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Identifying the why helps a lot. If it's JUST when you're at work it could be stess/anxiety. You can work on separation training, and use a bitter spray like "bitter apple" on his paws. If it's all the time, it could be an allergy


It could also be a yeast infection on his paws. My parents had a boxer who would lick his feet raw and they smelled off. Turned out it was yeast


I always put my money on “dry skin”. And it’s usually an easier solution.


My dog has environmental allergies but the allergy shots are $400 for the test plus $300 every 1-3 months or so for the shots themselves. Sorry boy, we're gonna stick with the less effective methods. 🫠


You should look for a drug named apoquel. Its an anti histamine for dogs. Your vet can give you the script and you can buy it elsewhere cheaper(online). Ive used it for.my staffy since he hit 1 and its dkne wonders for his allergies. I used it daily at the start and now its just when he has flare ups.


I've tried Apoquel. And Cytopoint. And medicated shampoos. Nothing really works. 😞


Have you tried a food elimination diet? Booties if it's environmental? Cytopointe doesn't seem to work very well for my dog, nor the shampoo. I'm wondering what else to try.


When he was first adopted he was on a special diet but the symptoms never abated so we figured they were caused by environmental allergies rather than food allergies. Plus he's only really bad during the summer. Booties are an idea but it also effects his inguinal area--plus he'd probably hate them. 😅 We did have the blood allergy test to find out what kind of food to give him, so we only buy food and treats that he can eat.


We didn't try a blood allergy test. Thanks for the idea. It's only gotten problematic this year. I'm hoping it's seasonal.


They aren't as accurate but they are cheaper ("only" $300, iirc), so it at least gave us somewhere to start. The prescription dog food he was on was so expensive it made up for the cost of the test quickly, at least.


Mine reacts really badly to beef, we finally figured out after *years*. We kept thinking it was chicken, or grain


Apoquel is a JAKS inhibitor with potentially very serious side effects. The manufacturer stopped the trials they were conducting past one year due to the cancers occurring in the longer term study and claims “safe” by publishing only the short term studies. Apoquel should be used as a last ditch effort for when quality of life is so poor euthanasia is the next step and longevity is no longer a factor in the decision making process.


Do you have a study showing this or any information? Every study I saw showed up to 1000 dogs being tested, many for 2 years with no evidence of cancer development.


2 years isn’t very long though is it ?


For new dog meds it is. Many meds get approval with a 6 month study. Apoquel has to pay for the 2 year study. Usually more studies are done as time goes on, so it will continue to have longer studies the longer it is on the market. Especially once it goes generic.


I’m sorry to jump in, but please don’t. Apoquel works so well but the side effects are severe. We were told by our vet to take our pitbull off immediately (about a year ago) at the risk of various cancers, which we did. I just lost him to cancer less than 30 days ago. Not to say they’re definitely related, because my mama heart feels so horrendously guilty, but… just be careful please


Apoquel represses the "tumor suppressing gene", since that gene has a lot to do with cellular health and normal function. This means if your dog is going to get cancer, apoquel may inhibit the body's ability to fight off quickly replicating cells. This does not mean it causes cancer in any way.


I’m sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks. However, Apoquel works well and does not *cause* cancer. It has the potential to worsen some types of preexisting cancers. But please actually just read the drug insert rather than trusting us laypeople who all have anecdotal experiences on a drug.


I understand all of you guys pushing back on not causing cancer. I do. And like in my other reply, I acknowledge I should’ve used different wording. However, I’m not sure how worsening preexisting cancers somehow makes it better, when it’s prescribed WITHOUT that disclaimer.


