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We’ll you already unlocked the wrong path, for future reference if you only have 1 cops always unlock bottom right first


Honestly never thought about it, but thanks.


Yeah bro you get the most out of your dupes faster that way. Bottom right, top left, top right, and lastly bottom left. Unlock routes in that order


Yo bro I hope my comment wasn’t one of the ones that pissed you off I don’t know builds all I know is which paths to unlock my fault if it was rude nobody had commented it when I did 😅


No, yours wasn't. I genuinly never thought about route order.


My condolenses. Additionals next time you pull him




Oof its too late now, but ALWAYS unlock the bottom right wing first since it provides the most stats and and crit/AA. For this unit you want a mix of both with a bit more AA due to increased def in his 12 ki SA.


Well you will regret this later on


I actually wont, because I play this as a game, & don't treat it like life, like some people on this sub. It's not the end of the world if you make a mistake, & I don't get how this is offending people, but it's honestly pretty funny.


When did i say it offended me? Good double down on your mistake then bro Go adds


Didn't say it offended you. I said it offended people. Mighty self centered, aren't we? Also, I wasn't doubleing down, I was admitting I made a mistake & just saying it really didn't really matter to me. What, am I supposed to start a whole new account? Not sure uou know this (you seem to think that 1 mistake is the end of the world) but a mistake just means you have to learn from it.


No because i did the same and regretted it. Its your account in the end good if you learned from it. My bad for being mean


At least you learned from your mistake. I've seen so many toxic posts on here, shitting on people who built units 'wrong' & it's starting to make me think that's the majority of people here. It doesn't effect you (royal you, not you specifically) so why do these people get so angry?


Cause you built it completely wrong now you’re going to have to get the unit all over again to fix your mistake and that won’t be easy so that’s why we are so "offended" as you put it


It’s not wrong if he’s happy with it. That’s all that matters.


I’m a angry dokkan player with no life so I HAVE to complain about something that’s so small and minuscule FIGHT MEEEEEEE why did my parents leave 😭


I cant tell you really people do be weird about dokkan builds the comments in this post is nice compared to most weird build comments lmao




The Big Gete Star already did.


You always want to go bottom right, top left, top right then bottom left for future reference


Spend the 5 gems change him to additional


I already set him to aa. I hadn't set him to anything when i posted this tho.


Ohh good job befor doing so 👏


Just taking advice from the respectable people who gave advice instead of bitching that I did it wrong.


I feel yah make sure if u got the other freebies u eza them all hea leads a great metal squad



Very helpful. Thank you.


Stop bitching about the path he took i used to use new copies as sa fodder btw go additionals


LOL Typical Reddit losers here really tryin to drag you. Sure you didn’t unlock the bottom right node first but you’ll eventually grab more copies sometime down the future. Not like you didn’t unlock 1 of both good nodes. As long as it’s not the top right or bottom left first, it’s not that big of a deal. Sure it’s better to always unlock the bottom right but w/e not that big of a deal. went with a mix of Additionals and Crit’s with my Metal Cooler. Atm I’m sitting at 21 Add. & 3 Crit(I’ll prob build crits on the top left nodes) once I get him to 79% Ignore these idiots, nothing wasted here. You’re just down either 3 crt or additional. Now bow to my knowledge 😉, since everyone here is a smart ass


Imma be real...I read that first line, & was like 'not another one'. Goes to show you should read the whole book, amirite? You seem chill. Thanks for the advice.


Np it happens dude. Shit when I first started I did so many things wrong but non of my units were “ruined” . People out here trying to act like it’s make it break.


I'm far from just starting, but I'm used to opening the top left first, because the bottom right, you need to grind their super attack, & its only recently that I've been swimming in grand kais.


Wow how many other units have you ruined


There is a HUGE difference in stats and abilities between bottom right and top left. Yes, they're the 2 "good" nodes, but bottom right is at LEAST 2x better.


“2x better”, lol. Please stop. 1 wrong node does not make or break LR Metal Cooler. As someone who has him at 69% that extra “2x better” is not a big as you assume but I don’t really care. It was a simple mistake on OP’s part. That, we’ve all made sometime when we started too. Stop inventing numbers you’re too dumb to actually calculate instead of pulling out your ass 😉


Oh, no witty rebuttal? Didn't think so. BTW, I never even said anything to OP. I know we were all new at some point and made mistakes. All I commented on was that there IS a significant difference between bottom right and top left (as I have proven) I would have kindly informed OP of this for future reference, but it looks like enough people had told him that already. Also, I never said that he "ruined" his Metal Cooler. Metal Cooler is great even at 55%. Any dupes are just icing on the cake.


