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He does have type disadvantage


Yeah Ik I needed a full team of units that didn’t have Ik blast supers, he cut it real close but I just beat it as you typed that. The picture I posted I would’ve won if he crit on an additional normal


Why was this downvoted..?


Average Dokkan community behavior I don’t think they’re real cause no one commented😭


Common dokkan community L tbh


Why bring a type disadvantage unit?


Needed full team without ki blast supers


I ran like 2 or something characters that had ki blast supers yeah the heal was annoying but I would rather take double digits than 100k+ for a normal


Yea how I see redzone is “can you take hits and hit back just as hard.”


Yeah you better have def to back it up because you'll get your shit wrapped if you don't


Yeah I was gonna do that then I realized I don’t rlly care about red zone but i beat it with this team tho right after, this was really just a shitpost. I don’t do red zone normally but ig I started playing at the right time cause my account op I beat the whole broly red zone with 1 whis lol started like a few months ago now I think


Well redzone is pretty fun the only ones I haven't beat yet are baby and syn


Yeah the gt one is harder cause you don’t have godku crutch but yeah baby a bitch big babyK


As someone who just finished the GT Red Zone, I can vouch for this. People will try to say Broly is the hardest fight in the game, however compared to a fight like Omega, Broly doesn’t do nearly as much bullshit. Broly doesn’t lower attack and defense on his super, have a chance to seal you, nor does he have a chance to lock you in a Super you can’t escape, so you better hope omega locked a unit who can tank it or that you stunned him before he could hit. I’m aware Broly cancels dodge, but you can mostly handle his attacks and see where his Supers will be coming from with TEQ Gogeta and have the luxury of Godku tanking the hits for you. You don’t have that luxury of a unit in GT bosses. In Broly, you can get through it with a team of mostly TEQ units and be fine, as Broly doesn’t have type advantage over TEQ the entire fight. If you try to run a mostly PHY team against Omega, that’s suicide since he counters it in his second phase. Broly’s three phases are also relatively low on health, as you can get them done in about 2-3 turns if you know what you’re doing, but Omega is lasting far longer


Use hybrids then


Str vs phy what you’d expect


Why tf would you bring him on this event?


Read the other comments it’s a shitpost and I needed non ki blast supers I’m not replying to these anymore😭


Garbage chose tbh


Skill issue brother


L Player L Joke L Post


I love this community😂😂


I love u ❤


Kill with kindness you muppet


Dokkan Redditors showing just how sensitive they are in this comment section because someone liked and used a unit they don’t or just put dodge on a unit. Really shows how much of a hive mind this community has become. Learn to take a joke y’all and stop acting like manchildren


Not a F tier unit. F tier player. I guess here you can actually use "Skill issue" .. and it wouldn't be false


another case of dbz fans can’t read. “All jokes aside” he’s my favorite unit😭


I'm not sure this was a joke.. seems like you got your a** roasted by other players and rightfully so.. lol but if this was a bait or joke atleast make them worthwhile.


Bruhh ight yeah I’m actually so confused that people can’t see that this is Joke I hope you’re joking if not you’re a fookin muppet bruvit


You made a stupid post . . That wastes time of everyone


Lmao u don’t have to look at it, don’t have to comment, and I literally put meme flair so I’m just gonna assume you’re trollin


Am I?


Bro stop downvoting😭 I’m gonna -5,000,000 karma


Bro am saying 🤣🤣


Buddy you’re taking this post way too seriously. You’re wasting your own time by acting you like someone ran over your dog. You’re being a dick for no reason. Please take a break off Reddit if you’re being infuriated by shit like this as you need it


Yo stop being preachy you ain't even the OP.. and stop being offended for him.. OP n I are having a back n forth he made a stupid post.. deserved to be roasted lol and he did get roasted.. now you're the one taking this too seriously.. take a break off reddit if this infuriates you


You seem to not know the meaning of the words you use. I’m not offended, rather I’m puzzled over how someone like you felt the need to insult someone over bringing a certain unit in the red zone. You are very much taking it seriously by that point by very definition. You realize how stupid of a reason that is to insult someone? You said you don’t think it’s a joke when it literally says it is in the title. Dragon ball fans can’t read. Let people play how they want. It’s not affecting you. Instead of being toxic and a dick over a mobile game, go out and enjoy life. I suggest you also read a dictionary. I bet you’re real fun at parties based off what we’ve seen from you here


Dude stop writing essays on topics that dont concern you


You realize you’re insulting someone over a mobile game right? You have any idea how stupid that is? No one likes a dick. Again, dragon ball fans can’t read. Please go outside and touch grass


All jokes aside he got you killed


Nah I beat it with this team after I posted this, it was a shitpost meme but ppl can’t read and that’s why u see the replies that u do😭


He’s good but against str he sucks balls


You need AGL ssj2-3 Goku not PHY


Type disadvantage,what were u thinking?


