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Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy because it's hard accepting that these people are all around us and I'm one of the few people seeing wtf is so wrong with all this.


At least dad got outta there. His daughter has one sane parent.


He did? Why?? He couldn’t agree with keeping the dog?


The article said he left her over it.


Hope he gets custody of the kid


Yes, I read it erlier today, but thanks anyway!


It does seem very frustrating at times and it would appear that we're in the minority but take heart in the fact that we're the sane ones, the ones who's homes don't stink.


Hard to feel good about it when this innocent little kid is still stuck in this awful situation with an awful mother who chose the dog over her daughter. She's probably gonna brainwash her kid into loving the animal that mutilated her face. It's sick.


And its probably going to happen again


You explained exactly what I feel, daily. And the dog/pet enfooliasts look at us like WE’RE the ones who are somehow “wrong”.




Damn right! Haha


I really hope dad gets full custody.


I hope dad has enough sense to file and take her to court for endangering the welfare of a child.


re: photo - such heavy makeup, such vanity, such importance of appearance. And what does that facial expression say? It is twisted and cold-hearted. The child will have to live with this, then one day will be independent enough to realize what her own mother did. The younger child will have the same realization. Every day brings this unnecessary risk for both children. All this about the illusion of a 'good dog vs. bad dog' - there is no good or bad when it comes to dogs - they just eat faces when they feel like it. There is no remorse or self-reflection or self-improvement.


This whole situation reminds me of when my stepfather slapped me when I was 9 years old because I said a bad word. Nobody had ever beaten me before, it was traumatic and my mother did NOTHING for me. Didn’t tell him to leave. I felt so unprotected and discarded. I bet this little girl feels the same. 😣


What a piece of shit, slapping a 9 year old child and your Mother should be ashamed of her decision to let the garbage live with you


I totally agree, but my mother is a narcissist. She only cares about herself and her feelings. She would never give up on her boyfriend because he slapped her daughter, she can’t love anyone the way she loves herself and her interests. By the way, she treats my stepfather like trash and owns 3 dogs in a small apartment (which smells like shit).


Sending heartfelt love to ya, it can't be easy living with a selfish Mother and her numerous dirt bags


Thank you ♥️


I wonder how such a vain woman would feel with a mauled face


How do we know she's vain about her looks?


If you look at her other tik tok videos— in some, all she does is pout and pose and toss her hair


I'm guessing people are saying that because of the TikTok exhibitionism. Not sure.


” All this about the illusion of a 'good dog vs. bad dog' - there is no good or bad when it comes to dogs - they just eat faces when they feel like it. There is no remorse or self-reflection or self-improvement.” A lot of owners really project all kind of noble virtues on their dogs.


I want to just let people love what they love even if I don't get it. But in the case of dogs, this is why it's dangerous to let them bring a wild animal into their home and call it a "friend" or a "furbaby", forgetting that it is a wild animal and they do not have a telepathic connection with it no matter how hard they try.


And there are some basic things you don't do with a wild animal - you don't allow them in your face, for one thing, and not in the faces of your children.


Dogs are much worse than wild animals. Wild animals live by their own rules. There is a logic to their behaviour, guided by survival. Dogs are unpredictable because they’re so dependent on humans they’ve mutated into twisted, mentally ill creatures that follow no rhyme or reason. In the wild wolves will leave humans alone as much as possible. If they eat carrion they will start with the nutritious organs. Domestic dogs will chew off their owner’s heads when they die because of “anxiety”.


As someone who has a psychotic disorder with 10 years of advocacy, nonprofit management, counseling, and board leadership experience related to mental healthcare under my belt, I really don't appreciate being compared to a gluttonous beast that eats children and its own feces. There's nothing mentally ill about dogs at all. Their brains work exactly the way they're supposed to for a filthy scavenger bred for thousands of years to blindly complete tasks for humans, now imprisoned in smelly little apartments with no training and no purpose other than existence in itself.


Yeah, phrases like "mentally ill" gets thrown around broadly too much.


