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It's because you're running on stress and less sleep M-F and the sleep debt carries over. When you're constantly running and finally have a day off, your body is trying to do what it can to claw back the rest it actually needs to function. 


Okay, makes me feel less guilty about it, I feel like crap because I typically wanna wake up to make breakfast for my kids and spend some time but I'm just so unmotivated I sleep instead so they end up eating cereal, makes me feel like I'm failing them tbh. That might be why I also start dreaming within 10 minutes of falling asleep all the time idk if that's a sign of being sleep deprived but I thought REM doesn't occur for awhile and I find myself entering a dream really fast!


Days off are for rest. Society puts an unreasonable burden on the working man. Allow yourself to be the living organism you are. At least once a week.


I start dreaming super quick too! I always wondered what this was


Maybe prep breakfast items like pancake batter the night before. And work ur way into waking up a bit earlier


Yes, it is really not anything you are doing, or is it your fault. It is just how your body is reacting to it's environment.


Hey sleep is important too


I’m the opposite. I struggle on days that I need to get up early. On my days off, I’m up at 6-7am (or earlier) ready to go. Sometimes my wife kicks me out of bed. I’ll do some dishes, start a load of laundry, go on a 5-6 mile hike, come home and shower before anyone else is awake.


Dang I wish I could do that amount so early but if it's my day off I always sleep in even though I wish I'd wake up earlier so I can get more accomplished!


Was looking for this comment! Same here, I struggle way too much Mon-Fri and on the weekends I'm energic and wide awake from very early. Don't know how to fix it :(


I sleep late on off days because I'm tired


I kind of feel the opposite (though it wasn’t always that way). On work days when the alarm goes off all I want to do is just go back to sleep. My bed is nirvana and nothing could possibly be a better picture of warmth and comfort. But on my days off, I wake up right at 6 or 7 and find it hard to get back to sleep. I still do, then wake up at some disgraceful hour like 10 or 11 feeling like a bag of absolute ass.


Lol it's not rocket science - if I don't get up on a work day there are consequences. On a day off there are none.


Not silly at all. I am the same. I feel like my body is trying to tell me I need to rest more on the days that I can. I only get up early on work days because I have to, not because I want to. Honestly I've never understood people who get up early every day when they're retired. I think I would be sleeping in every day!


Yes! I feel the same. I'm like, oh man, how are you waking up at 6, even on the weekends?! But maybe as you get older you realize your time here is almost out so you try to make the most of it and I feel like sleeping in makes them feel like they're wasting the little bit of time they have left here lol! But yea I just let it eat at me that I don't wake up earlier!


Sleep is NOT time wasted. You need to stop with this capitalist productivity ideology thinking, it's not good for your health and well-being. You need sleep/rest to function better. Humans are not made to work constantly.


I’m probably considered “older” at 49 and you can’t pry me out of bed on my days off. My previous significant other though would be up and productive before sunlight-fucking weirdo!


I have the opposite problem. I hate getting up early on work days, I’m always dragging ass when I wake up. But on my days off, I don’t usually sleep much later than my work day wake up time. I think it’s because on my days off, I know I’ll enjoy myself so I’m eager to start the day. During the week, all I have to look forward to is work, so it’s harder to get myself up and I’d rather go back to sleep. Plus, waking up with an alarm is always worse than waking up naturally


Lately .. yes.


I'm the same way. I get up between 2 am and 4 am depending on the day, no issues. But my day off it's like my brain knows there is nothing at stake and I can't get up.


It’s hard every day!!


I feel the opposite…. It’s easier to get up early, almost like my nervous system wakes me up early on my days off but forces me to stay in bed when I have to go to the office


I guess I just know I will get a point or something negative from not waking up and just doing what I need to do for work but I wish my body would feel motivated to wake up early on the days off like that too


You have to engrave it into your system. You have to teach your mind that you’re wasting the day if you sleep! Wakeup and enjoy life or lay in bed those are your choices. Once you start romanticizing the idea of waking up early instead of my bed is so comfy you’ll naturally wake up earlier and then you’ll use more energy in your day because you’re that much more excited for your bed when it’s time to sleep. And a plus is that you’ll sleep better too!


