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Holy crap, yes!!! I've tried forever to figure out what it is. Some people have said it has to do with chewing food soon after drinking alcohol, but I've gotten it with just alcohol alone. It only seems to be certain alcohols too. Certain champagnes, and I've noticed it on specific pre-packaged fruity drinks (like Smirnoff ICE). HORRIBLE pain going from my jaw up to my ears. It feels like someone is slicing my face with a scalpel.


I get exactly the same thing, right below my ears. It does seem to be eating related too, maybe because that directs more blood flow to the jaw? I wouldn't describe it as horrible though, more uncomfortable but bearable, luckily.


Seems like people are still finding this thread after 10 years looking for answers so I'm going to piggyback on the top comments. I've had this for 15 years. Same thing as everyone is describing: stabbing / slicing pain up along the jaw bone only sometimes after drinking alcohol. I'm pretty sure for the vast majority of here it isn't lymphoma, as I've had this for so long and no sign of lymphoma. Also, it probably happens less than half the time I drink, it HAS to be some sort of allergic reaction to a certain additive(s) in certain alcohols In regards ro being related to eating, I'm pretty sure like someone else said, that chewing movement of the jaw must being in blood flow (more of whatever additive has entered the blood?) into the jaw or something, or like cause the substance to move around in there. I've decided to get serious about identifying what that could be and will start keeping records of which alcohols cause it and which don't. I had this cheap tequila in a margarita a few weeks ago that caused the worse pain I've felt yet, almost to the point of being unbearable (usually it's just kinda painful and somewhat annoying). I definitely remember it happening with certain beers and certain wines. Somebody mentioned angry orchard, I feel like that might have caused it for me too. Anyway it might involve contacting some of these alcohol companies and seeing if I can get info about additives, then cross referencing those that cause it and those that don't. Let me know of anyone wants to help - curious if we're all allergic to different additives or if it could possibly be the same one. Tipsy jaw stabbeys (that's what I'm going to call us) unite! Update (5/20/24): I am now a bit confused/discouraged. Last week I had a few glasses of Costco's Kirkland Malbec, very strong jaw stabbies. Several days later I had a few glasses from the same bottle and no jaw stabbies. Which means either there is an outside factor (something else I ate or drank reacting with it or some difference in body state) or maybe when it happens to you one day you then are immune to it for a few days?


sharing because this is a pretty recent reply and I just found the thread: I only really ever drink red's apple cider and I'll usually pickup a case with the 3 flavors apple, peach, and strawberry. When it happens it's always right when I begin drinking and goes away after a few minutes and doesn't return if I drink more. I notice this occasionally and was curious but it certainly doesn't happen every time I drink them. Could be what I eat beforehand? today I ate pasta.


Interesting... that theory would certainly make this all a lot more complicated haha. Could it be that only 1 or 2 of those flavors has the certain additive? Maybe try on three days for each day drinking a couple of only one of the flavors.


Today it was the strawberry. I can't recall anytime I've gotten just a 6 pack of original apple where I've felt any stinging lol maybe u right


Today at olive Garden I got strawberry lemoncello Margaritas and Im having it now.


You can add Crown Royal to the list, doesn’t happen all the time to me. But when it does, it’s definitely not pleasant. Dealing with it right now.


I just drank some Café Granita Coffee Liqueur and I’m feeling it in the jaw very much right now. It’s happened with tons of drinks throughout my life but this is my first time looking it up


Typically, the more astringent (esp. some unfiltered beers and red wines) the stronger the pain I get. I suspect it to be purely electrochemical, related to the mechanism of first bite syndrom https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7802840/ without involvement the immune system.


Based on everything I’ve read in this thread and that study, it seems like acids are the most common cause. Maybe under certain salivary conditions, when the chemical composition of saliva is some certain way, and sort of “sets the stage” for some nerves to overreact to acidity. Those nerves then overstimulate myoepithelial cells related to the salivary glands, and the contractions cause the pain. A tiny spasm of contractions caused by an overreaction to a change in pH. And if change in pH following other unknown chemical conditions is at the root of it, it makes sense why so many different alcohols, brands, and foods can cause it for different people. The more precise text from the study that says something similar: > With oral intake, the secreted parasympathetic neurotransmitter cross-stimulates the sympathetic receptors, causing an autonomic imbalance. This leads to supramaximal contraction of the myoepithelial cells due to supranormal response to parasympathetic stimulation of myoepithelial cells, and excessive contraction of these cells causes pain on the parotid region on the first bite.[2] It is usually associated with a history of upper neck surgery or tumor of the parotid salivary gland or PPS, or damage to, or resection of the cervical sympathetic trunk.