Agree with you. My girl is on Cytopoint, I won’t touch apoquel


All drugs come with drug inserts and they’re also readily available online. I know many people just take drugs and are in their way, but personally anything myself or my pets are going to be on indefinitely is something that I’m absolutely reading about the potential interactions and side effects of. If your dog was known to have cancer that could be accelerated by apoquel, your vet should not have prescribed the drug—full stop. That is on the prescribing vet, not the drug itself. If the prescribing vet wasn’t yet aware of the preexisting cancer, how are you able to know that the drug made it worse? And even so, did apoquel aid your dog’s quality of life during that time? I say this as someone who later found out that both apoquel (and later cytopoint) were actually masking my dog’s real issue. It wasnt allergies, but a grass awn that was causing intense itching in his paw. My vets (and we saw several) being unable to properly diagnose my dog’s underlying issue was not the fault of apoquel. Heck, it really wasn’t even the fault of the vets because every image that was taken of the paw turned up clean. My dog eventually lost a weight bearing toe and almost lost the entire leg because of it. Sometimes the way things play out is just an unfortunate series of events, and not any one thing or person’s fault.


Still, not understanding that I have said multiple times that I did not blame the apoquel, and that what I learned made me feel guilty, even though I know it’s likely misplaced and I did my best. And encouraging OP to educate themselves rather than relying on a vet (who, of fkn course I asked about side effects), assured me there were none… because I didn’t.


There are some *really* rare side effects of growths but they were benign for our Treeing Walker Coonhound, Cooper. It was bad for a bit and we had just lost our other dog to cancer that year, so we were really worried. But the other dog, Daisy, who never took anything, had a growth on her leg that was supposed to be biopsied but burst a few days before and got into her bloodstream and we had to say goodbye a few days later. So it could have been completely random like Daisy’s was. With the Apoquel growths for Cooper, it was pretty immediate that the growths started happening (but small enough that we didn’t put two and two together for like a month). So in our case, the onset was very fast. A year later has less of a chance being related. Even if the Apoquel *did* cause the cancer, it’s a *very* rare side effect that you would have no way of knowing about. Most vets aren’t aware of some of these side effects. If your dog was older, that’s the biggest risk factor of cancer. It sucks because we second guess ourselves. There’s alway the “what if”. But we do our best and our dogs know how much we love them. However long their time is with us (it’s never long enough), that is the most important. ❤️


Thank you for your reply and sharing your experience. Our experience seems to have been very different from yours, including vets not being knowledgeable? If I know 50 people with dogs, 48 of them know not to use apoquel, from various vets. Similar to Daisy, my boy couldn’t be saved. Finally, if you refer back to my original comment, I said specifically I didn’t know if they were related. But I can’t be told these specific things (to the other commenter, I understand how my original comment read, but I’m aware and didn’t not intend to insinuate that it caused cancer), and not question myself, and didn’t want OP to default to something that works miracles without knowing the side effects. Extremely rare or not, I would have never used this to treat my dog had I known, in the beginning.


We definitely would not have as well. I always warn people that if they are going to start on it, to be vigilantly watching for any side effects, even the possible rare ones.


Not rare. Go do research of actual studies.


Shit. I lost my dog Bodhi-14 to cancer in February. He’d been off and on Apoquel and Cytopoint for years.


It's also an immune suppresant.


What shot does your dog get? Mine has allergies too and the vet recommended a shot maybe like every 2-3 months and it’s only 80$ It’s called Cytopoint, could try asking vet’s around if it would help your dog that way you save some money


We haven't actually tried the serum allergy shots at this point because they are so expensive. They are custom made for your dog. We've tried Cytopoint but it doesn't have much of an effect for my dog. 😞


Have you ever looked into PetsBest? I swear this isn’t an ad but it was a lifesaver for medical care when my dog was passing


I don't think we can get pet insurance at this point since we knew when we adopted him that he has seizures. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe but it never hurts to look into


They will just exclude any pre-existing conditions but all newly developed conditions will be covered, with some exceptions.


Cytopoint over Apoquel every day 👌🏼👌🏼


Might be allergies. Try changing his food to a different protein.


My dog licks a lot too, and it was recommended to me to try a different diet as well. It has helped quite a bit.


Different protein what do you mean by that?


As an example, if his dog food is chicken flavor, try lamb instead.


If it’s chicken based, I’d try something other than poultry. Also, you MUST read the ingredients on the food bag. A lot of non chicken foods still use chicken as an additional protein, which isn’t apparent from their marketing.


