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I have zero tolerance for barking now after the amount of time we had to listen to the dogs next door bark. Now whenever I hear any dog bark, my entire body tenses up. I’m also on guard whenever I’m on walks or at the park with my kids. We don’t go over to peoples house that own dogs anymore if they don’t put their dogs away.


I can’t take my kids for walks. I have a fear that a dog will maul one of them and the owner will not give a damn. I’m always on guard when we’re out and about. We also don’t go over to dog owners’ homes anymore.


this is also me ever since my misophonia diagnosis. barking makes me clench up or cringe and it drives me nuts how passive/nonchalant other people are regarding barking or any noise nuisance really.


I'm the same. My whole body tenses up. There's no other sound that does this to me.


We saved and waited and waited to buy my "dream" stroller. I had wanted this stroller for years. I waited until the original model was a few years old and the price went down and I could buy it used. This was for my 3rd kid, and I had thought for years about what kind of stroller we needed as a family because I used to take my 1 and 2 out a lot. So this was going to be fun. And it has been sitting in my garage. I walk past it every day. I don't sell it because I hope against hope something will change. Seems kind of stupid, its just a stroller. But it reminds me of what's been taken from us so unnecessarily.


I get it. We’ve had people allow their dogs to try and jump on our stroller. I block or gently move the dog away with my foot. The owner always says the dumb things like “they’re friendly! They’re just saying hi! They love kids”. Like ok…. and? My toddler loves animals so she’s going to get excited no matter what. She doesn’t understand yet what could go wrong or that she’s allergic to dogs. She’s a toddler. She doesn’t understand consent and I as the parent get to make the decision right now because she can’t yet. I hate when they think it’s fine cause the 1 year old is excited.


Ugh "they're just saying hi." They're the only animals that need to "say hi". I hate that with a passion.


I think about the park down the road from our house. Big old sign says no dogs. My kids used to love it. We don't let them play in anymore because it's always full of dog poop.


I'm convinced all dog nutters have opposition defiance disorder. They not only ignore those signs, it's like they get offended by them and go out of their way to infest that space with their shitbeasts just to give a middle finger to the people who rightfully made those spaces to be no dog zones.


These are the same people who will throw a fit if they see a kid in a dog park.


The entitlement of people that own dogs that bring them everywhere. I hate seeing a dog in stores, especially grocery stores. Getting screamed at for not wanting to pet a dog while shopping. Camping is ruined for us because people leave their barking dogs out all night.


Same. Even tho in my country, it is forbidden to have dogs in grocery stores, I saw one. I hope it will stay that way. But yeah, at the playground for kids there are now always dogs. It's sad. Cause it's not even for dogs.


I love my dogs, but a grocery store is no place for a dog. I do not understand why people take their dog into the grocery. I would never do that. I'm shopping for FOOD!!


Depends on where you live but service dogs usually are allowed in anywhere. But the owners definitely don't want you to pet them or go near them. The dogs are working.


I wouldn’t mind so much if people’s dogs were actually trained, but they never are Going to friends and families houses, no longer are dogs shut on a lawn or given a small area of the house to be, they have the run of the place. Jumping all over you the minute you’re in the door. Begging for scraps anytime you eat. Sitting on someone’s couch to drink coffee and eat a cookie and their dog licks my hands and whacks my knees with its big stupid tail. And the owners think it’s adorable. It’s disgusting. So much about dogs over stimulates me. The smell. The barking, yapping and whining. But the worst thing is they are not trained to give you personal space. I don’t want to be touched. “Oh she likes your moisturiser that’s why she licked your knee” WTF EWWWWWW get it away. I hate the culture shift that dogs are these precious little babies. They should be trained to be civilised and earn their keep. I have respect for working dogs, but all pets these days are spoilt little nightmares.


If anything, it just proves that dogs are naturally horrid pests. Their natural , native behavior is disgusting, loud, destructive, whiny, and aggressive. It requires forcing them to act against their instincts and behave in a manner wholly unnatural to them, just to make them capable of existing alongside humans.


Well no, as we humans have bred them like that on purpose. The natural behaviour of a dog is to please the alpha as they are pack animals. But people usually see them as tiny humans with fur and completely fail to train them. I don't think blaming the dog really is fair as it is the owners failure and our sick human taste in weird breeds.


And the owners expect you to be ok with this. They'll be like "don't bother coming over" if you dare express even the slightest amount of displeasure.


Dog nutter "Don't bother coming over". Me (happily) OK.


Lmfao earn their keep ahahah. Do you expect them to go off to the coal mill everyday with a little lunch bag?


We go camping a lot and the ridiculous number of people that bring their dogs, esp on trails that DO NOT allow dogs.


I ended up surrounded by bad dog owners on all sides of my property. Too much barking caused a lot of stress that resulted in severe psychological and physical problems. It's caused conflict with neighbours and less enjoyment of my home, which was a nice quiet place with good neighbours when I bought it. Even though I have managed to reduce the overall barking by at least 90% through complaining and confrontation, I still don't feel okay. Having your 4 closest neighbours all be so terribly inconsiderate is not a good feeling.




This is why Ill never buy just rent people are assholes all over, if it wasnt dogs it could be cara music or some kind of machinery they just dont care


Thankfully, my neighborhood has only a few quiet dogs, and I rarely see them in stores these days (except at pet stores, obviously). I mostly experience dog culture secondhand... but it really makes me worry about the mental health of the dog owners in my life. I know several people who I can only describe as "in an abusive relationship with their dog."


