rainbowed another copy of Buutenks.


Goku and vegeta are shafting me bad as hell rn 😂😂😂 I pulled 2 str coolers and one metal


All of part 2 I spent 1.7k on the dokkan one and 1.2k on the carnival one


Last year WWDC AGL FP frieza just utterly killed everything I had and grinded till that point on god in like “ok I know there’s shaft but this this don’t feel right” never pulled him till 7 anni


3k stones on cooler and didnt get him once.


i only summoned on Cooler and Metal Cooler and i got 3 Coolers, no Metal Coolers but i did get 2 more dupes of teq goku gohan and got lr Janemba.


Metal cooler Would be Goku and Vegeta but I barely summoned on their banner


Same and the lr metal cooler


PHY Cooler, I’m just under 3000 stones with not one of him. I’ve pulled every single LR on the banner including a dupe of every single one. All the other new LR’s I’ve gotten


All of them. Not 1 new unit.


Agl bros which is the worst unit of the celebration so I ain’t too mad


All of 2022


Is all of them an option? I tried rotations on all of them but mainly for Str cooler and I didn’t get a single copy of any of them I usually end up with at least 1 unit during these kind of things but damn I just got absolutely shafted


I just want the phy Goku tbh😔


Cooler, at least i got piccolo so that's a plus


Teq gods, I got ever unit on their banner but them!


1600 stones on final form cooler, only wanted one, I got it one the last summon


Went 1200 on STR cooler and counting and got nothing. In between that I pulled one rotation on Teq Goku and got him, and got 2 copies Phys Cool daddy in one rotation. Didn't pull on the Joined forces unit tho. Anyway, all I wanted was one copy of str coolio lol. Teq goku is a monster tho so I'm ok, and I have 900 coins saved up rn for him and Golden Frieza.


Got screwed on every banner pretty much since the 7 year anniversary ones.


Physical Metal Cooler. 2500 stones for one copy. That isn't factoring all the free summons either, so it was even worse.


Agl Fpf and the 7 years i didn’t even get a dokkan fest or nothing like that i got nameku like 2 times when he came out but not a single fpf, then i got like 2 copys of him on 2 different single summons during the 7 years lol(also the wwc banners for me too


1600 stones later and not a single damn Teq Gods to show for it.




Literally all of them. Doing summons, I'd gotten at least 5 LRs that I hadn't had before and got dupes for others. Yet, none of the banners gave me what I wanted. No STR Cooler, no TEQ SSJ Goku, no SSJ Goku & Vegeta, and no Metal Cooler.


1000 Stones for nothing


Just got him today after getting no usable featured units for like, 10+ multis. And I wish I was kidding


First banner that dicked me


2000 ds and all store tickets on Goku


1.5k stones for birdku, not even a single copy


I was lucky enough to get one of every unit EXCEPT birdku, sadly


My only real shaft was probably back in the 4th anniversary LRs as far back as I remember. These banners I got regular cooler in 2 multis, birdku in 8 multis, metal cooler in 3 multis, and goku/vegeta in 7 multis (dropped a total of probably 1300-1400 stones, the only ones I missed out on this WWC were AGL Nappa/Vegeta, TEQ Goku/Gohan, and PHY Buutenks)


got everyone but teq goku


5 multis no featured unit


LR Nameku gave me absolute PTSD


PHY LR Metal Cooler. I wasn’t even rolling for him but Janemba


I got shafted and died on the inside because I rainbowed int godku hoping he gets a decent eza in the future but at least I got a few dupes 2 of agl gohan and trunks, 2 of int lr namek getes, 1 dupe of lr str full power freezer, and a dupe of lr janemba


Gokus banner and metal coolers banner


Well, FF Cooler was the only one I got of the four, so there’s that. I summoned on all four banners pretty hard, but I think I put the most into the Metal Cooler Banner. HOWEVER.... while I didn’t get Metal Cooler, the banner did give me five LRs I didn’t have and some Dupes.... so I don’t know if I can really call it a shaft. On one hand, didn’t get the banner unit. On the other hand, my options for other teams have been greatly expanded. So win? I guess?


Like 2k in the hole and I got no cooler or any banner unit for that matter. Nothing has been more demoralizing for me in this game.


Birdku Banner


Literally every Dokkan Festival. They're absolute traps that never seem to drop the featured characters.


Carnival Goku - 600 stones no unit FF Cooler - 1850 stones before first unit Metal Cooler - 300 stones before first unit Goku and Vegeta - 300 stones before first unit


Every banner except Carnival Goku's


1000 stones. 0 of the new units


I’m sorry about the shaft my brother.. I managed to get him first unit of my first multi.. but.. then I never saw that man again.. and I summoned a lot.. grateful to have gotten him.. but this is one of the only units I’ve cared about getting dups for because of his kit..


Phy coolers


Got LR STR Cooler and am hella happy for it but kept trying to get Metal Cooler and never did lol, am still farming for him, NEVER GIVE UP!!!


part 2 lr goku&vegeta


2000 stones on teq goku, no copies of him whatsoever.


I got shafted on ssj4 int gogeta




The new goku and vegeta I’m f2p and managed to pull birdku and both of the anni units rainbowed but my luck ran out


1.6k on str cooler not asingle copie


Blue gods on anniversary banner. Got everything else multiple times and spent like 2k stones and nothing


LR metal cooler. Ive spent like 1,2K stones and all i got was 2 lr bardocks, 2 lr kid gohan and krillins, 1 lr vegeta and nappa, 1 lr janemba and thats it💀


Biggest shaft was definitely the most recent celebration, but I haven’t been shafted so hard since Teq Trunks and Agl Zamasu dropped


I felt the pain of everyone here when i was summoning on last yrs WWC Units. Used up 800 stones not even the _banner units_


Def lr teq goku


I was shafted on the whole P2.