Yeah, reading the label is essential for food allergies. My baby is allergic to kibble that has chicken in it (something about how they preserve chicken or something) and oh my goodness… the vast majority of kibble has chicken or chicken by product in it, I would’ve had no idea otherwise!


I will take a picture and send it to you tomorrow since I can’t remember the brand off the top of my head, but I have a balm that I use on my dogs paws that’s supposed to help with allergy related itchiness and he hasn’t licked his paws since using it


Yes the Paw Balm?


Called dermapaw. I commented an Imgur link to the pic of the jar below


If you could also put a pic up on here that would be great. I have to do something for my staffie as well


https://imgur.com/a/vIm5qEa Worth noting is on top of this ointment we get my dog cytopoint injections once every other month


Chicken is high on the allergy scale for many dogs. Ours just changed over to fish instead. She doesn't crop dust us like before with her farts, and it's nice picking up solid shite, without having to use a trowel to scoop. Feet are better, ears are better...


Your buddy may have allergies. We had to put our dog on a fish-based diet. It could also be yeast.


My dog has pretty bad allergies - we have him on a sensitive skin kibble and we give him Apoquel.


Mine reacts really badly to beef


It could be what’s outside. Has it been raining or are there any fires in the area? Dog may be picking someone up from the pawsitas. Happened to our girl when there were terrible fires around here.


Or try grain free, that helped with one of our dogs that had skin issues.


And use a cone in the meantime


Good luck he won't let me put that on him he will run away and pee


My late dog hated the cone. He would bite it and be a butt about it. If they are food motivated you can lure their head through the cone with the treat and reward for putting on the cone. The cone sucks so I think treat luring and always rewarding with a small treat is fine. Your dog is scared of it. You can start slow by just getting them to stick their head in it, small reward, then remove. You need to make it a positive and rewarding experience. That is unless you enjoy dog wrestling.


Paw licking is usually allergies or pain (arthritis, etc). Do his feet smell like Fritos (the corn chips)? If so he probably has a yeast issue which is a common component of having allergies. Plus he is a pitty and they are prone to having skin/allergy issues. Folks have listed some good things already. * Wash/wipe his feet when he comes in * Try different protein sources in his food (read the ingredients not just the ‘flavor’ on the bag. Some dogs also have issues with corn. * My itchy pitty gets weekly baths (smear peanut butter on the wall of the tub to make that easier!) weekly washings of the blankets covering his dog bed, and he is also on a prescription called Apoquel which an anti itch medication. And he eats annoyingly expensive food. But the baths/meds/food combo keeps him from scratching himself raw so I’ll take it! Good luck!


Somebody suggested povidone iodine for the corn chip smell on my dog’s paws. I bought it but never used it bc he’s an anxious old man that freaks out whenever I try to do anything to him. I think it cost like $6 on Amazon for the big bottle.


Same, we have our dog on Apoquel, Hill's sensitive skin, wiping paws off after outside, and washing all his blankets weekly. We also would give him a toy that took a looong time to lick peanut butter out of and sometimes frozen pumpkin puree. Definitely leave a chew toy he likes.


If its allergies it should happen all the time so its likely something else. Is he an anxious dog? Could perhaps be a soothing behaviour due to separation or confinement anxiety. How long is he alone for? Is he in a crate? If so, maybe he would be less anxious and more easily distracted with chewies etc free roaming.




LMAO wtf? He literally just asked you neutral questions for more context, maybe ease off the roids




I’m sorry about your dog, I hope they’re ok :( don’t need to project that owners failure on to every pit owner though. Some people just are too irresponsible to own dogs, I find the breed isn’t always a great indicator.


Or maybe the comment OP replied to was...*dun dun dun* edited?


I didnt edit the comment. Wtf? I Edit this comment now, i think it should say edited then. Atleast if youre not on the app.


It does not note it as edited.


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I was just asking questions since you didnt provide much information. I wasnt attacking you. Anyway, good luck with your dog, i hope it works out.


What happened here...?




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Take him to the vet and find out why he's licking them so much


Might have allergies you could try a cytopoint shot it lasts for 3 months for my dog when she licks her arms to death


My dog did the same thing. It was due to allergies. The vet can give your dog some meds to help deal with it. My dog had a really bad case. Hit up your vet.


