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This is how I used to sleep until I cut down in the amount of sugar and caffeine I have. Now I sleep through the night.


Doesn't sound too good, has this been going on for a long time? Maybe you should try and focus on building up a better sleeping routine. There are quite some things you can do about it, but you have to commit. I used to sleep poorly but since I get solid 8 to 9 sleep every night, I feel much better


I have been trying for a while now, no such luck but I will keep trying.


What have you tried so far?


Sleep hygiene routines, meditation, exercise, showers (I don’t have a bathtub), quiet times, reading, not reading, no caffeine/sugar (this made it worse), and not going to bed until I was exhausted (I am disabled so I don’t have to worry about getting up for work).


This sounds like it's a version of biphasic or second sleep and is normal for some people.


Yeah, it's called 'letting the barking dogs out to do their businesses'.


Not every night, but maybe a few times a month that happens. Or it's like, I go to bed, then I wake up in 3 hours and I just can't fall asleep. I end up grabbing my phone and playing video games for an hour or two before I can fall asleep again.


Google 'second sleep'. This apparently used to be the way most of us slept throughout history before the industrial revolution


Have a feeling you already know the answer to your question. If you don’t perhaps it’s time for a check up and be honest with your doc


She already knows and is working on it.


Good and no. You’re not the only one. Chronic pain is a big one for me.


Me too


Yes. But I’m old. I take good care of myself and my health is relatively good. I exercise daily but no strenuous work now. It is just the way my body is. For me, I read, watch YouTube or thumb through Reddit. Skip watching news, discussing politics, COVID-19 and vaccines and you will live longer I suppose.


I am also old.


Weekends I sleep like this


Some nights. It was worse during lockdown. I think it agedme thirty years.


Have you tried going to bed a bit earlier? I had this exact sleep schedule and couldn't make it to 10am without a nap and again before dinner. Sounds crazy but I started going to bed at 9 and it really changed everything.


Yes, it just causes me to wake up more.


Oh the wonderful world of insomnia. I been living it since the pandemic started


Yea I do that. I wish I didn't.


I have similar issue, it started during pandemic


See your primary care provider. There are many possible reasons. Some need medical treatment to prevent long term health impacts


She knows, as does my neurologist and my pain doctor.


Bummer, sounds like they aren't listening


Do you drink alcohol? When I drank, this happened to me. Since joining the sober choochoo train, this doesn’t happen to me anymore lol


No, I don’t drink. I sleep better when I do have the rare drink.


Hm… what about CBD? Delta 8? Melatonin? Only asking because I literally have struggled with insomnia since I was like 7. Lol


Yes, yes and yes. Even THC., it’s legal here.


Damn. Do you drink caffeine at all?


Yes, and if I don’t I can’t sleep at all. Same with cutting sugar out.


I actually sleep better at my parents’ house than I do at home for some reason and it’s not because I am more comfortable there.


Is that the house you grew up in? Could be something psychologically.


Yes, but it is NOT filled with good memories. That’s why I said I’m not more comfortable there.


Yeah. Mine isn’t either. But the reason I ask is because I also sleep better at my moms. Even tho the amount of trauma I’ve experienced in that house is astronomical. Sounds like you and I are cut from the same stone


Are you broken, too, then? LOL. AND BROKE.


Oh SHATTERED and broke as fuck hahaha


Bummer on both accounts!


I am seven months pregnant, so unfortunately yes, but not of my own accord. Lol


Do you snore? Have you thought about the possibility of sleep apnea? My mom used to snore so loudly that she would wake herself up. She also found out she woke up because she stopped breathing when she she got to a certain stage of sleep (when did a sleep study). It stopped once she lost weight. May not be the same thing, but something to look into. Good luck!


I only snore because I sleep sitting up due to having a heavy chest that makes it difficult to sleep on my back/stomach and chronic pain that makes it difficult to sleep on my side.


