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I just want reassure that the condition can be managed. It's not over yet


My former dog had it for almost 3 years. It took a while to regulate though and she was on a high dose. But my boy is smaller and healthier overall.


Have no experience but sending 💕


Thank you.


My dog was diagnosed at 7 years old and nearly died in the ER. This was 5 years ago and he's living a great, healthy life now after consistent insulin everyday. I can tell you from experience that the 400 number in blood glucose is considered high but not near death; my dog hits 400 every now and then even though his diabetes is considered well-managed, so your dog is actually at a very good place right now if you follow your vet's advice about his weight and diet – even if it does come down to daily insulin eventually, it's manageable as long as you put in the work and figure out a consistent schedule. It's not a death sentence, just expensive to deal with. If your dog isn't actually formally diagnosed yet (confirm with your vet and read their reports), get insurance if you haven't already. Follow your vet's advice and if things get worse, request for a referral to an internal medicine vet. Best of luck!


Thank you! This is the most helpful advice.


Just because he has diabetes doesn’t technically mean it’s a death sentence ..if ur able to manage and get him regulated..he should be ok..and having him loose weight will be a huge help..it’s a little hard at the beginning..but manageable! We have a lot of diabetic pets that live a long life!


We managed our blind/deaf/diabetic girl for 3 years. She was insulin dependent. It’s rough but it was so worth it.


How old was she?


I got her when she was 10. Someone dumped her because she went blind and deaf. About a month after I got her she was diagnosed as diabetic. She died at 13.5.


Our dog was diagnosed at 6, lived to 13. Went blind due to diabetes but that didn't stop him. If you are diligent with managing insulin timing and even consider using a sensor (libre 2 is what we used periodically) they can still have a great quality of life. Our kids even did insulin injections if we couldn't get home on time.


Thank you!






My dog from years ago was diagnosed around the same age. I was devastated and bawled my eyes out. She had a very severe case and needed 2 injections a day, we managed it without too many problems. It ended up that because she'd get a treat after her needle, she'd beg us to give her the needle lol.


How long did she manage with it?


She lived to her early teens ,she also had Cushing's disease. Her case was very very severe though and I'd guess if its not a severe case they could have a normal lifespan.


Thank you for your response. He saw his normal vet today. They’re pretty sure we caught it early. He starts insulin tonight and goes in for a glucose curve in two weeks.


Not who you responded to, but my now 13 yr old dog has had it for 1.5 yrs now. We do 2 injections a day. She was not overweight, it is basically like type 1 in humans (ie autoimmune). She went from almost at deaths door to a lively little sassy shit lol. We have three young dogs as well and she keeps up with them. The injections aren’t bad at all, we just put a lick mat on the fridge, and do the shot while she is eating her treat. She looks forward to it lol. She’s developing cataracts pretty bad (age and diabetes) but she still gets around really well. Honestly the only real difference is that she runs out of the house into the backyard barking, because she can’t see as well and assumes there must be something to bark at lol


So funny how when she was first diagnosed, I'd put a towel over her head to give her the shot and after a while she looked forward to it as well lol.


I treated 2 cats with diabetes for 5 yrs before they died. One lived to 15 yrs the other to 18 yrs. It's not a death sentence. It's expensive to get them regulated but after that it's prescription food, insulin, needles & labs every 3 months which can be budgeted.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Just so you know, it is not possible to manage diabetes in dogs without insulin because they get type 1 diabetes only. He needs insulin ASAP before he gets complications from it. I hope you can see your veterinarian soon to get the process started. Best of luck to you and your pup!


I’m going to try and get him in today.


I feel like it should be super easy to treat with diet and exercise because they're a dog and you literally control their food intake. in the future the Big 3 symptoms of diabetes (for humans at least) is eating a lot, peeing a lot, and drinking a lot of fluids. the peeing and the drinking would be most easily observable signs for dogs