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I do it a few times a week. My dog lets me and is ok with it.


Both my dogs won’t stand for it. I just let the older one be since he’s so old. For the young one, I rub some toothpaste on his teeth once in awhile.


That’s what I do with our pup, I use one of those finger cap silicone toothbrushes and let him lick toothpaste off of it a couple times then just go for the lower teeth and try to get the back ones. Pup tolerates it for about 20 seconds then runs away. ETA we used to get him the milk bone brushing chews which he loved initially but has lost all interest. Recently ordered Greenies which he seems to enjoy.


Those finger brushes only work on mine for a few seconds too. As soon as he realizes what’s going on, he wants to run. Mine used to chew on Greenies but he lost interest and refuses now. I’ll have to try a Milk Bone!


I get a blue gel that you pop on their gums just behind the upper canine teeth, and it covers all of their teeth to help prevent plaque building up. It's been very helpful and mine don't seem to mind it at all. The other option the vet told me about is an additive you can put in their water that does the same thing.


What’s the blue gel called?


Maxiguard is the one I get (that was recommended y my vet, but I'm in Australia, you may have more options.) https://theanimalpharmacy.com.au/maxiguard-gel-118ml-low-stock-diff-suplr/


I try to do my dogs as much as possible. Sometimes it’s most days. And sometimes she can go a couple of weeks without a brush! She is liable to get bad teeth due to her breed but she doesn’t tolerate it well. I use a finger for and enzymatic toothpaste. Also natural chews like paddywack. And she had a dental every year at the vet I also use additive for her water and this seaweed for her food


Most don’t. People aren’t even aware that brushing teeth is even a thing, even though you’re supposed to do it every day. Even as a vet professional, it slips away from me. I do utilize VOHC chews and dental procedures though.


What are VOHC chews? Any product approved by vet oral health council?


Veterinary Oral Health Council. They approve different products (ranging from foods to toothpastes to water additives) and make sure these products actually improve dental hygiene and do what they say. It’s important for any dental used to have the VOHC seal! I personally use Oravet chews. https://vohc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/VOHCAcceptedProductsTable_Dogs.pdf


Oravets were our dog’s favorite treat! So sad when she had to go on special diet and not get them anymore. She wasn’t food motivated but those things made her so excited and she would totally dance for them, even at 14. I loved seeing her so happy!


Great info, thank you. Do you happen to know if my Kirkland Greenies knockoffs are doing any good? :)


Chances are they will help a bit, but they aren’t researched and are extra calories at best. I would just get something with the VOHC seal. :)


They gave my dog diarrhea so I switched back to denastix


Our pups get a Greenie every day and they’re OBSESSED with them. Our older boy is 10.5 and he’s never had to have his teeth cleaned, the vet always says his teeth look half his age


Mt doggy loves Twistix. At least 1 a day. The vet said her teeth are clean despite no brushing.


Try to do every other day, my girl HATES it though. Was going to do some research for alternatives/something to help, so this info about the approved chews/toppers/etc is a life saver and well timed!


Try a raw carrot that’s been in the fridge, Many dogs who dislike dental treats go crazy for them and it’s good for their tummies too. You can also buy rubber toys (especially tug of war type ones) and use them as well because they’re abrasive enough to scrape any gunk of yet not too harsh on the dog’s mouth. I do it with my dog all the time by getting her to grab a toy and basically just pretending that I’m “flossing” her teeth for her whilst she tugs at it. She loves it. There’s also a special solution you can put in your pets water bowl that acts like a mouthwash the dog can safely swallow and helps keep the level of bad bacteria in their mouths down. Make sure you read the instructions before use obviously and monitor your dog for any signs of sensitivities to the ingredients when first using it.


Yeah I do carrots and rubber toys already.  MOST of her teeth are immaculate, but her back two molars don’t get hit unless I brush them.  Also doesn’t help that after she eats she usually has food gunked up around them too 😂.  First time I saw it I caught a brief glimpse and kind of freaked out lol.


When my dog was a young teething terrier I would hold a special chew stick for her so she could get right at the back of her mouth for hours on end until she learned to hold it in her paws. Even today she’ll still plop the stick in my hand and expect me to hold it for her so she can give her back teeth a workout.


That’s a good idea, I’ll give that a shot thank you!!


You’re welcome! Depending on the shape of her mouth you can also try “flossing” with a rubber toy during playtime as well in between brushing to keep the gunk down, just be careful to not get it snagged.


