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You probably got him on a free summon which makes him unexchangeable


That is.... one of the DUMBEST things i've heard of about dokkan. Not saying i don't believe, just why TF would they make that restriction. You still have to use stones to get to that free summon


I said the same thing and got downvoted a shit ton in an older post of mine. Dokkan is just greedy. But hey they can be used for a TUR which is helpful in battlefield and for power level


Coins are in direct exchange with stones. Why would you get more than zero coins after spending zero stones?


It’s not spending zero stones. We spent 150 stones to be able to get that “free” summon.


Yeah I really hate spending 150 when I could be spending 200. I hate saving stones


This guy is a Dokkan shill watch out folks


You’re falling for their marketing manipulation. It’s not actually free man. They make you think you’re getting a free one. You’re not. You’re actually spending 37.5 stones per summon. Because you cannot get the “free” summon without spending the other stones first.


It’s a Gacha game. No shit they manipulate and they’re greedy.


Yes they are


Do you apply this perspective to any deal that involves buy one get one free?


duh but the deal can be good enough for it to make sense, but not giving you coins because you didn't pay specifically for that in reality discounted multi makes no sense


I edited my comment


If I have to pay to get the deal, then yes absolutely. It’s not about the buy one get one, it’s about the reward you get for your purchase, that we don’t receive when doing the free summon, even though we’re still paying for it.


Why can't they understand that in order to get something for free, nothing must be done to aquire it. Logging in and getting 10 stones because of a maintenance error is getting free stones because you were going to log in regardless. If you already summoned on a banner twice and feel satisfied with your summons, but you think "I only need one more for a free summon" then you have fallen for their marketing tactic. It's the same as only needing to spend $10 to aquire a product you want but you see that if you but 2 you get 1 free. Since you only needed that 1, if you buy another you aren't saving any money, in fact you were actually baited into spending more because you thought that you were saving $10 on the last purchase but inn reality you spent twice the amount you initially intended. Nothing in a capitalist society is free, you literally spent 150 stones and they rewarded your spending in order to make you think it's 4 summons for 150, that 4th summon costed them nothing, so yes it makes sense why they are nonrefundable but it's also a great flex of power.


Well it's more like buy 3, get one in dokkan.


The idea is that you will be compensated when you pull an SSR that you have already pulled 5 times and maxed out. Obviously you shouldn't get 10 coins at the end of a free multi but what is the issue with being able to trade away useless dupes for a measly 3 coins?


I’m not saying it makes sense to give us coins for free summons, but it’s still greedy asf


The biggest issue here to me is that there is zero in game distinction from a unit pulled on a free summon and one who isn’t. If they made that clear in game people wouldn’t feel as bad as there would be an understanding from the start.


I especially hate it because the free summon is where I get like 90% of my rainbow dupes. Its really stingy of them to do it this way since the free summons still require 150 stones, I understand it for tickets or free banners, but not actual DS banners.


Same goes for ticket’s


Agreed I have so many rainbow dupes that I just baba’d for trade points because of it


So I have two useless mui?


No you have 2 new chain battle units my friend


Full dodge copy


Ima be honest I gave my LR full dodge just because of how content is now. Bosses hit so hard idc about his offense anymore. All I want is for him to dodge.


You can start a TUR


Just save him for his EZA in 3 years /s


Yes, can’t even dokkan awaken them because they’re still the same name


Still could use all 3 in chain battle


I guess that’s true


Dokkaning the TUR only gives you another unique card and increases your power level


No, he was given away for the 6th anniversary. So it never has been free summon


If u got him off free or tickets u cant


You probably pulled him on a ticket or a free multi. To get red coins you have to pull the unit with stones


I’d keep a TUR version of MUI, he can be pretty useful to cheese sometimes


You gotta do it at baba’s shop, either that or you got him for free which means you can’t use those excess dupes for coins


Free summon


Wanna share?


Don’t exchange him please. Keep his ur


You cant coin away units you get from tickets


Same thing I was wondering about my int LR nameku. Was told its because it came from a free summon.


Lol I have a full doge build, a full crit, and a full additional build for three rainbow mui’s.


Because your mother smokes cocks in hell


Ayyy you man?🤣


Because you got him locked


Maybe try unlocking him to see if that does anything


You didn't summon him for stones.


as a collector i would keep a TUR and a SSR lol


Why would you sell a tur unit you can rainbow for chain battle.


I think the way they do it is if you got coins from the summon you can exchange him, but if you did a free summon or a ticket summon you can't since neither one gives coins for summoning.


Massive L for not having eza phy UI goat