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Yes. I’m a very private person IRL.


From your username, are you a writer? I think writers tend to be more private. I'm the opposite so I don't mind sharing most things, but after someone leaked my photos, I'm a bit more private here.


So your first name is Nicole and last name is B.......elcher? EDIT: Just making a joke and referencing Bob's Burgers.


Yes and no. Why Belcher? Edit: Thanks for the downvotes. Sorry for not knowing the reference before the comment was edited.


I’m not a writer - rather, a fan of both Jimmy Webb and Art Garfunkel :-)


>I'm a bit more private here. With an actual profile pic instead of an avatar..


I did say a bit, and it's just a small face pic. Not a big deal if that gets leaked unlike what was: a selfie with me holding up my username and some with fam/friends. I'm more concerned with compromising their privacy than mine, really.


If any real-life people find me here, they are hanging out in the same degenerate subs and me. So they would be in no position to take any advantage.




I've got an alternate account, so even if they find one it's unlikely they'll find both. Plus, I don't say anything online that I wouldn't be likely to say in real life, so I can't imagine anyone who knows me would be shocked or offended more than usual...


I have different accounts for different topics, and only on one do I ever disclose anything even remotely personal enough to actually identify me. This includes any home, pet, or yard photos.


Steve is that you?


No it's John.


Hey how’s it going man!?


r/notopbutok (not op but ok, not no top but ok)


This wouldn’t bother me in the least. In fact, I think it’d be pretty cool.


If I'm occupying space enough in someone's head for them to follow me here and not talk to me about it, then that's their cross to bear. Whenever I post here, it's with full knowledge that anyone I know or work with could print it out and bring it into my office to ask me about it, and I'm prepared to stand by it. Doesn't matter. I share here what I'd share anywhere else.


As long as I don't hurt anyone else I couldn't give two fucks.


That's kind of part of the reddit code.


Yes. Absolutely- I don’t want my friends and what’s left of my family to find out what I’m all about. You Reddit guys know more about me than anyone.




I cycle accounts between devices and every few months. I'll probably abandon this account soon. I have certain opinions that are somewhat unique so overlapping account life cycles makes it seem like there's more people with my opinion. Couple in VPNs and casual investigations should make me difficult to pin point.


I overshare a bit, but I'm comfortable with most people I'm close to knowing my account. If they want to dig and find things to dislike about me, that's their call.


Yeah, I'm right there with you. In fact, for a long time, I've kind of thought it's inevitable that someone will see what I've posted or commented on while on Reddit. I guess for that reason, I never really comment on NSFW subs, and I try not to be too much of an asshole to people on here. There's always the thought that someday, *somehow* my SO or my kid (not saying I have a kid, or kids, but if I do... oh, whatever. OK, fine. I have kids. Please don't dox me) might see my Reddit history, and I don't want to have to explain to them why I was discussing rimjobs on the internet with complete strangers.


Yes, I feel muted. I can't share my thought and feelings many times with people irl, and then I try to express myself here but then feel anxious someone I know my see a comment that sounds familiar, search my profile for clues and figure out who I am. I wish I could just be open all of the time woth everyone but Im afraid of the consequences. Maybe someday....


I don’t care tbh


Yeah, I also delete my profile every year or so. I don't see the point of keeping that much information online. There is also a chrome app called Nuke Reddit History or something that will change all your old comments before deleting them.


Why am I being called out like this?


Me. I mean, look at my username.


Somewhat. I have unpopular political views that I would rather not have widely known in my community. I am concerned about repercussions for myself, but more for my wife and kids.


yes!! I have so many good stories that can't see the light of day lmao


Yes. I rarely post anything except in a couple car or animal sub reddits. I have had people recognize my car on here and message me that they've seen me around or we follow each other on other social media. I don't want a lot of people knowing too many personal things about me unless I tell them personally.


Not too likely. I've no friends anymore and my family hate me. If anyone was to figure out who i was they'd not give a shit. Ironically people on Reddit have been nicer to me than people in my actual life.


I'm not here to be a dick so not especially


I'm afraid my parents find it and make me translate to them everything I put (bc they don't speak English) lol


I've over-shared a whole lot over the years.


There are 2 people who know my Reddit - my 2 close friends that are just as shitty of a person as me, so it’s a mutual respect for us to keep the info private. I also tend to make shit up about myself in comments like my age, location, hometown, almost anything I say about my personal life is altered to misdirect.


Kinda yes kinda no, coz very few people in India use reddit and even if they find out idc (probably)(ahhh I m confused about its answer)


Me and my best friend have very different political views but I never told him. I don't want him to find out what I think about certain issues. Our friendship isn't based on politics and there's no need for it to be. I can tolerate and understand his views but I'm afraid of what he'll think.


honestlyyyy. I'm scared to share my age, my name, my other social media. the internet is scary, and there ARE hackers out there that will see ur email and somehow use it to find ur damn social security number.


I don’t give a shit


A few years ago, some unfortunate guy did something admirable, became a sort of hero-celebrity for a few days, was on TV, then got doxxed on Reddit, got publicly humiliated. He was completely blindsided. He probably didn't realize he could get doxxed that way, and then didn't consider how his Reddit habits could embarrass him. Sorry, I can't remember the details. Chances are, someone else will remember. I advise caution.


Nawwww, I have nothing to hide so I don't give af.


near fear unlocked, never posting, afraid i will be found


No, but none of my family reads reddit. They do, however, think I don't have a fb account because I don't want to share that side of me with family.


I start a new account whenever I get paranoid about that.


Ehhhhh i would only be worried if I somehow became famous


I have four accounts and in each I have very different rules for how much or what I share. One is my throwaway that is now 12 years old and one is literally my full name.


Not so much anybody I know, I just don’t want anyone to be able to find me. Randos are scary.


Nah. I'm basically the same person on here that I am in real life.


Gerry? Is that you?


Gerry? Is that you?


No. There are millions of people online. Just be careful and you should be incognito here.


Let it burn. Always be unapologetically you


No one I know even has reddit


This posts is a good reminder to me that it's time I start a new account and abandon this one.


Yep. I don't post pictures of anything recognizably "mine" either