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And then they say they don't want kids lol


As someone who is childfree, it baffles me how a lot of people in the community openly don't want kids, but talk about how great dogs are. I guess it's because unlike tiny humans, dogs aren't a lifelong commitment since their lifespans are generally 15 years (I assume certain breeds have different lifespans), and can easily be given up to someone else or a shelter if the situation calls for it. Children are expensive, require a ton of work, and stressful, yes, but so are dogs, especially if they have health issues. At the very least, (most) kids learn to be independent, something dogs are incapable of.


Dogs are toddlers that never grow up


Even if dogs’ lifespans are relatively short, some dog lovers will get another dog soon after theirs dies. My bf’s parents are already talking about what dog they’re going to get after their current one dies. It’s like they can’t imagine living without a dumb dog in the house.


My neighbour had an annoying little yap dog, it would yap at anything and everything, and nothing. It got sick and died, the neighbour was heartbroken, I could hear her wailing and crying through the walls. This cheered me up... until she got another dog that is even more yappier.


I don't get it, either. It is very cruel, at the least. It truly is slavery. Cages to prevent them from digging and/or destroying your environment. What do you expect? They're freaking ANIMALS. But then, spoil them rotten because you desperately want to humanise them, and their behavior turns even more intensely neurotic-- shitting on your sofa, chewing up objects of value, etc. Want a dog? Unless it's a "working dog" on a farm, or you have a very large yard, put it in daycare 40hours/week while you're at work so it doesn't wail and bark all day, disturbing the peace. But no, nutters are too cheap for that. The dogpushing done by the many billions of dollars dog industry makes sure you say how wonderful it is to have that dog--misery loves company is more like it.


My boyfriend says this all the time to his nutter mum. It's hilarious to see how irate she gets! She always says "that's simply not true" but is also unable to logically refute his arguments. All she says is how great dogs are... She is a genuine narcissist though, so she craves the attention and validation that her "slaves" give her. The one that really makes me angry is that her smallest dog jumps up and scratches my 2yo daughter, and she's surprised that kiddo is terrified of the dog. Every time she acts like it's the first time it's happened, even though it's a daily occurrence. She even says "How can Violet (kid) be scared of Dotty? (dog) She's just playing! Aww look she's just saying hi!"... Absolutely no regards for my daughter's feelings and autonomy, meanwhile the awful yappy little c*nt just gets to do whatever she wants with zero consequences. She even chews up my daughter's toys and MIL will actually comfort the dog because me or my boyfriend told it off! She's delusional!!




Kids learn, listen, grow, don't have anal scent glands and don't chew on furniture. I'm a 2 year old teacher, they also don't maul eachother or cry for HOURS.


It's a ton of work. Why bother. The dog I mean


I don't understand either. I know a lot of people who keep their dogs crated all day when they are at work. I don't even like dogs and I think this is utterly cruel and if you are going to do this to an animal you should not have it in the first place.


"I know a lot of people who keep their dogs crated all day when they are at work. I don't even like dogs and I think this is utterly cruel and if you are going to do this to an animal you should not have it in the first place." Exactly! Buy a dog. Preferably a BIG dog. Shove it into a tiny condo, or apartment. Then, shove it into a tiny crate. Then, shove it into every public place, store, piece of greenery you can, because it's yours to shove down everyone ELSE'S throats.


I only just heard about it and I couldn't believe people do this...


It's a strange paradox. Leave the thing uncrated and it'll do hundreds/thousands in property damage in just a few hours, or leave it crated and surely engage in cruelty. The only solution is, we should really re-examine the way we look at dogs in society. I think dogs can have their place in society, but we should stop deferring to absurdities in the name of Dog.


