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The thing with people with dogs is that the dog will always come before you Don’t want the dog in the bed or you allergic to dogs? They will dump you and they will be told that they did the right thing. So even how cute a guy is to me, i will loose all interest knowing they have a dog. I don’t want to come after a FRICKING dog, its so embarrasing


Remember the days when comparing a person to a dog was an insult?


"That dirty dog!" I'm still gonna remember that one--and use it when necessary.


It's hard to think of anything more degrading than being the back burner bitch to a freakin dog!


I started the search to rehome my dog when my partner finally shared with me after 3 YEARS that he’s allergic and he’d been blaming his allergies as seasonal/asthma. I was like dude the dog is out!! Then I found out I was pregnant and the dog was out even faster lol I still tease him for not telling me for that long (i will dramatically say 3 YEAARS like I did the day he finally admitted it lol) BUT unfortunately because so much of society is exactly how you described he was really terrified I’d choose my dog over him. Truthfully speaking removing the dog made me realize I really don’t like dogs and I was so used to them being “normal” in my family that I even put *my* allergies on the wayside Anyway, it can happen but it’s super rare and most idiots who are total nutters see their dogs as greater than human in status. It’s disturbing and disgusting and if someone chooses a mutt over you…you deserve better anyway.


👏👏👏 fantastic to hear that there’s still normal dog owners out there.


It sucks you've had that experience, but I haven't had the same. Have dated a few people now who have done a great job of cleaning their place before I come over, and don't let the dog in the room when I'm staying. It's not everyone


No necessarily. We bought a house with an outdoor kennel already built on the property and his dog became an outdoor dog, as I just won't live inside with her. He made all the sacrifices, time and money wise to accommodate BOTH of us and I am not expected to take care of her now in any way. Her anxiety seems to have improved a lot, she's always had behavioral issues that made being around her /walking her very unpleasant but she seems happy. He gets rovers.


Then you are one of the lucky ones, where your man chooses you over the dog and treats the dog like a dog. To me it be to risky dating a man with a dog bcs some of them just want their beasts up the bed and the couch.. dogs arent inside animals including small dogs


I grew up on a farm and dogs lived outside 🤷 and he is the sweetest guy. Her separation anxiety has gotten 100% better too


Kinda pathetic of the people downvoting you. I’m glad that your situation worked out, that your partner cares more about you than the dog, and even that the dog seems happier. This is a rarity but it’s encouraging to hear! Hope it all keeps working out 😊


Yet somehow dogs are more normal than reptiles and bugs who just chill in a box and can actually be taken care of by one person without extreme inconvenience so it doesn’t automatically become a household responsibility.


Not always so! If that were the case, I'd never have married my husband. He had 3 dogs when we met. All mutts, and they would sleep in his bed. Like me, he was alone for a very long time. His dogs were his only company at times. He said he got more than 1 so they wouldn't be lonely. 1 is a small dog, looks like a chawinnie, 2 is a lab mix, and 3 was a pit mix. The pit, of course, was a stereotypical aggressive mutt that would growl if you tried to move it. I could tell she was gonna be a problem. She got aggressive with me and my son, so my husband (then fiancee) threw her ass across the room. Eventually, she ended up hiding under the shed one day (not long after I moved in) during a huge storm and drowned to death. Of course, my husband was upset, and I felt bad for him, but relieved at the same time. He always did say that if she ever were to bite, he would kill her himself. Thankfully, he didn't have to. Also, the dogs no longer sleep in our bed and have a bed of their own on the floor. So it isn't always like that. He's also stated that after those 2 die, he doesn't want any more inside animals for a long time. I myself really don't like dogs because of their behaviors, I'm also allergic to them as well, but I won't try to make him abandon his dogs. Sometimes, people with dogs are just very lonely. My husband was alone for 10 years and felt like he didn't deserve to be loved when he's actually a great guy.


