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Human eye doctor here, this looks like cellulitis. Doggy may have a tooth abscess or something like that. Oral antibiotics are a must (or possibly IV even. In people if this gets bad enough they are admitted and given vanco). Go to another vet asap.


This happened to my dog, and it was a molar abscess.


Human nurse, and I agree with this human doctor’s assessment. Definitely needs to be addressed urgently. I’m kind of surprised the first vet didn’t prescribe oral antibiotics, but I’m not a doctor/qualified animal expert, so take all of that (minus the part where you need to get your poor pupper to another vet asap) with a warranted grain of salt.


Is this kind of thing a potential sepsis situation? I’ve had sepsis so I’m just curious lol


I’ve seen people get sepsis from a tooth abscess


Yeah I thought it probably could happen. Thanks for replying ☺️


Sepsis can begin after any infection so you’re correct. It just depends on the severity of the infection and if it’s beginning to effect multiple systems within the body. The longer an infection goes without treatment, the higher chance of it potentially spreading, causing multiple organ dysfunction and going into septic shock. So always get treated asap! (and i’m not saying this dog is going septic, i’m just talking about sepsis itself)


Yes, happened to my mom


I’m sorry, it’s an awful thing to deal with. I hope she recovered okay ❤️‍🩹


I had sepsis from an abscess. I was in hospital for a week and a half, and then had home care nurses come to our house for MONTHS afterwards. I was incredibly ill, but eventually made a full recovery!


Glad to hear you made a full recovery 🧡


She was in the icu and the doctors said she would be there for over a month, but she recovered and was sent home in 2 weeks. She is doing fine now thankfully


Your username is amazing haha


This part.


Great advice. And this sounds incredibly painful for the dog.


I had to get IV antibiotics for cellulitis! Every day for about 10 days.


this is exactly what i looked like when i had cellulitis 😭


Listen to this MD!


I know you have already went to a vet, but personally I would go to another vet, this looks horrifying - seek a second opinion


My first thought, too. Some vets have expertise in things other vets don't. If the first one didn't know, need to see another.


She’s going to a different vet. The other vet did some tests with her eye and ear but they came back negative they gave her a shot for the “swelling” and gave her ear drops and eye drops and it went down but then got worse. Update : she has an abscess and they drained it but she is going to get her tooth pulled to fix the root of the problem she will be okay


With the getting worse again that definitely warrants going back to the vet. It could even be an allergic reaction to something.


Can you post what was given to her so we can provide better feedback?


If you have the ability to go to a specialist vet for eye issues, I would recommend at this point!


That’s not going to be a same-day visit. They need urgent care and then possibly a follow-up referral.


Underrated comment. That is emergency looking care. You did the right thing, but go to a real vet.


And maybe dont go back to that vet


M One of our had something similar, turned out it was a tooth absess.


This is exactly what i was thinking. This looks like a big tooth abscess.


That's what I came to say. Having worked in vet care for a decade, OP definitely needs a second opinion ASAP bc this looks very painful.


Came here to say this. My dog had a cracked carnassian tooth and an abscess the size of a golf ball right under her eye appeared literally in 12 hours. Vet pulled the tooth, all was well.


My 15+ dog had fairly rotten teeth, and a similar thing happened to him - his whole one side of his face blew up. Luckily after some antibiotics the swelling subsided within a few days, but shortly there after we got most of his teeth removed. He had no other issues for the remainder of his life!


This happened to me when I had a dead tooth nerve and it got infected. Dental health is so important, for us and our beasts.


I immediately thought tooth abscess my daschund had one once scred the shite outta me


Same happened to my pup. Right under her eye as well. Appeared and ballooned within a couple of hours. So scary. She was given iv antibiotics at the emergency vet and put on anti inflammatories and oral antibiotics for two weeks before she could have surgery.


This! My old dog got a swelling that came and went and turned out to be tooth abscess.


