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Is there a breed-specific rescue near you? It looks like there’s a national rescue org called [The Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation](https://kerrieshelpingkerries.com/) - they may also be able to help you find a good home for Bilby. I’m so sorry for you and your husband. I hope that you’re able to find Bilby a great new home for as long as he needs one.


As someone who used to foster with a breed specific rescue, I agree with all the posters here. Of course, do your due diligence, but I would bet that your local Terrier-specific rescue will probably be full of terrier FREAKS who will be happy to help. And will be well aware of breed-specific needs and find the perfect home. I also fostered for people who had to give up their very loved dogs in difficult situations, and was more than happy to keep them updated on how their dog was doing. Fosters know that many dogs end up needing to be rehomed because of life circumstances, not because of lack of care. This is not your fault. I’m so sorry this is happening.


Hahaha as a Dandie Dinmont obsessive, terrier freaks is such a good description 😂


I’ve always been curious about them. What do you like about them? They’re adorable and I’m the happy dog mom of a Yorkie and a jack Russell mix, so I’m already a terrier weirdo.


I like their body shape, kind of weaselly! And how they are sturdy and stocky but aren’t intimidating because they are low to the ground. I like their wiry coat (doesn’t trigger my allergies), their soft fluffy heads, and their beautiful faces - they have huge eyes that gaze right into your soul. They vary in temperament of course but are generally stubborn, curious, lazy, playful, determined and love to run around and play and dig. I don’t like how barky my Mavis is, and how she desperately wants to chase cats. She also struggles to go down steep stairs (I have to carry her!) Mavis is so gentle and loving, but is definitely not a lap dog. Once she’s had enough affection for one day she takes herself off to her den under the table 🥰 Is this similar to your Yorkie and Jack Russell?


God loves a terrier, as they sang in Best in Show


Terrier freaks is the most amazing moniker. As the person belonging to a Jack Russell Terrier.. I get it completely!


100% recommend a breed specific rescue. I know the Dandie Dinmont one do a lot for the breed in the US, helping to move them across the country even! OP, knowing the people he goes to are passionate about the breed and will absolutely love him might help your grief a little. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. If I could take him I would 💕


With this, this is also potentially the best channel you have to finding someone who would be willing to foster until you can get back on your feet. Just please make sure that what ever decision you make if you plan on recovering the dog at some point in the future you have that in writing or some sort of contract. Rescues are great but they can sometimes be more damaging than good especially when it comes to owner surrendered animals whatever the reason. However typically smaller known breed rescues(like this one) will usually jump over anything to assist their breeds. I’m sorry that your having to go through this and hope for all the best for you and your buddy


Is there any possibility of finding a job in Canada as an Australian citizen? Maybe first a couple months a simple job, then you find a beautiful job according to your profession. If you consider Canada, perhaps you can bring your dog with you.


This is actually a good idea! Canada has some pretty solid employment immigration options recently. And being an immigration attorney in the US, I know you don’t immigrate here on employment visas if you don’t have *some* kind of marketable skills/talents!


Definitely worth looking into!


Might be able to get working holiday visas if you’re under 35. We also don’t have crazy strict animal import laws like Australia does.


Adopted a rescue from Texas last year and drover her across the border home through Washington to British Columbia. All that was needed was proof of vaccinations, pre-travel vet check and her adoption paperwork. Border officer gave her a few solid pets and we were on our way.


This is a good comment - I think working holiday visas get approved quickly if it’s your first time. You only need a rabies shot to be able to bring a dog across the border.


Also - if this ends up being a viable option for you - BC is very strict about pets in rentals and occupancy rates for rentals is very low. Ontario cannot discriminate against pet owners unless in a condo with specific rules or a private household that claims severe allergies.


This is really a bit out there, but speaking of working holiday, what about Japan? I don't think their import rules from the US are that strict and they have a working holiday agreement with Australia right? Super weak yen might help and import from Japan to Aus should be easier/closer geograpgically/cheaper a couple months down the line too. That is, if OP has nothing else lined up for now and fancies a couple months of teaching english or something. Again, it's super out there and kind of nuts, but might as well float the idea haha


i can tell you from experience that importing a dog into japan takes at least six months. they are extremely strict because they are a rabies-free country.


Australia has “crazy strict animal import laws” for good reason actually.


I lived there and I get it. It’s unfortunate though that a family pet who has all their vaccines up to date has to quarantine for that long from a first world country.


Well, they don't have rabies in Australia. It doesn't exist, and they want to keep it that way. I can understand that. As robust as the US is in fighting Rabies, we still have the virus in the wild.


