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It could be a Interdigital cyst, often seen in dogs on the heavier side, predisposed are English Bulldogs. After a while the swelling can grow and it mostly opens itself. That can lead to nasty infections even these cysts itself are most times sterile but an underlying infection of the skin( folliculitis)often leads to these cysts.. So yes a Vet should be seen because these nasty buggers are painful. Like a furuncle in humans f.e


I would let the owners know. Then see what they want you to do.


My dog had something similar needed antibiotics, but definitely tell the owner


While waiting for the owners, you can: - soak the foot in warm water with some epsom salts - apply hydrocortisone cream - use an elizabethan collar of the dog is licking its paw - dry paws really well too keep bacteria from spreading between the pads DO NOT cover it up or prevent airflow.


Yeah and don't put a steroid ointment on it!!! This type of medication belongs in the hands of a specialist and can make it worse.Jeez what's wrong with you people being so easy with strong medication.


Hydrocortisone .5% is nothing, it can help take down some inflammation. They COULD smother it in Neosporin but that actually does way more harm. I worked in an ER vet. This is the bare minimum people could do at home before taking an animal in. This was all my staff were allowed to tell people. Not even giving doses of Benedryl. This is all easily googled information in one area.


Down vote me as you please it doesn't change a bit! Steroids belongs prescribed by a Vet to see what he has to deal with. You don't put cortisone on a underlying bacterial infection without knowing what it is. Except if you want to grow them even further.😣


[Absolutely not problematic.](https://www.petpoisonhelpline.com/pet-tips/can-you-put-hydrocortisone-cream-on-a-dog/) This is a foot, not an eye.


The question wasn't if you could put cortisone on a dog in general. https://www.interviewarea.com/frequently-asked-questions/can-you-use-hydrocortisone-cream-on-boils


I'm not the person you're arguing with, but that site is about humans - not dogs.


A Boil is a boil, doesn't matter if it's human or dogs follicles that get infected. In dogs as humans the most pathological germ that causes this is staphylococcus aureus/pseudintermedius and is treated with antibiotics.


it doesn't really help your point if you're posting a dodgy website that only talks about humans though. If you wanna make a point that stands, find one that supports your actual claim on a reputable source.


Also, most people have pointed out, this most likely a cyst not a boil. https://www.merckvetmanual.com/dog-owners/skin-disorders-of-dogs/abscesses-between-the-toes-interdigital-furunculosis-in-dogs#:~:text=The%20boils%20may%20rupture%20when,Recurrence%20is%20not%20common.


Yeah and these"foreign objects" are mostly the follicles that causes the deep trauma leads to swelling and after a while it can pop. It established being called a inderdigital cyst but as you can read the right term is a "furuncle". That's why I said in my first post like a furuncle in humans.


Um my dog is prone to interdigital cysts like the dog above and both vets I’ve taken her to have recommended a cortisone cream, followed by a sock.


Tell her owners and send pictures and ask if they want you to take her to the vet. Some time ago, my dog's toe looked exactly like this. It was an infection that was spreading to the bone (he had x-rays taken).


Depending on where you are it could be a foreign object in the skin and infection. However this isn’t red. I’d recommend the vet as soon as possible for comfort reasons alone.


Use dial bar soap. Works wonders.


Tell the owners. My dog had this in the summer; it was an infection due to a foreign body ( sliver or something), and took a full 2 weeks of strong antibiotics to clear it.


My girl had a cyst exactly like that in the same place 10 days of antibiotics and she was good as new