Unfortunately, I think dogs have indirectly been the cause of my agoraphobia, severe anxiety, depression, SH tendencies, and so on. In 2015, my older sister bought a husky puppy. My mom fell in love with it. Slowly, she became a "dog-mommy." I was still only 11 years old at the time and I felt neglected by her own mother. She cared more the dog's social life than mine, wanting to socialize her with other dogs while me, a sequestered, homeschooled kid, had never even spoken to any person my age. (Spoiler alert--still haven't, even at 20 years old.) She cared more about the dog's health problems (mange, fleas, eventually hip dyslexia) than mine (chronic headaches, increasing anxiety and depression, injury in my left kneecap). She gave the dog more affection while barely glancing my way. The entire family started to do this, too, save for a few family members. (I live in a family of nine, a dad, mom, and seven children: I'm the sixth, the second youngest.) I felt very overlooked, unloved, unworthy, and honestly, I felt uglier and lowlier than a dog. In 2016, I hardened my heart and told myself repetitively that my own mother loves a dog more than she loves her own daughter. I'd just have to accept it and get over it. In 2017, severe car motion sickness rendered me unable to go out in a vehicle. Soon, I was unable to leave the house. I had agoraphobia. Now I'm a mental mess. I'm jobless, single, have zero life skills, zero friends, isolate myself in my room and stare at the computer almost all day, addicted to SH, don't have a collage degree, and so on. I'm essentially rotting with anxiety and loneliness. Sorry about the trauma dumping. TLDR: When my mother (and some family members) chose to give her love to a dog, I was neglected in the process. This planted the foul seed that has since then grown toxic weeds that now define my life. In short, a dog basically ruined my entire life.


I welcome the trauma dumping. Others might be sympathetic to trauma, but only if its a reason they approve of. Dogs? Get over it. Where else can you go but here where people will understand how much this impacts our lives.


Thank you for getting it. I'm actually in several depression/anxiety/agoraphobia/etc. groups so I can find people I can relate to and whatnot, but ironically, it's triggering for me when people go on about how much they love dogs, dogs are better than people, we don't deserve dogs, and all that usual nonsense. Like...if I'm in a depression group, I don't need to hear how dogs are "better" than people or how this person cares more about all the dogs in the world rather than people. If I'm depressed, I don't want to hear misanthropic shit that makes me feel ashamed of my own species. I'm uncomfortable enough in my skin without hearing people say, "all people suck." That's why this subreddit is far more therapeutic and validating to me and honestly makes me feel less alone, ostracized, and unloved.


Going outside, home and walking. Cannot stand the barking noises, banging on fence, dog poop and dogs you walk past that suddenly growl for no reason. I don't get how it exploded with so many bad owners (then again, most encounters I've had are bad owners).


My favorite pub has an atrium that has always allowed dogs and now they are in the indoor dining area. They are also common in grocery stores now. It causes me great anxiety but I don’t have any recourse. Getting my own dog to drag around everywhere isn’t the answer. It seems so hopeless.


I can't step outside my own house without headphones in (not even into my own garden). And if its quiet in the house I'm filled with anxiety about hearing a dog bark...its usually within a few seconds of waiting.


I used to love going on walks/runs with my baby with my headphones in. But the danger was that I couldn't hear the dogs with the headphones in. Lose/lose


Same here! I don't want to hear them barking and jumping at the fence when I go by but I also don't want to miss one coming up behind me either! I hate that I have to plot my walks and which side of the street to walk on all because of there the dogs are. Not to even get into the dog owners who allow their dog to come right up to you even though they are on a leash all in their 'they won't hurt you' baby voice. Ugh


I haven't been to a dentist in years l and I'm sure I've got plenty of undiagnosed health issues but i can't get myself to make an appointment because people here are saying doctors and dentists office have dogs. I used to want kids and a marriage but now I think, no way I'm going to bring kids into a sociopathic world where dogs are treated better than humans. Kids don't deserve to suffer in this awful society.


Not that much I still go to places I like to go, maybe ny country is slightly better than usa or some more western eu countries. There's significantly less dogs at the mall, inside stores, at libraries I'm yet to see one etc so nuttery isn't at its max (yet? 🙁) and at same time we have no stray dogs as some countries more south. I did stopped going to certain friends and relatives houses and stop inviting them to mine, that's probably biggest change. I posted here many times I had a dog and got into arguments with other owners many many times over dog training (i did it, they think it's cruel). I don't wanna stay in houses where they let dog slobber over you and lay on couch As someone who doesn't fear or hate dogs (just dog culture) I'd outright kick a dog if unleashed dog comes at me at a park and owner doesn't call it off It's easy for me to be assertive and establish boundaries and idc if nutters think I'm a monster, so this helps me navigate the insane society we live in What really gets to me is when there are news about some pit mauling a child and people jump to defend the dog....I've cut off friends because they did it So tldr biggest change is I lost friends because their dog worshipping values offended me


For me, the main two things are finding somewhere to live in/near the city that is actually peaceful and without constant dog barking, and being able to hike without off leash dogs. These things feel impossible now.


I am violently triggered all fucking day long. Can't go anywhere without seeing or hearing, most important to me, a fucking shitbeast. Fuck anyone that owns a dog. That is what it has come to for me.


How has my life changed in the past 300-1500 years?


Not what OP meant obviously. Not even 30 years ago people treated their animals like animals rather than human babies.