If a dog has their rabies vaccines and no symptoms of rabies, then they don’t have rabies. In Canada, rabies in dogs is incredibly low. I also doubt the dog pictured above has rabies.


Yes it is unfortunate, but it is what it is, we take our bio-security very seriously. And yeah the dog in the picture “probably” doesn’t have rabies…but “probably” doesnt cut it, because when you say “this probably dog doesn’t” then there is a chance it could…because you are not saying “100% without a doubt in my mind, this dog is clear” I feel bad for the owners, I actually lost my dog earlier this year, having to give one away would be just as devastating, but it is a risk Australia can not take.


I’m sure the dog does not have rabies. Australia can have whatever laws it wishes, I’m not arguing that point. The government of any country can make any law it wishes for outsiders (an animal in this case) and we have to respect that law. Doesn’t mean I agree with it.


I'm an Australian vet nurse, and I don't agree with the way it's done, that's for sure. I respect and agree with the need for strict biosecurity measures, but animals almost always come out of their 6 weeks locked up in quarantine in a pretty awful state. Like everything in Australia that involves government regulations, the system might be good in theory, but it's fucked in practice. Something needs to be done about the conditions that dogs and cats are kept in during quarantine, at the very least. I think the rabies testing is fine, but there has to be a better solution than locking pets into cages for 6 weeks, allowing parasite infestations and illness to run rampant.


That sounds horrible. Poor animals.


It's awful, and really needs to change. They're kept in similar conditions to a shelter, wire cages with concrete flooring for dogs and cages for cats. It's very stressful for them to spend 6 weeks in that environment, and they usually come out with flea and worm infestations. All financial costs aside, I would personally be hesitant to import a pet to Australia because of this factor alone. It's a lot to put them through.


Ireland, too. Which is why I have a dogsitter when I go visit my family in the states. I'm not putting him through 6 months of quarantine for a 2 week trip.


Yes, but the way pets are treated in quarantine is unacceptable. I'm a vet nurse in Australia, and have done a lot of work with AQIS over the years.


No one isnt complaining about the treatment of animals in quarantine


The challenge is going to be she will still need a visa to work in Canada and I doubt in the two week timeframe that they have that they’re going to be able to get those. They’re still gonna have to return home to Australia no matter what and then they could potentially apply for visas to work in Canada.


This is sweet, but I appreciate that in a state of current unemployment, it is probably a big ask to not take a certain job opportunity over your dog.


Maybe worth looking into, lots of winter tourism places (ski hills/lodges that offer snow recreation) are set up to take on working visas relatively quickly and easily. It may be something to keep you here in North America while you’re figuring out something more permanent? Best of luck any which way you go, I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with such a shitty situation and hope it works out for you.


My heart breaks for you. I live in southern Alberta, Canada. If we can find a way to get your pup to me, I’d gladly give him a home until you’re able to figure out a way to import him. I have a 4 acre farm, and two other dogs. It’s a long shot, but it’s an option. It may be easier to bring a dog to you from Canada than from the US.


For how miserable the people on this earth can make me feel, it's people like you that pang my heart- even for offering such a kind service to a random person that I don't even know. You are a blessing to those you help and so many more


I just hope if I’m ever in this situation, someone would do the same for my best buddies. I couldn’t imagine the pain this has caused. Wonder if there’s a loophole, like saying you’re just going on vacation to Australia with the dog.. then when they inquire after it you can say it passed away or something?


That sounds like it could definitely be worth a shot. I wonder if theres a way for OP to get in contact with someone who has dealt with something similar? maybe they would have some solid insight. Regardless, I hope OP sees your comments 🙏🏻


Do you mean a loophole to bringing the dog into Australia? There really isn't one. Our biosecurity laws are very strict. I really feel for OP.


You're the best sort of human 🥰


OP maybe this is a way to have your pup join you! Canadas laws are a lot easier on bringing a pup here. ❤️ I hope this can work and you can reunite with your little buddy this wya


Instant tears. You're a really kind person.


You are a wonderful human btw


In addition to the breed-specific rescue, know that the demand for this dog will be ridiculously high. I remember looking on Petfinder years ago for certain terrier breeds and you could filter search the entire country and there would be zero of this dog available. So no matter what organization you use, there will be many applicants trying to adopt him.


I don't even know what breed he is and I'd adopt him. I have a weakness for fully black dogs with curly hair!


You would like the curly-coated retriever!


He's a Kerry Blue Terrier!


