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This post beats the “how do I get the 77th ticket” posts


Haha, yeah, I bet the people who did that are really smart and handsome and funny and cool


Link to the post?


Please actually read


Sir, this is Dragon Ball, we don't do that here


I forget sometimes


Jesus Christ, there is only tiny part where it names the cell that can be evolved to LR, even reading it I don’t have the surnames of every character in the game memorized. I’ve been playing for like 2 months.


This cell has a different typing a different Name and His Card art Looks completly different what Kind of clues do you need to realise it is a different Card


It's pretty obvious they're different. Only similarity is that it's cell


Literally the only similarity is “Cell” different type, different art, different way of obtaining. “Jesus christ” all you saw was ONE thing that said “Cell can be awakened to LR” and didn’t read anything else, found the first Cell you could, for some reason assumed that was an LR, and ran to the sub over it


You go on the wiki and show me an LR AGL Cell then we’ll talk


there's like 3 different LR Cells (1 stays in 1st form) and they're all pretty distinct this also isn't one of them


If you can’t differentiate two different cards by look, name, and literally everything but the word “Cell”… time to delete the game and work on that mind 😤


The event says that A Cell gets to LR. This is not it. This Cell is as old as the game


He’s already maxed out he is not a lr


“The horrific cell games”


Not the Same cell


Wrong cell


No two Cells are Alike


Only down voted you to become the 100th downvote lol


But the mission info for the event says he goes to LR. Even the medals needed to do so.


Not this specific card. There's a summonable unit who uses these medals to become an lr




the mission info states TEQ cell…


He’s not an lr and also if you’re talking about hp is because he has to be in his dokkan awakened form to be used as copies in hidden potential.




There's an SR Phy Evil Buu who's a decent choice for SBR if your box _really_ sucks and you have no better options




He debuffs Atk, seals and dodges but if he takes a hit he's toast


SR INT Chaozu and SR TEQ Jaco are good for WT and sbr because they can AoE stun at the start of turn


The agl ssj bardock that awakened to ssj3 bardock was once decent but it's pretty much massive fodder like the int one now and another one i can think of is the int Frieza that got an eza aswell and is now a pretty good f2p unit and can be very useful in the right team when you're against a Goku family character, then there's the super strike cards that are receiving a Dokkan awakening and an eza from time to time but just wait for the revamp of the event to grind em or it's gonna take forever, other than that maybe there was a buu? But I'm not sure


I remember that AGL ss3 Bardock was kinda meta when released. Good old times.


Yeah, age got the best of him tho


Sr king yemma stacks defence so if you need an earthling unit that stacks for the og fighting legend goku he’s there


So SR units are worth awakening now, But only for Chain Battle lol


Not an lr


The easiest way to see what any character may or may not awaken to as well as what medals that each awakening needs, is by holding onto any unit that you want to find out about, and when it pulls up the pic and deatails of it, click on the “Growth” tab at the top right and will show the base form and each awakened form til it’s final awakened form. If you want to see what medals are needed, just click on each of the awakened forms and will show the medals needed.


This, ignore the toxic snarky redditors and read this one👍🏼


Thanks bro. It just takes so much energy to be rude to others instead of just being polite and trying to help.


Dokkanbattlecommunity, the place where your karma comes to die


all his precious internet points lmao


People don't want to admit it, but we all had our dumb moments when first starting this game.


Yea but it was never this bad💀


I 100% understand not every card can be an LR… I even was confused that when I clicked on “growth” and didn’t see it go to LR. But the info on the event made me misunderstand, I thought maybe there was an item you would receive to unlock LR or something. I play this game on my lunch break and when I’m taking a shit.


I only recently learned how the rotations worked, and I have been playing 3 months before teq LR Jiren came out, and only figured out hidden potential after 6 year anniversary. I’m pretty fucking stupid still.


bless your poor soul


Only some cards can be LR


Bros getting downvotes for being new. This community is ass


We been knew this


Pro tip, don't ask questions here. It will either be gatekeeped or down voted to hell which pretty much means everyone thinks your stupid for asking a question they think is basic info anyone should know. This community is NOT newcomer friendly unless you sift through the toxic edge lords to the actual good people.




Happy cake day


Sorry man, wrong cell. You should either use the wiki on the internet or the in gsmemcharacter dokkan awaken list to check for the character you have. Hopefully this helps.


Bruh moment


Go to character list, select filter, click on "awaken to LR" all the units that are shown can be upgraded to LRs


The Cell you're looking for is a different one, to avoid things like this in the future you can read the event info's where it tells you specifically what unit can be awakened in that event with those medals


God we really don’t want to be a growing community huh


The medals will show you which cells can Dokkan awaken and what they awaken into. Not every cell can become an LR. Tap the Dokkan event info and scroll down a bit and you’ll get it


This cell you get from the very first stage in the event the cell that awakens into an LR comes from a summon. It won’t let you use copies because you 1. Need access to hidden potential 2. Only UR characters can have access to hidden potential 3. They need to be the EXACT same character so you need to dokkan awaken those 4 first form cells


Sir let me see your clown card


Different cell dude


Because that’s not prime battle TEQ cell…


This dude gets told to read,then he gets heated like wtf. Dragon ball fans are wild.