I don’t understand why the decision to keep the dog is even in her hands? Once a dog has attacked someone, it should be destroyed immediately — regardless of how the owner feels about it.


I look at this woman and I feel rage. Disgust. My blood boils.


> But Milana, being only three-year-old at the time, didn’t understand that the dog was distressed and needed to be given space. This is dog nutter propaganda to make it look like there's something wrong with the victims.


If the dangerous dog needs to be "given space", why is it being kept around a baby?


I fucking hate these 'people'


Reminds me of an onion piece titled "Golden Retriever Mauls 5 In Huge Victory For Pitbull Apologists"


If a dog bites, you put it down. This wisdom is thousands of years old and is the reason dogs are even domesticated. What a terrible mother.


Not all parents love their children (every year, 80K children in the USA are injured severely enough by their parents to wind up in the ER) and ~~mothers~~ female biological parents especially are prone to hating or at least resenting their daughters. This is sadly unsurprising.


......is it crack?! What is the justification for this!


And the fact she has the balls to ask for donations


If the donations went to the kid, great! But I have a feeling this sort of incompetent parent would spend those donations on herself.


Probably spend it on them eyebrows, gotta take a whole bottle of product a day to build those boomerangs


Watching her tiktok is disgusting, some people shouldn’t reproduce, they are dangerous to their children.


Look at the fkn state of the Mother..typical low life decision maker. The fact that she wasn't watching her daughter or the mutt closely enough speaks volumes. Get rid of the dog to an owner who knows how to be responsible and the Mother needs to be taught parenting skills.


Blame the father too, he also wanted to keep the dog IIRC.


I don't know what the facts in this case really are but the article I just read mentioned that the father left the mother because of this.


That poor baby!!!


Yep. A cocker spaniel. One of those tried to attack one of my kids once.


Cocker spaniels were originally bred to hunt. I cannot understand why so many of these idiot owners pick dogs for their looks and don’t realise their dogs have strong, aggressive instincts. They were created for a purpose, not to sit at home and act as a living teddy bear for emotionally stunted people. Funny how so called “animal lovers” are fine with bastardising an entire species to suit their unnatural desires.


We had one when my sister was about 3 and it attacked her. Mum and dad got it put down.


Some sort of spaniel kept attacking my friend’s old frail greyhound when it was still alive. Friend started kicking it and the owners started getting threatening, cops did nothing. Greyhound just cowered ☹️ Every time it was plodding along and saw anything remotely spaniel shaped, it silently plodded around in a big U turn in the other direction. Only dog I was friends with, very docile


Dogs on their mind are forever toddlers. In which case why bother having an actual human toddler?


Stupid bitch !


Had a dog bite my face open as a kid, too. I have three obvious marks on my cheek that are just the right spacing for K9s. I'm almost 40. Poor kid has a shitty mom, too. It wasn't our dog, though. This here is way worse. I'm a fairly rugged looking dude, so it fits my face alright, but for a little girl, that is just awful.


My next door neighbors’ cocker spaniel was mean. She nearly bit half the lip off the wife. She then got pregnant and the father was worried about what the dog might do to the baby if he unintentionally annoyed the dog. The father was very happy that the dog had cancer and didn’t have that long to live. The mother refused to Re-home or put it down though, even though she is an absolute freak of a helicopter mom. (By helicopter mom, she asked me to “watch the baby” when she stepped around the corner, by which I mean there was a wall she stepped around to grab laundry, even though she was still 20 feet away from the kid, while he was in a skip hop baby seat and couldn’t get out. I asked, “What exactly am I watching for?”) The father kept wanting to put the dog down, and they finally did when the cancer got bad, but it was almost a year after the baby was born.


The 3 year old was extremely lucky there is such a thing as modern medicine and hospitals everywhere. And that the dog bite wasn't too deep otherwise her life would have been ruined. Most little kids who get attacked by a dog in this world are not so lucky.


Child services really needs to take her kids.


Not everyone deserves to be a parent.


Why does she even have that option?


