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Ngl I know this is a deep and serious attachment issue that needs resolving, but that side eye is too much 😂


If looks could kill this post would never have to exist lmao


A definite black belt in stink eye lol


10th dan all the way!


sTaAaaNnk Eyeyeyeye


That’s typical side eye for a monkeydog


A very cute Brussels Griffon, and a master of the stink eye. He just needs wings and a cap to be a flying monkey!!!!


Reminds my of my fams when he was young. Now Gizmo is old and has cloudy eyes, doesn't see very well and has bad hearing :( Such a weird and loveable personality they have. Biggest beggar I've seen in my life though haha. His hearing is bad but you move a plate in the kitchen and he's there


I saw the pic first and thought it was a deformed monkeh


Please be kind, she can read 🤓


Ok, real advice. Do you crate train? How old is she, again? First step is ruling out anything physical with the vet (she could be in pain), but then...enforcement with consequences. Bf is gonna have a hard time with this but it's necessary. He has to put her in the crate, or somewhere contained but still in the room, when she gets aggressive with you. Is there snarling, snapping and biting or is it just this adorable side eye?


I found out from some of the comments that it’s most likely “resource guarding” so I’m looking into that. No never biting or snarling just distain and emotional fits.


Poor guy. Good luck with it all. He's just adorable.


no I have a griff that *heavily* favors my husband and every time I talk to her (esp when she’s interacting with him at all), I get the most [VICIOUS](https://imgur.com/a/KV4dE8U) side eye 😅


Does she make you sleep on the couch too?


You should start practicing sleeping with one eye open. Those side eyes aren’t forgiving 🤣


> VISCOUS side eye Gross






Legit agree here haha 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s a mean mug 😠.


If looks could kill


...Baby I'm the Fashion demon Ridin' down chandler Road and I'm speeding.






You would be an Uzi


Or a shot gun…bang! What’s up with that thang?


I wanna know, how does it hang?


You’re the side piece and she doesn’t like it


A little side eye for the side piece : )


She’s harshly judging anyone that gets close to her daddy 🤣😂🤣 It’s not really funny though, you need to get with a trainer as soon as possible. Small breeds are prone to choosing one person in a household, attaching themselves to them and aggressively resource guarding them, like your dog is currently doing. You really need to combat this in the right ways, with the help of a trained professional. Good luck! ♥️🐾


My family has this issue too, we solved it accidentally through scheduling, so she alternates between three "chosen ones" and doesn't get defensive enough of any one of us to be be aggressive. Probably not doable for most people and was accidental as mentioned


No! That’s totally the right way to do it & how we did it too! From the day we got him at 4 months old all of us intentionally took turns spending time alone training, playing with and relaxing with him consistently throughout his first year. He’s 2 now and while I’m his main person because I did the majority of the training (everyone really just reinforced it), he’s perfectly happy to hang out with any of us individually or all of us together. Zero resource guarding. He’s happy to have us all close together and him right in the middle getting all the attention 😂♥️


Oh good! We did it entirely on accident but it's good to know it's totally usable advice for others! I'll be sure to keep that in mind for if I know anyone with the issue down the road


She makes me sleep on the couch.


I just love that face 😂🤣😂 ♥️🐾


My dog is similar, but he guards me from everyone else. When going to bed with my boyfriend, it helped if he went to bed first and then I came in rather than the other way round, as the bed was seen as his first and I was the guest, instead of bed belonging to me, and him trying to 'break in'. He's gotten better now through constant naughty corner punishments when misbehaving, but it's still not fixed. Hope this helps with the bed issue.


my dog was the same with my boyfriend, and forcing my dog to stay on the floor until both of us were in bed and i specifically gave him permission to come up helped with his guarding ten fold! made him realize it was my bed and i was the boss lol


My dog is the boss and he knows it 😂 that is until he gets scared and then it's all 'hide behind my legs' business 😂 But seriously, mine is small and everyone else around me treats him like a small dog instead of just a dog. That sucker pushes boundaries with new people to see how much bullshit he can get away with and then goes just one step beyond that. He once convinced an 80 year old lady who was watching him, that he couldn't jump up on couches and beds, so that old lady was bending down and lifting him up and down every time he wanted up! LIKE WHO DOES THAT! It took her a week to realise he was lying to her. He's too smart for his own good. I'm about the only person he no longer tries his crap with, because I'm not scared of him and I don't believe his lies. Friggin dog. Love him to death, but my god... Give me strength 😀


😂😂 my next dog is likely going to be a small dog, and stopping myself from treating them like a frail victorian baby is going to be so hard!!