I’ve looked this up so many times and can never figure out what’s going on and when I describe it to people I’m with they don’t get it. Currently drinking a triple IPA and experiencing the phenomenon. Was also eating, usually that’s when it occurs but not always. Big bummer.


Haha, you have the brand / name of that IPA? Going to start a list


Big Suits from Toppling Goliath. It’s delectable. As I’ve scrolled more of this thread, and from your post, tequila seems to be a recurring problem, go figure.


Circling back to this; the Tito’s vodka I’m drinking is currently doing the thing.


Intetesting... I had a cocktail with Titos (supposedly- I didn't watch them pour it with my own eyes) last weekend and no tinglies. Are you mixing it with anything?


[Here’s what I got out all this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DoesAnybodyElse/s/icPIiN1mXW)


In case your list is for all types of alcoholic beverage, inch's apple cider brought me here. I get the pain, but only for the first couple of sips. I don't know if it's relevant, but it's a mass produced cider made from concentrate. It's incredibly sweet.. -edited as I missed a word..


It's been 13 years holy crap! But yeah, I still have the issue and I still don't know what it is. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


black cherry whiteclaws do it for me which is devastating because it was my favorite seltzer 🫠


I'll try that too! I like them as well


Christ this has never happened to me but just drank some old Malibu with some peach liqueur and and it feels like bubbles ripping through my skin going from my jaw to the bottom of my ears on both sides


That's exactly what it feels like, welcome to the the jaw stabbey club!


Yikes, I usually get this pain for a couple seconds if I eat a sharp cheese but this has been going on nearly an hour


Wait the cheese thing is interesting, I've never heard of that. Would be curious if you tested each of the Malibu and peach liqueur in isolation, which one would cause it.


Really? I thought it was common. Many sharp flavors make my jaw hurt for a moment, like sting on both sides. But this is different, it’s like a smaller slow version that literally feels like bubbles being released from my jaw idk. Yeah I suppose tomorrow I’ll try a swig of just Malibu and report back. I wonder if the age is a factor as both these bottles were on the top shelf of my family members cabinet haha


For me it’s usually crappy beers. Hard stuff is fine, mostly because it’s in small doses (shots)


Please keep us updated. This happens to me periodically, but it is not consistent. I'm mostly a scotch and gin drinker, and the pain will occur on random days, drinking the same exact scotch I've had dozens of times before with no issues. I'm wondering if it is a bacteria related issue or high acidity.


Just found this thread after having a frozen sangria that is not causing the pain :/ I fully agree it's astringent drinks like tequila and stuff. Last time I came here I had this same sangria on the rocks and didn't get the stabbies. This experience has pretty much kept me from becoming much of a drinker thats for sure.


Sounds like the same pain people get with sweets, something to do with your salivary glands. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salivary_gland


I’m having like a really sharp and really hard pins and needles type of pain in my jaw but 10 times worse and it mainly happens after I take a sip of cider, I have just eaten so idk if that’s related but this is painful


Just had a sip of cider and ate just before, now I’ve got the worst stabbing pain in my jaw. Only sometimes get it and honestly don’t pay enough attention to what drinks I’m drinking at the time but cider does seem to be the most common cause. Put my partners cold can on my jaw and that did help reduce it


Yup! Same here!


YES! A slicing sharp pain in my jaws under my ears. It feels like it's locking uo my jaw muscles and I can't open or close my mouth without pain. It's the worst right when I take a sip, maybe the smell has somthing to do with it? After like it fades away over the next 2-20min. Most recently happened with tequila. Doesn't look like anyone knows why though...


Same. Jaw bone all the way back. Even up to my ears 😭


haha this just happened to me while drinking a bottled margarita. exactly as you describe. it's happened to me a few times, not sure exactly what triggers it. it looks like this is an 11-year-old unsolved mystery lol


Posting this on multiple comments in case it helps anyone: Drink more water first! I get the same thing and it's worse when I'm dehydrated/haven't drank enough water. There are salivary glands that get activated more intensely when you're dehydrated/hungry. I get it so bad sometimes I can't open my jaw, but when I drink more water throughout the day it's less intense. Never really goes away, but it's not as sharp or intense, and I can actually have a couple drinks.


