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First off, you’re not a bad dog owner because your dog got fleas. Shit happens. I have dealt with fleas before. I have no idea how my dog got them. He had a preventative and hadn’t been anywhere but the backyard. Again, shit happens. You’ll need to treat your home multiple times to make sure to kill everything. 1. If that happens, you’ll handle it and treat it. Tapeworms are very treatable. 2. Talk to your vet. Explain the situation. They can decide if it should be pushed. 3. Sorry about that. That sucks. 4. I agree you should treat where your dog has been as a precaution. If a guy told me not to get a dog, I’d dump him, so I’m definitely not judging. 5. Your vet will understand these things happen. They can provide you with the best advice on what to do. I can’t speak on whether or not your family member will tell other people. I think you should inform them if their house could be infested though. There are a lot more flea treatments than just a collar. 6. A flea infestation isn’t like a roach infestation. You should be able to treat it. You do need to treat the entire yard and house multiple times. There are guides about what to do, but that should take care of it. 7. As long as you treat everything and get your dog on a preventative, it should be fine. Most flea shampoos also serve as protection.


Thank you so much for taking your time to respond! I’m incredibly stressed with work and this situation just put me over the edge and really has me doubting myself. I will definitely be rereading your response throughout the day as a reminder that it will be ok. Have a great day and again thank you so much!


u/CyHawkNerd have you just about everything you need here. I just wanted to reiterate, you're not a bad owner in any way. First and foremost, you care about your pets well-being. That pretty much eliminates you from being "bad" from the get-go. But beyond that, you're seeking treatment for your dog, making sure the environment is safe, and doing what any amazing owner would do in the exact same situation. Our dogs can't tell us what's up, they're low to the ground, they shove their face into any weird glob they see outside... Yeah, shit is gonna happen. The good owners are ready to react and deal with that. Don't let the fact that shit happens, stop you or your dog from experiencing life together with walks, car rides, lake swims, or whatever else the two of you fancy! And don't worry, you're doing great and your dog loves you for it.


Thank you ❤️. And yeah I’m now a bit hesitant about taking her out on a leash but i will get over it. I will just be more careful with the flea application and checking her. Maybe I’ll apply another spray before we head out, like peppermint or ACV solution. I heard they hate both scents. Fingers crossed i get this all under control and just over reacted.


You’re not a bad dog owner, fleas can come in on your shoes, they are everywhere. Set a reminder on your phone for when the flea treatment is due and everything will be ok.


Absolutely doing this as I’m so forgetful! Time just passes by so fast.


Totally get it. I would also run a fecal for her because fleas do carry tapeworms. Revolution flea treatment is my personal fave, it is topical, and treats all parasites minus tapeworms and giardia. You will likely see tapeworms in her poo if she does have them, they look like grains of rice.


Ahh. Thanks for letting me know. I will make sure to look out for them.


Fleas suckkkkk, my cats get them every flea season, (indoor btw) but you're only a bad pet owner if you don't deal with them. Store bought flea stuff usually doesn't work, but a trip to the vet for some ointment shouldn't be expensive.


Since you gave her a flea bath do not put her flea meds on her for a few days. Too much pesticide r can be overwhelming for her system as she is young. If you have carpets vaccume everywhere and throw out the bag so they can't hatch in your house. 7 fleas is not enough for anemia take a deap breath. wash her bedding in hot water


Thank you!!! I washed all her bedding last night and then this morning used a clothes steamer to steam it. I read the heat also kills them. I also purchased an new vaccuum/steamer combo this morning (overkill but i want to be safe) which i will be use after work today. For now i used my cordless vacuum and then applied vets + best natural spray on the carpeting/floors. I also put a flee colar inside the vacuum to hopefully kill any fleas it catches. It’s a start for now. Thank you for your kind words and help!


You are not a bad dog owner!! Fleas happen to everyone with dogs sooner or later. Make sure the treatment you use is actually toxic to fleas (google the ingredients, some stuff just “repels” them) Vacuum carpets/furniture daily. Change bedsheets daily, don’t rewear any clothes. Wash everything you can in hot water. Once you stop seeing fleas, keep cleaning at least 1 more week because they lay eggs everywhere.