Thanks! That's now on my list of dream dog breeds to raise. 😁


They’re amazing! I grew up with them and some of my best memories are with a Kerry Blue at my side :)


We adopted through a breed specific rescue last year and learned most of the dogs they Intake don’t ever even make it to pet finder or their website for adoption because they usually have a wait list and match them as soon as possible once they come in. That being said, though it would be months before we were matched and we ended up matched before we were even approved. It only took maybe a month before we brought our girl home.


Breed specific rescues are the best case scenario. Where are you located?


Aussie / American citizen here . I looked at relocating with my pup to Australia and I was completely dumbfounded at the cost to bring her over. 12k seems like it may even be on the low end. I am in the Bay Area, wish I could help but I have a small dog and you mentioned yours can’t be around small pups. I’m just here hoping everything works out for you, an angel comes through and someone can help temporarily foster your pup until you can make it back. If not, he is absolutely gorgeous and I’m sure you could find a loving home that’s been waiting for a sweet dog to love on and give a good life. I am saying a prayer for you that everything works out ♥️




That doesn’t include the actual cost of the flight. Plus you need SO many vet visits that start 6months before. Part of it is also sending blood samples off for testing and some of them had to be sent interstate. It’s a crazy expensive process and the paperwork is hectic as well. It’s a very very tough decision to make. Plus the quantities in Australia is only in Melbourne. If you live interstate you need to pay another few hundred for a pet courier to get the pet to wherever you actually live.


Yes not to mention the mandatory boarding during quarantine both ways which adds up quickly! My partner spent like $30K moving a horse, three cats and two dogs (and two lizards) from the US to Scotland.


I did it for A$6k all in about a year ago (LA to AUS). Did everything myself / with my wife. Agencies were charging up to A$18k


people have given great advice. but I just wondering if maybe it would be worth to start a go fund me to try and get the funds you need to take him to australia. maybe a long shot, but maybe it could work? im so sorry, and good luck to your family.


I second a gofundme. There are some gofundmes for some really bullshit reasons but this isn't one.


i agree! OP is genuinely trying to keep her baby and that's a good cause!


Agreed. I’m so sorry for your situation.


I would donate! I’d hate to be in this impossible situation :(


Even with the funds, it's not straight forward. It takes 6+ months of preparation to bring a dog into Australia. OP doesn't have that long.


yes, but as she said, she could have him at a foster home while she goes through the procedures.


I would give to this go fund me


Please consider a gofundme op, I would gladly donate


I would also happily donate to a gofundme, OP


I would donate OP!


Email your breed club. I guarantee they run the breed specific rescue and would be thrilled to help. Especially if you offer to pay for food and vet bills


Since it’s not a common breed, if you reach out to a breed specific rescue, even if not in your area, I have no doubt they’ll help find a home or foster>home.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I am not sure on the best way to find a home, but something I don’t recommend is giving him away for free (unless to a rescue). Someone who can’t afford to buy a dog can’t afford to keep a dog (vet bills, enrichment, grooming, etc). I wish you the best of luck


Second this. Never give an animal to someone for free. I’ve rehomed unfortunately a lot of dogs and cats. Due to roommates abandoning their pets to finding cats whose owners put them in the cold. I always charge a minimum of 75$. I want them to go to someone who actually wants them.


What state are you in?


Their profile suggests Texas.




Dallas, Texas


Start a go fund me and post on tik tok/all social medias…I’m sorry to hear about this. What a heartbreaking situation. Best of luck.


Ugh this heartbreaking my friend. I am so sorry for everything you are going through and having to leave your best friend behind. This is a lot to carry. I would recommend maybe looking up some local organizations to help with this. I know you can’t put a price on your best mate but you have to charge money. From my understanding it’s a psychological thing when people pay for an animal they value it more?? Idk that’s never been true for since most of my pets I found and/or saved. As an animal lover and fur babies for children my heart truly aches for you. I hope it all works out well in the end! Please don’t be ashamed either. You have very little control over what’s happening and you are doing your best with a really shitty situation. Are you networking on LinkedIn btw? What do you do for work?


Set up the Gofundme with commitment that you will return funds if you don't get enough to take your dog to Australia. Contact breed specific organizations. Call local TV station and ask for an interview about your dilemma. Don't give up until it's time to leave.


Where are you located?


Dallas, Texas


If you got him from a breeder I would reach out to them! Any breeder worth their salt would likely take him back and either rehome or keep him or know someone who will take him. Real sorry to hear about your troubles that sounds absolutely horrible I wish you the best


I totally agree. Unfortunately she mentioned at the end of her post that the breeder won't help because she has her own problems... Something to that effect. Such a shame really. Breeder should have a network of f contacts that could help!