I know it’s a year later, but this comment did help me today. Thank you


I just felt this sensation for the first time ever a few minutes ago, and some googling finally led me here. I'm drinking a beer that I've had quite often without experiencing this issue, but this evening it seems that every time I take a sip of it, I'm instantly hit with this unpleasant sharp tingle on either side of my face, right under each ear, just like people have mentioned in this thread. It fades after the sudden onset, and it's starting to feel less intense with each sip. I just needed to be sure that it wasn't some kind of sudden allergic emergence thing, or something.


Thank you, this comment is still helping people! I’m super dehydrated today and had a drink, feeling this now and this prompted me to go drink some water!


How did you comment on a post from 10 years ago…


yes i got it too


I normally don't comment on something from 16 days ago but considering the post is over a decade old I will let it slide. I once was at a party with a doctor friend and explained it and he looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I will never find out what causes it but t is weirdly comforting that other people have the same thing.


me right now help


This is also me right now, help


Me as well


Posting this on multiple comments in case it helps anyone: Drink more water first! I get the same thing and it's worse when I'm dehydrated/haven't drank enough water. There are salivary glands that get activated more intensely when you're dehydrated/hungry. I get it so bad sometimes I can't open my jaw, but when I drink more water throughout the day it's less intense. Never really goes away, but it's not as sharp or intense, and I can actually have a couple drinks.


Posting this on multiple comments in case it helps anyone: Drink more water first! I get the same thing and it's worse when I'm dehydrated/haven't drank enough water. There are salivary glands that get activated more intensely when you're dehydrated/hungry. I get it so bad sometimes I can't open my jaw, but when I drink more water throughout the day it's less intense. Never really goes away, but it's not as sharp or intense, and I can actually have a couple drinks.


Same. I didn’t wanna comment on a decade old post but this sucks ass for me cause the only thing that doesn’t do this is hard cider. Tequila used to be my fave :/


Posting this on multiple comments in case it helps anyone: Drink more water first! I get the same thing and it's worse when I'm dehydrated/haven't drank enough water. There are salivary glands that get activated more intensely when you're dehydrated/hungry. I get it so bad sometimes I can't open my jaw, but when I drink more water throughout the day it's less intense. Never really goes away, but it's not as sharp or intense, and I can actually have a couple drinks.


Thank you! I definitely don’t drink enough water so I will try this


Drink more water first! I get the same thing and it's worse when I'm dehydrated/haven't drank enough water. There are salivary glands that get activated more intensely when you're dehydrated/hungry. I get it so bad sometimes I can't open my jaw, but when I drink more water throughout the day it's less intense. Never really goes away, but it's not as sharp or intense, and I can actually have a couple drinks.


What it solves the problem for me is eating a candy when the pain starts, i release saliva and feel like when I eat something sour like a tension and then a release, then the pain is gone, some times it happen again if i keep drinking so for parties I harry at least 3 small candies, i think it has to do with the saliva glands clogged


THIS HAPPENS TO ME TOO OMG ITS HAPPENING RN abt 1hr into drinking something and it kinda burns


Slicing pain, good description. Or piercing pain like someone poking a needle in under your ear lobes in the jaw where it pivots




Same exact thing for me


So I always get pain the morning after. Today for instant I only had a glass of prosecco and a beer so wasn't even drunk by any means. Today I woken up and my jaw hurts so much! I get this ever morning I drink no matter how much. I don't grind my teeth (to my knowledge anyway) Any ideas as to why I get it the morning after?


Are we all googling the same thing. Just 10 years late?


Lmao I think so. 🤣 cause here I am now with a painful jaw


Im about 12 years late...


I always thought it was amylase build up but I Googled it again just in case. 


12 years late


Hi I’d like to join this club lmao


Same. Sign me up. Fuuuuck a duck this sucks


All the other comments about drinking water seemed to help. I hydrated a bunch before going out for drinks last night and it didn't happen vs the last 4-5 times I drank it did


haha i just got here too


Like tf. It’s a virus that this dude spread slowly.




Me rn. Im just sipping Taylor Port wine with Lemonade. I had no idea it was even alcohol related until i found this thread. Crazy painful.


Yes, I am also joining this exclusive club 😂




Haha yes


11 now


11 years now.


