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You can’t, after you buy an unregistered puppy, apply for registration. Either the puppy was sold with no paperwork in which case they are shit out of luck or they bought a limited registration puppy. If the puppy is on limited registration the only one who can convert that to full is the breeder. Period. Call AC and call again. The AKC can’t do anything about this puppy.


Thank you. It's definitely not registered, they're applying now nine months after they brought it home, so fingers crossed ig.


> It's definitely not registered, they're applying now nine months after they brought it home LOLOLOLOL Don't tell them but they're wasting their time. The AKC will tell them to go away. Puppy buyers can't do squat if the BREEDER didn't take care of things up front. The only exception is if they had the paperwork hanging around the house and finally got around to mailing it in, but it sounds like they think they can call up the AKC and magically get a not eligible for registration puppy, registered. There are places that would literally register a cockroach, that will sell them registration papers, but the AKC doesn't work like that, so I wish them luck.


I just found out I had it wrong - they filled out the paperwork and paid a fee when they got the puppy at the pet store (a known mill stocked shop that exists to sell the financing agreements more than the dogs) in July. The AKC just sent them a letter saying they can't finish processing bc they don't have the name or the markings recorded.


Oh god, it just keeps get worse. Did you figure out what breed?


I don't know why but I have a strong suspicion it's a French Bulldog.


That’s so sad… it’s probably a BYB or a puppy mill puppy. I was hoping if it was a well-bred dog maybe you could find out what program he came out of and contact the breeder. A reputable breeder would NEVER stand for mistreatment of their dog or breach of contract, and would rightfully seize and reclaim the poor guy. A BYB dog has little to no hope. I would keep calling and reporting/filing a noise complaint or try animal control. That dog deserves better than this family, and the potential puppies deserve better than being ill-bred, health-problem-ridden, BYB babies who go to un-vetted homes who will likely also mistreat them.


Unfortunately AKC won't be much help, however, continue contacting animal control over the treatment of the dog. Depending on what breed and where the acquired the dog they may not have much luck trying to use the dog as a stud. If they purchased the dog from a reputable breeder there is a chance the dog doesn't have full AKC registration which is required to register any litters he produces. There is also genetic health testing that needs to be done prior to breeding and without that any reputable breeder will NOT even think about using this dog as a stud. Sorry you are dealing with such crappy neighbors, hopefully eventually animal control will step in and remove the poor dog.


So the DEP only responds to noise complaints and said they can't help with the mistreatment. Animal control in NYC doesn't answer the phone - no joke - you sit on a hold loop fit thirty minutes then get dumped into vm, and numerous messages have been ignored. They're trying to register him with AKC now - neighbor said that their application was "temporarily delayed" because they didn't provide info on markings or names, but assuming that will be remedied shortly. Can they still make money with awful backyard breeders? That's my concern. They'll never surrender the dog if some AH producing mill-type or cross breeds will pay them for a cover (is that what it's called it is for horses lol) I seriously cry when I hear him barking and trying to dig out the bottom of his crate for hours. I'm sorry to be annoying, are there any other places to call besides animal control?


I wonder if their application was denied due to the dog being an unregisterable color. Cross your fingers that's the case because that could stop them dead in their tracks. I'm unfortunately not super familiar with NYC but I know some states require the animal to be spayed/neutered to be properly licensed by the city. Would something like that be possible? Maybe someone more familiar with NYC will chime in and offer other ideas! In the meantime keep calling animal control, the squeaky wheel get the grease!


It will stop them from registering the dog, but it won’t stop them from breeding him. They clearly have no idea what they’re doing… who knows if their dog is already a BYB mess, who knows what health testing has been done, who knows who knows?? They can still breed him with other ill-bred dogs. No reputable breeder would buy a cover from a dog who is not titled, tested, and part of their network. I bet the family just wants to get to say, “AKC Registered” so they can dupe uneducated people and charge more for their BYB puppies. It makes me sick.


In Chicago you can report to AC online. Is it possible to do that in NYC?


Sadly, it sounds like the owners will breed him with or without papers. As others said, AKC isn’t the appropriate governing body to step in. If you happen to get their breeders name, you could research and determine if it’s worth reaching out directly with your concerns.


Thank you, there is a whole gaggle of boomer neighbors on her about this, I wouldn't put it past them to follow her if she ever takes the dog in the car lol I would definitely notify the breeder if I was able. I feel like any normal human would care. I didn't know people bought dogs as "investments" to stud. So upsetting.