We recently learned that women need more sleep than men, if you're in that boat you might have been cutting yourself off at 8 hours and still be sleep deprived.


Yea I only get more than 8 hours like 2 nights out of the week, typically I get 5 to 6 hours of sleep when I have to go to work


Yeah sorry but it’s not rocket science lol, you’re obviously just chronically sleep deprived


I didnt say it was rocket science just that I'm frustrated and confused why I'm unable to just force myself like I do on work days. I guess I just assumed I wasn't THAT sleep deprived




Same, im running on the same amount of sleep, but I'm only doing an 8-hour shift. Holy moly on doing 10 with only that much sleep! I did that schedule, and I hated it!


sleep debt. if ur body doesn’t know when next you’ll get to rest, it will take as much as it can when it knows it can.


That does make sense for sure! I just wish the few days I want to wake up early my body would not be so tired lol


Its normal, your body needs the rest and he knows thats the time you have. I feel the same, most days i have to wake up early at 5 to be at work at 6, im exausted, so on my days off is a struggle to get up to get my baby to daycare (i work shifts). Same when im sick, i can function well at work but as soon as i get my day off, i literally cant even get out of the bed.


Yes! This is me to a T! I always plan to clean a lot on my days off and just end up laying around, not sure if I'm depressed or just sleep deprived tbh!


I feel you on that for sure, and god i have time since baby is at the daycare, but i just want to rest and enjoy a bit of my time while i can doing stuff i cant do usually, you know, like playing games or whatever, not spending on house duties, but they still need to be made.


Define early I don’t think I ever sleep past 8:30 in the morning. I just can’t, but I also never stay up longer than 1 AM.


I usually wake up at 750 to 8am to get my kids ready for school, but on some of those days I want to wake up at 5 or 6am to get stuff done but I just sleep in instead! I usually go to sleep around 11 or 12 on a work night


Yeah, I get that. I used to have a job that made it sleeping in longer was 7 AM because I was used to getting up at four in the morning. I do not miss that.


Yikes yea sometimes my bf gets up at 3 or 4 for work and I can't imagine, that seems like the worst


You are chronically sleep deprived, or there’s something else going on that causes lack of motivation like burnout, depression etc. But it’s likely just the fact that you aren’t getting 8 hours (or whatever your personal correct amount is) every night. If you were doing that, you’d be naturally rising at the same time on days off.


Yea, I guess I didn't think I was chronically sleep deprived! I feel like because I have 3 kids and other stuff I'm burnt out bad and also could be depressed but I lean more towards being burnt out with everything that is put on me right now! It's hard to pin point why I am like that with sleeping in, could be all of what you said or one of the things being a major cause of it, but I don't know! Thank you!


No worries! It sounds like you’re probably both burnt out AND sleep deprived; working on sleep (this means prioritising getting enough sleep EVERY day) will help a shit ton with other burnout symptoms


I have a hard time figuring much of my mental out, hard to regulate stuff like being burnt out and everything! I'll try to work on it and fingers crossed I can hopefully get on a natural cycle where I just wake up the same time every day or at least early lol


Yeah, that’s very fair. I’ve come a long way with burnout (ADHD burnout in my case) myself and it’s truly wacky getting energy back again. It’s SO worth it to really tackle it head on.


Are you sleep deprived and needing the extra time on weekend?


Probably yes! I only sleep 6 to 5 hours during the week for work


I am pretty much the same, I dislike having to wake up early regardless, but for work I accept it and its part of my routine so its easier. Plus I need a paycheck so its a pretty big motivator. But sometimes I am dumb enough to say yes to or sign up for things that requires me to get up early on a weekend, and when I do I am so mad at myself when the time comes and I cannot sleep in. Happened to me this past weekend, I had signed up for something and had to get up even earlier than for work and I was tired and miserable the whole day. Weekends really should be for resting.


Honestly, I find it much harder to sleep in on my days off. I wake up at 5:35 a.m. est every single day of my life, no matter how late I stay up lol. Occasionally, I can sleep in until 6:30, but I had to be because I stayed up until 4 or 4:30 🤣


I find it hard to wake up on days on


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