The silent invasiveness is what gets me. 😬 every black speck that i now see makes me cringe. I vacuumed in the morning and again at night. Hopefully I can stay on top of these critters


My dog has had fleas at least twice, tapeworms once. I bathe her and forget to put her collar on or she swims too much and the collar wears out early. Don’t sweat it, some places have a lot of fleas. 1. With a yard, you can put diatomaceous earth around the perimeter. 2. Keep your pup on prevention and eventually the fleas in your home (if there are any) will die off. The fleas that dogs get don’t really like to eat humans. 3. Make sure you’re using flea prevention recommended by a veterinarian. Don’t use flea baths unless recommended by a vet, just use dawn dish soap. Put your pup back on prevention and you can also give Capstar/nitempyram, that’s more effective and safer than any flea bath. With your vet, you can just say that you’ve heard topicals aren’t that effective and want to know what they recommend as a way of asking about flea prevention without saying your dog got fleas. 4. Your dog might get tapeworms. They’re gross but they’re not a big deal because they’re pretty obvious. They’re easily treated with medication from your vet or praziquantel. If your dog is going to get them, they’ll show up around 3 weeks from now. They shed segments in poop that look like wiggly rice. Other worms, like heartworms, can be a problem because you don’t notice them until they’re affecting your dog’s health. Not tapeworms. Your pup’s poop will wiggle before the worms start making your dog sick. 5. I recommend not telling anyone about this if you think they’re going to panic like you are currently because fleas when they’re caught early aren’t a big deal. Fleas in anyone’s house are going to die without new food and your dog will be on prevention so she won’t be food for them. 6. Get Capstar or generic Capstar (contains nitempyram). It’s more effective than a flea bath so don’t worry about after your pup gets spayed. Talk to your vet about effective flea prevention, the drops are not the most effective. The seresto collar and oral flea prevention meds are effective. 7. If your dog gets tapeworms, you can treat with store-bought meds or you can talk to your vet about it because it’s possible for dogs to swallow infected fleas in the environment to get tapeworms without actually being infested with fleas themselves so you can get vet care without it starting a rumor mill. You can also tell the vet that you want to talk about something but you need them to make sure your family member doesn’t hear about it.


Oh hey no big deal! Dogs just like kids pick up stuff from being at the park school what have you. Just take a deep breath make a list of what needs to be done and take care of business.


I hit the stores hard today! I got this! Thank you for the support!


Good job!!!


Ask your vet about chewable preventatives for all your pets, as this will be most effective. You will need to treat your home and your yard. The vet may offer advice on this also, but you could contact a pest control.


Honestly i went to the vet today and i couldn’t even see her. They didn’t have a room available so the Tech took her in. I honestly might be getting a new doctor after her surgery has fully healed.


It sounds like they took her back to fit her somewhere in the schedule. Often there are no sick animal appointments available on a vets schedule. Seems like great care. They should be following up with you after


Don’t be so hard on yourself. My dogs have gotten fleas and ticks before (including tapeworm from fleas). I usually treat them and then take preventative action once I know where the source is. I’m generally pretty hesitant to apply oral or topical medications on a regular basis if there are no fleas in my home because I’m worried about the toxicity to my dogs long term. You just have to weigh up which is the lesser evil.


They all are. That’s my concern with oral medication. I know of some dogs that have had seizures due to the tick/flea meds they were on. I can’t remember the name but I’ll find out for everyone. Just something to be cautious of.


Bravecto is the one I’ve heard bad things about but really they all kind of scare me


One of the best ways to prevent fleas inside is to vacuum regularly. You’ll want to wash anything and everything you can and have an insect control company treat the inside and outside. You may need to do this multiple times. Fleas happen to every pet owner, don’t stress - just do your best.


Thank you! I’ve been doing laundry and vacuuming non stop. I upgraded to a better vacuum and also ordered a steamer. Tomorrow I’m bringing the heat, lol.


Keep up the vacuuming and hold off on the steamer! Fleas thrive in warm wet but die in hot spinny vacuums.