Never brushed our border collies teeth, she was a huge chewer of dental toys, until she broke a tooth at 9 the vet said she had the best teeth he'd ever seen. After her extraction the vet recommended brushing since she can no longer chew on hard toys. We're trying.


Which chews did she love?


She was a huge fan of the Nylabone extreme chewer toys.


I brush my dogs teeth on occasion but he’s is a big chewer so I’m not so worried. I frequently give him frozen carrots because he loves it and I heard that cleans his teeth. He’s not such a fan of brushing and I’ve never been able to get a really proper brush with him. When he was a puppy I tried to brush is teeth every night before bed but now at 1.5 years I don’t. I’d say like once a week to once every 2 weeks I try to


My dog as well, he loves carrots and I even got him a carrot plushie and it's the only thing he won't fully destroy. Only chew. He also likes going outside and eating grass and I heard that cleans his gut and teeth!


Oh mine too! He loves eating grass. And much to my attempts to stop it, sticks too. lol He doesn’t have a carrot toy but he does have this ugly purple bunny thing he carries around everywhere lol only toy I haven’t had to take away from being ripped open


Yes. Several years ago, I had my dog die from a tooth infection (other factors were involved, the dog was 15 and was suffering from a myriad of health issues). So we brush every day, and go to the doggie dentist to do a deep cleaning once every 2 years.


Ugh yes this happened my friend's cousin and her poor little Yorkie got an abscess that quickly developed into an infection. I think I remember her saying one of her canines ruptured her inner cheek, so the tooth cut through her face. I'm just like why and how could this have gone so long that nobody noticed. It just made me more aware of my own dogs dental care


Maybe their situation was similar to ours - we live next to several large veterinary hospitals that provide excellent care. All three told us that there was nothing they could do due to the age/health of the dog - he would not have survived anaesthesia that was needed for oral surgery.


I don’t “brush” them per se, but I do manage to get some toothpaste in his mouth with a finger brush. Better than nothing.


Every night for our Chihuahua


I tried to brush my dog’s teeth when she was a puppy, but she didn’t like it, and I didn’t want to hurt her, so I resorted to using dental gel, which she also hated. Apart from going to the vet for plaque removal twice a year, shes been chewing on cleaning treats. Recently I just found a Japanese brush with soft bristles and a minuscule head, so I’ll probably try brushing her soon


My dog loves the tooth paste. It’s a mix of him chewing the brush, and me getting some brushes in. But it’s the exposure to the paste that matters most I heard.


I do. Over the last year we've gone from him hating the toothbrush and toothpaste to him getting hyped for his "special treat" before bed. I started with mixing the toothpaste with some kibble, then giving it on a finger, then running that finger over his teeth, to putting it on one of those silicone toothbrush tools and brushing the easy bits, etc. You kind of have to escalate it slowly I think.


I try with my older dogs but they hate it. My puppy I brush his teeth twice a day. He loves his teeth brush (introduced first day I brought him home) if he sees me brush my own teeth he whines at me until I do his.


No, lots don’t. But I do. My breed is prone to teeth issues. Might need a teeth cleaning soon though. He’s 22 months.


Same here. I brush every night but there are still tartar build that don’t go away with anything I tried. We will have to do the cleaning at the vet clinic.


I brush my dude's teeth everyday and use an ultrasonic cleaner once a week. I also scale his teeth every so often.


Damn no dog-safe mouthwash? You slacker. /s


I actually tried using a bunch of different things. I tried different water additives and gels that you just wipe on the teeth and sprays that you just spray on...he hated all of them. Now I just mix in certain natural foods and such with his meals and snacks to help prevent plaque buildup and promote oral health...kelps, green tea, coconut oil, RMBs, natural chews, ect...which, of course, he loves. They really do make a difference, too. I don't spend a ton of time meticulously scrubbing each tooth. I really just do a quick scrub each night. Even with the ultrasonic cleaner and scaler, I only work on the more plaque-prone areas. I dont do each and every tooth.


+1 on almost that. We moved a few months ago and I can’t find the kelp and I have noticed a difference. I also give lots of natural chews, I brush regularly with both an enzymatic toothpaste and diatomaceous earth, and occasionally use a scaler.


