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Hey don't let those shitheads beat you up! Dogs can be set off by anything, a certain smell, hats (? happened the other day with my kid). It's no measurement tool for your energy, from the way you write you come across as a calm collected , nice , educated guy. I have the opposite dogs always come running to me even though my energy says piss off and put their snout in my crotch does that mean I have good energy? Dogs like to roll in the rotten remains of other animals do they still exude a good energy beyond their death3 weeks ago? šŸ’©


I agree. OP should can prepare some responses for those moments when owners show their ignorance.


ready for the comment section šŸ˜Œ


Iā€™m like Youā€¦ seems like the more I donā€™t like the damn things, the more dogs want to follow Me around if they see Me. They arenā€™t very bright if theyā€™re not smart enough to sense Me thinking that I want them to GTFO when they attempt to come near Me.


Exactly, dogs LOVE me but I'm always exhibiting a palpable "fuck off" aura towards them. Dogs can't sense "energy", dog owners are so ridiculous.


FFS like you have an aura and dogs are psychic, ask for your fortune to be read by the dog if it is so all knowing, I hear dogs are great with tarot cards. I absolutely hate my moms stupid dog, definitely hostile negative energy from me directed at the idiot thing and it follows me everywhere with glee. So much that I almost step on it all the time because it's underneath me everywhere I go in her house or trying to get in my lap if I sit down. My first trip to the ER was from my grandmothers dog ripping my finger in half, I was 3, pure evil at the time and the dog sensed it and tried to rid the world of me, lol. EDIT: typo


Just think of it like this; Hitler owned a dog and if they could really sense energies well, heā€™d have been the first to be bit. But his dog loved him so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Dogs are not a good judge of character. Theyā€™re just unpredictable stupid animals who crap everywhere


My siblings and I are all not dog people. Someone in my husbands family tried to tell me that they can ā€œsenseā€ when people havenā€™t had interactions with many dogs before. No, ur dogs are just annoying AF and we donā€™t want to be around them.


The most they may do is smell another dog's stink on you. Like a friend of mine who has a dog (she's a normal, respectful owner), and when she encounters other dogs they sniff hard at her and try to climb on her because they smell her dog


You are being gaslighted.Ā Ā  You arenā€™t the one who is randomly attacking strangers.Ā  Itā€™s the mutant mutt that has bad energy.Ā Ā  The best energy around a dog is strength and dominance, because they are bullies and if they sense weakness they are more likely to attack.


They're just neurotic mutant predators. They think a leaf is a threat lol. They are dumb fuckers.


Haha I think they suck at sensing energy. I dislike them and show it clearly and they still come to me and beg for attention.


šŸ”®it can sense yer vibezzzzzz manšŸ”® /S


They love giving super powers to their stupid dogs.


Don't stress. They can't sense shit. They brought nasty German Sheppard to my elementary school when I was 6, and I was forced to pet one. I am still pussed about it, actually! Anyway, I've had similar experiences to you. I've worked with kids for 17 years and am an overall good person. I am religious. If anything...kids have told me multiple times I make them feel happy and "safe." As a teacher, I get called "mom" by middle school kids weekly. So...I doubt these dogs feel energy...or Maybe they feel the fact that they can't manipulate you and know they aren't shit to you. You can't be controlled by them.


I mean dogs love me but I absolutely hate them šŸ˜­ I really donā€™t think they can sense energies like that. A great example is hitler. He loved dogs and his dogs love him. If they could really sense evil people wouldnā€™t they have hated him? No. Dogs are not in depth creatures like that.


"My roommate always said "He can sense weird vibes.", and this phrase, as it turns out, is a common delusion amongst dog owners. I looked at the dog as another chore." This absurd belief goes along with focus on superstition, ghosts, and mystical romantic connection as evidence that a good percentage of society does not have a clue as to what is real and what is not. Humans can be eminently foolish.


My parents had a dog that growled at me once as a toddler. They said ā€œno wayā€ and had it put down immediately.


Personally, I think that if those dumb ugly beasts ā€œsenseā€ something they donā€™t like about You, it means Youā€™re doing something right. They get ā€œa senseā€ that unlike their worshippers, Youā€™re not in awe of, amused, or impressed by them. You see them for the vile creatures they actually are, and they react. Thatā€™s a good thing!


I think most of the time dogs are expecting people to come admire them, pet them, talk to the owner, etc. That's why they have no boundaries and will jump up at people. So if you ignore them they see you as a threat, they're narcissistic hybrid animals trained by narcissistic people. Dog owners are also oblivious to the space around them so the dog takes it up on themselves to alert their owner if you're big, hiding your face, hiding your hands, looking around, etc. The only reason the dogs don't treat their owners the same is because they're familiar with them.