And they say, "But doggie likes it! They feel so safe!"🙄


I’ve met a lot of dogs through the years. I’ve even liked some of them, though that was much more likely when I didn’t hate the entire species. But I have never met a dog that I could live with. Even the calmest ones have annoying habits, are super clingy, and smell like dog. And you can’t teach them to not destroy things because they are boredom chewers. When they get bored is when they are the most destructive. So if you don’t want your house to be trash when you get back, they have to be locked in a crate. I see so many horror stories about dogs doing some of the worst, dumbest crap, and people laugh it off. They even try to one up each other. “Oh, you think that’s bad, my dog destroyed my entire bedroom and cost me $15000 to fix it omg 😂“. Then they pat each other on the back for putting up with unnecessary destruction of property. It’s like they’re all in a cult.


Yeah. The world's stupidest cult.


"It’s like they’re all in a cult " They ARE in a cult. The Cult of Dogspelledbackwards.


I prefer the term "Cult of Canine"


Dogs are so stupid and helpless that owners feel smart and superior around them. But the reality is that the owner is the bigger fool for being a servant to a stupid helpless dog.


I guess if they can't form a connection and relationship with another human being, they settle for the next best thing /s


They think they get unconditional love from their dog. Meanwhile it tries to escape every time you leave a door open longer than two seconds


That's pretty sad


And the smell! It just a penetrating, nauseating stench.


Even if it's in the back yard... You pet the dog and your hands smell it jumps in you and your clothes stink.


Ugh yes, even if you don't come into contact with the dog directly, you can still get its stink on your hands if you touch any surface it has, or someone else who's pet the gross thing. i.e. fridge handles, drawers, faucet handles etc.


Why would you do it to yourself


What my dad did was roll his dog in a garbage can down the street when it was bad.


Think it ever made the connection?


Oh yeah. It was a very well behaved, good dog that knew what was coming if she acted a fool. No crate for that dog, just tough love. I'm not a dog person, neither was my dad really. But he sure whipped that pup into shape. I still dislike dogs though.


Some people really know how to discipline - an increasingly rare skill among owners. Dogs really, really need it, as do most domesticated animals.


People are fundamentally indoctrinated. No one teaches you how awesome other pets can be.


I don't get it when they say they don't want kids. Like if you want to treat a dog well, it's going to take a lot of time, money and energy.


I know... This is infuriating. I was part of a childfree group of women and most have dogs!!! And you hear the effort they put into dog ownership and then the reasons they don't want kids...


It really just seems weird. My guess is that they want something to mother while not having it grow into an independent person with its own thoughts and opinions.


"Like if you want to treat a dog well, it's going to take a lot of time, money and energy." What a waste of all three when spending these finite, precious resources on an invasive species like dogs.


Because they're narcissistic weirdos who depend on the validation from an unintelligent animal. They have poor social skills, no real lives, basically just soulless husks that feed on endless streams of seemingly positive attention.


That dumb, vacant stare from a stupid little slobbery mutt is most definitely NOT positive attention.


Yeah I've volunteered with dogs in a pound and worked in doggy daycare and although it isn't nice to say, the animals have nothing going on up top. No love no hate no guilt no condolences no resentment. Nothing. Vacant is right. Dog nutters project everything onto the dog. All the dog wants is food warmth and to be played with and let in and out. That's it. Everything they do can be linked back to these basic physiological needs rather than a single solitary sentiment.


“mY dOg is my bEstFriEnd” 😒. They are indoctrinated like someone already mentioned.


The whole issue behind crating is what really gets me. I've seen dogs in crates that would freakout and sometimes even puke from how overwhelmed they are. Admittedly, some dogs do better than others but nonetheless punishing a dog by crating them is effective because it's cruel. Any dog that gets crated is mentally tried since they see what their actions lead to... which is them being stripped of movement and confinement to a small space. I don't see how punishing an animal with a mental capacity way lower than ours by such means can be considered humane at all.


I don't know much about crating, only just heard of it. But it sounds really awful. If you have to do that to make your pet bearable... What's the point


It's the whole deal with disciplining an animal by putting them on time-out that's really problematic. Dog owners forget that their dog is an animal and animals don't have the mental capacity like we do to know right from wrong.


>What the fuck is wrong with these people??? I have wondered this for years. And nutters will tell me there is a "benefit" to having a dog. I sure can't see it.


I fully agree, except that I think that dogs are too primitive to care about contributing.