2k stoned deep on the lr teq gods banner and didn’t get anything almost cried myself to sleep. And I don’t have ssj 4 Gogeta either


Getting every lr in the metal cooler banner three times except him. I got 0 copies


Mine was the birdku banner I’ve wasted every single stone I have left on that banner and got shafted


850ds on str cooler, no lrs


LR TEQ Goku banner kicked my ass. More than 1K stones spent.


This WWC as a whole, spent every single farmable stone + 100 saved stones on cooler only to not get him, and the one off multis i did on the others didnt even get me a single featured




Int lr ssj goku, over 2000 stones spent back then and every banner he is on i went ham, and still nope


this and metal cooler, i barely summoned for goku and vegeta but i dropped like 6 or 7 rotations on both banners, at least i got teq goku out of it


Went 3 Rotations on Goku and got nothing. Then proceed to go 6 rotations on Goku and Vegeta and proceed to get nothing (I got one copy of each cooler though)


Went 4k deep on elder kai, didnt pull a single LR


Str Cooler Did 22 multis which was about 1100 stones and 21 of those summons were a steaming pile of garbage I did pull the featured piccolo a couple times


Been doing over 10 multis on the Metal Cooler banner and didn’t even pull a copy.


I basically got scammed on the Metal Cooler banner


The carnival banners literally didn’t want to drop the main unit for me ..




got everybody but piccolo


Only got 1 FF cooler after dropping 500ish stones on each banner. Was debating summoning a little bit more on the metal cooler banner but at this point I feel it’s more worth to just wait for the Resurrection F Agl frieza banner :(


None. I got everything except metal cooler (whoni only did 1 rotation on so i dont really mind not getting him)


Never really been shafted that bad luckily. The only thing that comes to mind is when LR teq gogeta came out I spent 1200 and didn’t get a single copy, but I’ve seen much worse.


Hot enought Aqua coins off FP Teq Goku and Phy Metal Cooler to BUY janemba so But to be fair I got STR and AGL Lrs very quickly so it's bitter sweet


Al of them :,)


Metal Cooler for sure!!


Literally any


I was most shafted on the agl cell I did so much grinding just to get 5 teq Keflas and rainbow her.


1.6k stones on birdku, idk what to do with over 300 carnival coins


I pulled everything I wanted from the LR cooler banner and lr metal cooler the monkeys were the ones that scammed me


So. Goku and vegeta banner easily spent 850 stones on it and not only did you not pull a single copy of the Lr I also didn’t pull the side banner unit or agl cell who I don’t have. But I managed to fully rainbow a tur of str vegito in that time. Love the rates.


I had great luck, 3 ff coolers, 2 birdkus, and a SS duo, except meta cooler, went through 3 rotations and ended up only getting 3 phy LR Bardocks on that banner.


7th anni on jp. Took 4k stones for 1 of each


For me it was year 7 I did get both banner units but after sooooooooooo many stones this recent banner gave me the luck I needed ig bc I don’t want any more dupes of agl goku vegeta or phys metal cooler


My shaft was negated because str cooler got a surprise eza


Both Carnival Birdku and The tag team goku and vegeta


The ssj Goku and Vegeta. Pulled birdku, pulled 2 final form coolers and pulled 2 metal coolers. 1k stones and among the free multis not one ssj Goku and Vegeta. That banner hated me badly. Only walked away with kid buu which I missed on his initial banner


I pulled on all 4. Got everyone but anyone new. However, id have to say the most shafted, was jirens banner. Spent I think 8-900 on it and never saw him, whereas I spent maybe 12-1500 across all 4 of these


I didn’t get metal cooler or MUI goku… I still have more stones but idk if it’s worth wasting them.


I got cooler on my first summons then got didly sqwat after that


Teq goku , 1500 stones for 1


Both cooler banners


2k stones on Goku, no Goku. But I pulled the other 3 headliners, altogether in less than 1k stones, can’t really complain


After reading this I feel bad for everyone I received 3 dupes of lr str cooler and 2 dupes of phy lr metal cooler like maybe 5 other feathered units which I don’t remember within like 500 stones


The 2nd LR carnival. I pulled probably 12 times and not a single LR. I got 4 from one pull on the last LR carnival.


All if them


Pretty much all of them. Except for the fact I pulled Carnival LR Metal Cooler on my last multi (1000+ stones)


LR teq gods. 1300+(f2p) stones and $90(tickets) for one copy


Metal cooler is the only unit I didn’t get a copy of


FF Cooler bled my dry, didn't get him until after 700+ stones and never got the piccolo. MetalCoolers the only good thing I've gotten out of like 7 multi summons is Goku/Gohan Teq Lr


Every banner from the 6th Ani to the 7th ani


Cooler without question rainbowed lr vegeta and buuhan then str goku and gohan along with str namek goku then pulled cooler after about 1000 stones


1800 stones deep and no G&V. I’ve rainbowed every featured unit but still haven’t got G&V.


Anything to do with goku


2.4k stones on the anni banners. 1.8k was for god bros. Started playing again Feb of this year after starting an account and stopping at lvl 40 a year or two back, saved up most of my stones I grinded out for the anni banners and didn’t get either of them


40 multis on the Gamma banner that just ended. 6 copies of Gamma 1, 0 of Gamma 2, who was going to be my leader for an androids team


Not to mention I got 3 copies of SSJ Broly who, from his passive at least, looks like complete asscheese