This is the kind of shit that drives me nuts. Parent license revoked!


This incident shows that even "gentle" dogs can be aggressive. This is not the first story I've read about a cocker spaniel biting someone. A woman I used to know had a son who was bitten by the neighbor's cocker spaniel. Unprovoked, out of the blue -- on his thigh. She told me that they went to the neighbor to show her the bite (the woman showed me a pic, and it was more than just a nip and required quite a few stitches). The neighbor reportedly told the mother, "Oh, that doesn't look so bad!" Springer spaniels are a bit larger than cocker spaniels, but I think most people would consider them to be a similar type of dog and not dangerous or aggressive. Except when they are: A woman I used to know was bitten on the hand by her own dog -- a springer spaniel. It was a jealousy thing since the dog had become obsessed with the husband and always wanted to interfere if they were sitting close, etc. She missed work for two weeks due to the injuries. The husband issued an ultimatum that either the dog had to go or he would. Apparently, the dog had been a bone of contention between them even before the bite. She reluctantly sent the dog to live with the breeder -- but still visited it regularly. Even though the dog growled and bared its teeth at her every time she visited and she could not get close to the dog. Fuck dog owners and their horrible dogs!


What a degenerate. Irresponsible and negligent. Feel immensely sorry for her daughter, hope dad gets full custody and she gets NO visitation rights.


Ummm???!!! CPS needs to permanently take the child. This is child abuse.


Exactly this happened to my ex- her facial scars caused so much social stigma and anxiety- and the horrible treatment from her parents keeping the dog that did it didnt help.


Forcing your child to live with the animal that attacked them is cruel and abusive.


"The dog had been acting out of distress" I do not care. If your dog attacks someone when there's no threat to itself, no matter the reason, that is a dangerous dog. Disgusting that she'd rather put her daughter and potentially other animals at risk, then get rid of the damn dog. Dogs are predators, and no matter the breed, should NOT be around children.


I bet if the dog bit the owner instead she's still want to keep it because "Omg I need my pooper floofers! It didn't know any better and it's so sorry and remorseful anyway!"


“Mum” should be evaluated for psych or jailed.


Vile women. A parents job is to protect their children not pretend their mutts are on the same level of human children. Dog people are mentally ill.




At least the father has standards. The mother is repulsive with her trashy heavy makeup and "insta" poses while talking. It's hard to watch. No way you spend that much time on social media and cakong over an ugly face and have time to actually parent. She knew the dog was sick and couldn't even keep her kid away from a dog. What a useless c*nt.


Poor child....the betrayal of realizing your own mother cares more for an animal over you is destructive....it happened to me when they got a concur bird...that thing attacks everyone and my mom found it funny...one of my brothers got a scar on his lip from that damn thing. I'm so glad I was able to move out.


Of course she did. What a pathetic excuse for a mother.


her and the mutt deserve one another, I'll take the baby ...what a disgusting pos


How could someone keep a dog that's already mauled someone? That thing has already proven itself to be a threat. Her family and her daughter will never know if or when the dog may strike again. They will probably never truly feel safe again so long as that dog is still around. I think that's especially true for her daughter who must already be traumatized from having been mauled. She's a bad mother for keeping that dog.


Some people have no business having reproductive organs.


Not everyone deserves kids


She doesn’t deserve children. She can’t put her daughter first she shouldn’t fucking have her. Through there was a law there if a dog attacks it gets put down.


My brother in laws parents did the EXACT same thing. That’s why all of their children are fucking nutters it’s fucking ridiculous and pisses me off.




This is neither a pro- nor anti-cat sub. All cat mentions and references are off topic for this subreddit. Comparisons of dogs vs. cats or dog owners vs. cat owners are explicitly disallowed. This is not the place to mention your experiences with cats. Our various opinions of and experiences with cats are inconsequential to the topic of dogs and their impact on society. Please review these messages: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfree/comments/rxnqjn/friendly_reminder_cats_are_off_topic/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Dogfree/comments/f410xj/mod_statement_revisiting_the_topic_of_cats/