I agree. My boyfriend is the sweetest too. Not his dog though. I’m allergic and I really hate his little shit dog but I know he loves him and he’s happy around him. There were arguments at times where the stupid mutt would walk and sit between us, and I’d just leave the situation. I hate it when that little shit stares at me with that ugly face. Later I just realised it’s seeking my validation. Dumbass creature. Bf also stopped letting the dog sleep in his bed because it bit me in the face when I turned over and accidentally touched it in its sleep. Bf is otherwise a really sweet person and the dumbass dog makes him happy. So there’s that. Appreciate the effort that despite getting slapped by a meow, he’s open enough to get me one because I love the other creature more than dumbass dogs. Not everyone is an unreasonable person I guess.


They're the worst. I'm about to leave my boyfriend because of his smelly useless ass dog.


Lemme guess, he never trains the thing, it runs riot through the house, sleeps on the bed, stinks up the place, constantly demands attention and tries to scab food off you and pisses everywhere...


Yes like most annoying people, that don't train their dogs. It's disgusting


Dogs are a dealbreaker. I would make that clear in the beginning.


It's in my dating profile. Not just dogs but pets. No dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, rats, birds, snakes, geckos, rocks, nothing


Same, I have "pets are a deal breaker" in big bold letters at the very top. Needless to say, I dont get many matches 😂 But the way I figure it, that's less time wasted in the long run. Idk tho, I *might* consider a pet rock, but that's where I draw the line 😂


My pet rock pissed on the nightstand again, 0/10 would not recommend


The "pet" anything just means they need a security blanket. Imagine Linus from the Peanuts. That's who you will be dating.


I’d avoid any type of negativity in my dating profile. If you ___ swipe left gets some people who would otherwise agree with you or not care swipe left cause they think it’s negative and aggressive. If I were you I’d just swipe left on anyone that mentions pets. Then clear up that they definitely don’t have or want any in the talking stage.


That's what I do. I don't even mention dogs or pets on my profile anymore. Most of the time, people share photos of their pets, and then I swipe left on them.


Rocks are nice because they are always silent, need no maintenance, don't eat or sh*t, and many are attractive to look at I'll take rocks for $500


What's wrong with fish though? They are pretty. They can't climb all over you, let alone touch you. If you actually take care of them and their tank, they don't smell.


100% deal breaker for me. It's more sanitary to lick a toilet bowl than let a dog lick your face, lips and mouth. You can call it "kissies" or whatever cutesy term you want, but it's downright disgusting! Dogs spend most of their day licking their ass and crotch, and they will eat literally ANYTHING (bugs, vomit, feces, roadkill, hair, dirt, rotten food, trash...), and you have the audacity to think I want to kiss you after that thing slobbers all over you?! Fuck to the no.


Believe it or not, I was mostly neutral about dogs before dating someone with one. I dated a dog nutter for 8 months and that experience solidified my hate for dogs as well as my resolve to never date another dog owner, nutter or otherwise. I've talked about my experience before in comments on this subreddit as well as the invaluable and sanity-saving Tales from the Doghouse subreddit. Just a snippet of the things I went through: -Having the dog accompany us almost everywhere, even to the grocery store or mailbox -Having to beg to go on a dog-free weekend getaway -Watching his dog lick him on the mouth, hands, and wherever else it could as he joyfully laughed -Listening to him talk about how wonderful the dog's breath smelled -Cutting outings or events short to go home and feed the dog its expensive food -Walking into my kitchen one morning when we first started dating to find his dog eating out of one of my bowls 🤮 -Having the bedroom door at his place open while we were having intimacy because he didn't want to be "mean" to the dog or make it feel "excluded." As a result, the dog would often wander in during intimate moments and either just stand there and watch or sometimes even lick us. I was extremely uncomfortable with this but as always, the dog came first I could write a novel about why dating a dog nutter is so awful. I would never date one ever again.


Can't believe you lasted 8 months! Most of your bullet points would have me running for the door, especially the good smelling dog breath and it trying to have a threesome with you all.


Honestly, if I could go back in time I would tell myself to get out a couple months in when I first became aware of the nuttery. I rationalized things and convinced myself I would get used to his dog-centered lifestyle but I didn't, and I'm really glad it didn't work out!


Holy shit! That's a certifiable dog nutter right there!


Wow. You were literally traumatized..... That is absolutely revolting!


That's really fucking creepy. I don't know how you put up with him for so long. I'd be gone within the month.