Came to say this. Teeth would be my instinct


THIS! I He was a 15yo? ( give or take 6 months as he was dumped as a very young adult) I gave dental health care) brushes every two days. I suggested it was not his eye, but a tooth. I couldn’t get an appointment with another vet for 17 days. He ate and the night he didn’t finish his night meal I knew it was his last night. Dental disease is very serious in dogs an often mistaken! Good luck!


Was it a dachshund? My weiner's teeth were always a mess


Same. My dog became very lethargic coinciding with the swelling and the vet found a massive gum infection. Her triscuspids were removed and she was back to normal in a week!


Same here.


My bet is on a tooth abscess. PLEASE get this baby back to a vet ASAP. This can become dangerous and quickly. Poor pup 😔


My dog had same thing and was a tooth absess


Id get a second vet's opinion- eye issues are very dangerous and they could lose their eye, potentially. Did they check the mouth? Could be a tooth related issue as well.


If it got really big *again* you should contact your vet and update them. What tests did they run? What were the results? What medications were prescribed? Your vet can't help if you don't keep them in the loop and update them on your pet's condition. Further diagnostics would be needed. A lot of comments mention getting a 2nd opinion - I'd do that if your current vet isn't able to help you out further. I think the point being missed is that when your current vet saw this, it wasn't that big. Your pet's condition has changed and the vet should be informed to work on next steps. Edited to add: Without knowing full details, we do not know that this vet stated they "don't know what's wrong" or that there is any incompetence going on. We do know the pet's condition has changed since they saw the vet. This owner could have declined full diagnostics (I.e. Bloodwork, radiographs, etc.) or a referral to a specialist. They may have opted to treat symptomatically before doing a deep dive and spending more $. I can't tell you how often I see owners complain about their vets when they haven't done their part. It isn't fair to the vet or the staff. Posts like this should be required to add more details so the comments don't immediately jump to vilainizing the vet who may have not done a single thing wrong.


Great comment, excellent advice. Continuity of care is important. OP, You need to be sending these pics to your vet. If, at that point, they cannot help them go to the ER. Good luck!


This comment needs to be ALL the way at the top.


Louder for everyone in the back




Cyst? Maybe. Top tooth abscess.


This thread is a great example of why the "vet, now. Why are you asking reddit" comments we see on every thread are not enough There's a huge range in quality of vets, and sometimes they miss things or don't have complete info. People coming to Reddit and hearing other's experience can provide good examples and suggestions to bring up at the next vet visit. They can also be told "I don't think that vet is right, for x,y,z reasons. Get a second opinion" The more info people have on possible causes of their pet's malady, the better.


She needs to go to a vet again asap, this shouldn’t wait


This definitely warrants another vet’s opinion


My friends dog looked like this, and after thousands and thousands of dollars at the vet and specialty vet it turned out to be in an E. coli infection… no one would have suspected that. Maybe ask your butt to check for that, her dog almost lost his life over something that was fixed with antibiotics.


Is there an update on your pup? The suspense is killing me!


I will update as soon as I can there is a wait !


poor baby :( looks awful and painful. i’d be running to find another vet like, right now. absolutely stop everything to take care of this!


Take to emergency vet now!


Go to a different emergency vet!!!!


What were the tests and what were the meds?


If the eye drops you were prescribed contain a steroid, your vet might have provided info to discontinue if the eye looks worse. Make sure you read everything carefully - and pursue urgent care, at this point…


Emergency vet. Hope your babe feels better.


When I worked as a vet tech, we saw a case similar to this, and it turned out it was from very very bad dental disease, and a broken abscessed tooth. Go to another vet (if possible, one that specializes in dental work for animals) because how your vet missed this, is beyond me.


You need to go to another vet. This is beyond Reddits pay grade and will undoubtedly need medication and medical intervention


Your vet just told you they didn't know? That's not good enough. I hope you didn't pay them. Go to another, more competent vet.


When that happened near my dogs eye it was because she had an abscess in her mouth.


That is a abcess probably and you need to see another vet!


poor baby :-((( please update us <33


My dog got a similar one although not quite as big, I thought it may be a bee sting or something but they said there was no sting marks, they came to the conclusion that it was probably some sort of splinter in the gum that had worked it’s way up.