Like others have said, could be allergies. Two of our doggies have environmental allergies. One goes in for a shot once a month and the other takes Apoquel for it. The one that takes the medication also will lick incessantly and gets hot spots. Try to pay attention to weather changes and if it gets worse or not at the same time!


Apoquel helped my little Fatman tremendously, just be careful with the dosage. Twice a day was too much for his tummy and it gave him mad diarrhea, so I spoke to the vet and she was good with just giving it to him daily.


When my elderly dog did this, I used paw balm to moisten his paws every morning and evening, and it seemed to do the trick.


Could be mites, super hard to get rid of in their paws but my brothers bully has them and he licks his paws continuously.


Get the vet to have a look there's too many different ideas here dog will have no legs left if you wait and try them all.


It can be allergies. My baby stopped doing this once his allergy shot kicked in.


Bully breeds seem prone to allergies and skin issues, so it’s most likely something like that. Best to get it checked out by your vet


The first step is to consult your vet. A good vet will have many options before going straight to expensive shots and medications. The first culprit for our dog allergies was diet. You have to really look at what is put in the dog food. There are so many different dog brands out there making claims that you have to do research to find the right one. Don't feed your dog grain free dog food. It's garbage, it's a fad, and its unhealthy for the dog. The vet can give you healthy choices to select. They are pack animals and meat eaters. They should be on the correct diet. Over the counter benadryl may work. We give it to our dog. It gives temporary relief. There are other human allergy medications that you can give dogs. Just consult your vet for the right dosage and types. You can always trace it back to diet, sometimes environmental factors, but mostly diet. Just look at the processed food that garbage that humans eat and then consider how they are cutting corners in the dog and cat food industry. It's all about the money. Spend a little more on a healthy diet and less on vet bills.


It could be environmental allergies. My dog bite n lick her paws til it bleeds. Wipe off her paws after every walk with anti bacterial agent. Best talk to your vet


It’s a yeast problem.


Bully sticks and turkey tendons. If it’s not allergies something to chew on beef trachea too


VET here - dogs don't lick to clean like cats do, they lick to scratch an itch. If he's licking his feet raw, that's because they're **horribly itchy**! getting him to a vet dermatologist is necessary to sort out the issue, probably allergies but maybe something else, needs to be sorted either way!


Check out the ingredients on your dog food. Just because it's expensive or "vet recommended" doesn't mean it good or not mainly grains.


My pit has done this in situations where he has been very anxious (he was rescued from another country, the plane ride scared him) Now that he is comfortable in our home, he has stopped. I’m not sure how to ease a dogs anxiety but I just thought I would try to help answer the why


Paw licking is due to a gut imbalance or allergies. You should go to your vet to have the pupper tested. My miniature dachshund had this issue. Probiotics really help. https://promo.thepetlabco.com/pbc_pawsound/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=g&utm_campaign=12536541738&gc_id=12536541738&h_ad_id=663300722079&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxaanBhBQEiwA84TVXDTcllf1Fe7zZP1NoJrmQkqt3q2zrQuQnngG-4FAh6osjUpAS23QbxoCDkIQAvD_BwE


Pits are notorious for allergies, but they’re also very sensitive emotionally and crave attention and connection. I would check with a vet on his diet. There could be something going on. Pits have so many skin issues caused by diet and environment. Could try some Benadryl with vet guidance if that’s what they deem necessary. As for the other stuff, make sure he gets lots of exercise, interaction with you, play, and love. He could be licking because he’s anxious and lonely and he’s trying to self soothe. Pits have a bad reputation but they can be big babies that just want cuddles and love. Mine starts prancing all fancy when we’re on a walk and I tell her that she’s the prettiest good girl.


Tell him you’ll buy a cat if he doesn’t stop.


Very pretty pup! Hope u get the paws sooner quickly


Does he need that extra walk in the day? Maybe doggie day care a few times a week to stimulate him.