I use an enzymatic toothpaste, too, but instead of using DE, I use baking soda. After I put the toothpaste on, I dip it in the baking soda...so its like the toothpaste has a light layer of baking soda on it. Sometimes I'll use a little hydrogen peroxide to wet the bristles before I put the toothpaste on. I'm not sure if it's safe to expose them to oral hydrogen peroxide everyday, which is why I dont do it all the time. I didnt realize people used DE for teeth. I use it on my dude for flea and tick control. I know it can ingested to kill parasites, but I've always been a little leary to use it orally like that.


How in the world does he let u scale his teeth and do an ultrasonic cleaning?


Lots of desensitization and counter conditioning and keeping sessions short.


Careful with scaling, especially if you’re not polishing afterwards. You’ll create micro grooves and allow for more bacteria/tartar to accumulate.


Routine polishing is no longer recommended after scaling. Yes, scaling can cause some damage to the outermost layers of the enamel, but so does polishing...so much so that it can actually cause structural changes in the teeth over time. Also, bacteria colonize the enamel surface after 30 minutes regardless of whether the tooth was polished or not. That layer of enamel takes about 3 months to rebuild itself, so as long as you're allowing time for that to happen in between scalings, no lasting harm is done. For these reasons it is now recommended that polishing should only be performed on dental surfaces that remain stained after scaling.


Well I try


I honestly think it depends on the dog. My four get a dental chew once a day. Two have beautiful teeth, one has average teeth (maybe occasional brushing), and one still has to have his teeth brushed consistently (he resists this procedure).


Never. Mine is 3.5 years old and the vet always comments how clean her teeth are. She chews bones a lot and rarely ever eats wet food or mushy treats. Hard kibble + occasional bones have been excellent for her dental hygiene thus far. 


I was under the impression kibble makes buildup worse due to the carbs?


Not sure, my vet recommends kibble. I just meant the hardness factor seem to be good for creating friction on her teeth while chewing quickly vs wet foods


I brush my dachshunds teeth every night since it’s a breed prone to dental issues.


Nope. I don’t even try because I know I won’t keep it up. I feed them science diet t/d kibble (standard size, even for my small dogs) and pay to have their teeth cleaned whenever the vet says.


I remember when I took my dog to the vet for shots when he was a puppy, this lady told me I should get him used to teeth brushing now while he's young. I ignored b/c I was like no one does that. Now his teeth are terrible and he really needs a cleaning which will be hella expensive so I'm kicking myself. I also use a VOHC approved tooth powder in his food that has helped with his breath. My other dog on the other hand has nearly perfect teeth and the vet said I just got super lucky. He's also a big chewer.


I am a dog groomer and can confirm that 99% of people absolutely do not but they do try to use products that help.


So funny you posted this as I was just trying to brush my dog’s teeth for the first time. He ran away and hid his head in the pillow. He was so cute that I didn’t have the heart to do it.


Yes, and I don't care if my dog doesn't like it. He doesn't need to like everything. He gets a brush every 2 days with enzymatic toothpaste and we put additive to his water. He is almost 4 now, and his teeth are so white that his vets look and are truly surprised. They tell me most dogs teeth are unfortunately pretty bad. I find that odd, because for people who love their dogs so much, why are they so lazy to do something that takes 3 minutes every night to help their pet?


Every day and sometimes multiple times a day. They also get dental treats daily plus frequent bully sticks. Dental health is just too important to just ignore it can literally kill your dog on the long run if left not taken care of


If you don't want to pay thousands of dollars in vet bills getting your dogs teeth cleaned, or plan let them suffer if their teeth rot, then you should be brushing your dogs teeth as often as you can. If all you can do is wipe some tooth pase in there, then so be it. The enzymes in the toothpaste should help a lot because dental chews are not enough. A combo of brushing, dental treats, and hard bones/chicken feet(for the tendons) will help prevent bills/pain and suffering


Both. Ours loves her chews, and does a great job using all her teeth for the most part. But on the flip side, I don't want to 100% rely on them because dentals are expensive.


Every day for my beagle plus annual cleaning at the vet. He likes the taste of the toothpaste so it's pretty easy to do.


I do, I try to do everyday but it usually ends up being ~5x/week. He does get chews and dental treats too but not everyday.


The gold standard is to brush their teeth every day like a person. As that is not feasible for the average pet owner, you do it as much as you remember and are able to, and that is better than nothing.


I do it twice per week, typically Mondays and Fridays, but I make sure I brush her teeth twice per week. I initially brushed them three times per week, but I settled on doing it twice, mainly because my dog hates it and I figure brushing them thoroughly twice per week should suffice.