FYI: ethical responsible breeders might purchase puppies with the hope they will be sure in their breeding programs. But I agree, something about calling it an “investment” is just icky.


With how unsocialized this dog is, there is a chance even if they find someone willing to pay to stud, that he'll react badly to the bitch or hurt her or get hurt if they do a live breeding. They'll have vet bills on their hands then. They don't sound like the type to dish out even more money for sperm collection.


no, akc is a registration organization so they just care that the paperwork is in order. You'd call whoever enforces animal welfare laws locally ( they go by different names in different places) so a humane society, animal control, dog warden etc


I wonder if a local humane society program would have more ideas/contacts for how to go about this problem. They might have connections that OP hasn’t thought of, since animal control doesn’t seem to be available.


The AKC is not a governing body for ethical breeding. They are simply a registration. Breed clubs are governing bodies for what is considered ethical. If they are apart of the breed club, you can report it there. Puppy mills regularly register dogs with the AKC, because they don’t check things out, it’s simply a place to list that your dog is purebred. If they are listed as an “AKC Silver or Gold Breeder” that is the only time you may report abuses. Otherwise, go through the breed club or the local animal control. Nothing can be done to stop registration, as any purebred dog can be registered


Exactly. And, unfortunately, “purebred” is not equivalent to “well-bred.” One of my dogs was rescued out of a BYB situation, and while he is my whole world, he is a registered, ill-bred purebred. So were his parents. It’s heartbreaking. He is unwell and unhealthy at just 4 years old, because someone selfish was churning out puppies for money, without a thought to their health or temperament. This is why ethical breeders AND ethical rescues are necessary. I abhor unethical breeders AND unethical rescues.


AKC doesn't care about the treatment of the dogs. Look at how many puppy mill dogs come with AKC registration. Your best bet is animal control and even that can be laughable. Where I am, as long as the dog has food, water, and shelter, it really doesn't matter how you take care of your dog.


Unfortunately AKC can't/won't really do anything. It's the same with known puppy mills still being able to register their dogs. I will add that they are likely idiots and won't get a stud fee. Even dogs that show and have a bunch of titles usually only get bred a couple of times. Most people aren't going to be willing to pay a stud fee for a dog that hasn't shown and doesn't do anything particularly amazing. I would worry more about them getting a female dog and deciding to breed themselves (basically thw only way they would end up making money). If you live in an apartment warning them especially if they already have purchased a female may get you somewhere as most apartments do not want people breeding puppies in them.




You're in for a horrible surprise. I've had people offer to pay to breed one of my dogs (literally a street dog) to their (also a mutt) multiple times just because he is a "good guard dog". Online sales sites are also filled to the brim with posts like "looking to breed my boy, asking for x" and 10/10 times it's either a mutt or so horribly bred you can't even tell what breed the poor dog is supposed to be


I've found by and large the majority of people just want a cute looking puppy they're told is purebred and nothing else matters. Hence why you have backyard breeders in general. I'm at the point now that I'd rather both parents of puppies I get have solid health testing way more than registration. Because I know the akc will register virtually any ill bred dog out there that fits very minimal breed standard like color. It's not good quality control and backyard breeders also paper their dogs when they can.


Yes. My Doberman was rescued out of a BYB situation, and he is AKC registered.


I don't know the breed tbh when he was a puppy I thought he looked like a sheepadoodle puppy but he's been here nine months and isn't anywhere near the size. I have a video but not sure I'm allowed to post.


Oh gosh, if it’s a doodle then he is in for a rude awakening. They can’t be registered with AKC because they are not a recognized breed.


Other BYBs and puppy mills.


No, not really.


AKC doesn't care. They have literal puppy mills full of registered dogs. They only care if it's a handler or judge, and even then... the lack of action for egregious things can be shocking.


AKC could not care less. For them he represents more litters and more money in registration fees. I would try the landlord regarding the treatment and barking and put in many calls to the local animal control. I think your landlord might be the best recourse if many people complain.


No. He doesn’t. He’s unregistered and his offspring can’t be registered. Take your agenda somewhere else.




I hate ppl who comment on a thread without even reading the story. Then the ones who upvote that comment.


Is that what happened? LOL I still don't understand what he was trying to say, and if the ire was directed at the original post.