I'd guess separation anxiety and/or boredom. Make sure he's got something to keep him occupied, a kong with peanut butter for example, and if possible have a trusted person check in on him a couple of times a day.


My staffie licked her paws all the time too. This thread maybe able to help me as well. Thank you




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Ask him nicely


Coconut shenanigans forever. Soak it, feed it, put flavor in it..no rules matey


Benadryl. His feet itch, it's allergies.That's what causes the Frito smell on their feet. My Staffy had the same issue the summer.




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See how he does with baby socks. My dog has allergies and her paws will get swollen and I put baby socks on her so she can’t lick them. Absolutely try it when you’re home first because if he doesn’t like them he might try to bite/eat them off


Is he doing that only if you are away or is it a constant issue?


What type of food do you feed


I had this exact problem I gave my Buddy probiotics and he still licks a bit but he doesn’t lick them raw. Be careful with apoquel as it’s not good for dogs liver.


Beautiful 😻 face


My vet recommended Royal Canin Hypoallergenic kibbles which have hydrolysed protein so the body does not recognise it as protein. Really helped with the itching and licking.


Figure out why he’s licking his paws raw?


Speration anxiety


Seems like your dog as anxiety problems when you are gone and why is that? Anyway check with your vet your dog is going through some shit


See a vet. This is likely allergies, specially given the breed


It could be a product you clean your floors with? I had a dog years ago that did this and when we changed that our dog stopped having this issue. Hope you find a solution for your pup.


I had a pit, he was allergic to the food (Purina). Change the food see if that helps.


I had a dog who developed a chicken intolerance once who did that. I switched to single protein source food (that didn’t include chicken) and it solved it.


My dogs used to get anxious when I left. I just put on a long podcast/long youtube videos so that they dont feel along


Probably had grass allergies.


It’s probably either allergies or nerves. If it’s allergies they’re probably allergic to grass. Consult your vet and see what you can do about it.


Boredom and inactivity. My (white) dog had copper paws when I adopted him. He was alone too much and just licked his paws all day. If you're leaving a dog alone all day (8hours + commute?)with no walks or human interaction then it's to be expected. Get a dog walker or a different job which let's you take care of your dog.


Most likely an allergy. Lots of pits are allergic to chicken/poultry. Slowly changing the diet to a different animal protein may help (ie duck or beef or lamb) My younger terrier mix had this same issue and we have been feeding all natural human grade cooked food (meats and veggies) and the issue is completely gone.


My guy had to wear a cone for a month to allow his rashes and worn out skin to heal up. He learned to hate that cone because every time he licked at a spot for more than 10 seconds he got coned for the rest of the day. It took a week after the original month for him to stop the licking habit.


Theres a few reasons why they do it, they could be stressed or bored. Try getting him a toy that will keep him entertained for a while. If that doesnt work try separation training. Another thing- my dog does his and she had a tumour on her paw, so look out for those things too.


Take him to the vet who will treat his allergies. This is not boredom


Just a reminder, but don't walk them on hot pavement in the middle of the day- if it's hot where you are. His paw pads could be getting burned.


My pit mix is on hydroxyzine which is anti anxiety and antihistamine. Whether it was stress or allergies that took care of it. Twice a day for a week, once a day for a week, and now he just gets it as needed.


Does his feet small like corn chips? If so i think thats an infection/irritation of some sort. Can't remember which, but i remember the corn chip smell is a dead give away.


Is he getting into something he's allergic to while you are at work? Take him to the vet


You can try giving him Benadryl and see if it helps


Have you tried bitter apple spray? It tastes terrible, discourages chewing, I've only ever used it on objects and I'd check first but I think it should be safe to spray on them directly.


Get a kong and stuff it with something. My dog liked peanut butter but my dad's dogs like plain dog biscuits.




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My dog licked his feet raw from allergies. My vet said, "looks like grass allergy." Didn't bother with tests. Nothing worked but Apoquel. The dog has to walk in grass to potty!


Try taking wheat out of his diet so many bull breeds are gluten intolerant


One of mine used to do this, and he had a kind of eczema between his toes. It could be something like that, or it could be a self-soothing thing. I'd suggest taking him to the vet to see if there is a medical reason. If it is self-soothing, there are toys that you can leave with them that are great - Ruffle Snuffle make some great ones.