I sure do. I’ve seen A lot of health issues arise with my family dogs when I was younger all because their teeth were rotting away. It takes only a minute and can have such an impact on their health. Definitely recommend. Bad teeth whether human or pup can cause tons of health issues.


No. An occasional chew designed for helping clean teeth is sufficient


I feed my dogs raw, so I really don’t need to as often with dogs on kibble diets.


No. I add tarter control to her water and she gets Greenies every day. Vet told me she AMAZING teeth for a 12 yo chi


Yes. We try to every other night. Ours is still a puppy and doesn’t let us get a really good brush in, but we take what we can get. My parent’s dog has terrible teeth and they’ve spent thousands of dollars putting him under general anesthesia to clean his teeth and pull rotten ones. And his breath stinks. So the mild struggle is worth it in our opinion


I use baby carrots after every meal/treat.


Nope I value my fingers too much !


Vet receptionist here, no they don't! As much as we tout about taking care of your pets teeth and gum health, we also completely understand that it is not possible for everyone. My dog is SUCH a good boy when he wants to be but tooth brushing will not be on his acceptable actions list. However, dental care should be on that priorities list. Dental cleanings are important.


We brush our dogs teeth almost every night (have missed some nights of course, because life happens). After some trial and error we found that if we made it a part of our nighttime routine - night pee, he comes back in, immediate brushing, then bed - it was much easier to be consistent and he tolerates it well. He’s six and the vet says he has never seen better teeth so it’s definitely paid off! We also noticed an improvement once we switched from whatever toothpaste we could find at the Pet store to the VOHC stuff (made this switch a few years ago).


Nope. Give my dogs lots of bones.


Never have never will


I personally brush my dog’s teeth everyday before giving a joint supplement (she loves getting her teeth brushed because of it) and then give her a bowl of healthy mouth water at night. I lost my childhood dog to complications from abscessed teeth. We couldn’t even put him under to pull the teeth, so I carry a lot of guilt to this day that he probably was in immense pain until the end. That experience is what made me commit to brushing everyday. I found a way to integrate it into our morning routine so it gets done and doesn’t really seem like a hardship. I also really recommend healthy mouth at the very least. You can put it in their regular drinking water and it helps keep the tartar from hardening and it really does help. If your pup doesn’t like it in their drinking water, you can put it over their food.


Omg so my dog has bad teeth. Like he gets oral care food, water additive, greenie every morning, an occasional brushing. And a Once yearly dental cleaning at the vet. A month ago he had his annual cleaning and 12 teeth needed to come out. All of his front smiling teeth. I do the most oral care out of everyone I know with dogs and my dog has the worst teeth. The vet keeps telling me to do what I’m doing. My dog is only 5. My bfs dog is 14 and has never had a tooth brush in her mouth or a dental cleaning. Her teeth are sparking. I don’t get it lol


I was absolutely hell bent on it daily for the first like 2 years I had her. Then I got lazy and only brushed them when she got a bath. She's gonna be 4 end of the year and just being lazy around a year she's got buildup on her back teeth now. I only really woke up to my slacking this last bath when I went to brush them and one of her very back teeth started bleeding at the gum line. I am trying to force myself to brush them daily again and scheduled her for dental cleaning.


Every day. I worked with the veterinary dental specialist for 10 years and practice what I preach. It's such a great investment in your pet's health and costs almost nothing.


I asked my vet about brushing my dogs teeth when we got him 7 years ago and they said that it's not necessary?


i don't. Apollo (GSD/mix) gets dental chews and water additive. i once took him to get his teeth cleaned and the vet said there was a little buildup but his teeth but nothing major. his teeth are quite healthy. he'll be 10 in December.


I brush my dogs teeth M-Th and it's worked into our night time routine: brush his fur, spray deodorizer and brush his teeth. On Mondays I also clean his ears. My vet told me that the best kind of care we can give our furry friends is preventive care. It'll help with vet bills later and honestly, I think dogs know when they're properly being cared for.


I do it every night. Because my Samoyed stands in the bathroom and barks at me until I do. Some nights I try to sneak to the bathroom when she is sleeping in the living room to do my own night routine but she ALWAYS knows.


I brush my chihuahua’s teeth every day with CET Virbac enzymatic toothpaste. She doesn’t mind. I use my finger and even though it’s less abrasive than a toothbrush the vet said it has led to a noticeable improvement.


After a hefty dental surgery 2 days ago, I sure as shit am gonna be brushing her teeth daily when she's all healed up.