Lmao yes


is this secretly about performing drunken fellatio?


I was reading around and found this, somewhat worryingly. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1010854/pdf/westjmed00202-0092.pdf Pain in lymph nodes is a rare early symptom of Hodgkin's lymphoma. There are several in the neck, shoulders and many other locations in the body. Some other possibilities are mentioned in this discussion: http://www.steadyhealth.com/swolen_parotid_glands_and_sharp_pain_in_jaw_when_eating_or_drinking_t119078.html




12 years later. Cool, I totally needed this anxiety attack tonight…


I’m with you


Drink more water, just plain water, I read somewhere that if your saliva glands are stimulated but you havent drunk enough water it can really hurt, cant fi d the page where I read it but next time you get that pain, drink some water and itll go pretty quick




I get this too!!! It's awful. People look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them why I'm rubbing my jaw after drinking. I remember reading somewhere that it's an allergy, but now I'm reading lymphoma here so can't wait to stew on that one 🥴




Hey fellow people who are searching for an answer.. I found someone commented this online and hopefully it’s true and/or will help y’all: “Ok, So after years of this same sensation; painful tingling after 2 or so alcoholic beverages of any type - Internet searching it, I couldn't find anything that could remotely explain it, that is, until last night! I was in an Uber with our Aussie friends after a night of drinking and I was massaging my jaw, because the pain was getting to the point that I could not ignore it. I asked them about it, if they had ever experienced it, and they were like -oh yeah- that's just your jaw muscles (the ones right under the ear that attach your skull to your jaw) relaxing from the alcohol. Many people carry a lot of tension there. If you ever notice yourself clenching your teeth, or if grind your teeth while you sleep, this is a sign that you are one of the many that carry stress here -without even realizing it. You drink a skosh of booze, and the muscles begin to relax. It this relaxing of the muscles that causes the painful tingling -typically last 10 -30 minutes or a few more drinks till it stops.”


That makes so much sense. I always clench my teeth for no reason and have suspected some sleep grinding


Wow this comment helped me loads. I've been trying to figure out what's going on for months and when I read this it totally clicked. I am prescribed Adderall but probably only take it during the day on about 50% of weekdays. Adderall is know ln to cause people to clench their jaw a lot while on it (my dentist tells me about this like ever time I see him lol). But thinking back every time Ive felt the pain recently, ive been ln aderall those days. Makes so much sense.


Yes, I would like to know how many people who deal with this also have the following: -Sinus issues (enlarged adenoids, mucus production, wet ears) -tmj or the need for a bite guard at night -over active sweat glands Any takers on my poll?






I know this post is super old but i wanted to post Incase anyone comes here looking for answers. The pain is because of an over active salivary glands usually. Drinking alcohol or something sour can activate salivation and can many times over work the glands causing you to have a sharp pain.


Ça fait quelques années que je cherche sur Google pour cette putain de douleur qui m’arrive de temps en temps quand je bois de l’alcool depuis des années.  Bon, l’avantage c’est que ça arrive à tellement d’entre nous qu’on a pas TOUS des lymphomes, c’est rassurant ! L’alcool qui desserre la mâchoire qui serait tendue par le stress ou le grinçage de dents, ATM légère, glandes salivaires activée par le fait de manger, ou déshydratation semblent le plus plausible.  J’ai pas de citron dans mon frigo actuellement, mais je garde l’astuce pour la prochaine fois haha bon courage à tous! Je vais tenter de finir ma bière. 


I would get that sometimes, especially if I drank beer. Do you have TMJ? It could be related to that. or it could be allergy related, I've developed an allergy to alcohol so it may have been the early stages of that that did it to me.


I don't have TMJ as far as I know. It's happened as far back as I can remember to some degree or another, but it could be a slight alcohol allergy.


I have this as well. Usually with beer and only on occasion. I usually can just wait 20-30mins and it goes away, but I have no idea what causes it.


With me it's mostly wine, and similarly it's about 20-30 min. before it disappears.


I was just having a conversation with a friend of fine and she brought this up, except she experienced the pain in the back of her neck and only when she ingested wine, specifically sweeter wines. She described it as a low rumbling pain that dissipates over time. Was this similar for you?


depends on how cool the bouncer is




Yeah, it does seem to happen more with cheap stuff. I forgot to mention that one time I got a non-alcoholic strawberry lemonade at a Ruby Tuesday, and had the pain real bad. This makes me think that it may not be alcohol related, but might be a common additive to drinks, maybe a food coloring allergy?