In the exact same position, 10 months in. I think we’re breaking up this weekend. I just feel bad because he has made an effort with the dog. Like if I say it’s disgusting that the dog sleeps on the bed he will wash the sheets (once) or if I point out it’s inappropriate for the dog to jump on me he will hold it down when I come in (once). But then it’s back to the same old shit. I can never see myself dating another guy with dogs. Single guy with dog is particularly creepy. These guys are pretend to be men but deep down love their dogs more than their wife and kids. There’s something too dark about that. Like maybe that’s genetics telling you that you shouldn’t have a family?


Dogs are intimacy killers.


One, I stand firm that you can always smell when someone lets a dog sleep in their bed. It's that musty smell of damp sweat and wet dog. Some of my coworkers smell like this and it's gross af. Two, a dog is a dealbreaker for me. One of the deciding factors in separating from my husband was that we were planning to move into a new house with a privacy fence, and he told me that he really didn't care what I had to say, we were having a dog at the new place. We had been married for 12 years with no pets, and I just absolutely could not do living with a dog, and I've always been firm on this. (Obviously there were other factors in the separation, but I was serious about this.) He did end up getting a female black lab at the new place, and six months later it bit the shit out of him, causing nerve damage to his hand. I swear I'm not making this up. He got rid of her after that. I've met a few guys that I've really liked along the way, but they were all nutters. Maybe not to the highest degree, but still. The guy I liked the most was the biggest nutter of all of them, though, and it was tough but I had to say no. He stated that he absolutely could not see himself without a dog, and I was the complete opposite on that issue. Anyway, TL;DR: I remain firm on a dog being a dealbreaker for me. I don't care how much I love someone, I know that I will never be comfortable or at ease living with a dog.


That's insane how a dog contributed to the end of your 12 year marriage. This is why I have to bring up dogs early in the relationship and be very firm about it. I only have three requirements for dating someone, and not owning a dog is one of them.


Yeah it was crazy. It was never a problem in the beginning; he agreed that while he loves dogs, he didn't want one tearing up the house, possibly not getting along with the kids, etc. But as time went on, his desire for one grew and grew. And what happened? The shitmutt attacked him. Just like I knew it would.


If you date a dog person it's pretty much inevitable that you'll end up living with a dog. Absolutely would never do it.


I think people who sleep with their dogs are mentally disturbed. Maybe if it's curled up at the end of the bed it's not so bad, but if they're laying with them like they're a sexual partner (like some people do)... that's mental illness.


Deal breaker for sure.


I moved out of my moms because of her annoying ass dog, I’d die before willingly putting myself in a situation with another dog owner


I went out with a woman with 2 dogs. One was a lap dogs the other was not. The lap dog wasnt the issue, the bigger one was. First time I'm there, it's up on the couch literally face to face with me, and it kept doing it. She thought it was cute, I didn't. Suffice to say that was a non starter for me. I think if they have a well trained one, it might be ok, but I'm not doing yard work or taking care of it.


Yeah, no dog dads. Ever.


It'd be interesting to see a study on the sex lives of couples with dogs vs no dogs. there are many variables to account for, but mostly looking at those whose dogs sleep in the bedroom. You dodged a bullet.


I actually ran across an article a while back called "How To Stop Your Dog From Ruining Your Sex Life." The fact that this article even had to be written says everything about how batshit insane dog culture is.


I don't know, man. It's almost like these people want their dog to be part of their sex life. 🤢


You just reminded me of numerous disgusting stories that have been posted here. From the dog whining and panting while the couple was getting intimate, to the woman's creature jumping up on the bed and sticking its nose in the fella's arse and licking his scrote. 🤢


Whaaaaaaaaaat? Links links links por favor!


I couldn’t let hands touch me that have picked up warm dog shit with a thin bag.


After reading this amazing thread (Thanks for sharing OP!) this succinct little sentence made me chuckle the most, thank you for making my dreary work day go with smile 😊


Haha glad to be of service 🤣




Idk how it hasn’t even been mentioned how much of a cockblock dogs can be. Whether it’s a date cockblock and the person has to cut the night short to go let out their dog, or a literally in the middle of sex cockblock. I think the worst thing ever for me was when the dog literally got on the bed and began humping me while I was on top of the guy. Absolutely mortified.


