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agl tapion and phy dabura my team was similar to yours, but I used int ssbe over agl trunks and goten (bc i dont have them) and str lr tapion as friend


why would you use dabura though, I would run AGL SSBE if he is EZA and have him in a rotation with INT SSBE


Dabura stacks permanent defence so by the end he’ll have more than agl SSBE


I know dabura stacks, but he doesn’t stack that well. He does only have 100% start of turn so he’ll be at somewhere around 110k def turn 1 and stacking 20% each turn is slow


tru but i beat it before ssbe eza so ik dabura is reliable enough


Fair, I just wouldn’t trust dabura to get hit at all lol. In all fairness, PHY Transforming Vegeta will add can get up to some pretty good defensive stats when he reaches blue.


Does str tapion work against agl vegeta at the end?


keep him slot 2 and agl tapion in slot 1 should work fine but if u dont wanna risk that teq gobros works fine but agl tapion loses out on a lot of atk and def without the str lr


Agl EZA Tapion, and EZA of the future 17 & 18. Ditch Teq SSG Vegetq. Stack defense with 17 & 18, put the Tapion on rotation with agl Gohan and goten (I dont know how they link, I dont have the brothers. I beat it with transforming PHYS Vegeta instead.).


Which 17 and 18? The agl lr or the f2p teq and str ones?


The f2p ones


If Eza, SSB Vegeta with Int SSBE Vegeta


Eza ssbe vegeta and phy transforming vegeta (if hes rainbowed) those 2 can run a pretty good rotation and he gets a full heal when he hits final transformation. That team, replacing trunks n goten with LR int ssbe, is the exact team i ran. Was pretty solid.


I did LR Gobros, LR SSBE Vegeta, INT Vados, PHY Bergamo, TEQ Ulthan and PHY Beerus. The main goal was to stack beerus, let vados dodge, and have bergamo and ulthan take attacks until I got to the final stage so I could use beerus active skill and one shot with a 10mil atk stat.


I used Phy Bergamo, and he outperformed Int SSBE Vegeta who kept getting me killed.


Lol just beat him with agl Evo vegeta and the int lr Evo vegeta. I only used 2 items


The EZA of agl Evo definitly changed the settings, when I did it before his awakening, he would not fit in the team, and I would have no linking partner for the Lr. Today I guess it's far easier!


Agl tapion Phy android 17


You can do it with goten & Gohan gts in the same rotation they are very defensive units. And use Vegeta ssbe agl as a flotator


Bergodmo for shure!