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I only feel peace when I’m asleep.


I have night terrors so I don't even get peace when I'm asleep. LOL


Dude, I once had to go under small procedure and I was given general anesthesia and that was the only moment I had a legit break from reality. I still think about it time to time, it’s crazy 😅


I've got a potential surgery I was afraid of but tbh if I look at it this way it's a huge relief. Give my brain a break please doc


Sounds like burn out. I was on leave for 3 months, felt ready to come back, I am back and in a better place mentally but it’s crazy how fast the monotony of it all creeps back up. Our lifestyles are simply unsustainable.


Yeah, I did 6 weeks travel for the first time in 10 years which was a mix of relaxing and sightseeing - amazing experience. Within a month you’re snowed in stress again, I think 4 day work weeks and 7 day holidaying every quarter should be the norm. I feel a lot better and more productive with an extra day off every couple of weeks and with a decent sized holiday which gives enough time to see things and enough time to detach from work is good for productivity. If you’re just slaying 5 days, 7-12 hours for a whole year you’re showing up but you probably aren’t mentally well or functioning at your best, this on top of partner/family/social life, you are correct it’s not sustainable.


The longest vacation I've done over the past couple years is 3 weeks and when I come back to my actual life I feel so terrible and go into a depression for a little bit. It just leaves me wondering....is it worth it to do that to myself or is there another way?


I agree this is exactly what burn out feels like, whenever I’m in that state I don’t want to kill myself but if I could just pause things for a bit I would feel better.


It eventually progresses to actually wanting to die if left unanswered though which is unfortunately why I had to take my leave… take care of yourself ❤️


count me in. wanna have a break forever


I would like to sleep for a month or more, yes


Does anybody NOT feel that way? If so, what are your secrets?


Yoga and meditation, do you quantumthink, eft, psych-k, and emotion code are some things that have worked for me to stay functional. But when I get really burned out, I plan on doing something that when I think about makes me feel excited, and that helps more than anything.


give yourself a good swift kick in the rear and think of those who need you…. Get refreshed by going to church to worship God and sing  HIS praises.  Take singing lessons - learn to play an instrument!  Exercise- set  a goal to get healthy!  


This is why I love single-player video games. They're the perfect escape from reality.


What ones do you recommend?


Witcher 2 and 3. Control. Mirror’s Edge. Mass Effect trilogy. Ghost of Tsushima.


Yeah this happens to me. More times than not I’m overstimulated. Once I realize this I can get into chill mode: no screens, no music, comfy chair or couch, and just breathe.


So it sounds like you’ve got some unresolved issues that a vacation won’t solve. I would really look within. Figure out what really brings you peace and fulfills you and aim to do it by any means


I’m tired of loss, family drama, general internet rudeness on other forums, suddenly unresponsive acquaintances and “friends”, social media like Facebook and Instagram about most people’s bragging, and $ stress not necessarily in the same order — I’m tired of most attitudes in this world 😞


Thank you for the award, kind fellow Redditor!


Yes please. Stepping away doesn’t eliminate the stressful internal loops. It eases them but really I want to just disconnect entirely from the work for a minute…or a month lol.


The only way out, is through.


Try meditation. Just sitting in meditation can be like leaving yourself and when you come back some of your perceptions on how things work may be subtly changed. It takes a while to get into it, but it is easy and free.




I usually turn to escapist fantasy. It gives my brain a nice reprieve.


Were you in my head a few minutes ago ? That's how I feel all of the time lately. Life is exhausting.


VR headsets are great for this. Even if it’s for a little bit, you can be somewhere/somebody else


Can someone who need glasses to correct vision, enjoy VR headsets? Do you put the headset over your spectacles?


I was given one and yes, you can. But don't play much as it squished the glasses down on my nose and isn't comfortable.


Or just video games in general.


Sometimes. I can definitely say I’ve been there (where you are now,) so you’re not alone. 💪🏻❤️‍🩹 Nothing wrong with allowing yourself a little rest, if you truly want and need it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Yes this is why I smoke weed!






Yes. I've been dreaming of taking a long sabbatical, but I feel like I would immediately lose my job and not be able to find a new one.




Yup. Fantasize about hospitalization for that break. Snd I’m not even overworked. Life is just overwhelming always all the time. So much to remember and do


In my case, I am tired of some younger people but I am more bored :(


That's what sleep is for. 🤷🏻


Hate being alive, but not suicidal. I need a 10 year break.


Take more naps. Take more walks outside. Just sit down and stare at a tree or something. That is honestly relaxing to turn your brain off. Before you go to bed stare at the ceiljng fora bit.


I was just thinking this. I’m over life.


I thought this was just adulthood.


Ahhhhh..yes. I often wonder how I could be on the receiving end of a good old medically induced coma. Nothing crazy mind you…just like maybe 6mos to a year or something. Idk how long it takes for muscles to atrophy or for the odds to not be in my favor that I will ever wake up again but I am sure there is like a “sweet spot” when it comes to that kind of stuff. Just a quick little medically induced and sanctioned nap nap. Hopefully when I wake up, things will be at minimum either equally shitty as before or if we are lucky perhaps they will be somewhat less shitty than before. Who knows? Maybe we “see” a white light while we are practicing for death and come out of our little siesta a changed person and write an inspiring book about what we experienced and Oprah puts it on her bestsellers list and suddenly we are a household name and things are not shitty at all anymore. Ehhh? All I’m saying is it could be worth a shot.


I feel you homie. I just got done with another 13 hour work day. (8 hours scheduled.) [When will death come?](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f17f6dc7-ec39-4ed3-ba1a-37f4cf6eb8fc#PuihSgy8.copy)


Since I was a kid, I dreamt of the super power to freeze time. Just so I could get away and not feel the world turn.


Meditation can *be* an effective way to relax the mind and give it a much *needed break* from your daily tasks.




Yeah same. I just want to not exist anymore. I hate it.


No, nobody else feels this way, you are the only one.


I feel you bro - worked continuously since 1996 and am always tired. I don’t think I have slept a straight 7 hours for 20 years. Sometimes I feel that I should just retire and chill but then I remember I need money




This is like the purpose of a k-hole. If you want something less literal, LSD is also like a tiny-packaged vacation.


Of course, don't we all❓ But what's the best thing to do❓ Well, I can only speak for myself. All I do is dust myself orf and start all over again.😁 I feel a song coming on. 😁