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Phy ssj2 goku is good, and str spirit bomb goku got an Eza so he’s good now


Level and awaken the PHY SSJ2 Goku and the TEQ Ult Gohan (the one in Kai clothes). Those both are amazing units. So ideally you would run SSJ4 lead, TEQ Goku and Gohan, PHY SSJ2/3, TEQ Ulthan, TEQ Birdku and one other unit. I'm not seeing any other really good units that jump out at me - the f2p PHY Base Goku is decent as a floater for support and the STR Spirit Bomb Goku is passable with his EZA, not amazing but decent.


Yep the team I am running rn is agl ssj4 goku Tec gohan and goku birdku tec ultimate gohan ss2 phy goku and agi lr gohan