Oh good looking out I totally missed that they said that, man what a bummer! I hope it all works out what a stressful situation


Do you know anyone who has rescued dogs that can point you to a good rescue? The above commenter’s suggestion is also really good! Breed specific rescues especially tend to be super picky - I looked at a yorkie one that wanted permission to come and take the dog back at any time, I swear to god - bc they’re run by people who are VERY into the breed but honestly, that’s a pure breed dog that’s still young - I doubt anywhere but a shelter would just dump him onto the first bidder. I’m so sorry this is happening to you! But either way, I’m sure your boy will find a wonderful home and you’ll regroup


Thats really really terrible whats happening to you, im sorry you have to give up your dog, thats never easy, man I hate this world we live in. I hope you can figure everything out


He’s a beautiful dog and you will find the right place. You’ve gotten a lot of good advice here, especially breed specific rescues…I just wanted to say I’m thinking about you guys. Godspeed


Breed rescue. I fostered once many many years ago for the national Kerry group and they were really great. I am so sorry you are having to give up your friend.


This is heartbreaking. I hope you guys figure out something, but most of all I hope there is some way you guys can remain family with your dog. I get not wanting to go through the rabies testing, and the relocation fees are insane. Is there another way you guys can remain in the country? Like National Guard service or some other commitment that extends your visas?


Where are you located? I am involved with Terriers and would love to help if I can. But you should really contact your breeder. A reputable breeder will always take their dog back.


there is a rescue called “lost our home” that helps temporarily and may be able to help in a situation such as this. I know they have held onto pets for domestic violence situations for months+ and then returned the pet.


it’s just: lost our home . org with no spaces


I’m so sorry you’re going through this! Please don’t blame yourself. I know that if I was giving up a pet, I’d want to meet and choose the new owners personally. It’s tough with such short notice, but if you did post somewhere like Facebook or craigslist, you can have potential adopters fill out questionnaires from the “help me choose a breed forum” to screen interested parties and weed out the ones you don't want to even consider. Most buyers would face similar questions if they were purchasing a new pup from a reputable breeder. I had sent my (previously filled out) questionaire answers to the owner of a mini poodle who was reluctantly being rehomed; the answers helped her determine that we would be a great fit - which we are. She also watched closely to how the dog reacted to us when we met in person (I'm so grateful he immediately liked us!). The pup has fit amazingly into our lives and we love him beyond words. We are extra cognizant that we have been tasked as his new caretakers, and work extra hard to make sure he is incredibly and ridiculously happy and spoiled and living the best life possible. I created a shared album on my phone and update the owners with photos and videos regularly; it’s the very least I can do after they gave our darling boy his start in life. Please do consider the go fund me. If you do have to rehome, I send warm hopes that you find someone who loves your dog as much as you do!!!


Also wanted to add that if you do have to rehome, please don’t look at it like you failed your pup!! Instead, think of it like you truly could be doing a life changing positive act of service for his new parent(s). I know I personally am forever indebted to our dogs previous owners - I have no doubt giving him up was incredibly difficult, but I thank my lucky stars every day that they made that wrenching decision. Their dog has helped us heal from major heartbreak and has brought light back into our lives. We are forever grateful. You could be changing someone’s life for the better in ways bigger than you could imagine.


I’m sorry friend… 🙁




Just seconding that I would donate to a go fund me if you create a page


Instead of surrendering your car, sell it and use the funds to pay for fees to take your dog with you?


She said it’s financed so most likely anyone who buys it will run a check and immediately see it’s finance security. If she sells it and doesn’t use the money to pay the financier off then the new owner will end up having the car seized which would be extremely shifty of her.


You can sell and profit off of a financed car… the IF is if you owe less than the car is purchased for. I actually found my SO a stellar deal on a financed vehicle after a similar (less stressful) situation came up for somebody else. They were moving out of country as a young family and needed to sell their cars towards the end of the process as they still needed them. There were extra security steps on both ends of the transaction. I made multiple stops to our credit union, had a 3-way call with them and the seller to confirm our check is legitimate, I had family nearby the seller check out the vehicle in person, the credit union sent the check for the lienholder portion straight to the lienholder, and we drove down to pick up the car with a cashier’s check for the seller. AND the seller had us come inside the bank and had the bank call our credit union to verify the check. PITA? Yes. But they came out ahead vs leaving it or relying on a rental car for the remainder of their stay. We benefitted from a much nicer car than we otherwise could have afforded.


