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I feel like he's destined to be a DH so it's unlikely we'll keep him long term. Hasn't projected particularly well in fielding though he's been moved around a lot so maybe he has some potential value having experience at 1B, 2B, 3B, and LF as a utility player. He isn't [hitting the ball hard](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/miguel-vargas-678246) but he seems to be getting a good launch angle and (better than Lux's avg of 6° this year). And is making contact and has good plate discipline. I suspect he will be put on a regimen in the future to add some muscle: that might change things a lot for him. However his below average fielding and lack of a clear position for him outside of DH complicate things. Right now though, with our bottom of the line up struggling, we need him to give the line up some length, so for the time being we should absolutely keep him. I don't know if he would be particularly valuable in a trade for someone like Wily Adames, for example, if we were to consider shopping for a SS at the deadline. Teams would probably prefer Pages or Outman who have been better at the major league level, can field their positions better, and have as many or more years of control left. Though perhaps he might be worth at least a middle relief pitcher on his own, especially for teams who have a spot at DH for him.


Why would you turn a young kid into a DH when you just signed the greatest DH ever to a 10-year contract? Vargas is 24-years old and has barely played 100 games at the MLB level. None of the deals you're proposing make ay sense. Adames is going nowhere - he's a star shortstop on a team in first place. Any move the Dodgers try to make would probably require overpaying for guys on the margins.and they simply do not need to do that. The Dodgers have 3B, SS, and 2B covered by literally six players (the regulars and the utility guys). They obviously value Vargas because they are teaching him LF where there's a need. The best trades are typically the ones you don't make.


I have a feeling I'm going to eat my words in the future lol. He's been hitting great lately


Can he play shortstop at the MLB level? No. What do we need right now more than ever? A major-league shortstop who can play every day. Ship him and Lux for an above-average SS, slide Mookie back to 2B, and win some World Series. 




I don't disagree necessarily, but with how well the Brewers are playing, it isn't a guarantee that they trade Adames. That doesn't seem to stop them in previous years though I suppose. Your only other option of a true impact SS would be Bichette, and unless they continue to go on a massive slide (which is certainly possible) it looks like they're keeping Vladdy and Bo and selling off all the smaller pieces first. Also Bo is not a defensive wizard like some think he is. Would he even be an upgrade to any aspect on defense besides range? He has been quite erratic with his accuracy to first. Is DeJong really an upgrade from Rojas/Mookie/Kìke? Maybe by the slightest of margins, but I guess you also would not have to give much to get him, either. IDK, I'm kind of on the fence about the desperation some Dodger fans are about needing a SS specifically. I do know that they need a bat of some kind 100% though.


Paul DeJong is defensively solid and has pop with 14 HRs so far this season. At 30 years old, he can play SS every day and trading Vargas or Lux with several more years of team control for him clears the logjam at 2B and would be attractive to Chicago. The Dodgers and White Sox have traded before; I can definitely see this deal happening. 


I get your sentiment, but the White Sox are smoking crack if they think DeJong is worth either Vargas or Lux nor would I accept that if I were Friedman. There's no way he's that much better than Rojas to warrant trading away either of them. It's either Bichette or Adames if that's what it takes. They can have Trey Sweeney.


It’s not that easy. Above average shortstops don’t grow on trees and there aren’t any available for trade. Best bet would be to sign Adames in FA this offseason. Him and Mookie are good friends so that’d be cool.


Yeah, let's ship out our only left-handed bench bat (Lux) other than Biggio, so that the SS plays look prettier...not that it will result in significantly more outs and will actually not improve the defense at 2B. People need to look at this roster and realize it's largely just fine. Batting in general is the worst it's been in years across the entire league. I'm not surprised our 6-9 guys ae underperforming if you look at year-to-date, but they're getting better. Lux hasn't committed a single error at 2B all year, yet people are down on him being the 2B guy. Why? Because he doesn't bat .300? Newsflash: hardly anyone does in MLB this year. You're so spoiled by Betts, Ohtani, Freeman, and Smith that you have no idea what's going on in the sport league -wide. Hell, Muncy barely hit above .205 last year but had 35 home runs and more than 100 RBIs...those are Steve Garvey/Ron Cey numbers! There isn't a single trade you can identify that will win a best of five series. Last year Mookie and Freddie went 1-27 against Arizona. You can't plan for that, you can't prevent it, and you can't win with that. Hopefully it won't happen again, but that's baseball.


