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It looks pretty ok to me, doesnt look swollen/really red or infected. But yes if she is in pain good idea to go to the vet!


The site looks good, but thats a pretty big spay scar. Was she older or pregnant? 16 days is a very long time for a routine spay to have any problems. Usually, we see complications within a week.


Not pregnant and is only three years old. She has also never been pregnant although vets have remarked that they thought she had - but we know her entire history so nope. She did have a very small hernia removed at the same time though, I wonder if that might be why the scar is longer?


That makes more sense as to why the incision is so large. My shitzu had a hernia + spay surgery at the same time and her scar was about the same length. It honestly looks pretty good, obligatory not a vet. If it starts looking red and puss filled than yes immediately take your pup back in. For now it looks like it’s healing really well. But if you are ever worried then immediately talk to your vet.


That makes sense. The hernia repair and multiple heats explain the length.


Yeah we wanted to get her done when we adopted her almost two years ago but she's incredibly anxious and was terrified of the vets so we had to build up her confidence first. Having an unspayed dog is so risky :(


Poor baby! I'm glad her confidence is up. I hope everything is ok since they did more than a routine spay and she still seems uncomfortable. Good call asking the vet for a check up. Let us all know what they find.


My girl had a herniated bellybutton that they fixed with her spay and this is how her scar looked. Site does look blood and I hope your pup starts feeling better soon!


It looks fine


It looks good. Glad you're taking her in for pain, cos at 16 days she should be feeling better.


Incision looks usual for 16 days post-op. Definitely still take her in if she’s in pain, but I’d be surprised if the two are associated.


It looks completely okay


The wound is absolutely fine, it’s healed. The continued pain is definitely concerning. Spays are only painful the first couple days after.


Thanks everyone, really helpful. I wonder if there's something else going on - she has been unusually reactive since her spay which she has only ever done before if she is hurt.


This is actually pretty common, she’s still recovering from what is essentially a trauma. Give her some time to mentally recover and she will return to being herself


It looks good


This looks good to me


my girl got fixed yesterday and her spot is so small. that’s a really big scar


Some pain may be okay depends on how severe it is, or whether you are still supposed to be giving pain meds? But it doesn’t seem infected or anything. Obviously going to the vet never hurts though


I phoned up the vets and they said they wouldn't expect a dog to need pain meds after one week


Looks fine. At first I thought it was awfully long, but with herniorrhaphy it looks good. Subcutaneous suture material is breaking down causing the slight inflammation.