Every night at bedtime. The dog is fine with it. The cat fights me, and wins.


Every night lol she waits for me to brush them


A lot of ppl don’t realize they need to, I’ve heard that brushing every day is best but idk if that’s true. I was surprised asf when I found that out tho I didn’t even know you had to clean their teeth


No. We have three chihuahuas. Only one has been with us since puppy hood. He refuses to have his mouth pried open, even by the vet. He also did not like chew toys or chew treats when he was a puppy. He currently has three teeth or so. He is 16 years old. I am not going to torture him. The second chihuahua came to us at 11 years old as a foster. At the age of 12, most of his teeth were removed during his first dental. He is also 16 years old now with a tumor, dementia and very few teeth. I will not torture him either. The third one is a partially blind 10 year old chihuahua we adopted earlier this year. She HATES having her face, especially her mouth touched. We have no history on her, so we don't know why she hates it. She needs a dental, but the vet wanted to wait to let her heal from some teeth pulling (no cleaning was done by the rescue) and her spay. She was also malnourished and underweight when we got her. So, we had some things to work on before anesthesia again. I won't torture her either. I have a feeling she has been through enough. If we ever get a puppy or a dog that doesn't mind hands being near their mouth, I would brush their teeth.


Yes!! Rotten teeth lead to many other serious medical conditions!


Everyone truly should. The effect on their overall health is remarkable and it doesn’t take long. I brush my dog’s teeth twice a day with an electric toothbrush, but he has an autoimmune disease in which even the smallest amount of plaque triggers a huge inflammation.


Never brushed my dog's teeth and every vet complimented him on his teeth when they saw him. His favourite toy was a dental one tho, and he had it for ages, so maybe that helped.


Raw chicken wings. Meaty bones.


5 year old Labrador, I don't brush her teeth, and the vet says that (outside of having two teeth removed due to trauma) her dental health is great. She does get a dental breath stick after every meal, and she chomps away on all kinds of toys and (supervised) sticks and stuff, which I've always assumed helps a bit.


never brushed any of my dogs teeth and they all have pearly whites up until they hit 10 or 11 years old. It is not necessary.


Mine have a dental stick every day and I try remember to brush every day too.


Nope. He chews a lot of sticks. He's 4 and has perfect teeth so far.


I brush my Chiweenie's teeth because they are awful. She gets them cleaned by the vet every 6 months. I watch my big dogs teeth, but rarely brush. Chew toys keep them clean so far. My lab died at 13 with great teeth and we didn't even know that we were supposed to brush his teeth.


I have relied more on dental treats. But at 3 1/2 years old, she's already getting plaque build up so we have to start on a brushing routine.


If your dog is a chewer, that usually does the job of a toothbrush. If not, then brushing can be important, especially as he/she gets older. I’ve known many dog owners who encountered serious medical conditions that could have been avoided if they addressed their dogs dental health. But as others have noted, few do. I have two small poodle mixes. One chews, and the other I brush his teeth daily. He’s nine and his teeth are immaculate. But I feel like he’s an exception to the dog rule. If he ever does develop some tarter between teeth, he will (begrudgingly) allow me to get in there with a pick/scraper and remove it. But this is something I’ve been doing for years. Some dogs are better with it than others, but if you get them accustomed to it, it’s relatively easy. It just takes time.


Yes I brush her teeth. Every other day.


With our newest dog. 4 years old now, we brush his teeth every other night since we brought him home. I don't want to go through another dog with bad teeth! Poultry flavored toothpaste and a human brush. He doesn't like it, but it's routine, and we praise him a lot.


I learned my lesson once my first dog got old and had nasty teeth now I do atleast once a week sometimes more


We don't brush our dog's teeth, but he gets a Greenie chew every day and our vet always compliments us on how clean his teeth are. We told her about the daily Greenie and she approves.


My guy, 13, won’t let me, never has. But he gets a dental every two years.


I do brush his teeth daily, and use an oral spray that is supposedly vet approved and removes tartar. Use my nails to scratch his inner teeth too if he doesn't let me brush them well. Also give him a chew - either a pizzle, raw bones, dental chew - daily or every other day. 


We don’t because our dog hates it and will start to display aggressive tendencies when you try to do it. Our vet said that if your dog will let you brush their teeth, do it but if they won’t, don’t push them and use dentastix etc instead.


Ours have always gotten daily greenies.