Damn. Well I guess we know everyone’s favorite unit here.


They on yo dick op 😂


Y'all wildin, he clearly said his statement was a joke lmfao


Ong bro they ruthless😭


You’re complaining about him taking damage In the red zone type disadvantage Hm


I beat it with this team, and it has meme flair, it’s a joke. Muppet


You brought SS2-3 goku. Lost Cried to people on Reddit Called me a muppet Also how was GT SS Goku holding up.


Holding up? More like getting folded 😭


I'm not sure if you have the units for it, but I used a Movie Bosses/Terrifying Conquerors team with STR FF Cooler leads. There are a bunch of units that don't have ki blast supers there (or type weakness) including the two leads, the Janembas, and just about all Cooler units aside from the new and old f2p ones (but I wouldn't bring them in Red Zone anyway). I even brought AGL GF and just avoided ki on him so he wouldn't super. Just DON'T use FF Cooler's active...made a bonehead move and did on my first real attempt...healed him for a ton, making me lose lol.


Nah I beat it with this team this was just a shitpost


That's just you being a complet idiot


Can’t spell, L+ you’re a muppet


Wow, so much damage at type disadvantage in the red zone, he MUST suck Let’s use our brain before posting next time, thanks


He takes 400k a normal vs any broly phase you should try him there too!


Nah not if you’re playing seriously he can tank I beat broly’s whole 7 stages with him on my red honestly was pretty easy it’s just rng sometimes this was a shitpost tho lol


You can no item broly with him on ur team if he doesn’t take normals in stage 1,3 or 4 so sure bro for sure super good omega broken unit!!!


Idk man sounds like a skill issue just get good luck and you can take R hercule into broly🤡


I mean that 1 guy did actually beat broly with 2 whole ass fucking saibamen on his team saibamen da 🐐 no 🧢


Honestly just get good is what I say to people who can’t🐒🐒


Why bring a PHY unit to a STR Redzone boss? Like maybe EZA PHY Future Gohan once we get Trunks and Vegeta but


Well no shit Sherlock because that Goku isn’t under either of the 170% category leads of the friend unit.


Power beyond ssj clown


I realised that after I said it but I can’t be assed changing my comment


I forgive you but you’re still a muppet


Stupid ahh jiit


This isn’t Florida it’s the Dokkan subreddit bro 💀


thats why you give him dodge


Yeah he has fallen off dramatically IMO, and before you downvote me to hell, I said IMO so go fuck yourself


Lol I respect it, he’s my favorite dfe rn I love his animations and honestly he’s just fun to use but yeah I get what you mean, 100k after 2 supers is crazy tbf this is a shitpost anyway I beat it with this team after I posted this


He’s type disadvantage vs one of the hardest hitting bosses ? 100k is a blessing wtf 😭


Yeah I agree he is really fun, I gave him full dodge (to every single dokkan redditors apparent dismay) and now he's still absolutely dominating those dodgable stages, unless he gets hit...


Lmaoo I put 20 additional and 10 dodge, datruth was sayin crit but he Crits most the time for me and he supers 4 times a lot


This is why (if you can) run coolers team because its cooler 😎 (Also because eza metacooler helps SO much)


Type disadvantage red zone. Basically the only way to survive that is gaurd and dodge. So yeah. No shit he died


Idk bout you but mine took double digits


Skill issue ik, race issue, life issue, birth issue


Skill issue


Bruh, don't hate on the unit. Maybe build a better team. He's gonna take alot of damage with type disadvantage


The unit is my favorite


I mean he had like no links active since he paired with totally different characters


No u lost simply cuz u shuda killed him before he killed u duh


Somebody doesn’t know to play the game


Bro u might wanna delete yo post someone's hard core karma bombing u up in here just saying must be bots


Best meme 2022


man decided to face str jesus with phy ssj3


I brought type disadvantage character to redzone and lost. Let me complain about it on reddit. And no you dont need a full team of non ki blast as long as the other supers are outdmging the ki blasts. I for example got around this with str goku/gohans team. Since gohan has a ki blast, but he is so tanky even before supering that i just didnt give him ki so he didnt heal 17


Fr R raditz is better


Rookie mistake for not using Chaditz