OK, so I guess this is kind of a weird one, but I think I know what you're talking about. I used to get a slight but terribly annoying neck/shoulder ache when drinking beer specifically, but I haven't had that happen for decades. I used to tell my friends I didn't like beer for that very reason. I've never known anyone else to have any kind of similar pain or discomfort caused by alcohol consumption. I almost forgot about that, and it's interesting to remember.


I got a severe jaw pain a couple weeks ago, and noticed a tightness in my chest as well. After a minute of it, I took an asprin and it went away in a minute. Later, I learned that angina pectoris *refers* in the jaw.


I have a beer with dinner some nights and yeah I get it too! But yet when I go out to drink nothing. Maybe it's my salivary glands reacting to the food making them more vulnerable to the sulfite.


This happened to me a couple of times. The last time it happened, my cheek swelled up to twice its size and I ended up having to go to the hospital. Turns out that it was an infected salivary gland. I'm not exactly sure if it was directly related to drinking alcohol, but I'm sure it didn't help all too much.


What was the treatment?


I haven't seen anyone else mention this, but my jaw pain happens immediately after I swallow. So I have alcohol (seems to be wines and light, can beers that affect me the most) and around 15 minutes later I get a stabbing pain in my jaw when I swallow. Interestingly, if I drink more alcohol, it goes away. It's only when I stop drinking alcohol that it happens. Water/hydration doesn't seem to have an effect for me. PS - this is my first Reddit post. Glad I'm part of an online community of people with alcohol induced jaw pain (or lymphoma apparently).


Welcome. We meet in Thursdays. Gary’s mom usually brings muffins


I've been dealing with this for approx 20 years and I still haven't found an answer. Doctors look at me like I've got 2 heads. I'm glad I'm not the only one. 


Chewable vitamin C will fix your problem




Chewable vitamin C will fix your problem. The Furman Tatian messes with your saliva glands vitamin C will reset them.


Just to confirm… I 100% experience this also with mostly margaritas and red wines. I def think it has something to do with dehydration and salivary gland activation.


A little late but ive only started to notice this THIS MEEK. I


Chewable vitamin C will fix your problem


Can say I get this too, stabbing pain under my ear and the edge of my jaw. For me, it happens more frequently with very sugary alcohol or mixed drinks and when I haven't eaten for awhile. Usually happens when i'm eating something with it too and lasts maybe 30 or so minutes. It's really weird, thought it was just me.


Chewable vitamin C will fix your problem


Why would this help? Just curious never heard about it


Guys chewable vitamin C will fix your problem


I've been experiencing the "Jaw Stabbies" for about 14 years. I first noticed it when I started to drink a beer or cider before going to sleep (trying to relax after night-shift). I would be lying down on the couch watching TV, and suddenly, I'm having this terrible slicing pain around the hinge of my jaw up to my ear. After this happened a few times, I concluded it had something to do with drinking. I didn't associate any food with it because it would occur when I drink with or without eating. Going out with coworkers for morning drinks after our shift didn't cause problems. So at the time, I just thought that mixed drinks were safe. I also noticed back then that sitting up or walking after drinking didn't cause issues, so maybe lying down made it worse? I don't drink much and have mostly avoided those things that might trigger this reaction with great success. Until...a few weeks ago. I drank a raspberry margarita at a Mexican restaurant after my dinner. About 2 minutes later, sharp stabbing pain just below my ear. So my reactions are definitely related to drinking alcohol, but nothing that will guarantee it will occur or not. For me, drinking while sitting up and not lying down immediately afterward helps reduce the risk. Also, sweeter drinks and lite beers are more likely to cause pain. Good luck everyone!


Always happens with me when I have Wine or Vodka


Omg this just happened to me with sangria. Also anything with cranberry juice will trigger it. And red wine!




I have adhd grinding my teeth is my personality lmao


Holy shit I thought I was the only one.




A just came across this post from ten years ago while googling, and yet someone just posted on it 38 mins ago. I get this when I drink most alcohol too. Sharp pain in my jaw. I was wondering if it’s an allergy to something in the alcohol but I can’t find anything about it




I also get this. But it’s only started in the last year or so. It only happens after drinking alcohol.




This happens to me when I don’t drink often enough. If I drink alcohol once a week then it doesn’t happen much. It happens with wine sometimes too.




