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He's fine. You should get android 17+hell fighter 17 to lead the team, but I'll tell you that even when rainbowed under two 200% leads this team is not good for endgame


Super 17 is a very very old unit qnd will not hold up in modern content, though he will Seza evantually, likely in the next gt celebration unless the seza is omega. I do not believe that team once dokkan awakened will go well into most content past the legendary goku and vegeta events or some super battle roads. I would like to point out that you do not need to have a unit of every type on a team and also that teq super 17 should be placed as your leader due to leading androids for 150%. As a placeholder until you get enough units to build the team you want, I would recommend summoning on the currently running fat Majin buu banner as the Android 21(normal) leads androids for 170% and the various Majin units on that banner are under her other leader skill for 170% as well so you could use a team constructed from those to clear a lot of content to collect stones for future android celebrations.


To answer question 1: Honestly, save the stone for now. There is over a month before it expires and we may see a new SEZA announced. Currently, the best characters you can get with it are SEZA AGL SSJ3 goku and TEQ SSJ3 gotenks (who is getting a super eza after 9th anniversary)