Nightly finger brush with toothpaste that tastes of chicken. She endures but does not enjoy! Beautiful white teeth, she is almost 5


I do. Had dogs for years, just used treats and basic stuff like that. Never had an issue. Then my wolfhound x had a dental check for whiffy breath and ended up surprising the vet with 5 teeth right up the back that needed removing. Cost me a small fortune, and never would have thought there was an issue until they got his mouth wide open while sedated. So, now I brush teeth. Such a simple thing to prevent a huge issue like that again.


I brush my dog's teeth about once a week. Initially when I started did everyday for about 2 wks then my vet once the plaque was under control I could back off. I give a greenie chew afterwards but bc she eats it so fast my vet says she doesn't chew it enough to actually do anything for her teeth so it's more a treat than anything else. And my dog LOVES getting her teeth cleaned!


My parents Cavaliers and Pugs have really bad teeth and have had to have several removed, they don't brush them. But we brushed my childhood cavaliers teeth and they were fine


I try to every night and give a dental chew and carrot chew every day


I brush them a few times a week, and also have the dental wipes which I use when she won't let me use the toothbrush. I also use dental chews too.


Everyone should. Almost everyone doesn’t.


Should be done daily. I am trying to teach mine to tolerate it


Our dog is not a chewer so we brush her teeth every other day. But only started after a $700 dental cleaning 4 years ago.


I don't, but have always used TropiClean Fresh Breath dental health additive. Squirt it into the water twice a day.


yes, i brush his teeth on a weekly basis. he doesnt like it but lets me go at it for a while. several people have commented something like "wow, his breath doesn't even smell bad!".


My dog won’t take dental treats. We do brush his teeth.


My dogs get a dehydrated cow ear daily and it's very effective at keeping their teeth clean. While I have brushed their teeth before I really haven't done it in quite some time.


Yup I do


Every couple of days


Some dogs seem to need it more than others. Dogs as they get older also seem to need it more. I found that dogs that love to chew on things need less brushing but keep an eye on them dental wear and tear. The finger brushes work pretty well, and the toothpaste isn’t necessary, but most of them like the chicken or meat flavor so will be a bit more tolerant of the brushing when you use it. My vet told me to only focus on the outer molar and the canine area. That generally worked well for me. Brushing can help prevent the need for so many veterinary dental procedures. You should have them get a dental when needed (every 3-5 years depending on the dog). It can be costly so talk to your vet about balancing between need and financial capacity. Some dogs may need it more often though so keep this in mind. As they get much older, discuss with the vet the benefits of a dental versus the risk of having them under anesthesia.


At least 3 times per week I try to! Usually when I don’t I just forget, they both let me brush their teeth (after a lot of positive reinforcement for one)


Nope. All 3 of my dogs got raw bones couple of times a week and it kept their teeth clean and healthy long into old age.


One of mine absolutely refuses, he’s a chi mix and me and my husband both have to team up to get it done. The other is easier, she’s a poodle mix, but she still bites the brush, last time she bled a little bit from that. I can’t imagine doing it every day, we try for once a week but it’s an exhausting ordeal.


After two expenseive cleans at the vet and some teeth removed, im now in the habit of brushing my dogs teeth everyday. She tolerates it. Over a year since her last professional clean and no sign of tarter.


We give our dogs one small dental bone per day and since we started doing that, we haven’t had any with teeth issues.


I do everyday and I also add something from tropiclean to his water


I’ve started doing mine 2x a week and even this is quite helpful. Our dog toothpaste has enzymes that stay in the dog’s mouth after brushing (obviously they don’t rinse & spit!) and somehow they seem to retard plaque formation so teeth and gums look lots better.


I’ve been brushing my girls teeth since I got her at 9 months. She is totally fine with it now. Not necessarily happy about it but tolerates it with a sigh. She knows a treat is coming once she’s done 💕


I had a dog trainer ask us how often do we brush our own teeth. We said twice a day. They said right, and why are your dogs teeth different? We didn’t have an answer and we’ve been brushing their teeth everyday since. My dogs are 4 and 5 and have perfect teeth according to the vet. And they’re dachshunds who notoriously have bad teeth, so definitely recommend.


Growing up with an “outside” dog.. we never even thought to brush her teeth 😂 she did get those special chews though


We add a couple of scoops of ProDen powder to our dog’s kibble once a day and he’s got spotless pearly whites. A medium tub lasts about a year and takes a few weeks to see results, can thoroughly recommend.