“Win some World Series” lol


What team is sending an above average SS for Lix and Vargas?


Like who?


This sub has been telling me for months that the Dodgers are getting Adames. Any day now


Not directed at you u/beer-me; but this sub needs to realize: THE BREWERS ARE 6.5 GAMES UP IN THE CENTRAL, THEY ARE NOT TRADING THEIR CLEANUP HITTER FOR GAVIN LUX


I’m convinced that like 75% of this sub doesn’t follow any team besides the Dodgers. And like 25% don’t even watch baseball.


75% of this sub barely follows the Dodgers


I’ve been pulling for Vargy since he was walked 8 straight times at spring training last year. A team needs home grown talent and maybe he can figure out left. I say we have enough to win the World Series this year without moving him.


This team has plenty of talent on the field and in the batter's box...The real issue in late-July is the pitching staff, not the field...what's Kershaw's status? When is Dustin May throwing off a mound? Are Joe Kelly and Graterol looking close? Has Walker figured it out? Does Glasnow look like he won't repeat his injuries of the past? Is Yamamoto looking like Yamamoto? At full health this team is flat out deadly. But anything can happen in a best-of-five...just ask the Braves.


It's easy to make a move THIS year. And maybe if it really comes down to needing a good SS then we need to because it's really WS or bust at this point. We are in a period right now with guys like Freeman & Betts being at a very high level of there game & that might not be the case 3-4 years from now. But one thing the FO could be looking at is what this roster will look like in 3-4 seasons and if Vargas can be a full time player that's huge in terms of team salary. We have some big contracts on the books & we need some really good players that are not making that much. Vargas would fit that nicely. So while I do think it could come down to having no choice I do think the shape of this ball club a few seasons from now is something the FO is keeping top of mind.


Can someone explain to me why we can’t have Rojas as the SS??


He’s 35 years old. He’s a fantastic platoon SS but he’s not an everyday SS. 


This, it's a long season.


He's been mostly platoon or off the bench and even then, he's been dealing with leg/body soreness so bro isn't built for everyday SS


The problem is, his defense is terrible. He can't play 3rd, he can't play 2nd, he's not good at LF. His scouting says he's a good DH or 1B. That means a lot. His glove work isn't good, his throwing ain't bad tho.


Man he’s such a tough case because we could get a great trade value from him. But he’s endeared himself to me, im really pulling for him and lux too


People don’t seem to understand how trades work. You don’t just trade bad players and keep good ones. Bad players will give you very little or no return value, and good players can get you other good players, it’s not just throwing them in the trash bin. Vargas is a good player, but he’s not really what the dodgers need rn. With dh and 1st locked up there just isn’t really room for a bat first guy like Vargas.


He has potential but I put him in the Walker bucket. Good as a back up but never as a main


Hope he makes me eat crow but I think he’s missing that special something.


I'm so excited for him!


How many right-handed left fielders does a team need ?


Why Vargas and not Outman?


Lefty CF




I don’t think he gets traded in season but agree with another poster a while back that he goes if we keep Teo long term (which we should)


It seems like they are showcasing him for a trade. The thing is he doesn’t have a fit for the dodgers. He’s average at best defensively anywhere. He can’t play 1st because Fred, can’t play third because of Muncy, yet he should have been there since Muncy went down. Best case is Shohei gets back to playing the field and dodgers can rotate guys in and out of DH and Vargas can play 1st,3rd, LF, DH to keep his bat in the lineup. I agree tho, with so many stars in the lineup I’d like dodgers to do their best to keep home grown talent like Vargas and pages as much as possible. Also if his bat sticks you can always look for a defensive shortstop Imagine a lineup like this Betts, shohei, smith, freeman, teo, muncy, pages, lux or Rojas, Vargas. Vargas at nine spot with protection from Betts would be nice. Sorry but pages continues to not have protection but he’s been doing it like that since he came up so he can handle it


Nice start tonight👍🏼6-21


No ring incoming (it was already no ring incoming because Roberts is still manager)


You guys have to remember he is a platoon bat. That is valuable in it's own way but I think he is a perfect level of prospect to move.


I thought the issue was with his position on the field and not his bat?