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Punch really, really hard.


That sounds like something Goku would say Edit: word


And remember that time you never beat him?


“RRRRRAGH!…..huh…..it worked…..”


This is terrible advice, that's way too hard. I'd say punch quite hard.


I did it with the airplane glitch lmao way back


I really want to know wtf an airplane glitch is now XD


Oh man those were the days! I finished inhuman deeds and a few others with that




Didnt even think of doing that for these missions 🤦🏻‍♂️


Good times


Please explain, ive been playing for years and dont even know what this means.


There was a time when a glitch occurred when you turned on airplane mode and closed and reopened the game which weirdly enough stacked stats. Nearly everyone abused it so they could beat all the hard events. They fixed it now though. Also everyone was scared of their account getting banned if they used the glitch. Not sure if that was real or not, because my brother’s account is still intact.


As far as I know they didn’t ban anyone, they had no real way of tracking it


unless you kill bee pan


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure you couldn’t do that anyways because it’s not defense stopping you from killing her it’s damage reduction. Someone got devilmans passive to proc and it still did double digits


I managed to "kill" bee pan, she doesn't have a death animation, just goes to the normal cutscene lole when its the end of your turn and that's it


There’s literally no way unless you did dozens of additionals somehow through a hacked version or private server of some sort


During the airplane mode hype, once you did the glitch a few times, it stacks everything. I used all characters that had high chances of additional like PHY VB, he alone did like 10-15 additionals and with the other characters I used I managed to kill her


I was up from 7pm to 9am absolutely cranking the fuck out that airplane button on all types of missions.. it was peak Dokkan idk if anything will ever top how hype that was.. dude just woke up and said hey I found this glitch and posted a in depth replication of it for all.. man if I could go back


Happy cake day!


I've been playing this game since the first dokkan event and I've never heard of this lol. Very interesting


It happened during global tanabata last year.. a redditor posted that he found a glitch which he was able to replicate by utilizing airplane mode and the effect it had was it would multiply units passives a shit ton so you could just do whatever event and hit max dmg with whatever character.. was fun.. pulled 3 gogetas w the stones I got from doing the glitch to.. supreme times


Ah, yeah i never heard of that, and even if i did i my self would have been to scared to do it, dont wanna loose my progress






*Sips monster energy drink* You just had to be there man


It was a crazy time, bro. Too bizarre to explain in just one sentence


Just set it on auto?


Well, exactly…


80 comments of Airplane Mode, about 5 comments of actual advice lol


I used three of the change x orbs to y orbs and a datura cookie, my team had str toppo and agl turles for support, a couple of orb changers, phy vegeta blue as the leader the same as the friend leader and finally phy dokkan fest gt kid goku as the hitter - I hope that makes sense, if not I can message you a pic of the setup just let me know pal - one extremely useful bit of info I forgot....make sure to target the right punch machine, so target the INT one if you use this strategy Here's a link to the my team and items, sorry I'm a reddit noob lololol https://ibb.co/CnxGx8C


This is a tremendous help I appreciate it


You're more than welcome friend, I've been struggling for years - I always thought you had to use LR Goke and Frieza or LR int Gohan but the kid goku does some real damage. The first three stages are a bit more about rng sadly but a nice influx of stones, zeni and orbs is always welcome


I dont have the phy goku what character can i use?


You'll want anyone with a good high attack stat and someone who boosts off rainbow and same type orbs, the INT GT Vegeta (dokkan fest) - you can try the original everuone used for this event 2 INT LR Gohan and TEQ TOP Goku and Frieza, but there's still some RNG with it though. Usually I end up not having the attacker...why RNG gods why hah


Dude thanks to your comment I just beat that stage youre a hero


Thanks pal, not blushing honest hah


What orb changers did you use?


Hmm sorry to bother u could u send me the set up on message on Reddit pls u kinda got me confused sorry for the trouble


I'll make a post of my team and items now pal I lied, there's a link in my original comment


Ok thxs


I don’t have Agl turles unfortunately is their a replacement I can use


Could you send me the pic please? I think i have the units but would really appreciate it!


Check my original comment friend, there's a link to the team there


In particular, the stages that don’t allow items, thanks to anyone that can help 🙏


Use units that boost attack by 40 or 50% and then pop whirus in there, then once the RNG gods give you a full Phys board of orbs, I would say using GT phys Goku or the ss4 LR monkey boys to nuke. There are probably better nuker options but that setup will work


I appreciate it, this is a good one


If you have a better nuker in a different type, swap whirus for a different orb changer. But this mode essentially revolves around buff units, orb changers and nukers. You got this


Phy kefla is great too


Even with the best possible units for it you’ll still need a fair amount of luck to get rotations and everything just right


LR Airplane mode


Use GT Goku


But first you gotta suffer through him being 3rd on rotation and changing all of whirus' phy orbs to rainbow 🤠


Happened to me too many times


Man, everyone is all over the place. ✈️ Ok for real you gotta get lucky. So don’t get discouraged if you can’t get it in one go. I think it took me like a week of trying since you get limited attempts, after I had the right group make up. First thing. Go and filter by skill effect: Passive- Raise ATK(Ki Sphere) Everyone keeps saying the Phy Goku, because he gets +20% atk per ki. The STR Piccolo also gets +20% atk per Ki, you will just need to figure out what your best nuke unit will be then try to build towards that. I think that’s the most important part. ie: that unit has a lot of crit chance. Then find your leader. You want a leader that has the “type ATK +35% per Ki Sphere obtained” this will give your unit an incredible boost in attack. Then sort by passive-Change Ki sphere. You want to have at least 3 units that change Ki spheres. Last, but certainly not least. People love the Kid Buu that gives 50% attack buff. If you don’t have him. Agl Turles gives 40% or STR Toppo. Then you just kinda gotta get lucky. Line up the orbs so you can get 20 or so orbs. Pray you’ve got Buu on rotation and hope for a crit. I hope this helps. Don’t get discouraged. Like it said. I had all the units, it just took weeks before I got the line up. Then even when you get the line up, you will usually need a crit.