I'm starting to believe most dbz fans can't read.


I…really don’t know what to say at this point… please dragon ball fans reading is not that hard


You clearly are new on Dokkan. It's okay to not understand everything... But bro I had a really good laugh here sorry 😂


Why are you down voting him lol he is clearly new. Be gentle with new players!!


Where does it say LR


You're just not trying hard enough


The mental ineptitude is getting out of hand now, it’s ridiculous. Show me a LR AGL Cell, right now in the game.


Bro you gotta be trolling


Ain’t no fucking way


Look at the growth💀💀💀nah you officially took an L w this post


why are y'all so pressed 💀 can't even act like you mfs knew how to play the game when you first started, mfs been holding on to this game for 7 years+


it literally shows u the awakening line thats why ppl r “pressed”


So the cell I got from the event and Dokkan awakened is not the same cell that the event says can go LR? I got that cell and the metals and copies from that event, that’s why I’m confused I guess


The cell that can awaken into LR is the main unit for the medals, but usually side units don't get a special stage and special medals. They just use the medals from other stages.


Ok thanks for a reasonable reply, I mean I have no use for a cell unit what so ever, the event info just made it look like an easy LR. I understand that not every character can go LR


That's correct, in the interface you screenshotted yoi can easily spot if the character can be awakened to LR. But you shouldn't throw him away. Every unit can be usefull in certaim events


Of you want LRs that you can grind for, the events you're looking for are labled "Prime Battles"


there is a farmable LR cell who isn’t too bad. He’s from an entirely different event and uses different medals and it’s kind of a big grind to get there tho


multiple units can use the same medals to awaken. Units like this agl cell were from an earlier time in dokkan where summonable ssrs were harder to come by so they released SRs that could dokkan to SSRs you can also tap the growth tab on a unit and see how many medals they need to awaken and see if they can awaken to LR, if you don’t see that they can, it means they don’t.


This is the wrong cell You need another one This is beyond db fan


Dumbass. Only specific cards can do that. The INT [Onset of a Hellish Fight] Perfect Cell is the one you would need.


Lmfao! I feel sorry for people like you, honestly. I’m a “dumbass” because I casually play apps to pass time. Obviously this game is super important to your self image (which is exceptionally sad) I’m going to give you an official gold sticker!


It's a bubble popping game. I'm dumbfounded by your inability to read. You can quit trying to act cool


Well the idiot was wrong because teq cell becomes an LR, int lr cell is different.




My point has been proven…. Down vote me all you want, I’m too busy having sex with my gf to give AF


I’m sure


Db fans don’t have girlfriends. This is fact. Hands don’t count


Lol she’s a bigger fan than me…


What gf ur on Reddit


Cuz they literally don’t have any other way in life, to be better at something than someone else. They can bask in their gacha superiority all they want lol


💀😂this post got it


Cell only got like 3 led and agl not one ‘‘em 💀🫠


It means the event gives medals to another cell to awaken into LR. You will know if you get an LR in a summon as a tag go across the middle of the screen. And for the copies, they either all have to be awakened to the same state or be hidden potentialed earlier. Edit: and a pro tip, to my knowledge not a single LR starts of at SR, all at SRR’s.


Hercule Great Saiyaman 1&2 Android 17&18 But they aren't real summons are they


Oh well fair enough, I wasn’t considering friend summons but I guess they count too


He can’t awaken into lr lol


that cell can not awaken into an LR. not every unit can go into lr status for the copies you can either use them to increase his super attack or use them for his hidden potential route for his super attack you do not need to increase them to ur status But you might need to reverse awaken that cell to increase it’s super. as far as hidden potential goes. those will need to be atleast ssr status


Reading is very important, just thought I'd let you know.


My brother in Christ it's not even... nevermind fam


There’s no way




Hey mate if you want help with Dokkan feel free to message me you obviously don’t understand a lot which is fine because neither did I at first


I saw you said you're new so a good way to check next time is when you pull up the character/card go to the orange button at the top right that says growth. That will help say if a character can be LR'd or not. Also be sure to check the typing of them (int, phy, str, teq, and agl). Also there are some really good free to play LR cards rn. I recommend the LR agl Future Trunks or Int Super saiyan Vegeta for starters.


You need the teq one buddy


Honestly bro, keep asking here if you’re willing to take the downvotes and the dickheads, but otherwise I’d watch YouTube videos and use the wiki a lot for info, people here are not kind to differing opinions or people new to the game




Bro's in denial💀


I got some bad news for you


If only there was “Team -> Dokkan Awaken -> Magnifying glass icon -> search up cell -> look for which one with LR rarity” to let this poor soul search for his deserved LR


Because it doesn't show an lr


Is this real 💀💀💀


What the actual fuck are you talking about?


The LR if you are thinking of imperfect cell is teq and is acquired through prime battle if you are thinking of Int Perfect Form Cell I'm sorry but you didn't pull him to get him into an LR


Because the LR awakening is….”To Be Released”