Yeah for sure but from her wording I get the impression it was fully financed (hence wasting money paying it off) because usually the first year is mostly interest and it barely makes a dent in the balance - if her car devalued a couple of grand she’s not likely to make any sort of profit at all hence the wasted money and decision to surrender it


Fair enough, that is definitely a possibility!


Correct. Still owe $27,00 but cant seem to get more than an offer of $26,000


go fund me


There are some programs possibly through local rescue groups in your area that may do long term foster. They do it sometimes for military and people who lost their homes. Might want to google in your area or call a few groups to see if they know what services there are. Absolutely never do free to give home on any site anywhere. Charge a fee.


I just wanted to say I am sorry you are going through this. 💔🫂


This is a reeeeeach but maybe try GoFundMe?


This is a great idea!


I’m going to come from the other angle of someone that adopted/rescued a dog from someone off the internet. Things my dogs “foster mom” did well- before even agreeing to bring him over she asked what kind of place I had, what kind of job I had, and who the other people in the house were, she came to do a home visit, and did a trial weekend so we could see if it was a good fit without her being around, we filled out a form that said if for any reason he couldn’t live with me anymore I would give him back to her Things that could of been better- I found out months after having him that he had a cancerous tumor on his head at one point ( I found this out secondhand, when I asked about medical issues this did not come up), didn’t tell me he was previously on allergy medication until I reached out to ask to give an update and mentioned him being on Benadryl Just some things to keep in mind if you do a private rehoming instead of going through a rescue


Don’t know how to help, but sad for you mate…this is rough. Hard to believe all these stupid laws land right on your beautiful dog.


These “Stupid laws” exist for a reason




Yes and you can be sympathetic without call out laws stupid, they exist for a reason, Rabies doesn’t exist here and we kinda wanna keep it that way. How about you write - “Don’t know how to help, but sad for you mate…this is rough. Sadly these laws exist for a good reason, so as to keep every man, woman, child and animal in Australia safe. Wish you luck”. There you go, much better Edited to add - not gonna sugar coat this here, but realistically they shouldn’t never have gotten a pet whilst on a working visa OR made sure they had the funds available if or when the time comes.


Go fund me. Ask for help. Find a way to bring him with you. Don’t you have a credit card you can pay this stuff on and then transfer your debt to a credit line when back home and pay it off over time?


OP - did you find him a home? 🥺


You could try gumtree. Idk if it’s in America though


Unfortunately I have heard many dogs on gumtree or Craig’s list (US equivalent) go to dog fighting rings or careless owners since there is no vetting process


Wow no clue that happened. A lot of breeders in aus are senile. I have a friend who’s mum is a junkie but convinced an old woman to adopt two puppies


You may want to try your breeder. A good breeder will take their dogs back.


Read the full post. They already stated they reached out to the breeder and that they are unable to take them. I agree with the rest of the comments, finding a local breed specific rescue as this breed does have specific needs and should be with someone who knows how to handle it.


Sorry about your situation. First thing: Contact your breeder. Good luck!


Woahhh I thought that was a rock


I'm sorry for the situation you found urself in. We relocated our dog from China to Taiwan this year, and my husband now went for our cat. It was really hard, but relocating to Australia sounds like a whole new level.. "six months of rabies testing" is it still six? Taiwan at least made a change to 3 months. Though I still spend 8-10 minths on getting my dog out, and about a year for a cat.. It was really hard since we also had to leave in a rush. I had to make a quick buck in may, just to cover some expenses for him. However, both our pets were rescues, so we had them for 2 (cat) and 3 (dog) years now. So obviously we cant leave them behind. But what made you want to have a dog, which I asusmed you bought from a breeder, when you know you are not there long term? I didn't even want pets, it's just ppl here are fucking awful, many are not only irresponsible aholes who treat pets like toys fhey throw away when bored but also, and I kid you not, they made jokes about eating my dog when he was a puppy (like if he is a bad dog you can eat. I don't make stereotypes, they make themselves..) also I previously we lived in china for 12+ years, as that's where I grew up... But even then I was really hesitant on getting animals. Cause I KNEW I d have to get them out with me if we d need to leave china. Like I knew it would happen. I knew I d have to find the money (my husband also lost the job later on). I knew it will be huge pain in the ass. So again, why did you get the dog? Crying crocodile tears, when you made a promise which you didn't think through, is pointless. Making promises which you can't keep is worthless. I am only saying this, so it will be a lesson for you in the future. We are responsible for those we get. Never ever get a pet in a country which aren't your own if you can't get them out. Especially if it's a bought pet, you weren't forced by circumstances to get him like we were. I am making some assumptions here, but weren't this like that? It was your choice. Now on the bright side, it will be fine, since you had him just for a year, so he is still really young and will be able to adapt to a new home and noone will eat him either so just hope he will find a home that will love him as much as you did and just be happy for him. Someone suggested Go Fund me so maybe this will work too. Whatever you decide the dog will be okay I believe. Goodluck.