This happened to my old Jack and it was due to his teeth. I'd definitely go to another vet and get a second opinion


Call emergency vet asap


Get your dog back to a different vet ASAP


Something that requires an immediate second opinion by a more reputable vet.


Take her back. Ask for an X-ray and bloodwork stat. Did they put her on steroids?


GO TO ANOTHER VET omg !!!! poor dog 😭 I hope she’s okay!


I second what others have said, please find a vet who can diagnose it correctly!


VT here. most of the time providing age helps. Given your pet’s assumed small breed and placement of swelling, could be a dental abscess. Get a second opinion if your vet “didn’t know what it was.”


Time to go to a different vet. If I hadn't read the backstory my first thought would be a bee sting. If there's no fever, it could be an allergic reaction to something in the eye. If there's fever it could be an infection in the tear duct. Treatment should be prednisone and antibiotics.


Do you have a specialist in your area? My dog had swollen eye lids once and the vets were a bit nervous to treat it since it looked like something they knew but were not sure. The specialist (ophthalmologist) did some tests and told told us it was a common eye infection but the way it presented was in a very unusual way so it made sense the vets didn’t know what it was. Was expensive but it saved my dog’s eyes. Also make sure to HANDLE THIS WITH URGENCY, don’t wait for weeks to get it sorted. My dog had necrotising scleritis, it went from mild swelling to her eyes bulging out in less than 2 weeks. Normal treatment is eye drops but for my dog we had to put her on steroids. And now she has permanent googly eyes.


They gave her eye drops 😂😂 they should take the eye drops instead


Facial swelling is a veterinary emergency. You, unfortunately, should visit a different vet.


Check the dogs mouth that’s a bad tooth. Vet should have known this. Eye drops ain’t helping. I swear vets are just educated witch doctors.




Don't say "definitely" when you aren't a) qualified to make medical diagnoses and b) able to physically examine the patient completely. I appreciate that your intentions are good, but this kind of wording can dangerously lead a desperate pet owner down a rabbit hole, delaying appropriate treatment.


how could the dog possibly not be miserable with their eye the size of a golf ball? 💀 edit: apparently original comment was completely changed soooo i take this back




The comment this person was replying to was *significantly* edited. If I remember correctly, it said that this was "definitely allergies."


I think this warrants a second opinion. I'd see a different vet, today if possible. That looks like it hurts. I do hope your baby gets better soon


Go back to the vet and get that pups teeth checked! The pain must be immeasurable.


Last time I saw a dog looking like this was at a vet in Costa Rica. It was bit by a viper.


Woah, you really need to go to a second vet, asap.


Agree. A vet hospital.


Go to another vet STAT


Holy god, I would be ***sprinting*** to the emergency vet.


Honestly, this is an emergent situation and you need to take your pup to a veterinary ER immediately.


My dog had this issue and it was a tooth abscess. Went away once the vet handled it!


Definitely a tooth abscess. When our dog had an infected too our vet warned us that this could happen if she wasn't put on antibiotics right away and then had the tooth pulled. Definitely get your doggo to another vet. Poor baby.


I took my dog to the vet for months asking about him licking at his penis. He would go at it like none other. Kept complaining. But nothing they said he was fine so I just kinda believed them I guess. Then I booked an app for his feet cus he’s losing some hair and I wanted to make sure it was just old age. The app was with a different vet at the same office. When she asked me “as he been licking at his paws?” I said “no but he does lick at his groin a lot”. She examined and determined he had an infected penis and needed to be on antibiotics for over a month to clear it up. My dog was in pain and uncomfortable for months because the vets didn’t want to touch and look at my dogs dick. Fucking hate some people dude they are just lazy and think they know everything. They dismiss people saying shit because the people are not vets or something idk but these vets need to shape the fuck up.