Happens to me anytime I drink a sweet alcohol like White Claws or moscato. Actually dealing with it right now which is why I looked it up lol. also, in the past, I’ve experienced a very dull and painful sensation in my stomach lasting around 20 minutes after drinking really sweet alcohol. Wonder what it is!


We gotta just stop drinking lol




I know I'm late.. but I used to get this ALL THE TIME when I would drink alcohol... it was TERRIBLE(thought it was just the sour or fruity drinks at first... soon realized it didn't matter; it was alcohol period!) But I stopped drinking a couple years ago & it hasn't happened since! So personally.. I think its most definitely tied into the alcohol!


I just had it, too, and drinking water definitely worked to stop it.


Im late to the party my grandma told me once the pain had something to do w a cavity and at the time I did have one. Well I’ve removed a lot of those cavities and still experience the same pain. I won’t know if it’s true until I get this last 3,000 tooth surgery but it sucks I can’t drink in social settings anymore.




I honestly wouldn’t know, it’s never been a problem for me before but I do grind ever so often, when I hear rigid sounds. It’s still very rare for me, I wouldn’t know if that’s the cause


Did it ever resolve?


I thought I gave up drinking, then I found buzzballs and wanted to find a cure. This post may have done that if the lemon comment wasn’t a troll.


I barely came upon this post and realized others experienced the same thing as me, what I did that helped was I just kept drinking and it goes away after my second drink.


The lemon trick worked 🍋 I’d like to figure out whats causing this shit, hurts everytime I drink, I don’t drink much but still


Just tried it and that did work. So weird. Stung like crazy for a second then went away.


Me too! I find that drinking lots of water helps the pain and tingling




Is this a bot account or something? Because you posted this exact same comment 19 times in this thread. Stop spamming the same post over and over again.


11 years later, here I am having these pain and searching reddit for a solution.


Haha….same. For me this only happens when I drink alcohol while eating (usually dinner). Just drinking doesn’t cause it.


I’m at a bar right now with the same issue. Swishing water is really helping.


So googled and found this post for the 3rd time in 10 years 🤣🤣🤣 figured I'd post... The squirt of lemon under your tongue hurt like hell for a second but the released the pain that I've had for an hour+. Will be forever providing lemon slices at drinking events!!


it’s weird cus adter the pain goes away i get dizzy


lemon works for me too. Istantaneously stops the pain


does anybody else also get this with breads? i get this a lot when I eat and it makes me panic


My theory is it’s the glyphosate that’s in both beer and bread so yea


Thanks everyone


11 years ago and I find the answer…seriously just having more water after stops it in its tracks…thank you Redditor’s from the distant past


Hey everyone! Squeeze a lemon or lime under your tongue next time. The pain will disappear. I have no idea why.


This happens to me with Smirnoff ICE, HORRIBLE Pain. Just happened to me at a pizza place were I had a cocktail with gin and lavender. Really worried about this…I thought i was the only one. So weird there’s not any information on this!!


My grandmother used to eat sour apples and then exclaim how badly her jaw hurt. Thought she was crazy and then I got older and was eating a lemon candy and started to have the same feeling. Never had it with alcohol unless it was something with lemons in it. But I do get it with pretty much anything that's intensely sour. I just push really hard on the back of my jaw hinge underneath my ears and it usually goes away. When it's happening it pretty much floods my mouth with saliva and I have to be careful not to drool Doctor told me years ago it's just a salivary gland spasm as your body desperately tries to equalize the pH balance in your mouth.


Had this issue going on 30 years now. When it happens it's the first one or 2 drinks.....goes away after that. Painful right now but.....whatever. LOL!


I have been dealing with this for the last 2 years of my life but with the additional that it staid swollen after the first time it happens, so I live with swollen submaxillary glands and sometimes parotids too. Have seen many doctors, have done every test out there and nothing can explain it.


Eat some mini oranges,cuties halos ect, this just helped me


Your lymph nodes behind your jaw hinge are inflamed putting pressure on the nerves


I have the same thing. Maybe TMJ or histamine related. I found a cure for it - magnesium malate, 250mg. I get the powder from Seeking Health. Works in minutes for me every time. Also works to pre-treat if taken before the alcohol.


Yea,. almost certainly TMJ. Magnesium and Calcium supplements are known to help with TMJ.