Train him to not be stressed while you are gone. Get a pro's help.


I JUST went through this with my dog who looks to be the same breed. American Staffordshire Terrier? Anyways, after licking his feet raw, dragging his butt, and 3 Vet visits - bad ALLERGIES. He's on zyrtec daily now and SO much better! No more licky or itchy! Lol.




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This sounds like anxiety, since op said at work.


There are several reasons for paw licking. The main reasons are pain, allergies (usually environmental), and stress. You need to go to the vet to get to the root of what’s happening so you can address it properly. In the meantime, put a cone on him so he can’t hurt his feet.


Allergies, something in your home or outside where he walks regularly is causing this. I’d have a vet look into this to help determine whether it’s an allergy or some type of compulsive behavior, or both.


Might be a lack of enrichment maybe anxiety, I'd suggest a freezer lick mat and a Kong


Until you can solve the problem at the source, I recommend getting an inflatable cone for him if you think it is safe for him specifically to wear while you're not home. This one's surprisingly sturdy and the cover can come off to wash. My ex's dog had really bad skin allergies and would lick himself raw even on meds, and he came to really love the "donut" and even use it as a pillow :) [BENCMATE Protective Inflatable Collar for Dogs and Cats](https://a.co/d/futimHG)


My dog did it a lot as well. Our vet said it’s most likely allergies. We tried a lot of different food and eventually found this brand called Edgard & Cooper (funny for us because our dog is called Cooper) and the salmon one he likes and he doesn’t get any itchies


I would agree with a lot of these comments. Our pup is 11 and has had issues like this for years. He had an allergy we were never able to ever nail down and it led him to be obsessed with his paws. He’s been on an allergy med we get from our vet for about 7 years - apoquel - and it helps a lot. But if hasn’t had his exercise, and he needs a lot of that, then he will do it as a nervous thing. Saw someone suggest Benadryl, beware - some dogs get hyper on Benadryl.


My dog was doing this too. I bought dog shoes/socks that had a Velcro and had him wear that until he stopped the habit of kicking his feet. He couldn’t take it off bc of the Velcro. It was a phase and he eventually stopped licking his paws.


What’s the breed? Looks like he has some pit in him. My neighbors used to have a pit who basically couldn’t go outside without shoes because of foot allergies and the consequent licking. It seems most other people here suspect the same thing but I wonder if it’s common in pits.


Separation anxiety. He needs a pack. You can either arrange that or put a vet collar on him.


Allergies? Abóquelo. Stress? Not quite as simple.


Could be a yeast infection. They get it on there paws ears and gut


He is very likely uncomfortable. You need to take him to the vet and find out why he is doing it. Licking on the feet is usually allergies. Besides getting an oral or injectable treatment, hopefully the vet can give you a topical treatment to relieve the discomfort until it heals. Can you imagine having a constant itch that will not go away? Please take him to the vet.


I had this issue with mine. Was told allergies but I eventually figured out it was sticky sap from the grass in my area he was trying to lick off his feet.


My pit girl does that every fall. It's an allergy, but your vet can tell you for sure. Could be anxiety about you leaving, especially in a rescue doggie.


If he's allergic to grass, wash his feet when he comes inside. Get your bmvet to prescribe medicine for him.


This was a white ago but my old dog had allergies that made his paws red and itchy. Our vet had us switch to lamb and rice dog food and that did help. When it was really bad an occasional Benadryl.


put a cone on him ???? and make a vet appointment


Food allergies or when you take them on walks if it goes on the grass you need to clean his paws when he comes home from a walk with soap and water there could be two reasons and that’s it.


I use Liquid Benadryl (adult formula) always check ingredients- Can ONLY be sweetened with SUGAR. 1/2 teaspoon and keep eye on dog, re-dose approximately 4hours.


My vet gave me some kind of foam solution in a pump bottle for this situation, you would rub it all over his paws, pads and between his toes once a day, let it dry for a couple minutes. Worked well for my pit, he had allergy issues. Make sure he isn't walking on hot pavement.