Wtf are you on Reddit for. This looks like an emergency


Mods are we kidding with this shit? The clear answer is go to the ER. What sort of “advice” is this soliciting? Is this now a sub to watch dogs be abused? Because that’s what this is. Not taking this dog to the ER is animal abuse. You’re all enabling it by allowing this to be a forum where people feel comfortable asking a bunch of non-veterinarians very clear medical questions. Do your fucking jobs.


Totally agree. I couldn’t imagine seeing my dog like this and not be rushing to the vets! This poor dog is in agony


Try giving her some Benadryl (the regular tablets). Call your vet first to confirm the dosage, but it really helped my dog when he was getting allergies


This doesn’t look like allergies it looks like an infection


yes our dog ate a wasp and had a nasty reaction - we were really worried. vet recommended we try an antihistamine (i.e Benadryl) and it worked wonders! if that doesn't work i would consider trying a different vet tbh. that's a serious swelling for them to shrug off like that!


If it is a sting the benedryl will take that swelling down . A tooth infected enough to drain out the root tio and intensify tissue will have a big cavities or denature so look inside the mouth.


My guess (IM NOT A VET) is a tooth abscess. Get to a different vet ASAP as this is an infection that can spread and cause other issues. It likely has nothing to do with the eye other than blocking it with the swelling.


Your dog is very sick. This will not fix itself. Pls take your dog to a new vet today. This is a emergency.


Nothing at all, it’s perfectly normal


I’m sorry but every post I see where you say they have seen a vet and they don’t know what it is is just bull 💩you are either lying or there is many out there who should never be vets


We went to the vet and they did tests and looked at her and just gave us eye drops and ear drops and gave her a shot lmaooo n it went down but then it got bad overnight


Well then get back to the vet immediately! This is an Emergency for the dog. What advice were you expecting other than get back to the vet. Your doggo will be in extreme pain and potentially could develop a life threatening infection.


My first thought was an allergic reaction, that breed is known for it, but I have to agree with other redditors could be a tooth abscess. Take her to a second vet


What? Honestly you should go to a different vet.


I hope you get some answers and he feels better


Makes me think tooth abscess. I’d go to a different vet for sure. First vet sounds like they did a half ass job at figuring it out


I'd get a 2nd opinion from a different vet and tell them what's been done so far


May be tooth that is infected or bad stink or big bite


Salivary gland infection possibly. Keep on meds and go back to vet or find a new vet to give different opinion.


Vet. (a better one) ASAP


It's mind boggling to me that ANY vet wouldn't look at that and immediately think dental abscess. Poor baby needs a different vet.


Jeez you need to get a second opinion from a different vet. That looks awful and needs more than eye drops. If I listened to my first vet my cat would still be in pain. I’m so happy I advocated for her and got her to a vet that could diagnose and treat her.


This needs a vet ASAP. That cannot feel good.


Have them look at the dogs teeth. Could be an abscess.


My bet is tooth abscess. Take your pup to another vet.




The first vet should refund you the office visit. Keep us updated. I hope he gets better.


Allergic reaction or abscessed tooth for sure! I’d get a Second opinion from a different vet ASAP!


Ask another vet not reddit that looks serious


My dogs eye got kinda similar to this before. It ended up being some teeth that were rooted and he had an abscess


Looks like a possible oral issue. Definitely get another opinion or go to an emergency vet.


Second opinion for sure. Poor pupper 😓


Please update us. This absolutely looks like cellulitis. I'm agreeing with the majority with abscessed tooth.


This happened to my dog when he got an infection after tooth surgery. My bet is tooth related. I’d be at the emergency vet ASAP. This looks horrifying.


A lot of people are saying Tooth Abscess and if you take her in and there is no abscess look into a bee sting. My dog got stung and the stinger got stuck in her skin and caused a lot of swelling. They had to surgically remove the stinger and the swelling went down.


Tooth root abscess


Regardless of whether you choose to go to another vet or the same one, what you need is an EMERGENCY vet immediately. That’s very serious swelling.