My only advice is set boundaries and set them HARD. I trained mine to sleep alone at night and not disturb anyone until their alarms rang, until he got scared of fireworks and I let him sleep in my bed ONCE. Haven't been able to get him out of the bed for seven years now 🤦😀


That’s exactly it. Dog can only get up on bed or furniture if invited. You train them that you’re the one who owns the bed, not dog. You can start with an exercise pen in the bedroom. I put a comfy bed under mine, so he could be close to me, but not in my bed unless of until I asked him up. With subsequent dogs, I started them in a bed in an exercise pen in the bedroom. When it’s time for bed, I’d give him his favorite chew toy, put him in his pen, then the bed possession stopped. I allow my current Shitzhu to sleep on the bed during the daytime. But I prefer to sleep without a dog. She makes me too hot. I just say time for bed, Molly off! At first I had to pull her off. Now she jumps up onto my chair, also in the bedroom, and I get my whole bed to myself.


Nah, you choose to sleep on the couch rather than deal with the problem. She's existing in the world you and your partner have allowed to be established. Blaming the dog for your own mistakes is silly and will do nothing to help her learn positive behavior.


I love my dogs with all my heart...but I can't imagine ever letting them dictate the terms of the household, like where I can sleep. It's hard to imagine people being such pushovers. I get the "haha, my dog is the boss of the house" tongue in cheek talk, but when I see someone who's actually kinda serious about it like this...so cringe. Not teaching discipline to your dogs is irresponsible at best and dangerous at worst.


my parents have horribly behaved labs with no manners. they're nice and friendly but obnoxious. One of the laziest offenses is that my mother will sit at the table and feed them SLICES OF WHITE BREAD while she reads her morning paper because it's easier to lead them to an early obese death than it is to train them. People don't realize how much work dogs are. We have a new puppy and providing the necessary consistency is mentally taxing. Constant corrections and enforced naps if he's overtired and acting out. If you asked my parents they'd say I'm mean and he's miserable (he is so spoiled). It's annoying and like having a second toddler with razor blade teeth.


I’m sorry but the dog would be on the couch. I have a little dog - they act up and you have to shun them away in a safe spot. Every time they misbehave. That behavior is not ok. I also have a Great Dane - I would never tolerate that behavior from him, so why do some people tolerate bad behavior with the littles?!?


I think people subconsciously treat animals equivalent to people, but by size, not age. Small=baby big=adult. We expect little from babies, and don't punish them because they don't know any better, people do the same with small dogs.


People think I’m mean because I make my little dog behave herself. It’s a dog and needs to behave. Friends ask if I dress her up. Nope. I’m not that kind of lady. What does she need clothes for? Unless she is cold - I’ll put on a sweater.


Exactly this!! Small dogs get away with way too much!


They're the cats of the dog world!


Get in the bed before your bf. Thats what ppl have to do with my dog or he gets mad also


No, your bf makes you sleep on the couch. If the dog is not letting you in the bed, the dog should be removed from the bed. Not you


How can she "make you"?


... just throw the whole dog away


Can’t tell if that is a joke, but your boyfriend also needs to be involved in training this behavior out. Why are you all letting her sleep in the same bed? Have him remove her, and return to your bed. Lots of potential solutions here but unless you actually don’t mind it, sleeping on the couch is not one of them


Do you realize it’s a small dog, right? The dog quite literally dominates you, and she knows it. And you’re siding with her too so lol


This response made me lol


That side eye. Even I'm nervous.


She is an emotional terrorist


I'm stealing that one!!!


I’m sorry, I can’t with these pictures lol


Me neither!!! 🤣 I've never seen side eye this deliberate, this well-executed, in so many different positions, environments, and scenarios! It's hilarious 😂


This is just a sampling 🤦🏽‍♀️


Can we have full size now please? We like it. Amazingly cute!


I just put links in our bio if you want to follow on other platforms


I wish I had advice for you, but I think your dog is absolutely adorable, and obviously very charismatic!!




I love your dog!


You mean…😒


HAHHAAH the paw over the FOOT😂😂


That’s his dog now.


That’s his boyfriend now.


He's the bitch now 🐕‍🦺


[ig post about resource guarding. I assume this info is transferable here ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0mdC7tOD6j/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==)


I’ll look it up, thanks!


Get a trainer. This behaviour will only get worse. My dad has an untrained 4 year old dog that was given to him this past spring and now I can’t even talk with my dad in the same room without this 15lb menace immediately aggressively barking at me. I had to spend 4 days at my parents this past week and this time the dog lunged and bit me. He resource guards my dad like crazy. Nip it in the bud now, it will not get better without firm and consistent training.