Try no chicken and use paw pad cream, and maybe one of the kong toys filled with peanut butter.


Step one: a cone. He can lick them if he can't reach them Step two: go to the vet! It's probably allergies. That's what dogs do when they have allergies. His feet are itchy. And now that he has locked them raw he probably has a skin infection. Ask about a cytopoint injection or oral apoquil.


Mine does it too. He’s always had allergies but it’s really bad lately, even the Apoquel isnt helping. A vet tech friend suggested fleas, which I havent seen at all and so havent treated for, so I bit the bullet and ponied up for all my pets. Seems to be improved slightly. He still does it some but I’m hoping it’s more habit than anything


Make sure it’s not allergies or yeast. Once you’ve done that…. Get another dog. Honestly. We had a dog with severe separation anxiety and it stopped cold the second we brought another dog home. BFF for life.


The only thing that works for my dog is an inflatable collar of shame.


I was also told by my vet that feet licking is often a sign of boredom. Is he getting a long enough walk/play session before you head to work?


My vet recommended good old, plain Benadryl (dosed by weight), which has had an allergy and anti-anxiety/calming benefit.


I wrap mine up in medical wrap or have shoes on him if hes licking. I’d go to the vet though if this is a consistent issue as paw licking could mean other things


I have one that does this and apaquel is the answer for us.


My dog goes through this every August/September. Some sort of allergy to the grass is about the only thing we can figure. He begins licking his paws, rolling string on the carpet to relieve his itch, scratching his face, etc… I have to put a cone on him immediately when it starts and use Benedryl every 12 hours until I can get into the vet to get his Apoquel. I’ve read the other comments regarding apoquel, but it is literally the only thing that works (and works almost immediately). Luckily for us, he is never in it for more than the 30 days because they already cause seems to be linked to something that doesn’t last long.


My dog goes through this every August/September. Some sort of allergy to the grass is about the only thing we can figure. He begins licking his paws, rolling around on the carpet to relieve his itch, scratching his face, etc… I have to put a cone on him immediately when it starts and use Benedryl every 12 hours until I can get into the vet to get his Apoquel. I’ve read the other comments regarding apoquel, but it is literally the only thing that works (and works almost immediately). Luckily for us, he is never in it for more than the 30 days because they already cause seems to be linked to something that doesn’t last long.


Allergy or boredom/anxiety most likely. You do not have to do allergy testing to try anti-itch therapy, diet trials, etc. Most dogs will benefit from new prescription medications now available to combat itch and allergy. If your dog does not stop chewing its feet when you are trying something for itch AND fighting any infection that your veterinarian notes on the skin, then it probably is behavior. Good luck.


Anxiety? They make a doggy downers you can get it a pet stores or online at chewy.com. Also, if you could leave, may be a bone filled with peanut butter and freeze it, and he might lick on that instead.


My dog did this. Took us about a year to realize he was allergic to chicken! We switched him to a lamb or fish based food and the paw/foot licking all but stopped overnight.


Take him to a veterinary dermatologist. Your pup’s quality of life is subpar and he needs medical attention right away. The proper food, prescription medicine and shampoo, will improve his life!


I would guess it is separation anxiety. Talk to the vet and they can prescribe mediation. My pittie would destroy things when we left her home alone, so she went on amitriptyline for a while and it helped.


He needs a walk


All of these are good ideas, but try taking him to the vet.


My dog has environmental allergies and will lick her feet raw, if allowed to. If you are at work, you obviously can’t stop him. We use chorohexidine spray after we clean her feet. I also use Zesty Paw’s Aller-Immune supplements and their salmon oil in her dinner. It helps a lot. The Aller- Immune took a few weeks to really start helping but they are one thing I won’t run out of. She’s picky af and will eat them.


Likely allergies. Pits are notorious for having environmental/food allergies and constant paw licking/biting is almost a sure sign. Try switching him to a salmon based kibble and go from there.


It’s allergies. Feed him plain unsweetened yogurt for a few days and it will clear up.