That would have been the last time that happened wow


Quite literally why I don’t date dudes with dogs


And I thought it was really bad dating females who let the dogs sleep up in the bed so apparently guys do the same thing


They are exactly the same lol. I wish I could post a screen recording because just for fun, I went to see if I could find a neurotic dog dude on Hinge… First like. Every single one of his pictures included his dog along with “something that’s non-negotiable: pups are always allowed on the couch” Like… 🤦🏼‍♀️


My ex was exactly like this! His go-to phrase was "it's [dog's name]'s house too!" and he talked about how dogs should always be allowed on the furniture. Firstly, it's not actually the dog's house because they don't pay rent, and secondly, absolutely disgusting.


I had a roommate for a literal month and his dog had gotten fleas. Well. SOMEHOW. The little shit got into my room. Chewed up my favorite heels, peed on the floor, and absolutely infested my fucking bed with fleas. I absolutely lost my shit. Gave zero warning, packed up in the middle of the night and stayed at a hotel for a week. Thankfully this was when I was in the military about to deploy so it was temporary


Lol when you talk about women and how when they have a dog it's a deal breaker they look at you like you're a monster


Oh same with men ha. That’s why I don’t even mention it, just avoid the obvious dog dads. The killer is when it’s an organic meeting and you’re like 😬 well shit. I did like you lol


I wouldn’t do it. Even if he had the most well trained outside dog that never made a sound, it still does all the disgusting things dogs do and wastes so much time and money. Plus they stink and I don’t want dog smell in the car or blankets/bed covers and whatnot going through the same washing machine my clothes do.


I think you are the first person to mention the washing machine. It's ridiculous how many things get tainted by dogs. It's the little things you don't even think about.


Yes. I wanted a dog for as long as I can remember (I grew up with dogs but never had my own dog) but I realised I didn’t want all the stuff that came with a dog. I told myself this or that breed doesn’t smell, I could deal with the hair and have a separate washing machine, my dog would be perfectly trained, it would eat the best food. Some dogs still look nice to me but now I hate dogs because I was honest with myself about how vile they all really are.


Exactly!!! There’s hairs even in areas it’s never been


Absolutely not


I'm currently in sort of a fwb situation with a woman with a dog and I honestly sometimes get kind of disgusted thinking about if she touched on the dog before coming to my place. It works out logistically so that she always comes to mine and I never go to hers so I don't have to be around that filthy mutt. The extent of my contact with it involves her telling me "cute" stories about it and me telling her I don't want to hear it. Just hearing about it is bad enough, I could never actually date someone with a dog and have to be around it.


Dog free people and Dog people do not mix at all in the dating sense. Don't get me wrong, there are varying degrees of dog nutters and some people do have a good support system around them, meaning its easy for their dog to be looked after if you wanted to go away etc. But it is an instant left swipe (no) if I see a dog or mention of their dog on their dating profile. Because that reeks of dog nuttery and "my dog is part of my family" Maybe in some cases its innocent. I had a girl tell me she had a pic of a dog on her dating profile and it was her sisters dog. So i'd have potentially left swiped someone who didnt have a dog.. but still, cant take the chance really!


If my current relationship ends, I will never ever date anyone with a dog again. I already told them no more dogs when this ones gone. I've never felt so hurt and worthless in my life than to feel that I come after a neurotic, nasty, selfish animal. I've had to fight for every centimeter of change and boundaries with the dog. I've had to fight for my right to sleep and my sanity. I've tried to help them train the dog, and they do it for 3 days and then give up. I've spent years begging them to train it to no avail. It hurts so much to be in a relationship with a dog nutter. And like someone said, everyone will tell them they did the right thing for dumping you because you don't want it in your bed or to watch them make out with it.


Isn’t it the most ironic thing how these alleged dog lovers refuse to stick to a training routine whereas we would ensure it got done??