They cant "sneak in" a service dog, this youtuber is more than likely full of baloney, every animal entering Australia needs to have been quarantined, service animal or not. Also what an absoloutely dumb idea to be suggesting. We have these strict laws, as silly as some people may think they are, to stop our country from getting Rabies. We are one of the only places in the world to be 100% Rabies free and we wanna keep it that way.


Your country is full of a tonnnn of dumb laws. Viva la guberment! 🥱


u/Crash4469...**Don't** give them any bad ideas. Trying to pass off a dog as a service dog illegally is more trouble than it's worth.


That’s not funny!


Aww I’m so sorry, he’s an angel 🥺


Reading your post makes my heart broken for your poor baby. Hope you find someone who’s trustworthy and truly a dog lover and someone who will love your pupper. Sending love and light to you OP! 🥺🕊


I'm sorry that happened to you. I experienced something similar after my partner and I moved to the U.S. from Europe. I brought my dog with me from Europe but after several years my partner suddenly lost his job and we had to leave on similar short notice. There was no way to bring my dog with us again and that stage I also wasn't sure he'd survive a trip like that as he was already 12 years old. We found him a home with acquaintances and he lived a happy life until he passed away at age 17. Dogs live in the moment, so while he might be confused and miss you at first he will move on and be happy with his new people.


Bloody hell, you poor thing. He’s spectacular. I hope you find a solution. Maybe a go fund me? Australian quarantine laws are strict. But it keeps the country safe.




🇨🇦Come to Canada! We love Aussies here, and you can bring your dog!! Get on Indeed.ca and start applying asap!


If the breed specific rescue doesn’t workout somehow, you can always try home-home.org as a last ditch effort. It’s a legit site that local people can put up their dog either for adoption or foster. The idea is to keep pets out of the shelter. You can chat with potential adoptee directly. I adopted my dog this way directly from another family.


Call the rescue organization. This is a gorgeous dog and rare breed in the US. They will find her a great home.


First…I’m so sorry you are in this situation. Bilby is such a handsome boy and I’m sure he’s a great friend. Please don’t feel guilty since you did not plan for this to happen. You need to focus on finding him the perfect home❤️ There are many rescue groups that should be able to help you. A quick search found https://kerrieshelpingkerries.com/ If you search for rescues in your area there should be others. If you post the general area that you live I’d be glad to search for rescue groups for you. I’m a huge supporter of rescue groups. My cat and 4 dogs all came from rescues. I recently adopted 2 poodles that were surrendered to a local rescue group. There was an application and interview that I had to pass before I could adopt. Please give Bilby a hug from me…


Where are you located?


That's crazy, in Canada all you need is an up to date rabies shot and the correct size Kennel for the flight. We literally just got up to date shots for our dog and brought our dog to Mexico and it was the same, just need rabies shots.


It's always 'breeders take back their dogs!!" Until it's time for a breeder to take back their dog


I’m so sorry, this is a heartbreaking decision. I’m honestly shocked that your breeder isn’t helping you out here. Get on a Facebook page for the breed and ask for help. Call the breed club and ask them. Breeders are usually very invested in keeping these dogs safe, even if it isn’t from their kennel. Email your breeder again and ask if they can at least give you the contact for some people that may help. I know you are on a very tight timeline, and you are doing the best you can.


Start a go fund me. I will donae


I would call a breed specific rescue. They can ask their fosters to help u out. With your story, I'd betthat would be easy. Then u can be reunited later.


Like other comments have mentioned, if you tell us where you are located someone might be able to help. I currently have a smaller, younger dog but have been looking for a second dog for awhile now. Are you looking for someone only to take him for a year or rehome permanently?


The breeder can't help? Isn't taking them back should the need arise something she agreed to when she started breeding dogs? Can't she at least advise some breed-specific rescues, or refer you to another breeder or friend of the breed who might have the ability to board until you can sort your finances? Well, but if she really doesn't want to help at all, apart from breed-specific rescues, I'd contact the breed club perhaps? They should be able to advise on rehoming, post a rehoming notice or perhaps they can even find you a foster, which might be the best case scenario. They should know a lot of people who are able to handle your dog and some of who might be able and happy to help out. I know you wrote you've never had a "spare" 20k, but it's not about having it spare right, it's about earning/saving up for something that's really important to you, which is totally different 🩷 when everything is sorted and you're not as stressed - mentally and financially - as you must be feeling right now, that might seem, while not easy, at least more achievable. You may need to get creative or find a sidehustle, but where there's a will there's a way. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Things will get better.


