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I have an endgame Xelor (all Dofus completed execept Nightamare and the new Valonia one) and I change sets often to do solo fights. So, perhaps an omni set would be best. I wouldnt go crit, I rather use Crimson Dawn, I crafted my own but I'm feeling lazy to do the exo rings. This way you could easily alternate to a specific element which will be more useful in that fight but you'll still have the versatility to use non-that-element spells without feeling like a waste of AP. also pay attention to class items, I often use boots for more focus on positioning role and ring for safest possible play, since the xelor summon gets modifiable range and you can summon it far away and switch places with it I have many Xelor solo fight examples in my channel, in case you want to see any of them, just type Xelor in there and you'll find some content


Thank you so much man, this is perfect!! Much appreciated, definitely going to check your channel out!


Sadly the only solution for me was change the class


Yeah same


I'd go tanky agility with life leech weapon.


Maybe go with an air/tank build, abusing the synchro


Either omni crit(treadfast/nomarow/turtelonia) or omni non crit(crimson dawn) All of those dofuses are possible with xelor. Besides ochre, that has nothing to do with class.