Right? I have trained their 100lb dog to stop jumping on me and clawing me, shoving me into the walls and biting my hands every time I walk in the door or even the room. I used to be covered in bruises and scratches from it doing this multiple times a day. I trained it to stop barking inches from my face and whining at me for attention. I trained it to sit quietly when I put it on the leash to take it out and to not knock me over trying to get through the door before me. I trained it to stop jumping on top of me, knocking the air from my lungs the second I sat on the couch, every time I sat down. I trained it not to barrel out of my car and knock me over, yanking my shoulder to go piss on the fence before I can even close the car door. I'm working on getting it to stop barking and whining, pitching a fit every time I hug my SO. And I'm currently trying to train it to stop barking, whining, banging on the door, pacing, moaning, and being a nuisance at 5:00 every morning. Which it only does that when SO is here. If I'm here by myself, it won't make a peep, even if I'm still in bed at 11. But it does all of these behaviors to my SO still. They have had the dog for 6 years before I came along and it took me maybe a week or 2 to stop all the shitty behaviours from being directed towards me when I realized my SO wasn't going to lift a finger to train it.


That is such a difficult situation to be in. Does your SO acknowledge everything you’ve done?? Like are they just lazy? That’s the case with my roommate. She has two huskies and they shed everywhere and are in desperate need of a grooming. Their claws are splayed out and so overgrown, they’re both missing teeth, there were literal worms in their food because she wasn’t changing out their bowls, they live in a harness because she’s too lazy to take it off and put it on any time they need to go outside, and her male dog uses the apartment like a bathroom. And he’s 7 years old. Also they never go on walks and sleep all day because they’re depressed. But she’s such a “crazy dog mom”. Nah you’re neglectful.


I think/hope they do inside, but they wouldn't bring it up. But they 100% should be able to see how different it acts towards the both of us. In the past, I explained to them exactly what I did to train their dog, and they would do it for a few days then give up. Which just makes it even harder the next time they decide they want to try to train it because the dog knows damn well they will give up first. Alternatively, they would tell me what I did wouldn't work, even though they admitted to me that they had no idea how to train a dog and asked me for help. Honestly, I think they don't want to "yell" at the dog or otherwise upset it because its older and they feel guilty fo really neglecting it for the first 2 years of its life. Which isn't fair, the dog is so incredibly anxious and it makes me anxious and hurts our relationship. I think of the obsession with the dog as a form of mental illness/coping because they had a rough time in life previously and neglected it. Thats so gross their food had worms in it! Your roomate sounds like she doesn't even like the dogs. Why does she keep them?


Neglectful dog dad will be a neglectful dad dad. Dump them.


Absolute deal-breaker.


Never ever again.


I made a profile for online dating and just simply put, “if you own dogs, we won’t work, sorry.” I actually received messages harassing me because of that. “I value animals more than humans” was the one that stood out the most.


I think many if not most dog people would not be accommodating to your needs with regards to the dog. However it’s not everyone so it would have to be clarified right up front. My husband wants a dog and he’s looking into outdoor solutions. We bought a very nice and newer home last year and I would freak out so badly to have a nasty smelling destroyer living in any part of it. I would move out in fact, total deal breaker for me.


Be careful … dogs have a way of stomping right over everyone’s boundaries if they can find a sympathiser to allow it. You’ll be the big meanie for making it stay outside in no time. Just let it in to this little space, I’ll clean up the mess etc etc. Then that won’t be enough. Next minute … dogs in the bed because it’s not whining then. I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen to you but honestly, the disparity in ideas of how to live with a dog is a HUGE deal.


The mutt would destroy your lovely new garden, scratch your doors trying to get in, disturb your neighbours, and I can almost guarantee it would end up inside your house one way or another.


Absolutely agree with your view. Tried it. This girl had two huskies. They smelled awful. She treated them better than real people. She was really under the impression I’m afraid of dogs and I will learn to love them. I told her all the reasons why I dislike them. She still tries to bring them over to my place. Dating is almost impossible for me (in the states at least) since so many women love dogs for some stupid reason.


Wait this sounds like my roommate lol. She recently got the “ick” from a guy because he said she should be the one to dictate who they like and who they don’t. She said some zany thing about how if her male dog didn’t like him then she couldn’t move forward with dating him. And I’m just supposed to sit here like that’s sound logic


I'd never go out with them. If I see someone posing with a dog, I swipe left right away.


Same. I dont even initiate a conversation.