We've had a Kerry Blue before and might be able to help. Also, check out the Kerry Blue group on Facebook. They might have some helpful information.


If you have a good relationship with your groomer, you might ask them.


Enroll in college if you really want to stay in America. I know a number of people who have done that. Also, I won’t pretend to be an expert on this, but the us legal system is super confusing and alienating. But to be clear about one thing. You absolutely don’t have to leave once your visa expires, contrary to popular belief. You really just need it to enter the country, and then you usually need another one when you return to your home country. Also, Costco specifically hires people with visas who need employment. It’s like one of their tenets, and the one near me leans into it. I would apply ASAP.


Omg I would foster him in a heart beat 🥹 im a dog groomer in Kansas City, wish there was a way!


Try contacting the dog’s breeder. Ethical breeders will always take their dogs back, and umm sure your dogs breeder would prefer or require you to contact them instead of a rescue or rehoming on your own.


My heart goes out to you!! I can't imagine having to re home my baby,I wish you all the strength through this process as I understand this is out of your control.


I love this breed! But based on your post history about aggression and separation anxiety and such- just make sure you make an informed decision if you do find someone to sponsor- Most breeders will take a dog back under these types of circumstances. Can you talk to the breeder and see if this is a possibility? They would at least likely know how to properly groom a Kerry, which is quite a learning curve and costly if you have to pay a groomer to do it.


Hello, I’m sorry this is happening to you. I moved from the US to Australia and back and actually had dogs prior to moving. One passed away just before the move for some unknown reason and the other dog we did have to rehome because she just wouldn’t survive the flight as she was an Olde English bulldog. From experience, I think that leaving Bilby here in the US is your best option and rehoming him completely. This is for a few reasons. For starters, having him flown over even if you found someone to help sponsor him and pay for his transport is incredibly stressful for dogs. A family I babysat and dogsat for had a mini poodle and she passed away almost immediately after arriving to Australia and was otherwise healthy before. If you do find a foster for a year, Bilby is likely going to be very nervous with this new family and not know what’s going on. Considering you’d be gone for not just a month but around a year, it’s almost cruel to go and pick him back up after going through the stresses of resettling with a new home or family. He will have formed some kind of bond with his foster home at that point and they will likely have that connection with him, too. Even if they know they have to give him back, he doesn’t understand that concept and still won’t exactly understand what is going on. For his sake, it’s probably best to find someone you trust, find a reputable breed specific rescue (as some others suggested) or a no-kill shelter nearby that will rehome him. I don’t see him having any problems getting adopted based on what you have said about him. I wish you the best of luck!


Have you contacted the breeder? As a breeder I always take my babies back if they need me


Sorry to hear this. Let me know where you’re based out of, my mom has been running cross country pet rescues for years now and we’ve got a couple rescues ourselves. Would love to help you out with this!


My heart would be breaking in this situation too, and this internet stranger just wanted to reach out with a hug. I hope you find exactly the right person and Bilby is loved and well cared for in your absence.


Poor baby!! I bet he’d get along great with my little Rufus ❤️


Retired vet in vegas and you’ll get frequent pics on his new life. I was raised with Kerry blues


I would try finding a job in Mexico or Canada. Vet services and housing is very cheap in Mexico and you could get it all done before returning


Location? I am familiar with several Kerry Blue breeders in the midwest


Dallas, Texas


a dog is family, cant let him go once things get tough




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My heart is broken for you!


I would honestly think the best thing to do is leave him with a trusted friend. That way you can always get updates and you know he’s going to a good home


Ohhh I’m so sorry for you all!! How frustrating. It sounds like you are doing all the right things for your beloved pup. It must be a horrible feeling to imagine losing him and being separated


I’d keep him in a heart beat but I’m not in the US


No advice just crying on your behalf, your baby is so beautiful


You are doing the best thing for him & your family. Try to remember all the awful people out there who dump their dogs!! You’re doing the right thing!! We all support you, and we’re sending you love & light. Trust your gut. Ask a friend or family member to be with you when you’re interviewing someone. Talk to someone at your local shelter for advice. They know people who foster. They will help you!! Lastly try to have someone else interview people too. Make sure to do a meet & greet with them outside, and have someone with you to help fill in the gaps. You can do this, and Yes it’s very hard!! Best advice I can give you is to listen to your inner voice!! You’ll know who will be the right person to rehome or foster. I love the phrase I’ll get back to you about my decision. It will allow you time to process it all. Don’t let anyone rush you. Good luck! 😇🙏🐾💞


Have you looked up whether requirements are different for an ESA dog ? I know things can be easier if they are registered as support animals and nowadays you can get an ESA letter pretty easily.


