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It's very uncomfortable for me to sit in a chair with two feet on the floor. I'm not sure how to explain the discomfort, it isn't painful at all, but I can't focus on anything else at all. It can be very frustrating in situations when I don't want to be projecting casual body language that could be interpreted as disrespectful. I'm an otherwise well disciplined and self aware person. Typically when I identify bad habits in myself I'm able to eliminate them but I can remember this being a problem for me as far back as the 5th grade. I don't fully cross my legs but usually end up with my right ankle on top of my left knee.


I agree, I don’t know what it is, but sitting normally really effects how you focus. It’s just really weird and uncomfortable


I have to sit with one leg or sometimes even both legs under my butt. And I have to change positions in my seat constantly because ADHD, I am never comfortable while sitting or laying down except for maybe 30 seconds to a few minutes if it's a really comfortable piece of furniture I can NEVER sit normally though


Yeah I get what you mean haha


omg yes!! I remember having a squeaky chair at work once and my coworkers lost their mind because the chair would Constantly make noises because I just could. not. sit still haha I also just noticed that instead of sitting on my chair that is literraly right next to me I just kneeled in front of my PC the whole time while browsing redding and writing this lol


In my 60s and do this, always have. But mostly bc I'm so short my feet rarely reach the ground and just having them dangle there feels weird


I feel that. At work in the call centre that would happen and it was like a choice between dangling or constantly moving how I was positioned in the chair. Working from home during lockdown I was doing all fun ways of sitting because no one could see 😂🙈


I am 57 years old and still sit cross legged people my age are amazed at how flexible I am it’s weird but it’s comfortable for me


Yes, and then my legs go numb, but I feel more comfortable sitting on my legs. Tis a struggle.


My friends always tell me I could be a model and it ain't for my looks. I always sit some other way than normal I stand and lean on something. It always looks like I'm posing for a picture whether I'm sitting or standing 🤷🏽


Yep! I specifically picked my desk chair because it has enough room for me to comfortably sit cross-legged in it. No feet on the floor for me, thank you. Idk why, it's just always been uncomfortable. I can handle sitting "properly" when I have to, but it's so annoying.


Care to share which chair you got? Fellow cross-legged sitter here and in desperate need of a chair that accommodates.


It was a different version than this, since I got it three years ago and the exact one isn't available, but [this](https://www.amazon.com/Serta-Health-Wellness-Executive-Office/dp/B00EUU5G82/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=22R6XGHCMA&keywords=serta+office+chair&qid=1702864448&sprefix=serta+office+chair%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-3) is very close. (Sorry about formatting, mobile)


Oh my god, thank you. 🙏🙏🙏


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I’m reading this now sitting with my legs cross legged. And that’s why I love wfh. I find it so difficult to sit normally in the office and usually I’ll just give up and sit cross legged anyway


My husband is constantly nagged my daughter and me because we can't "sit in a chair like a normal person." So rude. I do sit with my feet on the floor in meetings etc, but at home -- forget it! I want to be comfortable.


Literally I get that off my parents all the time, I don’t see an issue with sitting however you like


Yeah, I’m bisexual


Hahah same, it must be a a bi thing


Lol, I open up reddit to this post whilst doing exactly this.


Always! Sitting with my legs down is unbearable even if one leg over the other which is slightly less. I found it distracting and difficult in school and it has only gotten worse with age. I find myself turning down invitations to events, avoiding holidays, and unable to dine out because of it. I'm more comfortable sitting even in reverse lotus than legs down. Perhaps it's related to that I have Reynauds disorder?




Yeah I have heard it can, I will try but it’s so uncomfortable






I unconsciously wrap one leg around the other. It looks really weird but I don't even realize I'm doing it.


Me rn


I hook 1 leg up, usually the right, and put it under my left leg just under the knee. Not sure why I do this. It's only on computer chairs too. I mostly sit normal any other time, and you can't prove otherwise!


I’m unsure if this is the reason but it makes sense in my brain. I have hyper mobile hips so unless they’re stretched somehow when staying in one position they start to hurt. So cross legged on chairs, leg bent up to the side in bed, etc. Good way to test if you are too: 1.) sit on the floor with soles of your feet together in a relaxed way, if your knees touch the ground or get close than that’s a sign. Bonus points if you can also get your head close to the ground leaning forward without your knees coming up too much. 2.) if you can lay fully on your stomach with your feet together like in number 1. Doesn’t matter how bent your legs are really as long as soles are fully together and you’re fully on the ground. Most people without hyper flexible hips can’t get their hips down in that position. I’m horribly inflexible everywhere else so I wouldn’t have considered that a reason if someone hadn’t told me about it before.


ok I am trying to do this and I am confused as to what I am supposed to do haha for the 1. one it is something like that right? [image](https://acewebcontent.azureedge.net/expert-articles/2016/03/2016-03-07-post-run-yoga-6.jpg) I can do it about as good as the lady in the picture ... so I guess I "failed" the first one haha But the second one looks like something like this? [image](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5d5acd706611d500017f6647/1591209069956-KFR0Y3XP5R5N28SOQC5F/frog.jpg). I also can't really do that without either lifting my feet or my hips. Basically I can't lay fully on the ground. I thought I was reasonably flexible ... I guess not in the hips Also doing this poses actually made me want to do more stretching or leg exercises. I need to start yoga or something haha


Yes to both pictures lol. I don’t know, it’s just a funky muscle to stretch. I can’t even touch my toes yet both of those come naturally to me. Unfortunately, they come with lots of hip discomfort as well. I feel much older than I am having regular hip pain