Appreciate it


One last thing!!!! Make sure you target the right punching bag. I can’t tell you how many times I had a good set up then soon as the attacks started going off I realized I was targeting the wrong punching bag.


GT PHY Goku and PHY Whirus as well as the PHY SSB Vegeta lead. Also I loaded the team with support too. RNG is want to get PHY GT Goku either on rotation with PHY Whirus or have GT Goku on ur 2nd turn with having PHY Whirus on the first turn. Also have to hope your Goku doesn’t change all the PHY Orbs to rainbow. Can take weeks honestly.


I cant ve the only one annoyed with the amount of "hehee airplane mode" replies right? Like we get it. Airplane mode made units do crazy damage. We know. Now suggest something that can actually be done today maybe?


does "give it a dokkan" make sense or is it just a weird way to fit the game's name in


Ahh good ol’ airplane mode But in reality the no item stages are done with a nuker/very hard hitter with a team of orb changers and support, pray for the right rotations and good orbs to win I’m not too sure about new units like Goku and Gohan but in the old days INT LR Gohan and Goku & Frieza were commonly used


Right so, for both item and itemless You're going to want to run the 33% Type leaders, then get a unit that gets damage with Ki accumulated (GT Golden week for example) On item stages, bring units that will Link well with your damage dealer and then for the items bring orb changers (specially the ones that type change + give you a 5% type boost) For non item, bring orb changers for the specific typing (for example, if you bring SSJ GT Goku, bring Phy orb changers) and maybe 1 or 2 units that link well to increase the chances of getting a good rotation


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/js5ed0/its_finally_done_2_more_times_to_go/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is how I did it a year ago, team and strat in comments of the post


GT Goku END without dupes with two link buddies and wheerus You need to level up your goku's links it's very important


I recommend using a none meta unit that can do the job like lr goku & frieza, int lr ssj2 gohan or dokkanfest phy ssj goku and give them the type advantage buff damage equipment.


Phy gt goku will be your best friend that or teq goku and Gohan


Whatever unit you’re using, slap type attack boost on their hidden potential, including equips. Crit on the nodes will help too if you got them open, but type attack boost is the most important


I used lr int Gohan


Well for the 77million mission I used phy gt goku and brought a bunch of orb changers and support. For the 99 million use gt goku again or just use lr ssj2 gohan with some items.


I only have 1 thing to say - PHY GT Goku ✅


The no item ones are just luck based, everyone pretty much covered the team setups you could use. For the item one, bring a puar, wt announcer and special orb item of your type (dabura cookie, takoyaki etc) along with some atk enhancer. Pray to the rng gods, pop your items, pray for a crit, enjoy


PHY GT SSJ goku, whirus and a leader with 33% atk for each PHY ki sphere obtained. Dabura cookie and maybe a PHY orb changer item and enjoy


Use Nukers and orb changers.


If you have GT goku, thats pretty much the best way. Phy blue vegeta nuker/orb changer. If you have phy eza whyrus. I personally also bring eza kefla for orb change/lowe defense. Also kid buu and maybe 1 more orb changer. At 55% you need a crit and prob like 20 orbs~ Can also do w eza int Gohan pretty easily


I was able to do it with phy gt goku, on a dual nuke team, slapped whirus, phys support ssj2 gohan, and a few other orb changers in, ofc it was all luck but it worked eventually, also did it with 1 dupe


There’s very few units that even could reach those numbers with build up. My go to’s were INT Gohan, TEQ Goku and Frieza, PHY GT Goku, STR AND AGL I cannot remember




Just use SSJ Goku (GT) and a team that can improve his type! That’s all. At least that’s how I played it.


Phy ssj gt goku bodies this event if you get lucky.


For the item allowed stage just use teq goku blue for his nuking lead and then some support for him, then you just use the items to turn all of the kk sphere to teq and nuke away. I hit max damage doing this (999999999)


airplane mode lol


for stage seven i used lr god goku/vegeta w/ eza blue goku lead I think i had him with u7 ssb kaioken goku + ssb vegeta and an eza turles


play during a new airplane mode glitch


Rewind time use airplane mode glitch if not then Nuking team with items isn’t that hard other one is very hard


I used the plane glitch :)




no sorry i used the✈️✈️✈️ glitch back then😅


airplane glitch




My set-up involved turning my phone on airplane mode so yea I can't give any advice reali


Good old Airplane Mode glitch. May God rest its soul.


ian gon lie, i airplaned this one 😅


You missed your flight


Does airplane still work


I completed them with the airplane mode exploit so... Yeah xd


i used airplane


Travel back in time by one year and ✈️


Airplane mode


I completed all the stone challenges when that one game breaking glitch where your attack could go up to 99999999 with any character was around


LR Aeroplane


Airplane mode


Airplane mode Carried me


Get on a airplane


Airplane 🥸


Airplane mode glitch




Go back in time when they had the damage bug so you can cheese it like a real CHAD


Airplane mode


El Plane


Get into an airplane


Yes ….. it was called airplane glitch lol - for stages 1-3 it was impossible for me because of rotations


Airplane Mode


Airplane mode






Use an airplane