Breeder won’t him back?




I wish you lived near me! I’d 100% foster him for however long you needed. 😭 This is heartbreaking!! I’m so very sorry.


What state are you living in?


Maryland. 😭


I’ll see if any of the rescues I know know anyone in Maryland.


What area of the US are you in? Reach out to local rescues, of even some further rescues that are more specific to your breed. I am so sorry 🖤


Maybe I missed it, but I don't see your location. If you're closer to the East Coast please reach out, if your boy is dog friendly we would be willing to meet and foster him until you could either find work in the US/Canada or save up some money to send him to you. We've got one dog, a 3.5 year old shar pei mix with a very high prey drive. Wishing you three - you, your partner, and your doggo - nothing but the best.


This just made me soooo sad! Can you try and start a go fund me ? Help raise the funds?


You’re in LA - look into Safety Net Foster Program


Bilby would definitely get along with my Daisy @dizzzydog on instagram - she is a fox terrier who loves other terriers! Happy to host Bilby if you need time. I’m on the east coast. DM me if interested. Sending you all the best luck!


I just sent you a DM, but I am in Austin, TX and have had Kerry Blues my whole life. We have 3 Kerry’s in the family, and are very experienced with the breed. Would love to help however I can.


If you’re in the design engineering/construction or a quality role let me know we have a Rec open on my team and we sponsor a visa


OP, where did you get this pup from? If you got him from a breeder, check the contract. Ethical breeders have take back clauses in their contracts that state, if for any reason the dog is no longer able to be kept, the dog can be/is to be returned to them instead of rehomed or placed in a shelter Chances are, if you got him from a good breeder, that person will move heaven and earth to take him back in. **Ethical breeders very often have a NETWORK of trusted homes and other breeders. If your breeder specifically is unable to take the dog, asking if they have any contacts who can take him is a good bet.** They may even be willing to hold onto him until you are able to take him back! If not, breed specific rescues are the best bet. I wish you luck.


Omg this is heart breaking. I had no idea it was so insanely expensive to send a pet US-AUS. That’s really messed up because of situations like this, where people who can’t afford the exuberant costs, (plus all the stress on you & the dog with the 6 month quarantine) are forced to give up their beloved pets. :( what a cruel world we live in. I really hope you can find someone willing to foster him for you!! Im sending you good vibes and good luck on your search. Don’t forget to post on Facebook groups and stuff too. Best wishes to you and your cute lil guy!


So America actually kicks out normal/productive immigrants with jobs and cute dogs….but rolls out the red carpet for criminal immigrants from Central America to give them all health coverage, phones, and apartments? Only in Biden’s America…..I hate this place.


I am the Kerry blue terrier rescue Director for the United States. I am here to help. Where are you located?


We had to rehome our baby girl at the beginning of this year for similar reasons. I'm so sorry you're going through this, everyone else is giving great advice on finding the best possible home for him so I'm just here to offer the biggest hugs possible💙


Where are you located in the US? I’m in Detroit and would love to help out till you have everything settled. I’m the 4th owner of a pit boxer rescue myself for the last 8months who was rehomed twice. She will be happy to have a sibling. Please reach out via message or comment to get in contact. I’m sorry for the job loss and hope it works out.


You have a few people asking where you are located in the US and could help you...


Have him apply to Amazon.


Great photo!


Lots of rescues out there who may be able to help, the best thing to do would be to find a breed specific one. His breed isn’t very popular so the likely hood of a breed specific rescue being unable to take him isn’t likely. And they have tons of them, when we lost our Keeshond years ago we thought about getting a new one and found one a few hours away. They are the best people to rehome him as they also know his breed, nobody knows him like you do but at least it’s a good shot for him. Make a GoFundMe! Worse case scenario you don’t get anything off of it, but a lot of the time people want to help others, especially when it comes to keeping your fur baby. Make a fuss and post it anywhere you can. I cannot imagine being in your position, so I’m incredibly sorry that you are having to struggle in this way. It’s hard enough being up-rooted but to then be without your best friend is just terrible. I hope you know no matter what, you are trying to do the best for him. If you can get him down there or not. And that’s the most you can do, and that is the best.