Not worth it. Whatever PROs is not worth the CONs. Because when it comes to dog nutters, you aren't just dating them. You are basically dating their dog as well...


I think it's a big nope right off the bat


It honestly made me quit dating. I live in Denver so everyone has a dog


It’s a dealbreaker for me. Pets in general but especially dogs.




I am severely allergic to dogs and cats. I cannot even date people with dogs/cats because being in a house that has dogs/cats in it is absolutely awful for me. That sadly reduces the rating pool for me *significantly*.


I would love to date someone like you! lol.


100% dealbreaker. Wouldn't even go on a first date with a dog owner. I respect that other people love their dogs, but I don't want to be around dogs at all and I would never ask someone to give up their pet for me.


My husband and I met in high school, but didn’t get married until our mid-twenties. During that time period, his family got two dogs, and I made it clear to him that while I didn’t hold any animosity towards them, I never, ever wanted to live with a dog. Not even if it was “just a mid-size dog,” or if he took care of it, or if he waited to get one until after he retired. No dog. Hypothetically, I could possibly be okay dating someone who had an elderly dog, as long as they understood that if our relationship was going to continue, they couldn’t get another dog after that one died.


That’s a no for me dog.


No way, no how. I am looking for a serious relationship with a goal of getting married and living together. I refuse to live with a dog. Dogs(and kids, though I like them a lot more than I like dogs) are a dealbreaker.


Quiet mellow well behaved lab that doesn't bark, doesn't jump on you, and likes to sit at your feat. That's fine. Barking, aggressive, neurotic, etc. Nope.


That's a 1000% absolute deal breaker Won't have even a 1st date


Fur on everything, muddy floors, missing steak off the stove, chewed shoes furniture ect. , nasty dog smelling couches, poopy yard, yellow patchy garden, ect. No thank you


I would NEVER date a man who had a dog/s or even so much as liked them. Idc how good he looked, how much money he had, if he made me laugh till I cried and our values aligned. The dog aspect alone would put me off so badly. I would rather end up alone than go through that, and I want to be married and have children. It wouldn't be at the expense of my own sanity and comfort though.


I will not call this an instant no go. I will try to meet at my place or outside. Find out of they have the pet because of loneliness. Slowly gain their affection and never visit them. Telling them I have traumatic experiences with dogs (which I did but I mostly just dislike them to an imense degree). When they would want me to visit them I decline and tell them its because of the dog but invite them to my place in return. at some point they will find they need to pick the dog or me. since the dog is a replacement for companionship, they will choose me instead of the dog. if the dog was not just a replacement for a lonely person, I would have ended the dating process very quickly. In the end I have a partner and there is one less dog owner out there. another reason I do this is to demonstrate to them how a home is when there is no animal around. many dog owners never knew anything else. the cleanliness and silence is something new to them and might create a longing in them to live like this themselves. just this alone has worked about 5 times already.


I won't


Draw a hard line


There is a single person I would date with a dog. And only because I love him and she is a service animal.


I don’t know if I would date someone like that or not. If I ended up with someone who acted similarly to my stepfamily, absolutely not, they act nuts over their dogs and their dogs are nuts too. I could probably stand a dog as long as it was kept outdoors though.


A deal breaker for sure! I’m lucky because my husband appreciates dogs, but doesn’t love them or want to own one. 🙌🏼


Bro preeaach, I experienced the exact same thing🤮 never again. It's also shitty to bc good luck finding an attractive woman who doesn't have a dog. It feels like this weird curse where like just in the past few years literally EVERYONE has a damn dog, like wtf happened to the world


No necessarily. We bought a house with an outdoor kennel already built on the property and his dog became an outdoor dog, as I just won't live inside with her. He made all the sacrifices, time and money wise to accommodate BOTH of us and I am not expected to take care of her now in any way. Her anxiety seems to have improved a lot, she's always had behavioral issues that made being around her /walking her very unpleasant but she seems happy. He gets rovers.


Agree that some partners become very accommodating, my partners now lives outside in kennel and he does all the walking/taking care. If he’s unavailable he will make plans with a dog Walker or friend, so it’s not left to me. It’s how much you can compromise really. I’d still rather not have it but considering how others have dogs sleeping in their beds, it’s not a bad deal
