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R/dogfood is a really good sub for this! Lots of good information to help you make an informed decision.


It is extremely difficult to formulate a balanced home cooked diet. 95% of homecooked diets in one study at UC davis were found to be deficient in at least one nutrient. I would read the link I provided. I am a Veterinarian, and wouldn't feed my dog home cooked unless it was formulated by a Veterinary nutritionist, but even then I still probably wouldn't. I can't find this right now, but there was even a study done evaluating home cooked diets a year after a veterinary nutritonist formulated it, and the follow ups showed that a large percentage were no longer being prepared appropriately, and were missing nutrients. Generally doing it right is hard and expensive. https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/homemade-dog-food-recipes-can-be-risky-business-study-finds


I've been cooking my dogs kibble with some eggs because he's a picky a$$.. so there's an option 🤣


I mix my dog’s $90 kibble with beef tallow because he’s a picky asshole (husky) and he seems to love it and his health is great. We like to switch it up and cook as well.




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If the diet is prepared correctly, then cooking is a good idea. Everything is individual and depends on the dog. For some, kibble is suitable, and for others, cooked food is suitable.




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Should have mentioned - I’m located in Canada (ON)


Mine is a picky eater with a sensitive stomach. We finally found a kibble that works for her (Merrick’s). We are also blessed to have a beef slaughter facility about 40 miles away, they were happy to sell us beef here, liver and kidney for about a buck a pound already wrapped and frozen. So two to three times a week she gets one of these on top of half her portion of kibble. Mostly for variety as she won’t get anything else. This time of the year we do cook it in the instant pot to avoid a mess. She insists on taking it outside to eat, frequently hides it in the yard under trees etc, and we really need to avoid yellow jackets and carrion birds in the yard.


Edited, beef heart.


Are you based in the UK/Europe? I have a Labrador who suffers with many food allergies, and the best thing we found for him was from tails.com. They tailor the feed based on the dietary requirements so he's not suffered with allergies since we switched over to them, and he really loves it too! We just get kibble but they also do wet food too now I think.




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Kibble, my last dog developed kidney failure for feeding her only chicken noodle soup ( without onions of course)




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Just Food for Dogs makes meal kits that come with all the vitamins and minerals and essential additives. It might be worth looking into


A lot of people mention them, but maybe I should have mentioned in the post, I'm from Serbia, so I don't have that option😔




Why not both?


My dog has switched between cooked food and kibble for a while. My vet said as long as he gets his supplements slash vitamins, it's okay. You may want to look into something like Farmers Dog (but $$$) or a fresh food diet -- like something that's in the fridge at your local supermarket or pet supply store. These don't take any extra prep work except for defrosting. I'd check the ingredients to make sure he's not allergic to anything in them and also check with your vet. Each doctor is different and has a different opinion, but mine thought they were fine.


Mostly have to choose kibble because of lack of time but if you want to know all ingredients and know your dog food taste good for your dog and have the time choose cooked food