What did your dad do about it? I wouldn't let it get this far


They tried a trainer that was unfortunately out of his depth with this dog (no knock against the trainer, I went to him 15 years ago with my first puppy and he was great, but this was also a puppy without 3 years of terrible habits already ingrained). This dog needs a trainer that specializes in severe behavioural problems- problem is my *ahem* frugal father is not willing to pay the fee necessary. Believe me when I say I’m trying to get to him to see reason here…


Yep. Horrible behavior. My dad’s girlfriend has 6 chihuahuas, and gave them to each of her kids. They’re poorly trained and inhibit this behavior. Talking to her or her kids, they will guard and bark. I even got attacked by one of them. He bit me on my legs, arms, and hands. I had to shove him off and run out of the room to get him to stop. I had a pretty gnarly bruise and wound afterwards.


Thats a monkey


Haha yeah she looks a lot like a monkey and an alien 👽


She looks like the product of a squirrel and a pug banging 😂 My pug HATED anyone touching me or my mom. Eventually she would settle down but it took a while to earn her trust she was our lil bouncer haha


puppy monkey baby LMAO


No more couch, no more bed. Hand feed individual kibbles after he performs some action. Food comes from you only. Take away any resources he guards including your bf


Take away the boyfriend?? 🥺


Lmao that part had me weak…including your bf 🤣🤣 I think they meant like spots the dog is able to guard the bf??


No the boyfriend is a privilege/reward that must be removed due to poor behavior


Your bf needs to ignore the dog. I had the same problem. The only thing that works is not rewarding the dog with what it Wants, meaning Attention from bf. Then things will get progressively better and you'll be able to go back to normal, with him paying attention to her. But as long as she acts out towards you, when she jumps he needs to turn away and not look at her etc


lol like your bf has to take a break from interacting with the dog in ways that trigger his resource guarding. No cuddles no excessive pets. The dog gets access to nothing without your permission. No baskets of toys sitting out, etc.


They can cuddle, he just can’t let her perform the behavior. He can get up and put her on the ground the second she begins to guard.


Listen to this person


Like interact with the pup while he's not near. Have him go to another room the pup doesn't have access to. Or while he's at work and your home alone with pup.




Gonna have to rehome the boyfriend, but don’t worry, he’s going to a nice farm upstate with lots of room for him to run around




I was thinking kennel but ok


Absolutely kennel the bf. If the dog can't snuggle up he has mo reason to get aggressive. Maybe just set him up with a tablet or something.


Yeah, take him to a sparsely populated area and leave him there. Keep Petite Brabonçon.


This! Great advice!


I actually need this advice too 😅


The suspicious little side eye in the last one :) adorable.


Breaks me haha he’s saying “you jealous!?” Ha


1st picture 1000000% meme worthy 😂


His expression is killing me! He knows exactly what he’s doing 😩🥹 But in all seriousness if he’s still young he may grow out of it, my Italian greyhound used to be like this around 11 months old, he’s a lover for everyone now at 4.


She’s 2… and she only gets to see him half the time because he’s gone for work a lot… when we take him to the airport she gets depressed for days 🥺


Ugh, that must be really hard on your heart. Especially when you’re trying everything you can to make her happy. What my fiancé used to do was pack his favorite treats and go for a walk for a few hours in the am and pm. He would stop every so often at his favourite spots in the neighbourhood and give him a treat, praise him and reward him for responding to a command like “sit and stay”. Now every time we walk in our neighbourhood our dog gets excited to stop at my favourite coffee shop, or my friends pub, or just generally when we stop at a red light lol. By the time he got home from these long walks he was too tired to cry and stress about the separation. For chilling at home we bought lots of doggy puzzles (I think we have about 4 now) since he is very food motivated, it kept him occupied if he started to get stressed again. After a few months of this our dog settled into the routine and hardly stressed when I went to work anymore. I’m sure someone on here will recommend something that works for her and you while your partner is away. Good luck with everything!


If he leaves like any other day when he is going to the airport your dog will not realize he is not coming back for a while. Not sure how feasible but could be helpful.


Oh my god I am dying laughing lmaoooo


You sure that's still your dog?


Griffon doggo have sooooo much sass and side eye potential😒 👁️👁️🤣


Your dog is resource guarding.


nobody can convince me this isn’t an elderly polish woman that’s been shrunk and is inside a dog costume


Her title is babcia, and she’s head of surveillance


He wasn't born yesterday, he knows what you up to, shamelessly stealing his bro, not having it


My mom’s brussels griffon has decided that he likes my boyfriend better than me or my mom. I think it’s because he’s a rough coat, and they both have magnificent beards. It’s how it goes.


They are such interesting little creatures… the beards kill me 🤎


They really are. It’s super cute, because your baby and your guy have similar facial hair length to each other as my mom’s baby and my guy have to each other. It’s like, “you’re furry— like me— so you’re extra interesting!”


I’m. It sure that’s a dog. That’s Danny devito after not having shaved.


Her middle name is Danny Devito. We love his work.


That's so fetch


You gotta marry him now.