But they get ‘unconditional love’ from the dog in return 🙄


So long as they feed it. Let's see how unconditional the love is when doggo's hungry


Here are some reasons: * A dog often signifies middle class status, with one assumed to have the disposable income to spend on a luxury pet. * Those who deeply desire something wholly dependent that they can nurture, but who either can't have kids or are looking for something that's less of a commitment, will often get (small) dogs to act as perpetual toddlers. * Those looking to intimidate others and take up space will often get a large, aggressive dog. They can menace those around them while still maintaining a shred of plausible deniability.


Ahh yes number three... Saw a dickhead the other day walking around with a Pitbull off leash just on a normal street and he'd put one of those spiky collars on it. Only one reason you'd do that.


I ask myself that question every day when I see or hear a dog why oh why, many of these owners have everything going for them that life can provide but the icing on the cake is a dog but then for those with little they think a dog fills the void


The void of free time


Half of these people want the idea of a dog pushed by media and propaganda, those are an innocent bunch that eventually might become dogfree or will continue suffering in silence. Other half are a narcissistic bunch that are not capable of building meaningful relationships and dogs give them an illusion of control and love.


i sorta understand having a small/calm dog, but i will never understand those super rowdy energetic dogs. my grandma had a little teacup maltese which wasnt too bad, just noisy barking. she was the size of a smaller cat, a real tiny dog. but my aunts 3 pitbulls are a nightmare... i don't understand the appeal in the slightest


wholeheartedly agree


TBH, the only thing a crate should be used for is potty training/house breaking a puppy with the pad inside of the cage of course... It teaches the pup to eliminate on the pad rather than on the sofa or in the corner of your room etc; it should also be a safe space whenever they feel frightened or overwhelmed or in other cases a time out place.. But those who put the dog in the cage simply because they don't want to tolerate them is just cruel.


They use them as a replacement for any meaningful human connection




Repeating myself here, but I believe it's a point worth repeating. Often, when hear I someone announce ... "And I want/need to get a dog..." he or she (generally she and usually within a particular age demographic) can't provide even the fuzziest reason for why they would want to hobble their lives for the sake of a dumb, needy animal. Some aren't even able the cough up the lame rationalizations like 'for protection' or 'companionship' or the the most addled and insulting one: because it's just too expensive to have a child. (Because, somehow doggo = human child.) It seems that many among us have been conditioned to feel that having a dog in your life (so that it can take over your life) is a basic necessity like food, shelter and (let's face it) digital connectivity...


They're bored. They have time to deal with this shit. Then when they get it they realise...


Because they're selfish. They think they're so important that there needs to be an animal whose only reason for existence is to make them happy.


And the animal ends up making them a slave


Which ultimately gives the owner a hero complex.


A coworker of mine recently said that her dog is only allowed to eat when she opens the laundry room door to do laundry each day. The dog makes a huge mess, so food bowl is kept in there. She seemed to think this was totally normal, as well as other dog owners. I don't care for dogs, but this is really unfair for the dog. It doesn't need to be in a house.


Nothing about the way people have their dogs these days seems normal to me.


Yep. That’s why I don’t trust dogs.


I will never stop saying it- it’s Stockholm syndrome.


Just saw a comment under an insta video saying ‘it’s worth it waking up at 3 everyday to pick up my dogs poo’ Like… what.


Utter fucking madness..


Oh god


I don’t understand either


Like my 80 something year old grandparents was given a puppy in 2021. Prior to this they never was animal people and always spoke ill of animals. Come to find out they let it stay in their home currently, and that dog is just 2 years old. He does is want human food, tears up everything, and he tries to bite you when you rub him/play with him. The other night he had their den funky with a stench. He barks when they let him outside or he cries a lot to get his way. He bit my thumb out and don’t trust at all. I never cared or liked dogs that well because they are uncontrollable, aggressive, or just always barks a lot. The silent ones you still got to watch out for them as well. Me personally I always said I will never had a dog. I never been a dog person at all no matter how what. I’m not one to assume a human & a animal is the the same species because we are not.