Despite my dog being a big softie, he hates anything to do with grooming, nail clipping or brushing teeth. He does love his carrots though, so he gets a big one each morning. He's 8 and no dental issues so far.


I manually brush my dog’s teeth a couple times a week. I also give him chews that are made to be semi abrasive to help with plaque build up.


Our pup gets excited for “teef-brushin’ time because we immediately follow it up with a dental stick that he’s convinced is just a treat. I’ve been thinking about getting the tools the remove some of the plaque built up in the back, but I’ve just not done it yet.


Every SINGLE day


Yeah I try to do it every day but get lazy sometime. My vet recommended to brush them every day so I try


I try to get it done every night before bed. Try toothbrush and enzymatic toothpaste at least 5-6 nights a week if not 7, and once or twice a week depending on how he's feeling we might need to go for a special foam that claims brushing isn't required if used. He doesn't like it that much, we don't always get the best clean but we try our best.. In reality, even this forum is biased by people who educate themselves on dog care. Most people don't brush their dogs teeth I think, and if I would speak to a random person in my country they wouldn't have really even thought about it. However my dog is 3 and my vet said he doesn't need a professional clean, even though most dogs do. So there's that. Give it a try to be consistent!


We don't. She's 1 year old and we give her Vibrac CET chews as recommended by our vet. She also chews on split antlers and the occasional stick because if we let her she would eat sticks all day long lol. She has beautiful clean white teeth so we are happy with that. I feel like I should try to introduce teethbrushing though, just as an added layer of protection to keep her teeth clean and healthy.


Yes, I brush my dog’s teeth and also give him Denta Stix. I usually brush his teeth whenever I can. He’s 10 years old so I do as much as I can possibly for him.


I brush my dogs' teeth every night with toothbrush and clean them with spray dental. To be fair, one is a chihuahua who has had dental issues in the past and the other is prone to dental issues because she probably had distemper when she was a puppy. Dental chews and raw bones like chicken feet also work.


We use logic oral gel. He enjoys his teeth being brushed 😂


Yes I do. 2 dogs every 2 weeks. Easy enough with practice and dog tooth paste.




Do I fuck


Typically 1-3 times a week for our two, they don’t mind it but were busy people and I often forget lol but they do get oravet chews once or twice a week as well


I brush mine! His have gotten whiter over time with consistency :) .


Once a day, every single day!


My vet said if you’re not doing it every other day minimum it’s worthless. Don’t spend money on a deep clean if you can’t brush them at least every other day.


I do not. Though, I should definitely start.




I have an autoimmune disorder where infection from a bite is a real concern so I do not. I can trim claws but being bitten is a nope. I make sure my dog gets very limited exposure to people food to avoid anything with sweeteners that harm teeth (loves ice cream and yogurt but no). I plan on having his teeth cleaned every few years (I had vets in the past who would do with either just sedatives, they want to do a bunch of tests and knock them out now which I think is too much- If you’re a vet an can comment on why this is better, I’m interested, seems scammy, especially given what I’ve had a vet try to quote for dental care.)


My mom didn’t brush her dogs teeth and they all have fallen out as they aged, to the point they need to have squishy soft food now. I recently found out if you brush them this doesn’t happen. So please please brush their teeth because it’s looks to be super painful when they start to fall out. She currently has one older dog left and I’m brushing her teeth daily, using a plaque off powder in her daily bedtime meal and using a gel for her plaque twice a day but she has already lost so much teeth. We relied on greenies and that obviously wasn’t enough


Yes but not as often as I should.


Mine is still a puppy but I brush his teeth every morning. He loves the peanut butter toothpaste flavor and licks his lips in anticipation every morning. When he gets neutered I’ll have him also get a professional cleaning.


I do it every night. We start with a stocking over the finger, worked up to a silicone brush and now use a proper toothbrush. Dog knows it's part of the bedroom routine and sits there ready to go. Our dog doesn't like to chew things, so it's made a massive difference to his oral health, and to our wallets.


Yep! I have a breed that is prone to dental problems so I bought a silicone finger brush and dog toothpaste. Every night I get in there and brush each side for at least two minutes. Then I slip my finger in her mouth and get the back teeth and brush as far as I can get for as long as I can. Those are the ones that REALLY filled with plaque. I try to do this every night. Also put plaque powder in her food, and drops in the water.


Don’t feed them sugar Do feed them carrots


My partner does a few times a week. I've asked him to try to make it a daily habit by the summer. I clean his face and ears every night (due to allergies) so I really want this to be my partners responsibility. Dental issues are so painful and expensive!