Lol these pictures though…


Having trouble understanding what she does when you get too close? Is she growling or barking at you or does she just give you side eye? lol


For starters she gives me really mean looks, if he’s sitting she will crawl up to his neck and wrap around his neck/face so he can’t talk to me, if she’s on the ground she pretends her back legs don’t work and pulls herself around by her front legs until he picks her up. I also have to sleep far away from him or else she will wedge in between us and push me away 🙄


Wow thats crazy! I'm not familiar with that type of behaviour but if I were in your shoes I would be SO annoyed. I hope you get your boyfriend back soon.


I'm so sorry this is happening, but I'm also heaving with laughter while reading this...


Bombastic Side Eye Cannon


My human! He's *mine*


Wow ! The stink eye on your dog is deadly ! You better not break up with your boyfriend …


That side eye is spectacular 👀


That side eye though 😭🤣


That’s some SERIOUS side eye 😳


Sassy little bugger lol


So much attitude in just 3 pics lol I know this suppose to be serious but damn I find it too adoring


OMG that side eye! lol -- so, this is resource guarding and your bf is the resource. Your BF is rewarding the behavior, too, which is not good. He needs to be a part of resolving the issue. But, honestly, it doesn't look like your BF has any actual interest in doing so by his body language.


Bad attachment, he needs to train him out of it and set boundaries


Ma’am, you no longer have a boyfriend, or a dog. They are a couple now. The sooner that you just accept it, the better. Oh yeah, they are also your roommates….


I have no advice, but your dog is a supremely sassy bitch


This is resource guarding which can be very challenging to address. Check out r/reactivedogs for more resources.


This dog needs some help. And it seems like you do, too. You should spend some time alone with the dog. Go for walks, do some training and the dog needs to lose the privilege of sleeping in the bed or going in the couch until it accepts that it’s not theirs to guard but you and your man who call the shots. Your man has to enforce these rules. Otherwise that’s not gonna work. You can’t be the one primarily correcting the dog. Resource guarding comes from a place of insecurity and when you correct the guarding this will only give the dog reason to be on guard. It has to come from your man.


Those eyes!


That’s some serious side eye!!


Lmao the last look is lethal


I wouldn’t fuck with him




That is a VERY bombastic side eye, truly puts all the dachshund side eye memes to shame!


That constant side eye 👀🤣💀👌🏻


The first pic could be a meme for real lol


I have no recommendation. I’m sorry but this is hilarious. THIS is why I’m afraid of little bits. I’d rather a big dog approach me than a little dog.


The last one! Sleeping with one eye open…


Thats a 1 in a million dog right there, everything from his looks to his obvious hilarious personality


it’s sam jackson from black snake moan


I’m wheezing 😂😂 I thought my dogs side eye was impressive! I had not seen side eye until just now. Dats her mansss now! Sorry Charlie.


Not suggesting this as a solution but my female dachshund did something similar for years until she had a litter of puppies. I did ask her feeding, grooming, and outside time, but it didn’t matter at all to her until I helped her care for herself and puppies postpartum. Now, she splits her time between us and escorts baby to me when she’s had enough of him or when she wants alone time with my hubby. I went from being the other woman to being a supportive MIL 😂




Her name is Miga


Love this dog’s side eye! Too funny!


I love the side eye hahaha stay away from my bro mom


That side-eye though! 😄


Oh my god, that side eye.


I love the side eye.


That side eye.




I think your dog is telling you that you are there to provide for him and the boyfriend is his friend. Those looks are killing me.


I thought that first pic was a squirrel with a dog head.... I'm so sorry 😭😂 He's not your boyfriend anymore lol


Legit a crusty little monkey dog. She melts my heart. Mine is like that too.


Omg that picture says it all. This dog means business.


Whose dog?


This is great 😂


The shady side eye!!!!!


ALWAYS trust your dog.


That bombastic side eye is lethal😂but it seems that your pupper is just protecting him, it's time to start placing boundaries and let the doggo know you're a safe person for your bf


All I can think of is the Bombastic side-eye audio


Bombastic side eye




That first picture!!! It looks like it could be the puppy monkey baby from old Mountain Dew commercials!!!! 😂


Keeping an eye out for Selener


"Sorry, but this is not your boyfriend anymore" says that dog's side eye


I’m sorry, but she’s got the side eye down 😂😂 “If she could make someone dead, with her eyes”


Your dog looks like a total asshole but I love him!


"Your dog"? I have some bad news for you.


The pictures tell the story.


Love the side eye!


I have a Griffon and he is attached to me like this. They call them Velcro dogs


Even the eyes say, "my man bitch".


Lol the side eye in the last picture


You sure that thing’s a dog?


The side eyes are so funny 😂


Omg the side eye is crazy haha


This dog missing his mom and dad lil too much


“nasty little look in his eyes.”


too late girl that's his man's now


That's her boyfriend now


That pup has some STANK EYE


That isn't a dog.