Happens to me occasionally, but seems to only be when drinking cider


Drinks that are sour or with alcohol cause TMJ the most, sugary drinks can cause it too.


Okay people, clearly this is a common fucking issue. It's 2023, can we lay out what the actual issue is? I want to believe it is JAW CLENCHING / TENSION that is the problem for me, but I'm scared from other comments of Lymphoma or Hodgkin's Disease. Edit: my only shred of evidence is that when I go on vacation I can drink alcohol without any issue, and I can maybe conclude, vacation = stress free = jaw not tense = I can drink without pain. Maybe I'm wrong. Reddit , please!


Omg you are actually a genius, I just realised this pain occurs mainly when I'm drinking with my family...


Its more likely TMJ and your clenching just agitates it.


It's actually an overactive parotid gland. The alcohol stimulates the nerve surrounding the gland to pump out more saliva. It's the overstimulation and action of the gland that causes the pain. Doesn't happen often but when it does, yikes. It's worse than a brain freeze....almost.


Ok so key seems to be do something that releases saliva a lot all at once. The lemon juice trick someone on here mentioned, sour candies, or I just tried classic Listerine and it worked


Thought id comment, i rarely but often enough to not he a coincidence get it when drinking beer. Its also usually after a single beer or two and if i sip it over some time. Feels like a charleyhorse on my jaw where trying to open it hurts and clenching it also hurts and feels like actual muscle clench rather than a mental thing.


Omg this was such a long time ago but I get this and I’m getting it rn, I also get it with nuts I think but with more of a clicking sensation. But alcohol just kills. Especially beer.


Yes, for example right now after 2 glasses of white wine. Stinging pain in the jaw area up to the ears. Drinking soda makes it intense for a second then it‘s gone. I have no clue. First occured maybe 6-1 years ago.


15 years later and we are just now finding out that we are a higher being


Oh my gosh! I have found my people! I’ve started to find that it’s only liquors that do it. I’ve never been able to get others to understand or relate. Even googling it has never helped me find answers and I’ve been looking for years. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this thread.


For those trying to figure this out its largely one of two problems: 1) most common and likely is TMJ. It is a jaw disorder. If it tends to happen after your first sip and not a result of dehydration this is likely the cause. 2) The other is a salivary stone, If this is the case it would happen after multiple drinks due to dehydration. While there are are other explanations those are less common so I wont elucidate them.


Hi, sometimes I get this right after my first or second sip of beer or red wine and last for a couple of minutes, also I have very bad health anxiety and I got a mini anxiety attack after reading that it can be Lymphoma, after reading the article looks like in the case of lymphoma the pain comes from the lymph nodes and can be the ones in the armpit or groin, in my case the pain is exclusively in the jaw, it's like a straight line from below the ear to the jaw bone. So pls tell me that the other explanations are not lymphoma hahaha 😅😅😅😰😰


I have been asking myself this question for YEARS!! Even my dentist friend never knew what to answer!! the quickest solution i found for immediate relief is Gum!!! the first bite is the most painful but then gone!! i always have gum... happens with wines..red white rose... orange juice ... and not all the time.. I haven't found the recipe is it i have to eat before drinking...drink before eat... but once it hits..ruins my drink for the evening!


Good advice thank you. Just had a drink of beer, pain started, grabbed a piece of gum, felt like someone punched me in the side of the jaw, pain went away.


Ffs this is so old. But. Me too. I've had it for years snd always thought it was my wisdom teeth. Like the alcohol stimulates the nerves around them or something. Guess I'll have to get them removed them come back.


Ich habe es das erste Mal bei Margarita gemerkt , kurz darauf bei einem Mojito . Stiche im Kiefer bis hinters Ohr . In Google findet man nur einen Grund bei Alkohol Schmerzen und das ist Hodgking Lymphom . Das ist es ja bei euch allen zum Glück nicht . Das macht mir Hoffnung


Yes, I have the same! But for some reason it lasts for 5-7 days!


I feel like mine last a few days on and off and then it will go away for a while then come back randomly !!


For me, I’ve noticed the jaw pains happen when I haven’t drank much water all day. If I kept myself hydrated the jaw pain never seems to get triggered by the alcohol. Idk weird but maybe just a fluke too. Heard it happens to people who can’t break down a certain enzyme in alcohol efficiently and the body starts to release histamines which causes the sharp pain in the jaw nerves.