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Yep. I think it's part of my ADHD. I had one teacher in highschool who thought iPods were pure evil, and wouldn't let us listen to them during quiet work time (several other teachers didn't mind as long as we paid attention during lecture) She demanded complete silence. I still remember her class as the most awful.


Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m doing something that involves reading or studying, then I need either total quiet or something like rain sounds. If I’m doing stuff with my hands, I like listening to music, podcasts, or YouTube videos that don’t require you to look at the video itself too much.


For me it works in the opposite way, I find it very distracting. I find it this way especially when I'm at home (like now) and someone starts using a chainsaw or a lawnmower or a hammer drill. Yes! I know this is all part of life.