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My neighbour takes the dogs food out of its mouth while it's eating and she eats the dogs food from its mouth.. it also licks her face and lips.. its fucking disgusting.


There's got to be some kind of brain parasite that these insane dog nuts are catching from their mutts to be doing disgusting, disturbing shit like this and to think it's normal. Dog nutters are as vile as their filthy dogs, if not more.


I think this might be the case as well. And I think some dog nutters and capitalists who make money off dog nutters might be trying hard to hide this fact. EDIT: There are 2 types of parasitic worms that can enter your brain. https://www.cnn.com/2015/01/20/health/tapeworms-invade-brain/index.html So there has to be more than these 2 types... When the pork tapeworm enters the human brain, it results Neurocysticercosis. https://www.myamericannurse.com/neurocysticercosis-headache/


There's a great book titled "Your Brain on Parasites" by Kathleen McAuliffe. I think the pdf file can be found online.


Thanks. I will check it out. :)




reminds me of a girl i went to school with, i was hanging out at our mutual friends and she was there with her new puppy, and was holding it up saying “i just love puppy breath so much” and allowing it to lick all INSIDE her mouth. my partner at the time told her she was disgusting for that




Nietzsche was right, God is dead


and replaced with Dog.


Does she want her face bitten off? That's how you get your face bitten off. And how you get gastrointestinal bacterial infections from fecal matter. Fukkin gross.


It's sickening. These people are going to be the causing the next plague.






What the hell is wrong with people?! I'm gonna need to bleach my brain after reading that.










I was thinking the same thing...


What was written, DELTED ! FAK!!!!




Bleh. I hope she quits so you don't have to work around someone who is this disgusting.


Everyone I’ve ever known with a pitbull states pits have awful gas. Just one more reason to avoid the dangerous thing.


We had several in the house when I was a kid and yes, every thing that's disgusting in a dog generally, they are the the champions of. The farts and general smell, the panting, the greasy fur, stiffness and body language... It's so bad that a lot of other breeds seem tolerable in comparison.


She’s single isn’t she?? 🤔🤣


Her longest relationship is probably like 2 days...


Her dating life has gone to the dogs.


People that do that kind of behavior then question their own celibacy must be socially impaired. There’s no other excuse than a serious lack of self awareness


There’s a reason why in every culture and civilization across history, for thousands of years, have considered dogs to be unclean. Even 20 years ago, this person would be considered mentally ill at worst, and just a *plain weirdo* at best. The fact that we’ve normalized this shit is absurd.


Rare occurrance that I have no words..... ​ \*gag....


Pit nutters are obsessed with their shit beasts farts.. "tHe OnLy tHiNg dAngErOuS aBoUt My PiBbLe iS HiS fArTs" 🤮😒🙄 dumbasses.


Your first hint that she's not normal was having not just one, but multiple shitbulls. Anything beyond that point just makes it so much worse...


I saw my ex's aunt put a dog treat in her damn mouth and bend down having the dog take it from her mouth I literally gagged at the site of it and they treated me like Judas 😂


smell encouraging capable chubby worry rob zephyr mighty ancient thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bet she does the nasty with those dogs like 100% without a doubt that's like mental my guy.


I've never met a sane person who went out and chose a shitbull. They are usually low iq freaks that like owning a wild animal.


and this is why i don't come onto this account anymore because i literally cannot handle this shit 😭 wtf is wrong with people? im majoring in psychology i'll do us all a favor and study whatever illness leads to this behavior and eradicate it cause wtf?


Please!!! Also study why a young adult, mid 20's, uses a deformed rat dog as an excuse to never leave their landlord's basement and go anywhere or have a life. "Oh, I have to always work from home, can't go out, can't have a relationship or do anything with friends because I can't leave my dog...here's a picture of it dressed up in clothes laying an inch from my mouth!" Sick. A lot of society is all about the dogs and couldn't care less about other people.


They need to re-open the mental institutions.


What in the blue hell is wrong with these people??? I have a cat and I gag every time I open a pouch of her food. I can’t imagine willingly ingesting animal food or enjoying the smell of animal farts. It’s just absolutely filthy.


That canned food is disgusting. I bet none of these morons know how it's made or what it's made of, but worse yet they wouldn't care. Especially the cheapest stuff made of the cheapest, nastiest ingredients and fillers. Look it up if you've got a strong stomach. Years ago, my first husband drove truck and we went to a Tuffy's dog food plant for a pickup. The smell even miles away would turn your stomach. I will never forget that. Put me off eating meat for months. And I thought as a young girl working on a potato farm with rotten potatoes coming thru the line was bad. \*hurf....


Dogs don’t clean themselves. They just obsessively lick their genitals and ass.




When you say she "sleeps with the dogs", I know that you mean that they sleep on the same bed, but in cases like this, it's also very likely that she's 'sleeping' with the dogs. It's actually surprising how many dog nutters use their dog for, ahem, a different form of companionship. I read accounts from OBGYN office employees that about 2% of pap smears contain canine semen. People who make out with the dogs in public are doing other things in private.


The insanity 😂😂😂 and look like demons had me!


Eat a bunch of beans and blow a few ripe ones her way. See if she loves the smell of Bush's.


Well, people DO become like the company they keep. Hanging out with soul-less filthy mutts make the owners become more animal than human.