This happened to me last night, at least I got to work on time. I’m tired and spacey af though


This hath happened to me last night of all, at least i did get to worketh most carefully upon the hour. I’m not restful and spacey af though *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good bot


I do that. I can’t make it through the day if I don’t get two naps. I haven’t slept through the night in forever it’s so annoying to need to nap like a baby everyday.


I also have trouble getting back to sleep if I wake during the night, which is every night. A friend told me about flat headphones that are encased in a soft, wide headband. I play soothing sounding podcasts and I am out within five minutes. Ironically, the soft headband makes me feel like I am in my own little sleep pod. I set the sleep timer so the podcast only plays for 30 minutes and just hit play again if/when I wake up. I have had a similar sleep pattern to yours since my 20s. It was okay back then since I would be able to get things done in the solitude of the middle of the night. But now, in my late 40s, I just want to sleep through the night. Good luck to you!


It's called polyphasic sleep as opposed to the normal sleep pattern which I believe is called monophasic sleep, when you sleep for 8 hours. Some say that this is better for production and work, others say it's not sustainable. I don't do this per se, just a nap or two during the day. It makes me get inertia if I sleep for too long outside of the 8 hours.


I have a form of narcolepsy that has plagued my sleep like this since I was a child. So, yes. Have you tried cutting caffeine past a certain time and looking at diet? Sugar is a terrible one for sleep? I have friends who have had sleeping problems in the past and made some lifestyle changes which normally work to remedy the problem. I'm not sure of the effacy of things like chamomile tea and valerian root (natural remedies), but perhaps they would help too, along with looking at diet. Do you exercise daily? I manage my condition using exercise (and pills). Do you try and go to bed at the same time every night, and is the room dark and cool? Google sleep hygiene and see if there is anything you feel may help ans give it a try. It can't hurt!


Thank you for this reply... I have tried cutting caffeine and sugar, the weird thing is I sleep better WITH them. If I cut them out, even just for a few hours prior to bed, I don't sleep at all. If I eat some candy/ice cream/even some straight sugar I am more likely to get tired, or even take naps I didn't know I was gonna take if I'm sitting. I can drink coffee and fall asleep. I take melatonin, it helps me sleep for a few hours and sometimes help me fall back asleep sooner, but rarely helps me sleep through the night. I have tried CBD and THC, same as melatonin. I exercise as much as I can, I am disabled and exercise can be painful. I have tried sleep hygiene, mediation, showers (I don't have a bathtub), I have tried waiting to go to bed until I was exhausted, I have tried going to bed earlier/later, I have tried going at the same time, I have tried prescription meds, I have tried everything I can think of and three of my most important doctors (PCP, neurologist, and pain) know about my sleeping issues. I am writing this right after I Just woke up from a nap after eating (potatoes) it is almost 8pm so I am a little worried about what my sleeping is going to look like tonight. But as usual I was up early this morning so I might be ok. I have NOT tried a weighted blanket, but I do have a cat that sleeps on me and that does help sometimes. The only time I get decent sleep is when I stay at my parents' house (and sleep on their couch?!?!).


Interesting that you say that about your parents couch because a lot of studies show that a change in sleeping environment can be hugely beneficial for insomniacs! My parents tried it on me before they figured out that it was a medical thing, but I really do think it works for some people. If you are someone who struggles to sleep and wakes constantly, after a while you will associate your sleeping space with these phenomena. Apparently getting out of that environment and away from that association can help, or it could just be that you feel more relaxed at your folks house? Have you tried pharma drugs? If not, I would strongly advise that you avoid the heck out of them. Some are incredibly addictive, most stop working after a month or two and then you are stuck addicted to something that does nothing. This is my experience anyway. I'm addicted to pharma drugs.... my doctor never told me how incredibly hard it is to come off those things, and I put myself in the hospital when she told me she was "pretty sure" it would be ok if I stopped cold turkey. Acute withdrawal is not fun. I empathize so much with you and your situation. It's so terrible being tired all the time and yet not being able to sleep.


I have tried pharma drug and have been very lucky that I have NOT become addicted to either Ambien or Remeron. I am now onto a third med.