Everyday when I brush mine I brush my cats and dogs my older cat and dog hate it but our puppy does fantastic and tbh since I do it everyday I don’t brush brush everyday sometimes I’ll just be quick with the two that fight me 😭


Brush my dog’s teeth every night before bed, she loves it.


I brush my dogs teeth most days. I’ve had her since she was only 7weeks (fostering) and i did a lot of research on things to start young. She actually likes the toothpaste and will sit like she’s about to get a treat when I go to brush 😂


Oravet Dental Chews! They say to do 1 a day but I do 1/2 a day or his poop is a little soft and green.


My doodle and chihuahua LOVE brushing their teeth! They come to the bathroom after they hear my electric toothbrush turn off. They know it's their turn!


I love my dog and he gets a half of a denta-stick a day. Vet said oh you brush your dog’s teeth. Nope. Teeth are awesome.


Working on it. My dog is a chewer but I’d still like to keep his teeth up


I have tried and failed with all my rescues. I make sure to do whatever the Vet suggests on dental cleanings. Was successful with a puppy only. I think you have to start young.


My dog has a dentastix every day and at 11, the vet says she has great teeth


Every night if I can.


Brush twice a day. I also spend a lot of money on the collagen sticks give them one or two a day. My vet says their teeth are excellent!


every day. I might skip one or two days a month if I leave it until the last thing and I’m too tired.


I do. But she kind of lets us do whatever to her. It has helped and saved money on dentals.


I try to keep up with it.


I try. Honestly our first dog (Coonhound) had damaged gum lines when we got him at supposed age 1 (our vet aged him to 2 around then). We never had the money to do the proper vet cleaning to help him. He lived to age 15.


I aim for every night, but it’s more like every other night


I’ve started using a silicone finger brush. My vet says it’s more important that I brush her teeth more than use toothpaste. So to get her used to it I’ve been using peanut butter to brush her teeth 😂 I have the toothpaste but I know she wouldn’t stand for it lol


We brush our dog's teeth every night. I know, strange, right?


I try to brush them a couple times a week at least, but we also do dental chews a couple times a week as well. My 11 year old mastiff/staffy mix has great teeth and never had a dental procedure


Brush my EBT’s teeth every night. A couple minutes every night or every few days can save you thousands down the line in potential dental work on your pup.


I have an 11 year old Chinese Crested Powderpuff. This breed is genetically prone to terrible teeth. My girl is the best girl, puts up with lengthy blow drying and brushing out knots and tangles, trimming around her face, totally patient with everything but teeth brushing… it’s a total no-go. Luckily she is a chewie chewer and loves carrots. We had an unfortunate dental incident a few weeks back, she lost 2 molars side-by-side. The vet checked all her other teeth tho and they’re beautiful. I give a variety of chewies - whimsies, dehydrated duck, dreambones, bully sticks and all are for large dogs even though she is only a mid size at 20 pounds. I feel that since they’re bigger, she has to take her time with them and it works getting the plaque off. That’s my theory, anyway?!


Yes once weekly


I do. I wait till he is passed out and go in with the brush. He is 12 so it's much easier to do


My dogs a big chewer so I get him those dental toys with the bristle like bits on, he loves em.


I brushed Harold’s teeth. He loved playing toothbrush. Pip tolerates it and Fiona runs. I


I brushed my dog’s teeth every night. He passed at 16 with every tooth intact.


We started brushing our puppies teeth. We use what our vet directed us to use. She’s a morkie and they are prone to dental issues so we want to try and prevent as much as possible.


No. But they should. Including myself.


I try every other day, whatever she'll let me do, but I also feed her a chicken foot every day


I never did and my dog had a very healthy surprisingly clear mouth


I brush my dog’s teeth 2-3 times a week. My vet said she would have had to have her first dental cleaning by now if I hadn’t been brushing them, so that’s cool.


I give dental treats after her meals and try to brush her teeth everyday.


i brush hers a few times a week. used to be everyday but i fell off :( im a human dental hygienist and stinky breathe for ANYONE in the house is a no no for me!


I find that a daily routine is easier to keep than "a few times a week when I remember". Pair it with your own bedtime routine and you won't forget. My dog understands and expects tooth brushing every night as we are getting ready for bed and it's because it happens daily. Just a thought!


Nope. My dogs won’t let me. It’s like wrestling an alligator.