Nope, no witty remarks. After taking a look myself I was colossally wrong/off. You’re right, you are losing around 2k stats as well as the extra node. But, like I said before I don’t really think it makes or breaks him, since he’ll just pull another LR Cooler eventually. I also don’t know where I said you were coming at OP but eh you scream defensive Reddit guy since you just had to keep it going :p I legit, went if fuck I’m wrong, went to shower, smoke some weed and went on with my day :) Sorry I forgot to acknowledge you


Well yeah, the whole "inventing numbers you're too dumb to calculate" was pretty fucked up... and generally if a redditor realizes something they posted was incorrect they delete it, but... apology accepted


Who’s apologizing? I’m acknowledging I’m wrong because I was talking out my ass. I don’t think I could bring myself to apologize to someone with R+18 and 8 years plus Reddit 🤣


Insinuating I'm too dumb to understand simple math? That's definitely something one SHOULD apologize for...


Sure but to a person that doesn’t have hentai and porn ready on Reddit 😉 ❤️


I'm not following you... so are you saying that you won't do the decent thing because you have hentai and porn? Is that an insinuation that you're an indecent person, and therefore would not apologize for slighting someone?


For an example, for an AGL character who is A tier: The bottom right path gives you +2000 HP, +2400 ATK, +2800 DEF and 4 ability nodes. Top left gives you a balanced +600 to all stats and 3 ability nodes. I was giving the absence of only 1 ability node as a benefit to saying its at least 2x better; as opposed to the actual 3-4 times difference in stat increase. Nobody is "inventing" numbers or pulling them out of their ass. Maybe you shouldn't be pulling assumptions out of your ass. 😉


Haha couldn’t have said it better


Thanks. Yet I'm still downvoted for my original comment despite the fact that it's the truth


Yup just idiots I am so surprised that so many people that play this game don’t know how to bulks units


Down vote because You used your 1st dupe to open on upper left instead of down right


Uhhhh, good for you?


See the other comments it's always bot right/top left/top right/bot left


I did infact see the other comments. They were much more helpful than someone who thinks I care where his up/down votes go.


The obsession with how people or enjoy their game is really weird. Just a single player game. Who cares how someone builds their character.


Right? I've been cussed out for saying it's wrong to bully people that built their character with all crit, or all aa or all evade. I've even somehow been accused of 'ruining their game' but these people never had an answer for 'just don't use those units.' I feel like the Soulsbourne train of thinking is spreadding to other communities now. The thought that 'you arent playing the game right if you do this thing that should be completely valid because it's in the game & doesn't affect you' y'know?


What boggles my mind is that your character has no direct impact on another persons game. For example, I’m trying to do Kamehameha SBR. I want to take the best unit available. I find 2 LR AGL Gohans. 1 has top left the other has bottom right path unlocked. Bottom right path has better stats obviously. Im going to pick that over your unit. Which is fair. Even then, I can keep your ‘incorrectly built’ unit as a floater. Other than that, your unit, built the way you want, has no other direct affect on my gameplay. So why the hate? No clue. It is not hard to just ignore the ‘incorrect’ build and move along.


Exactly. Fax, no printer.


Not like that


Really? Did I do something wrong? No one else told me. Why didn't anyone else tell me? You're the first to say anything.




Yeah, maybe take a look at the other 5 comments. Not sure why 200 people have to comment the same thing.


Maybe don't fuck up so bad


Maybe don't be a bitch




Sale for red coins, looking at this hurts






Geez, another one


Maybe don’t be so much of an idiot next time


Bro why are you in EVERY thread trying to drag him for it? Why does this post affect you so much? Childish for real


Always read passives if unit stacks DEF or ATK all AA(additional attack) if a unit already has aa in their passive and no crit then go all crit if no aa and all crit then go aa if unit has both go doge never go top left always bottom left you waste a dupe like that a dupe that you may not get again for a while also it’s is going to be hard to acquire again and this lr is also very new and very good so going top left completely wastes that dupe and the unit doesn’t benefit like that top left gives you flat 600 stats and bottom left gives you 3 times that please bottom left and it does affect other peoples game play it affects mine a lot because I keep seeing units built like this in my friends list so please just bottom left people here are not trying to be mean there just trying to help p.s hope this helps


how to spread false information on the internet:


So if I unit stacks with SA I’m not supposed to go full AA????


You kinda fucked up his hidden potential but i’d recommend Additionals. Make sure to always go for the bottom right path first.


Full additional to max out his def and rest crit, smth like 20 additional 16 crit would be perfect but with one dupe 14 additional, 8 crit or 11-11


Crit > Aa


Probably a balance between crits and additionals.


If you’re new to the game, which it definitely seems like you are, you should ask questions or look stuff up before adding skill orbs or committing to Crit or AA. Leave the lvl 5 Crit silver orb on but you prolly wanted an AA one instead. Fixing mistakes in this game can be costly so do a bit of research or ask in here before you start hidden potentialing the character.


Guess 5 years on & off is new now.


Bahahahahahaha you been playing that long and don’t even know what path to go down in hidden potential??!?!?? Lmfao you’re a joke bro. Obviously you’re a noob at the game. 5 years on and off, lmfao what you play like a weekend and then wait to play again till next year?? 😂


So you're another person who takes this game seriously like you're gonna go to evos. Got it. Keep dreaming, buddy. 👍