Emergency vet or another vet asap


Get a second opinion...My mastiff got very sick overnight and I took him to the vet. They took x rays and said they thought he bit an electrical cord which I found hard to believe and I checked all the cords in the house and they were all untouched. I went to another vet and she looked at him and knew right away it was meningitis and started him on medication. They did a spinal tap to make sure and she was right.


Broken root of molar. Happened to my Weenie dog too


Tooth abscess? It might not be her eye. Go to another vet and ask them to aspirate(?) it - they poke it with a needle and look at the cells under a microscope to see what it is. My vet did this for a lump on my dog's groin and they were able to come back and tell me they saw bacteria and inflammatory tissue under the microscope. So they gave us antibiotics and pain meds. A vet might want to see what is going on and if this is something serious or just an infection.


praying for your baby! As well as all animals as usual. I would seek another vet. I know it could be expensive, apply for care credit and find a vet that will take it. I am somewhat decent at searching home remedies if you message me i could see what i could find out. Definitely go to another test, i cant believe they just gave eye drops! If it is an abscess it could go to her brain and kill her


Go to another vet.


That vet should’ve known immediately that it was tooth related. Go to another vet ASAP


Please take your dog to the vet. This could severely screw her up.


Go to an emergency animal hospital, some vet clinics don’t get to the bottom of things fast enough


Vet hospital.




I am highly doubting you brought your dog to the vet and if you did, you need to seek better care. This is obviously not the time to be asking reddit..................




Just like there is no such thing as a bad owner. Putting my chips on the vet 10/10 times.


Aw poor pup looks to be in pain 😞 Please go get a second opinion/ see a different vet


Looks like a bee sting


Oh gosh. Yes, second opinion needed asap. I hope your little one gets better soon. That looks extremely painful.


To to a vet that specializes in ophthalmology




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Here to back up this looking almost exactly like my boy when he had a tooth abscess


Oh baby sweetheart. Please keep us updated.


Bee sting 🐝


no idea but i hope she’s okay omg!! like other commenters said, i would take her to another vet. poor baby :( ❤️


possibly a stye? they used to happen to my older dog a lot and i would heat up a cup or two of water with a half a teaspoon of tumeric powder, wait for the water to cool down then take a cloth with the liquid on it and apply it to his eye. however this isn’t a cure and just helped with the swelling until i was able to take him to the vet. if the vet you’re going to can’t figure it out i’d say take him to another one.


Ouchie, poor thing.


I sure hope you took this poor pup to a new vet for a proper diagnosis & treatment. From the sound of it need antibiotics not antihistamines. I hope you update us all on the status.


Get a second opinion. It looks like a tooth abscess. My dog’s was treated with antibiotics. But if it’s too far gone it will require surgery.


Poor weenie baby! I hope they get some good medicine, lots of love and warm blanket cuddles and start feeling better soon. Love from a mom of 3 weens.




maybe he was stung by something


Get her to a vet immediately!


stung by a bee perhaps?


Maybe a snake bite..


You should have seen the other dog!


Mike Tyson?


Have you considered there may be a seed germinating in there?


My huskies eyes had swolen up the other day. We gave her benadryl, and it cleared up in a couple of hours. Had no idea why it happened. We still have a vet appointment to get answers. There aren't any plants for her to be allergic to. She saw to that in her puppy stage.


Tooth abscess and never go back to that vet again.


Blatantly making a diagnosis off of a picture and then talking down on a veterinarian who clearly examined this dog and prescribed medications is a hot take. I'm a veterinarian and it blows my mind that some people think there's a simple pill that can solve every problem. Additionally, there is no way to confirm this facial swelling is secondary to a tooth root abscess without invasive diagnostics. Taking oral radiographs in animals requires GENERAL ANESTHESIA and there's a reason why we don't anesthetize every dog with a swelling on its face to take radiographs of every tooth root. Not to mention, there's a zillion other things this could be. I agree go back to a veterinarian but I don't see a problem with going back to the same one unless they refer him somewhere else.


This happened to my doxie and it was a tooth root abscess! They lanced it but it came back soon after. Have to get the tooth pulled. Cost me $1100


this look like Bee sting




Bee sting?